Beer must go...replace with?



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Don't give up anything unless you plan on giving it up forever. Otherwise you are going to fall off the wagon at one point. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I save my exercise calories throughout the week for my weekend pizza and beer.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    Vodka water or on the rocks FTW
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    Exactly. Replace it with water.

    Thank god I don't drink booze at all. Better off for it.
  • ezwryder
    I budget my calories to allow for beer. Good. Local. Craft. Beer.

    Amen. If it's not's crap!

    Right on. I still brew my own. Drink it too, And now it tastes even better because I drink it without the guilt hops!

    Bottoms up!
  • nejaustin
    nejaustin Posts: 76 Member
    Choose a craft beer - I find the better more intense flavors make me want to savor it more (read drink it slower) and I feel like it fills me up. I would rather have a good beer and have a veggie and hummus plate for munchies then have a crappy light beer and have chips and salsa.
  • Ascalzo13
    Wow....never knew Budweiser was so hated LOL! I do enjoy my dark beer too (Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest-only live 20 miles from the Brewery:happy: ) but grew up on Budweiser. Like all the ideas for other things to try. THX!
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    Replace with a slow, painful, agonizing death. Life without beer is no fun. Especially when it's so easy to fit into your goals.

    Marry me? :laugh:
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Beer does not have to go. Beer was invented by the monks as a replacement for bread. It is an excellent source of nutrients, ethanol and carbs. Beer is not high in carbs. Bread, potatoes, and rice are far higher in carbs. I have been steadily losing fat and gaining muscle with my diet, which includes beer many times a week. It is simple math, caloric intake (eating) must be less than calories burned (metabolic rate plus exercise). Just count up all of the calories burned and eaten during the day. If I know I am going out to drink 4-6 Guiness (yes I do not like lite beer), I know to save 500-700 calories. I have had a few liquid dinners and feel great the next day. It is easy to drink a full beer like Guiness without getting hungry for bar food crap.
    I'm am from Wisconsin and yes, a beer drinker. I have now found out Beer is high in calories and carbs :( I have tried the lower calorie ones, but yuck! Can't go from a Budweiser girl to an Ultra light girl. I do enjoy wine and some liquors...

    My friends and I have a once a week girls night where we get together, have a few drinks usually 3 and catch up on things, and yes it has resulted in more at times lol. Any suggestions on something else to try...I do not do whiskey or gin.

    I have read to give up alcohol for weight loss, but I don't believe in giving up everything to lose weight, but make some changes instead. Any ideas???
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Vodka. We Russians are not stupid. We die young, but we die skinny
  • carenscuisine
    have you tried red beer? Beer mixed with tomato juice or v8. It sounds weird but its good! Also, Corona light with some lime is good too. i am from seattle and loved seattle beers and have switched to Corona light and like it just fine.
    Other than that, request you guys have cocktail nights in between beer nights and have the girls invent a low cal cocktail thats fun and girly or not girly...not sure what your into. There is no shame in 1) drinking a beer slow or 2) choosing not to drink one at all.
    good luck, its a hard breakup I know.
  • gonzo0612
    I do a really good vodka with seltzer water and a splash of Mio Blueberry lemonade. It is pretty darn good.
    that sounds awsome! never thought of mio as a mixer!!
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    my fave is martini and a diet mixer as you can have 28ml for 32calories plus martini doesn't have sugar ( I have made the mistake of having 2.5 bottles of fruity cider and the sugar in it was that high it sent me over my days allowance, won't be doing that again).
  • pohlcm08
    The more you drink, the less you care about the calories! :drinker:

    But honestly, I struggle with the same thing. I used to be a Bud LIght girl but found out that Busch Light has 15 calories less / can. (Bud light has 110, Busch Light has 95) That doesn't seem like much less with only one beer, but when it's a 5 or 6 beer night (or more?) it does add up. I also drink Bud Select 55 sometimes when I'm not after a buzz (The alcohol content is significantly lower) because you can drink 2 for the same calorie count as one Bud Light.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    Red wine (like a Malbec) is around 125 calories for 5 ounces - that being said i has 4 carbs (which i think is more impt). I drink beer - I drink Sleemans Clear (its Canadian) and again it has 2.5 carbs but tastes great. Google low carb beer and you'll find a list somewhere or at least some opinion. When i was in WW alot of women drank white wine spritzers - half white wine and half diet 7. I dont advacate the diet soda even though i occasionally drink it - hypocrit here. The spritzer would be around 50 cals give or take.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    one more - if you like a Cosmo Skinny Girl is better than you would expect...
  • monicabuc1
    monicabuc1 Posts: 41 Member
    Vodka & Club Soda on ice with a squeeze of lemon or lime or both equals about 70 calories :happy:
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Don't replace it--make it part of your healthy lifestyle. Count the beer calories like you count any other calories and make sure you stay with your daily calorie goals. Compensate by eating less and/or exercising more.
  • DanLichty
    Beers are a great meal substitute! :laugh: As long as you don't go overboard, and keep it in mind for total calories.
  • IrishSoul
    IrishSoul Posts: 14 Member
    Bourbon/Whiskey ... small batch... dont drink more, drink better quality :)

    I like Knob Creek and the like for Bourbon - not too pricey, but you can drink straight, or with Diet Coke or whatever... I dont like mixing with soda..or anything.. neat or on the rocks (if I am out and want my drink to last).