I'm tired of unhealthy people making excuses



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think most of us are here because we've already admitted that to ourselves >____>

    I WISH

    I think most people are here so they con find groups of people to bond with that have the same excuses.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Totally agree with this one!

    I soooo agree with these members!
    I've been away from MFP for about 2 years due to bad knees which had to be replaced, and couldn't believe alot of the posts when I started back. Members used to be helpful and supportive, yet so many threads now seem to be cutting people down and being totally judgemental. I even read one thread where someone told someone to "shut up". I thought it must be a young kid, but nope, it was a woman in her 50's! It's just so sad to me that people have to be that way, when MOST of us are on here to TRY to improve ourselves and maybe meet some helpful, FRIENDLY people who feel the same way!

    What's super sad is when people actually believe this and dont even consider that the people telling each other to shut up back and forth, calling names, flinging insults and telling people to just break up - are all actually friends....


    No one is friends unless they act like I act with my friends!
    And no one is motivated by anything except what I find motivating!
    And absolutely NO ONE has a sense of humor that is different than mine!!

    Now stop all this ridiculousness, take your custom perfect brand of motivation, stop momming it up at other people and go burn some calories.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Awe, honey...do you need some attention?

    <3 this.
  • I'm tired of people.


    Except OP isn't a person. It's a judgmental smurf.

    hey dont bring smurfs in to this lol
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I think most of us are here because we've already admitted that to ourselves >____>

    I WISH

    I think most people are here so they con find groups of people to bond with that have the same excuses.

    ^^^THIS times a million. That's why so many people get butthurt when they post something on the regular forums and don't get the answers and headpats their little delicate constitutions are craving.
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
    amen.....worry about what you can do to improve yourself.

    ^^^ EXACTLY...
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Judgy McJudgerson has her judgy pants on.

    And you're doing what to "Judgy McJudgerson", exactly?

    I see what you tried to do there, but alas, it failed. Womp womp.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Because I have family members on the cusp of Type 2 diabetes that eat cookies all day and say it is genetics. It drives me crazy. Some people want to accept a mediocre existance.

    If you're happy with yourself great! I don't care about your weight. I just hate it when unhealthy people make excuses.

    Who said anything about weight anyway? I said "unhealthy"..that could mean skinny fat too.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I think almost every one of us here was one of those people at some point. Some of us have gotten to the point where we are ready to change, and others aren't there yet.

    The voice of reason :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Because I have family members on the cusp of Type 2 diabetes that eat cookies all day and say it is genetics. It drives me crazy. Some people want to accept a mediocre existance.

    If you're happy with yourself great! I don't care about your weight. I just hate it when unhealthy people make excuses.

    Who said anything about weight anyway? I said "unhealthy"..that could mean skinny fat too.
    It really isn't any of your business, though.
  • LOL!! Hilarious.....:)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Totally agree with this one!

    I soooo agree with these members!
    I've been away from MFP for about 2 years due to bad knees which had to be replaced, and couldn't believe alot of the posts when I started back. Members used to be helpful and supportive, yet so many threads now seem to be cutting people down and being totally judgemental. I even read one thread where someone told someone to "shut up". I thought it must be a young kid, but nope, it was a woman in her 50's! It's just so sad to me that people have to be that way, when MOST of us are on here to TRY to improve ourselves and maybe meet some helpful, FRIENDLY people who feel the same way!

    What's super sad is when people actually believe this and dont even consider that the people telling each other to shut up back and forth, calling names, flinging insults and telling people to just break up - are all actually friends....


    No one is friends unless they act like I act with my friends!
    And no one is motivated by anything except what I find motivating!
    And absolutely NO ONE has a sense of humor that is different than mine!!

    Now stop all this ridiculousness, take your custom perfect brand of motivation, stop momming it up at other people and go burn some calories.

    Pffft, like Yoovie knows what she's talking about...

    Oh wait..she does....damnit...now I have to keep her on my FL.. :P
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I don't think that anywhere on "myfitnesspal" is a place for negative feedback. This is all about supporting each other! I know this sounds like a cliche, but "until you walk a mile in someones shoes", you really have no idea what they are going through. They are likely very scared, and at this point in their lives only have excuses to try to preserve their own ego. Wouldn't any of us?
    You have no idea what anyone is going through, or what disease they might have, or personal difficulties. We aren't put on this earth to be judgemental, we are here to be compassionate. I guarantee you, a compassionate person is always more happy than a judgemental one!

