I'm tired of unhealthy people making excuses



  • I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Totally agree with this one!
  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    If you are unhealthy due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, then admit it to yourself and get on with it! Stop blaming everything under the sun!

    Eat less, eat better, get active!

    people with eating disorders do they count as being healthy for eating less just sayin

    if you want to motivate people to be healthy be supportive not NEGATIVE .
  • Im fat because I couldnt stop eating over the holidays. and didnt run for two weeks. thats why Im fat. No excuses.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Where's my popcorn? I need to see this
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm tired of people.

    I concur.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    If you are unhealthy due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, then admit it to yourself and get on with it! Stop blaming everything under the sun!

    Eat less, eat better, get active!

    I would say 80% of the people on here were at this stage at one point or another.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Your body is a reflection of the choices you make every day.

    Good call. you and the OP are a$$hats. I was not totally built but I did almost die in 2005. My weight was down to 223 after spending 30 days in the hospital without any food or water. everything was given via IV. I went home 3 months before they though I would IF I lived. Chronic Pancreatits attacked due to my duodeanum (sp) not connecting properly. Over the years I was maintaining my size and started back to the gym until I ended up with a hernia from lifting. It was fixed and I had gained about 25 - 30 pounds. Fast forward 3 years, back in the gym lifting and rip that seam again and the doc had to insert a mesh screen just over a foot long and 4 inches tall in my side. Gained 30 pounds. i am now at 270 and it pisses me off that I officiated 2 games a day, at least, and watched what I was eating more often than not and have not lost a pound. so, I am anything but lazy and I am glad to be alive but get tired of people judging me when they do not know.
  • I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    ^^ AMEN!!
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Once you figure out ( which is not really hard to do) that you are the only one that can change things for yourself it gets alot easier.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think most of us are here because we've already admitted that to ourselves >____>

    yeah, but what about all of the people who aren't here making excuses? drives me bonkers! I have family members that fit that description perfectly.
    Don't think they're going to see your post.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    What other people chose to do with their body isn't my business.

    I have enough to worry about keeping myself and my family healthy -- why do I care what others are doing?
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    It's mean people like this always telling me how fat I am that make me want to go eat something. How about a "Great Job!" once in a while!! Is that so freakin' hard??? Why is it always..."Stop making stupid excuses you fat excuse for a human being!!! Get up off your fat butt and eat something healthy for a change!!!" Like that motivation really works.

    You know what.....one of these days my appeal is gonna come through, and I won't be on "the row" anymore and I'll get out of here and when I do...I'm gonna
    Great job CM!

    Can you tell that to the parole board?
  • usmcgrl1
    usmcgrl1 Posts: 31 Member
    All we have to do is look in the mirror and see where we are in our lives. It is a personal fight within our self to meet our goals.Good luck to each of you working toward a goal to get healthier and enjoy life.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Judgy McJudgerson has her judgy pants on.

    And you're doing what to "Judgy McJudgerson", exactly?
  • I don't think that anywhere on "myfitnesspal" is a place for negative feedback. This is all about supporting each other! I know this sounds like a cliche, but "until you walk a mile in someones shoes", you really have no idea what they are going through. They are likely very scared, and at this point in their lives only have excuses to try to preserve their own ego. Wouldn't any of us?
    You have no idea what anyone is going through, or what disease they might have, or personal difficulties. We aren't put on this earth to be judgemental, we are here to be compassionate. I guarantee you, a compassionate person is always more happy than a judgemental one!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I think they don't want to admit that they have to change their lifestyle yet. I'm sure they KNOW it's not good for them, and I think the funniest thing I hear is "I know this is bad for me but..."

    My friend/coworker drinks 2 mountain dews at work, and about 3 more when she gets home. Her excuse "well, I hate coffee and this is like coffee to me". (I'm an avid coffee drinker - normally drink it black sometimes a hint of milk and agave) Another coworker said something a bout she put on a few since she started and she flipped out. She says "my eating habits aren't that bad. Who does he think he is? He's not my father or my boyfriend." Going on and on about how dare someone point out that her bad habits had an effect on her. She thinks now that she has money, it's a good idea to buy more junk food. THEN turn around and say "oh, but I really don't eat much at all, I can eat once a day and won't gain."

    There comes a point you just end up stepping back and say "fine, I tried, it's not guilty on me." I finally did that with her. I still look at her soda's and sigh, she now claims "I made a healthy step, I drink cranberry grape juice every day". If her sugars get too high and she ends up diabetic, I tried to help her. But it's on her. Same for others who blame everything else under the sun. You can give them the idea, plant the seed, but they have to water and tend to it to make it grow. If they stomp it out, that's on them. Not on you.
  • Never go to tumblr under the "fat acceptance" tag, then. Everyone there has "genetic" problems, and they've "tried everything under the sun" so they are content in saying "im just a big girl!"

    Yeah **** that. I don't care who you are, if you think that way I automatically think your pathetic.

    You know it's funny, because I used to be like this person... only I was thinner than her when I had this attitude (5'0 and 115-120) but then my thyroid did stop working and I blew up to 200 in two years despite diet and exercise. I realized that all that I thought were excuses and BS were actually true. Be careful how you pass judgement because someday you might be the one being judged. In the end it doesn't matter... it is what it is and it's not your place to judge. Do you and let other people do them and know that until you truly walk a mile you have no clue how their shoes feel.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    why would you be so hostile about things that have nothing to do with you, and tthings YOU CANT CONTROL???
  • SunshineDecember
    SunshineDecember Posts: 70 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Everyone has their own issues. Just 'cause you've managed to get on track and lose weight doesn't mean it's gonna as easy for everyone else. Be happy for yourself, and don't judge others :)
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Totally agree with this one!

    I soooo agree with these members!
    I've been away from MFP for about 2 years due to bad knees which had to be replaced, and couldn't believe alot of the posts when I started back. Members used to be helpful and supportive, yet so many threads now seem to be cutting people down and being totally judgemental. I even read one thread where someone told someone to "shut up". I thought it must be a young kid, but nope, it was a woman in her 50's! It's just so sad to me that people have to be that way, when MOST of us are on here to TRY to improve ourselves and maybe meet some helpful, FRIENDLY people who feel the same way!