Are people drinking coffee? Why or why not?



  • mariclemm
    I suppose I'm lucky in this area, I've never been all that addicted to having a morning cup of coffee. Don't get me wrong, I think a coffee with cream and sugar tastes amazing, but it was never something I felt I needed.

    So, that said I haven't been drinking it much. The only time I get a cup (I try to only have it black, but do occasionally spring for cream and Splenda) is when I'm about to fall asleep at my desk at work which usually only happens once or twice every few weeks.

    I decided not to have a lot of caffeine which was the reason I try to only drink it occasionally.
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    Not only will it wake you up but it will send you straight to the bathroom! What more could you want for your morning routine? Splenda has no calories, i personally like sugar in the raw and feel no shame from it. You can create your own creamer by allowing raisins to soak in milk for 24 hours #eatclean
  • minihaha80
    I drink coffee because i dont want to end up in prison for manslaughter, i will kill people if i try to drive without it in the morning. I still use half & half and creamer, works out to only 72 calories anyway, small price to pay to avoid such large consequences. I should probably mention that coffee fuels my workouts too, so without it, id probably be fat and lazy (irritable too) instead of slightly over my ideal weight and raring to go
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    yes, i drink coffee. because i do not want to end up in jail for doing something bad.
  • Strobins05
    Coffee, that mofo is my mojo!:drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am not drinking coffee because I gave that up two years ago due to migraines and haven't had a migraine since.

    It was forbidden on an old weight loss plan I used to do, (can't remember why) but I used to drink it anyways and I still lost weight. This time around as I said, I'm now caffeine free and only use it as "medicine" (on the advice of a neurologist friend) if I feel headache coming on I take a strong coffee as a first line of defense before reaching for real medicine. It usually works and am grateful for the advice of that friend and the fortitude and patience it took to quit. Took me a whole year to quit gradually about as long as this weight loss plan will take to get me to goal weight. Caffeine is no joke and whatever you decide to do, proceed informed and with a plan as quitting cold turkey can cause withdrawal symptoms that are not only no fun, but may weaken your resolve in the face of your diet. Do your homework and decide if it's the right time for you and whether your dieting plan works with or without it.
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I only drink coffee on the days I work, Gotta have motivation during those long 12-16 hour shifts....
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I only drink coffee on days that end with "y," days in which the sun rises before noon, and days in which all eight planets do not align perfectly into a straight line that points to the center of the galaxy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am just curious if people are drinking coffee? I have heard mixed things in relation to weight loss. So, why or why not? I personally stopped because it made me feel dehydrated, gross, and I like a little cream and sugar in it.

    If you consciously choose to balance your coffee consumption - by drinking a few glasses of water [or fruit/herb flavoured water if plain water is not to your liking] - then that should pretty much handle your dehydration issue.
    BUT! I had a cup today and it was soooo wonderful. I am wondering if this is something I want to completely give up......

    I really don't see why you should deprive yourself of coffee - at all!!! When I need mine - I just have it, usually when I feel I need that extra jolt to my day - depending on my load, usually with cardamon or cinnamon or cocoa powder [for my espresso or noisette - when the need calls]. Sometimes I'll enjoy my cuppa with a dash of maple or agave syrup and steamed milk or hot cream] And when I'm really pressed for a boost of decadence in my hot beverage, as my source of energy-boost - usually during a hectic day, I will without a care make myself my mug of coffee with homemade vanilla coconut [or almond] cream.

    Dehydration is not the only issue with coffee consumption you must consider caffeine as a drug with drug like withdrawal symptoms and proceed informed and with caution when weaning from it. Coffee never interfered with my dieting before. You choose if you have other reasons for quitting and do it carefully. I don't think weight loss will be harmed by enjoying your coffee and it is a really nice little treat when losing weight, and it does suppress the appetite or at least it did for me, and it does help with energy which may help your workouts or activity levels to prevent boredom eating.
  • StuCox99
    Coffee isn't that bad for you unless you're drinking too much of it (you'll know when you do ;) ). And everyone who claims that it dehydrates you - show me the science that backs this claim up! To my knowledge there isn't any scientific evidence that it dehydrates you and you need extra water. This is a myth. Yes - the caffiene molecule is a known diuretic but it's a mild one - and unless you are drinking copius amounts (that makes you pee a lot!) then I wouldn't worry too much about dehydration at all... Alcohol on the other hand is a different story!! LOL
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    God, i hate tate of green tea and i'm a proper zombie in the mornings. Coffee for me yes.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    OMG I have to have that first hot fresh oh so delicious cuppa coffee each morning. I dont drink it the rest of the day as a rule but by damn nobody better get near me or speak to me or think of or about me or even pray for me til Ive had that first cup


  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I honestly don't see how homemade coffee with a basic creamer and a REASONABLE amount of sugar will hurt. I've been drinking coffee everyday since I was 18 years old and I've managed to go from a size 14 to a size 4 complaints about coffee here lol. I think the problem is that people load it up with ridiculous amounts of cream and sugar or head to Starbucks and get one of those 500 calorie concoctions. I NEED my coffee and I don't think I'll EVER stop drinking it lol.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Yes I am drinking coffee. Because I love it. I don't count it was water...I count it as pleasure.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't drink coffee but that is only because I have stomach problems and coffee is a trigger.

    You too? I thought I was strange because I am the only one I know who gets nauseous from drinking coffee. I like the taste but I can't tolerate it. I do drink weak tea now and then because it doesn't seem to bother me as much.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I drink somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 of a pot daily.

    I mix in aspartame while LOLing at the artificial sweetener alarmists.
    I mix in skim milk while laughing at both the anti dairy alarmists AND the sugarphobes.
    I follow it up with a pop tart while yelling "IIFYM beeeeezatch!".

    Ok on a serious note I do drink coffee with some whey and milk, because I enjoy it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I drink coffee because I'm tired. And you can get maple flavored stuff...and I like making espressos and frothing milk and making it look pretty.

    What do I think it does for my health fittness and weight loss? I don't really's probably negligible. I'll have 0-3 cups of coffee a day and often have dry spells.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I drink a few cups a day... with cream and sugar :)
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I'll give up breathing before I give up my coffee. Though, I've always taken mine with Splenda and just a little splash of almond or soy milk, so I don't really see how it could hinder my weight loss.
  • Pettygirl
    Pettygirl Posts: 23 Member
    Black coffee is one of my few calorie free pleasures! I drink it first thing in the morning and through lunch, then none after that.
    I gave up cream and sugar in my teens because of the calories. I enjoy 8"oclock brand/regular blend, and I recommend it!
    ~ yummy :drinker: