

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Wow...so many pages and so little time:ohwell: !

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: ! Keep coming in and chatting!

    Congrats to all those that posted a loss:flowerforyou: , hang in there to everyone who is struggling:flowerforyou: !

    The electrican came yesterday morning ( yes, LindaC, he was cute, about 30 or so I would say, married and gosh darn, my hair isn`t pink anymore:laugh: ), he`s coming again this morning at 8am to actually repair the problem. Just throws my day off first thing in the morning, however...what to do, what to do...got to get it done!

    Got to go and get my walk in! Have a fabulous day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    It is wonderful to come and start my day with your posts. What a huge group and so many comments. I am still struggling with getting moving but it is getting better. Your advice is great, Barbie. I need to move a lot more than I am now. I am trying to ban myself from the couch after my quick computer time in the morning. I did read somewhere online that for every hour we spend watching TV (I think the computer would be the same) we lose 21 minutes off our lives. Who knows if that is accurage but it just gets me thinking about how much better I feel when I am active.

    Have a great day!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good. Morning Ladies,

    Just got caught up on the posts sure love that we are a chatty group. Its nice to be able to take a break pop in and see how you all are doing so inspiring!

    Leaving for work at 6:30 carpools with a coworker today. For our area we got a lot of snow roads not the best. Telling people to stay off roads but its community day which means we must according go out in it. So can you say mall? Today we my group is going to the mall. We can make a full day be out in the community and I don 't have to drive around a lot. That or the library.

    Welcome to everyone new this is a wonderful group to be a part of very encouraging. Jump right in!

    @Amanda I don 't know if I suffer from horse envy but for sure pool envy. Love to be at the pool for the day.
    @Dee -- those early morning appointments do throw one 's day right? But at least hopefully you will get it all fixed and be done plus he 's easy on the eye too. :wink:

    Well I need to finish getting ready for my day.

    Lots of good wishes to everyone!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    wow, some many posts, some little time. DH is still snoring, I'm having tea and thinking what to have for breakfast. I had salmon last night for dinner and it worked it's magic. 1/2 pound gone.

    I have got to go to Walgreens today and fill my meds, while I still have money.

    Tigress from GA
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! I started a reply yesterday and after about two hours of trying just tossed the whole thing - it was going to take up an entire web page!

    The metabolism reset worked wonders - I lost not only the few pounds that had crept on during the holidays but anther one - for a total of five pounds in one week! I haven't done that in months. It was certainly a good way to start the month. Anyway, I'm feeling quite grateful that I'm not suffering from any illnesses, so I'm trying to take advantage. However, today was supposed to be HIIT, and I just couldn't make myself do it all. I got through 20 minutes. I'm going to go back and do it again before my meeting marathon starts later this morning. I think it's just harder for me to do high impact first thing in the morning. I had no problem doing something like yoga or weights, but dropping and doing burpees is just killing me :(. OK, enough whining.

    I made an amazing soup for dinner last night, for those who like a little spice and a lot of flavor:

    Spicy Tomato Lentil Soup (serves 4)

    1 quart vegetable broth
    1 large can crushed tomatoes
    1 cups dry lentils (I used French (small green) but any will do)
    1/2 onion, chopped
    1 cup chopped celery
    1 tbsp garam masala or to taste (Indian curry)
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper to taste
    2 cups chopped kale (optional)

    Sautee onions and celery until wilted (in a bit of oil or veggie broth). Add remaining ingredients except kale - cook until the lentils are soft, about 1/2 hour - 45 mins. Add the kale for the last 10 minutes or so of cooking. Enjoy!

    Have a wonderful day.


  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump - have a great day!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good monrning, lovelies!

    "When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
    It’s to enjoy each step along the way."

    Just read this at the bottom of an email about the TriCities May 11 Line Dance Workshop and had to share.

    So snowy, icy, travel trecherous last night that Scottish Country Dance class was cancelled. The only way I'm gonna steps in today is either wii zumba or walking the stairs at work. Please send me tiny butt kicks throughout the day!

    Will scan posts later

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    January: Log, move and listen!

    SWSY or matminutes: 7=28 6=28 5=24 4=19 3=30 2=30+SWSY arms 1=30
    steps: 7=5635 6=10485 5=7307 4=7468 3=7146 2=12223 1=3104
  • newlyf
    newlyf Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning ladies! This sounds just like the great group of positive ladies that I need in my life! Please count me in!! :drinker:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    it's a given men lose faster than women. Don't let it bother you. You are doing great.

    Join right in. Welcome to a very chatting group.

    When your feeling your losing it. Come do some reading.
    Pick up some vit F ( friends)

    With a plan like that you have to lose.

