
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I’m not even going to try to respond to everyone today – I can’t believe we blew through 500 posts in under nine days. Yesterday flat out sucked. I wasn’t feeling like working out, sort of fluffed my way through 20 minutes of a 30 minute HIIT (Michele, it’s Les Mill’s Combat, he has an HIIT twice a week – combo running, burbees, mountain climbers, shuffles, knee crunches, pushups, and weights), then ate for the rest of the day. I had thought the loss from the week before was catching up with me, but I’ve also been under major stress at work and a little peeved with DH so it was probably a combo of those things. Anyway, feel much better, had a blast with 45 minutes of kickboxing/martial arts, and am ready to rock this day!

    A funny note: DH and I were calculating calories last night (he’s back on the wagon – yay!) and even with my poor eating yesterday I was still *only* at 1600 calories for the day. I could eat that much and still lose weight, just a lot more slowly. Silly for me to stress so much about it now.

    Lin, yes, absolutely what your dietician said about eating more calories. If you starve your body it will pay you back by being in starvation mode. You must eat and nourish, even if it slows down the loss a bit.

    Vitamin F = Friends (I forget who asked)

    DeeDee, glad you found the source of your issue. Do you live in an area with a lot of crime – is that why the cameras, etc? I guess with a lot of police officers in the family I can see safety being a primary issue. I hope you feel safe and warm with all your friends, even if they’re a little imposing :smile:.

    Cecpetzzz – I had a hysterectomy about three years ago – for my birthday :laugh:. I lost 10 lbs on the table due to the removal of a large fibroid coupled with some blood loss but turned around and gained it back plus another 10. After that, my weight more or less stabilized. I’ve since discovered that the only way I can lose weight (and IMO the only way to lose weight period) is by sensible eating coupled with lots of exercise. So, as soon as you can exercise go ahead and start – and don’t be afraid if it’s hard at first – those muscles will come back. In case you’re wondering, I didn’t get the beauty version of the hysterectomy either – I woke up with stitches from my pelvis to my belly button. Boy, was that ugly! Anyway it’s taking some time for the muscles to come back but now my tummy’s flatish and I have definition. It just takes time.

    OK, off to the showers and work for me. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Afternoon ladies. Just marking my spot before toodling off to the gym.

    Have a great day.

    Geri in England
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Bump, got to get ready and swim. Tigress from GA

    "Keep swimming, keep swimming"-Dori
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member

    Just realized part two and lost my reply
  • kthycrlsn
    kthycrlsn Posts: 27 Member
    bump for later
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member

    I have 15 minutes before I have to get J’boy out of bed and begin the school day – so here we are with a word document beside our blog, and I am ready to rock and roll!

    Michelle, your pool looks fantastic. :love: It’s so fun to see a picture of the finished product after hearing all your stories about construction and landscaping. When’s the pool party?

    Speaking of cute electricians…I’m married to one.:heart: Not bad, eh? It’s his “side-bar” occupation, most of the time he works as an instrumentation technician, but it sure is handy.

    Barbie, I do hope your bike is fixed, it must be terribly frustrating, knowing you could be using it so often but not being able to. Good job keeping out of the way of the fix-it boys.

    Lila, your SNL quote cracked me up.:laugh: A classic introvert mantra. Your dinner sounds like a work of art.

    My goals for the month have changed since I read “Thinner This Year”. Now my routine will be exercise six times a week: 2 strength training, two interval workouts and two “long-slow” workouts. We shall see how that goes!

    Time to rise and shine….

    Hasta pronto,

    Nancy from SE British Columbia :happy:

    January goals:

    6 workouts a week
    Connect to my family (emails once a week to parents & sisters)

    “Connect” is my word for 2013. I will try to make a new connection each month (this is inspired by The Happiness Project)
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning everyone. I'm really tired today, another night of not sleeping well. I was just laying there with an empty pit of hunger in my stomach listening to my hubby snore. Finally succumbed to the call of some cinnamon sugar toast. Oh it was good. My sister is coming over this morning to work out with me, which is great because I might wimp out otherwise. We get by with a little help from our friends....or in this case sisters. Sounds like a few others of you are a bit worn out today. Here is to renewed energy for all. On the other hand some of you are really amazing in the workout department. I tell myself a lot of things are to hard for me at my age. But clearly many of you are working out hard. I'm impressed. Must push myself.