    ABSOLUTELY! And when my depression is under control I'm a very happy person, smiling and laughing at whim. You will see by my ticker that I've lost a few pounds and do I eat healthy - well, NO. Would I like to - mmmm yes as long as I can eat something sweet every day. It's one habit I don't want 2 give up. AND do I need to - well 90% of the people on this feed wld say yes, but as we've established the way I do this is MY CHOICE and it is working.

    So my suggestion is to butt out where ur advice isn't welcome (I do), support others where u can (i do) and most importantly never judge (I try - this one is hard to pull off). Good luck in ALL your endeavours.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    You know what.....one of these days my appeal is gonna come through, and I won't be on "the row" anymore and I'll get out of here ....

    When you do, give me a call! :laugh:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Because I have family members on the cusp of Type 2 diabetes that eat cookies all day and say it is genetics. It drives me crazy. Some people want to accept a mediocre existance.

    If you're happy with yourself great! I don't care about your weight. I just hate it when unhealthy people make excuses.

    Who said anything about weight anyway? I said "unhealthy"..that could mean skinny fat too.

    Then your problem isn't with mediocrity. I lead a mediocre existence as far as health goes, but I'm not on a the cusp of Type 2 diabetes. Sounds like your problem is that you feel like you care more about the health of your family members than they do, which can be frustrating. The excuses are just a symptom.

    You might feel better if you tried to avoid getting frustrated over things you can't control.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    If you are unhealthy due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, then admit it to yourself and get on with it! Stop blaming everything under the sun!

    Eat less, eat better, get active!

    Honestly why do you ( general you... not you personally ) care? Does it effect you? Does it change how you live your life? If they blame someone/something else it still doesn't do anything for you and your lifestyle.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Because I have family members on the cusp of Type 2 diabetes that eat cookies all day and say it is genetics. It drives me crazy. Some people want to accept a mediocre existance.

    If you're happy with yourself great! I don't care about your weight. I just hate it when unhealthy people make excuses.

    Who said anything about weight anyway? I said "unhealthy"..that could mean skinny fat too.
    It really isn't any of your business, though.

    My mother is not my business? HELLO? I love my mother and I want her to live to see my kids grow up.
  • FdAFJ.gif

  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    It seems like these negative posts lately are just people who want attention or who want to complain and don't care how they sound. Do I get the question? Yes. I've been overweight my whole life. Now I'm morbidly obese. But from a psychological standpoint, MANY (not ALL) people who are overweight have an addiction or mental block that they have to get through. Some may laugh at me, but I honestly believe that food is an addiction whether it's physical or mental and there are studies to support certain addictions to things in food.

    Now, if common sense and what others have already said (like don't worry about what isn't affecting you) isn't getting through to you then look at it psychologically. ANY addict has to hit rock bottom. This comes in many different forms and they may have more then one rock bottom moment. The mental aspect is key and this can mean that a person needs to heal things from their past or simply have a swift kick in the butt to realize that they need to stop complaining about things they can control.

    And unfortunately there are some people who have to work extra hard to lose weight because of medical problems. Judging only hurts yourself. I wish you the best.

    I ask myself what you're asking. However, is it necessary to get everyone all worked up? I doubt that.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I'm tired of judgmental threads hating on people.

    ^^ This. Why is everybody so concerned with what everyone else is doing? You worry about you and I'll worry about me, mmkay?

    Because I have family members on the cusp of Type 2 diabetes that eat cookies all day and say it is genetics. It drives me crazy. Some people want to accept a mediocre existance.

    If you're happy with yourself great! I don't care about your weight. I just hate it when unhealthy people make excuses.

    Who said anything about weight anyway? I said "unhealthy"..that could mean skinny fat too.

    Then your problem isn't with mediocrity. I lead a mediocre existence as far as health goes, but I'm not on a the cusp of Type 2 diabetes. Sounds like your problem is that you feel like you care more about the health of your family members than they do, which can be frustrating. The excuses are just a symptom.

    You might feel better if you tried to avoid getting frustrated over things you can't control.


    You don't lead a mediocre existance. You are healthy, no?

    Health has very little to do with weight...it's about your over-all general health...blood pressure, visceral fat, diabetes, heart, etc.

    Many people with a little extra on their bones are healthier than me. They have more muscle mass and can out run me any day. This is not about weight. Morbidly obese is unhealthy 100%, but a little extra is not always.

    It's about unhealthy people making up stupid excuses for being unhealthy. Get on with it and get healthy!