High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • leannadkins77
    leannadkins77 Posts: 14 Member
    I want in too, but i am not great about navigating this sight and stuff, so you'll have to tell me what to do :) I'm going to invite my sister and drag her along too ;)
  • FitFifty
    FitFifty Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Shredder, we all have to feed our spirits instead of our stomachs...:smile: It's not easy, but when I put on my music and get on the treadmill it's all about me. I picture myself fit and sexy and I go for it.
  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    Just checking in with my stats before I leave on vacation tomorrow

    CW 203
    Mini GW 187
    Current size 16
  • 25daniow
    25daniow Posts: 121 Member
    Yesterday was my first day joining this site and I am so excited to be a part of this group. Accountability and support....what could be better! Please add me to this fabulous group of women! I look forward to sharing the ups and downs of our journey with each other!

    Current Weight - 193
    Goal Weight - 155

    "It is never to late to be what you might have been."
    George Eliot
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, I'm definitely interested. I will post my current weight tomorrow. Very excited about joining this group of women!
  • TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!! I'm in CALI.... So, maybe I'll be later than you guys! I'm going to hop on the scale tomorrow. I wanted to weigh in on Monday but it'll be better to work with you guys and do it on Fridays. Weight loss is weight loss, it knows no days... :) I'm excited! *God I beg you to keep my mind focused, I really want this!*
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Just checking in with my stats before I leave on vacation tomorrow

    CW 203
    Mini GW 187
    Current size 16

    Thanks jarelary4....I'll make sure that Allie gets these as you're leaving for vacation and probably won't be able to post tomorrow.
    Have a fab holiday by the way!
    For the rest of the gang, tomorrow is our launch and for Allie to get the most accurate reads, you must post your SW, CW and GW. For most of us who are starting with a clean plate, the SW and CW will be the same.
    This initial gathering of info is soooo time consuming so please do remember to post tomorrow even if you have already done so. It will make Allie's life that much easier. She's already logged a reminder to this effect. Thanks Allie!

    As I read the awesome posts each day, I find that some of you new to MFP are a little unsure how to actually use this thread, when to post, what the name of the game is etc.
    To help clarify....these points should assist you...
    1. Read all the pages, 1-7 to catch up, learn the motivation behind the thread and put the names to the faces.
    2. After you first log on, click on community then my topics and find High heals.... thread.
    3. Then you're in, post all day if you want to....your exercise goals, what you ate for lunch, the new jeans you just bought whatever. Respond to a comment, throw out a challenge. This thread is for us to do with what we want and mold into a system of trust and bonding. It's our sounding board and a "SAFE" place to be us.
    4. Do you really connect with someone here, invite them to be your friend and chat all day on your personnel profile. I've already added a ton of new friends just from this thread:smile:
    5. What's your stake in all of this???? Committment. One easy 3 syllable word but we'll really see who's got the moxie to last? You must weigh in every Friday, and if you take on a challenge from one of the crew you really should give updates to your progress.
    That's it.
    Next week I want to move the thread under a different header as currently it's under "Introduce Yourself" and we have a really healthy number to start our journey.
    I'll let you know to what header and what date so you can move over.
    K....that's it!!! Tomorrow is hell day for me but it can only get better, right?
  • wmorris
    wmorris Posts: 10
    I would love to be a part in losing and helping to encourage others! please count me in!
    current weight- 221
    mini goal-215
    final goal-155
    current size -14-16
    I am posting this at 0130 Friday morning
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WEEK 1 WEIGHT CHECK IN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Current weight 103.2kg = 227.5 pounds = 16st 3lbs
    Goal weight 82.6kg = 182 pounds = 13st

    This is my first week result so I am really happy with 6lbs off!

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WEEK 1 WEIGHT CHECK IN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • mykidsmom
    mykidsmom Posts: 11
    CW 194
    Mini GW Less than 190 before May 1st
    GW 148
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    CW = 184lbs

    GW = 140lbs

    We ca do it girls!! :smile:
  • Right I guess this is it ... lift off!:

    Current Weight: 136 lbs
    Goal Weight: 119 lbs

    Thank you xxxxx
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    Its so exciting to see so many motivated ladies out here!! Let's get ready to rock and roll!

    SW: 153
    CW: 150
    GW: 130

    I used my starting weight from when I recommitted to MFP. My original starting weight was 198...3 years ago! We can do this and I want to share the journey with you all!

    Happy Friday "High Heels & Fishnet" partners!
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    HAPPY FRIDAY ladies!! :heart:

    Today's THE day, went to the gym this morning for my PT session (and of course weigh in) so here it is:

    SW: 171lbs
    CW: 168.5lbs *GO ME* I actually smiled m jumped up and down like a child at the gym when I had to change the weight from 171 - GREAT way to start off the weekend!
    GW: 125lbs

    Heather - 3 days down, 1 to go for the mini challenge :)
    Shredder - GOOD LUCK today with the Cooler 1, you'll do AMAZING! (and I'm all for the wine, don't believe u should deprive yourself, or u risk falling back to old habits) Plus you need to celebrate this fabulous change in eating!!

    Lovin this group - and thanks everyone for the motivation!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Morning groupies,

    My Stats:
    SW: 209.6
    CW: 209.6
    GW: 160

    Heather: the mini challenge...almost done...i just have today's shred to do and i finished the challenge.

    Good Luck to all!!! :flowerforyou:
  • icount4u
    icount4u Posts: 10
    Good Morning High Heels and Fishnets Ladies! OK, so it's Friday, the BIG starting point. Here goes... *cringe*

    SW: 205 lbs.
    CW: 197.5 lbs.
    GW: 155 lbs.

    Mini goal: 192.5 by 4/30
    Mini goal: 185.0 by 5/31

    Excercise Commitment: walk / jog every day at least 1/2 hour with my dog. She could stand to shed a few lbs. too!

    Good Luck Ladies!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754

    I read the opening to this thread and you could not be more dead on than wjen you stated "embracing your sexiness no matter what the scale says." Too often women kill themselves to look like a supermodel and thats not what us men really want. Just asks my boys over at the Man Support Thread. A confident woman is a sexy woman and embracing your sexiness will go a long way.

    Just thought a mans opinion and some well wishes for you ladies.
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    OK_ Here are my stats! I cannot believe that i am posting this for all to see:

    SW- 180 lbs.
    CW- 169.4 lbs.
    Waist- 34.5"
    Hips- 43"

    Goal weight- 140 lbs.

    I too got a new scale. On my old scale i was two pounds lighter. but it wasn't that accurate- 5# loss- 10#gain withing one day-same as aother on this challenge. Anyway- new scale is a weight Watcher scale, so i will watch my weight on that one! And it took me over a month to get here...

    Good luck to all- Keep it off!!! k
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    I forgot my commitment-

    exercise- 5 days a week- NO MATTER WHAT. Minimum 30 minutes a day.
    Log into food diary every day.
    NO PROCESSED SUGAR ( Pray for me!)
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Ok, here goes!

    SW: 150 (same as current weight since I just started)
    GW: 135

    Mini goal: 5 lbs by April 30
    Exercise goal: exercise everyday for 30 mins
    Good luck everyone!!
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