    Salmon carried your lb off to sea how wonderful

    Yep when good very good. When bad yes we know the rest.
    But it doesn't have to be for more than that moment.
    If you feel a bad coming on come read in here.

    There is a lot of flu bugs in the air.
    Your right new year new start let's go.

    Hope your salmon does the same for you as Lori's did for her.
    If that's the case we will all be going salmon fishing.
    Do you have the company's coming cook book for diabetics. Looks good.
    I made the blueberry sauce for my pancake this morning.

    Side by side documents sounds much easier than what i'm doing.
    I take notes then type them in.

    Welcome and join right in.

    Nice loss. Harvesting pecans sounds like a lot of stepping.

    Hello right back to you

    Lots of exercise Great pool. Have fun with the country club

    that party better be in the summer of 2014 and even then I don't think anyone wants to see me in a bikini.
    Unless you want to play snaks and ladders on my stretch marked belly lol.

    Well with that I just looked at the clock and it says enough. Have to shower. Go get some wool for a patient at the hospital.
    Then go to the diabetic counselor. I believe she said the group session for diabetise was today also. Hope it's all this morning.

    Got up at 12 am because I couldn't sleep so tried knitting trying those nice ruffled scarves I had quite a bit done and dropped my stiches and no way can you pick them up. So ripped it all out started again. Then noticed I missed a stich somewhere ripped it out again. And said to hell and went back to bed. It was now 2 am. Restless sleep but did manage a few hours.

    Will be a nap for sure this afternoon. That's why i'm hoping all is this morning. And I will tackle the scarf again. It won't get the best of me.

    Linda C
  • Happygirl50
    Happygirl50 Posts: 48 Member
    :wink: I am so glad i found this site. Good Morning everyone. Will post later.
  • kdkyzer
    kdkyzer Posts: 137 Member
    Good morning all!

    It's so nice to know that this is a thread full of kindred spirits! I wish you all a day full of motivation, focus and pride in yourself for everything you do!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Thanks for all the inspiring posts and advice. Also thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers for my father-in-law. He is getting a CAT scan of his belly today. We're hoping to get some answers.

    :laugh: @wannabethingirl2 I struggle with being regular also. It's definitely worse since I've cut down on so many foods. I got a new travel cup for Christmas which is quite large and I carry it with me everywhere, so I've increased my water consumption and I'm hoping this will help "move things along".
    Also, thanks for the suggestion about doing some form of exercise every day. I'm going to think about that and give it a try.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    "When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
    It’s to enjoy each step along the way."
    Perfect! x
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning everyone. This is now my fun thing to do with my morning coffee. Sip and catch up. Love to hear the news and tips from everyone. For instance I have just learned to somewhat like salmon in the last couple of years. Looks like I'm going to have to become better acquainted with it. It seems to be a magic bullet.
    Had a good long sleep last night, which I've been struggling with and then woke to the joy of the scale moving down a pound. Life is happy for Karen this morning.

    Wannebethin. You might try my smoothies. My bowel movement frequency increases when I'm drinking those. :noway: Don't we all know each other more personally now?

    Barbiecat. That was such good advice about moving. I must admit, I'm always aiming for that nice put your feet up moment. In fact I think of it as a reward for every hard thing I do. :love: this is a revelation though it should have been obvious. I need to focus on adding as much movement as I can and it will all add up. Going to be a life style changer for sure.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, productive day.:flowerforyou:

    Karen from Mi.
  • pnetoskie
    I'm just getting started and have read many of the posts in this group. You have all given me the incentive to get back on track and reach my goals.
  • BrendaJean77
    Yay! A group for seasoned women! I sure do need some sympathy, cheerleaders, and support on this journey to take bettter care of myself. I know I am an emotional eater and have been lost in this for years/decades. At this point I need to loose as much weight as my lithe 16 year old weighs.(120)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Ladies...it's Tuesday. Holy Moly this turned into a long post...will have to find a way to get this shorter...tomorrow:wink:

    Meg-sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, but glad that you were sent home to bed...feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    Robin-its so hard when your work place is so stressful. Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with an awful boss:sad: ..that just makes it all that much harder to go to work. You can come an vent anytime...we will support you no matter what:heart:

    Lucy & Hope- the fact that the two of you get up and exercise FIRST thing in the morning is so impressive:drinker: You will be hitting goals in no time with that dedication.

    Rd- good job on working on those 8 glasses of water. I have found that when I get in my 8-10 glasses a day the weight falls off...I think it's just being washed away...you can do it:drinker:

    Viv(York UK)- I hear you about so many interruptions at work and chasing my tail...that seems to be my life since the 1st of December.:ohwell: I am in hopes that by the 1st of February my world will be back in the right orbit...I can hope. Good for you wearing your ped again...mine is still sitting in my jewel case...I guess I should get it out:blushing:

    Kackie- rum pound cake...sounds yummy...good for you resisting the temptation:flowerforyou:

    Marita Illinois- hitting the snooze can really mess up the morning, but in spite of it you managed to have quite a busy day. Hoping your Tuesday starts better:flowerforyou:

    Denise- I love you quotes...they are inspiring and thought provoking:flowerforyou:

    Linda C- 6000 steps is pretty good and I'm sure that your water intake will get better as you plan for it:drinker: I'm not sure if I would be able to restart the scarf that many times...good for you persevering :flowerforyou:

    Karen- you are doing all you can, exercise, logging the food and getting in the water...there is no contest when we are up against our hubbys when they are losing...mine loses so quickly that I just can't compare my losses to his:flowerforyou:

    Jolene- your plan sounds like it's working:drinker:

    Nancy from SE British Columbia- returning to school after a holiday was such a highlight for me just to see my friends....You are right that the kiddos weren't as glad to see you...but one day they will look back and remember all you did for them:drinker:

    Sueb- congrats on your loss:drinker:

    Michele in NC-I do so love looking at your pool:love: I'm sure that if you get on the newcomers committee the current head would appreciate your support. Nothing like leading a committee and others no willing to be flexible. Did I remember reading that you son may be moving to France? and has a girlfriend from Spain?:huh:

    Barbie from NW Washington-thank you so much for the reminder of making our exercise a priority:flowerforyou: your reminders are always so timely.

    Lila- if I ever shoveled the snow without hubby asking he would probably have a heart attack in shock:blushing:

    LindaS- I love cinnamon...I just forget to put it on anything:blushing: Hoping that your meeting with the hand MD gives you a good report:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- after reading the posts I do hope you are okay and that your tests come back negative. Yep you want to keep moving and not sitting too long...but I know it's something you already know as you have been at this a lot longer than I have:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- if your hair was still pink you think he might have looked:noway: He would have been headed home to tell his wife and kids about the lady with the pink hair...hope he's able to fix the problem today:flowerforyou:

    Sally- 21 minutes for every hour:noway: well there are a lot of us sitting at computers at our desks and that time sure does add up...I wonder if we exercise how many of those minutes we get back:huh:

    M-at least you did some of the HIIT and then setting a goal to try it again...that's impressive...sometimes what it takes is a good dose of "I can do it" with a push of "yes you can" thrown in:flowerforyou:

    Barbara in SW Idaho- tiny kicks coming your way:flowerforyou: with hugs of course:wink:

    LucyT- prayers for your FIL that his CAT scan goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Karen from Mi- congrats on the scale moving:drinker:

    Cheryl- I too love your pictures of you and your horse:drinker: and I hear it's great exercise riding horses.

    WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES:flowerforyou: Come back often and let us get to know you.

    Last night when I got home I went straight upstairs, changed into my work out clothes and turned on the DVD with Jillian. i've decided to do the 30 DS several times a week to get in short but effective exercise. I was afraid I'd be sore this morning but thankgoodness I am not and will do it again when I get home.

    Drinking my water, having my salmon with a side of broccoli for dinner last night got me off to a GREAT start of working on this new year. I will once again make Wednesdays be my official weight in day so tomorrow I will see what 2 days does to my #6 that I want to rid myself of this year.

    The one think all this weight loss has caused is I am soooo cold all the time. My heater under my desk at work, drinking warm water and wearing heavy sweaters seems to be the order of the day for me:blushing:

    Everyone have a great day. It's a new day of logging your food, moving your body and drinking your water:drinker: We can do it:flowerforyou:

    Laura 80111 that's in Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went to yoga with my SIL and we and a stretching session. It was a great way to start the day, and I haven't seen these people since November. On our way home she asked me a bunch of questions about asanas that I couldn't answer. I love the people in this group, but we don't ever progress beyond beginners. I'm thinking about going to the gym in the next town and sampling their yoga class.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Having salmon for dinner tonight! I got another 15000 step day in yesterday and I really feel like I am getting back on track to doing the right things. I feel so much better and a lot less depressed. (Maybe its the magik rainbow cloak?) No barbs have been slung today so it has been a good day.

    Ritter had another accident last night. So I get to shampoo the bedroom carpet again when I get home. At least this time he did most of his peeing on his bed, and I can throw that in the washer. I may have to pick up the water dish after 7:00 pm to keep him from drinking too much water and having to pee in the middle of the night.

    He is so adorable it is hard to be mad at him too long.

    I hope you all have a great day!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yaaayyyyyy, Laura is truly back now!!!

    Robin, 15000 steps, you rock. The only time I am able to get that many in is when I ride my horse. It thinks every step he takes, I take :smile:

    Can't post any more now as work is demanding my attention.

    We are getting so big we're going to have to break into sub groups soon.