    Have a good day everyone.:flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :smile:

    Karen from Mi.
  • Hi ladies..
    Lots of good read and advice thanks for always being such a supportive group. Still cant motivate myself to exercise but I have started with counting my steps, and the verdict is "I definitely need to move more"... I am responsible for my choices and my outcome will be determined by those choices...


    make it a great day,
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Shazza, Gold Coast here, hope the heat isn't getting to you too much there !
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Shazza, Gold Coast here, hope the heat isn't getting to you too much ! Drink lots of water !

    silly computer or MFP was slow at posting so didn't think it worked :laugh:
  • judsimm
    judsimm Posts: 8 Member
    Does anyone know of a yoga DVD for those over 50? Using a chair to help balance.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    Forgot to set my alarm last night and got up too late to do my morning walk on the treadmill. Guess I'll have to suck it up and do it tonight after work.

    :smile: @cecpetzzz I had a hysterectomy a few year back and thought my stomach could never get flat again because the muscle had been cut, but I was wrong! Eating right and exercise has helped me to lose the weight I needed to get my stomach muscles back in shape, so success is achievable! Keep at it when you feel up to it, and you will see results. Slow and steady wins the race.

    :happy: @mazaron I married a cute electrician too. Just love my handy guy!

    Keep on truckin ladies....this is the first day of the rest of our lives!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello cecpetzzz,

    I am 58 and had a hysto too but a few years ago now. One bit of advice which I give everyone is don't try eating only 1200 calories as it isn't enough 1200 is the minimum you should have ! I have had doctors, dietitians, my gym and a personal trainer tell me the same thing so must be something too it. I sit on around 1430 calories a day and since eating more I have started losing the weight ! good luck with your weight loss journey

  • judsimm
    judsimm Posts: 8 Member
    Any DVDs for yoga over 50?
  • JulieJacobus
    JulieJacobus Posts: 9 Member
    I think this is a good thread for me. At 52, I have been having issues getting rid of my weight because my hormones are whacked out. I kept track of diet and exercise for 3 months and lost a total of 2 pounds :cry: I was very dedicated with my food intake and exercise. I became very discouraged. :sad: Anyone out there having issues like mine? What did you do to fix it? I am determined to make this work this time!!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So the pool party is on!!!

    Soooo, I have finally come up with a New Year's resolution. My official New Year's resolution is ---- My size 10 clothes will always be my "fat" clothes.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's Hump Day all my Vit F's!:flowerforyou:

    I took notes as soon as I saw that we had reached 500 on part one of January but still have a page and half to catch up but no time to type in my responses...maybe later:ohwell:

    Today is my weigh in day even though I started back on Monday, the scale was kind and I'm down 2.2 already which only tells me that a lot of my #6 gain was water weight. It also shows me how much it only takes a few days of drinking my 8-10 glasses of water, counting and logging my food with exercise thrown in makes all the difference in the world...don't do it and gain:blushing: do it and lose:bigsmile:

    Everyone has to find what works for them as there is NO set of rules for losing and maintaining but you must know your body and I guess over the past year I can say I know mine.

    My bookkeeper is coming down the mountain today to see if she can help me with this accounting conversion mess that I'm surrounded by. As I watch the calendar count down it just makes me cringe in horror at all that I'm not getting done as the work piles up...if only we could afford to hire someone else to come in here and help...but alas there isn't any extra money...so I will continue to plug along:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good day and if I can before the end of the day I will come back and post my comments.

    If you eat it log it, grab a glass of water and drink 8 of them throughout the day and let's get moving to burn those calories:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I can't believe the thread is already into part 2 for January. As I read through the posts I did see some names I can't say I have had the opportunity to get to know yet. That's what is so good about this thread - always something or someone new. Not spending much time here this morning though as I have a webinar coming up. I did want to jump in and keep the water warm :smile:

    @wessecg, I'd be happy to get back to my size 10 which is a small size for me at 5'6" and I did wear for many years.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I didn't have the mental energy to don the rainbow cloak this morning so I decided I needed a "me" day. I haven't been home alone in forever. I plan to dreadmill and clean the house and enjoy the dogs with out the DH around.:bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful day. I will.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    from the cold and rainy PNW