so how crowded is your gym with newbies?



  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    Thank God y'all were expecting me! I hate to be a surprise to people. Now get off YOUR machine so I can get my time in......And do you mind if I clear the weights off the bar your not using so I can actually do something here? Sheesh, i'm glad that all of y'all walked out of the womb being the gym gurus that you are. Try using some of this knowledge that all of y'all hold so tightly to your chest and actually HELP someone that may be trying to actually get healthy. That is all, carry on.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    My gym was extremely quiet. There were only two members, myself and my pug Bella!

    I have my own gym set up in the basement :laugh: I have a spin bike, select techs, step, bosu, elliptical, projection screen and dvd player, stability ball, resisitance bands, weight bench, plates and well over a hundred dvds. I will never step into a gym again. The hours are 24/7 and the company is the best!

    Btw I too am a resolutionist as of January 1st! Never quit getting back in the groove!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    You all know that people aren't "complaining" about new people at the gym, right?

    It's stating a fact. The gym is insanely busy from January through Feb, sometimes March. It happens every year. I've seen it for a bout 18 years now at big gyms, small gyms, and in between.

    It happens.

    Uhhh I am! I can't stand it! It's like watching a smoker give up smoking for a day for the 900th time.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    I finally felt at home! There were so many fat people there I loved it! I hope they stay it was nice to be surrounded by people that are my size rather then being the biggest one in the gym!

    LOL ^^^

    The treadmills, bikes and ellipticals were busier than usual but the classes and weight machines weren't particularly busier.

    Pet peeve of the new folks: When they don't wipe down the equipment after their turn. Gross. Gross. And some more gross.
  • Raiwvynn
    My gym doesn't seem to have many regulars let alone newbies. I actually joined the gym before the Christmas holidays to help keep me stable and sensible over the holidays. I did start with a new trainer on January 2nd though and I have to say it has been awesome! He is sensible and enthusiastic without coming across like a sales person trying to sell me a car. He is also studying to be a phsyiotherapist so that is helpful since I have had back surgery and problems with my shoulder, and tight hamstrings and hips. I am happy with my progress even though I haven't lost much of anything yet. I have however gained a lot of energy that I didn't have before and I am looking forward to tomorrow instead of dreading it like I used.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    We all had to start somewhere. Dont forget that we were like that once too. You should be encouraging, not discouraging, just saying

    I wish there was a "like" button.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I can't stand it! It's like watching a smoker give up smoking for a day for the 900th time.

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Thank God y'all were expecting me! I hate to be a surprise to people. Now get off YOUR machine so I can get my time in......And do you mind if I clear the weights off the bar your not using so I can actually do something here? Sheesh, i'm glad that all of y'all walked out of the womb being the gym gurus that you are. Try using some of this knowledge that all of y'all hold so tightly to your chest and actually HELP someone that may be trying to actually get healthy. That is all, carry on.

    Totally loved this one! :glasses:
  • EstiloPanama
    I think it's a good thing for people to have goals and to work toward a plan to achieve.

    Today's quote from my Dave Ramsey desk calendar is this:

    "If your goals are going to work, they must be specific. You can't just have a goal of helping people. You have to break your goal don ad define what "helping people" means. If you can't tell that your goal has been met, then it is not specific enough. Goals must be measurable. Develop a process to measure where you are now and where you are going to go from here. If your goals are too vague, they are still dreams."

    The point is, it's one thing to dream and hope, it's another thing to get out there and DO IT. So for all those people who are giving it another shot and trying..I commend them honestly. I have started over many times, but this time it is for real and the new year was a great motivator for me. I work out at home in the elliptical. But even if I was going to the gym, I wouldn't feel ashamed. I would hate to be considered a "Revolutionist" or whatever. But in my heart I know what my goals are, I have a plan and I know where I want to be.

    Labels don't define action and success will speak for themselves...and same goes for anyone willing to put effort into a new goal for the New Year.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    99% of the new years crowd is dead weight by February....I can't wait. When I see newbies in May/June then I am happy, they are usually there for the long haul

    Interesting statement. I would tend to agree - I wonder if the stats support the theory.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    When I intend to use the treadmill or the like, I have been trying to go during my lunch break (around 2pm). It's not that busy.

    As for the classes I've taken since Jan 1, the one really popular class was surprisingly not complete chaos. The other class is new and is still growing and I was hoping to see some newbies but I didn't see any.

    Anyways, very rarely do I get annoyed by "newbies." Usually, the worst offenders tend to be people who have been going to the gym for ages and view it like their second home--I don't want to imagine what their first home looks and smells like.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I just am doing my own thing at home, for a little bit. It's not that I am not a supporter of the New Year peeps, it's just that, I don't like being surrounded by so many people all at once...and at the pool, it's even worse. You have to deal with kids and people who don't understand lane sharing. :drinker:
  • whitesox56
    ehh it's pretty bad. I work second shift and go at 12pm before work and it's packed. I have had to park in the back the last few days I usually get parking in the front. The locker room is horrid. It's literally jammed packed--took me like 5 mins to find a damn locker today. :mad:
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm all for the newbies...good for them...that was me last Gym's parking SUCKS on a good day.....i can't wait til Feb/March haha.
  • Katie22222
    Katie22222 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm one of the newbies who just joined, and I was a bit anxious after I read this thread :P. But I'm not going to give up, I can't believe I haven't joined before, it's so great!
  • susannahsutton1
    Well I like newbies. Good job too cos my gym is so stuffed full that I cannot get into any class except advanced spin at the moment. My legs will be rock solid by the end of January! The ones that don't come back after January keep the prices lower for everyone else and the ones who keep coming back add to variety of who to hang out with. Most randomly this year though is that most of the newbies are US expats (my gym is in Soho, London). Not sure why!
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Now just crowded with the 'Resolutionists' (love it, might steal the term...haha) but also with PTs! They're all hovering around asking people, 'have you thought about personal training? Do you want me to show you how that machine works? Let me assist you with opening your wallet and spend hundreds of pounds on me telling you what you can eat and cannot eat and run on the treadmill as fast as you can like a hamster.'

    Rant over.
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    surprisingly not that bad actually but after consideration thinking abt how hard if was for them to joined...despite how crowded it may appear...Good for them...they made the effort....hell I ((we)) was a "newbie" once...been @ my gym now for 4 im not gonna hate....unless one of them is using my treadmill.......:laugh: :laugh:
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    lol. a bit busier than usual. some new faces, a bit difficult for the old hands though, as everyone kind of tries to do their own thing so for the first time in months I had to tell a fellow gymmer that I was using the machine.

    Though the weirdest new thing I saw were posters for the restaurant attached to the gym, the text was "keep calm and have a weed burger" - it's Amsterdam so, you know, it's not THAT weird. But they meant seaweed.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Very crowded. And you can tell they are new.

    -every weight machine on my worksheet was in use so I did a lot of waiting and watching. None of them really knew what they were doing and should have asked for instruction before they break something our hurt themselves
    -lots of pairs of walkers on the track taking up all three lanes (designated and labeled walk, jog, run) and making everyone navigate around them
    -groups of ladies trying classes together. They want to huddle in the back together so the front and middle of the floor is empty and they are piled together in the back so it looks more like a mosh pit. And they are doing much more talking and laughing than working out. It's distracting and rude
    -and other random stuff you dont see often but when there is an influx of newbies you see more of it. people in jeans and other street clothes, people on the treadmill guzzling venti size mochas, and just other things that dont look like they. are serious about working out