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Keeping it to yourself??



  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I tell friends and my fiancee what I am doing. They arent too supportive. My fiancee is mindful of where I can and can not eat out and doesnt offer me junk food. My friends are on again off again dieters so when they want to chat about dieting we do. I am not big into talking about it with co-workers unless they start the conversation.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've told my sisters and my boyfriend... And one of my customers at my store because he's also on his own weight loss journey and the topic came up... Other than that, no, I haven't announced it on facebook. Additionally, I haven't had it printed on a T-shirts, and I don't hand out business cards with my HW, CW, and GW printed at the bottom either.
  • sezhep
    sezhep Posts: 57
    I used to let the whole world know when I was a diet, then when it didn't go very well I just felt silly.
    You also get people commenting on what you eat like if you let yourself have a treat they're like "Aren't you on a diet?"

    So now I keep it to myself and just let people comment on the fact that I'm looking slimmer, I get a much more positive feeling from that because I find people tell you that you look like you've lost weight when you are on a diet even if you haven't, they just think it's the right thing to say, so if they don't know about the diet then it must really mean I'm making a difference!
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi! I'm doing the same thing. I decided it would be easier to just do it. Started on 1/2/13 & so far have lost 8.2 lbs.
  • My Mom and boyfriend know, but no one else does. Most of the people I know live really unhealthy lifestyles, and when I used to bring up my attempts to get healthier, they are really nagative about it.
    So I'm doing it alone, avoiding food related social activities, and people are on their smartphones 24/7 anyways, so no one notices.

    This is the first time I'm not excitedly telling everyone and it is the most successfull I've ever been. :-)

    Motivation from family and friends has been proven to be a major factor, but there are always exceptions.

    As long as it works, it's a great plan! lol
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I didn't really tell anyone that I was trying to lose. My boyfriend knew and was really supportive, but I didn't tell anyone else for the most part. I'd go out to eat and make choices without any snarky comments about being on a diet when I chose a light dish. I would turn down treats at work without any second glances. It may not be for everyone, but it certainly worked well for me.
  • joeysgirl10
    joeysgirl10 Posts: 106 Member
    I am not telling anyone... yet... i've said so many times that i was going to lose weight... dont want the outside pressure... when it comes of they can see for themselves!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    A lot of people know and I have encouraged a lot of people to diet after they've seen the results. Two of my relatives are now dieting, exercising and I have got a few people into 30DS.
  • dannconvey
    dannconvey Posts: 4 Member
    CONGRATS !! I'm glad to hear ur story. I'm going trough a rough patch. Thanksgiving to Christmas a food marthon !!! Trying to get back & it's hard. Put 10 lbs. back. Need some support...My friends at work always comment on how healthy I eat. I'm a waitree & weight & measure everything & bring it to my job. That's a big help. Walk 50 min. everyday. 2 Zumba classes & 2 weight training . I feel much healthier. Need to get food on track again. So thank you for telling ur story. D:smile:
  • Traeyek
    Traeyek Posts: 9 Member
    That is how I feel and if I don't stick with it I can be disappointed on my own and not have everyone looking at me like I failed again..........its so hard and 40 is 6months away if I don't change now I think I won't ever change lol but I feel happier this time now that its quiet.
  • Gigagnat
    Gigagnat Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm new to MFP, and SO glad I chose this thread to read first. Feeling alone on this roller coaster is something I thought couldn't helped, but reading about the differences and similarities in your struggles makes me hopeful again. Thank you.

    I've been on this ride my whole life. My husband, my sister and my daughter are the only people who know I joined here. I don't plan to tell anybody else. Us gals are in the same boat and support each other, but I wouldn't have told my husband if I could have figured out how not to. He's clueless about being supportive (as am I), and he knows I like his Buddha shape. I'm trying so hard to make this about me and not everybody else ... Anyway, I'm here. You guys are great. Here's to making smarter choices!
  • keeping it quiet here.
    my husbands family is a bunch of eaters, and we visit (or they visit) quite often.
    my husband knows about eating healthy... but not much more.
    friends don't know. it seems they enjoy sabotaging me. and they aren't trying to lose weight.
    so I come here for support.
  • I can understand why people like to keep this quiet, but personally, I've told family and friends as I find their support invaluable. Even if its a little bit fake when a friend says "You're looking thinner", it helps, gives you a little boost to keep going.

    My mother in law I would say is the least supportive - we went round there for dinner at New Year and the meal was steak pie. You should have seen her face when I didn't eat the pastry and told her I was avoiding fatty foods. I did however eat all the meat (protein!) and loads of vegetables. When it came to dessert, I got a "I suppose you don't eat trifle now either?" I understand she went to a lot of effort to make dinner for us and I did eat the healthy parts of the meal and declined the less healthy parts as politely as I could, but it makes you realise not everyone is as supportive as others. I guess in future she will know what to expect and hopefully she'll not waste effort cooking unhealthy things for me.

    So in short, I find it best to tell those you find most supportive, and for the rest, just keep it as quiet as you need to.
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    I think only 5 people know about me trying to lose weight. My boyfriend, my parents, one of my best friends (who is also on this site) and my co-worker who is also trying to lose weight. I don't like to tell other people because if I don't succeed, there's no one to rub it in my face. Well, my mom will..but i'm used to that! haha. I get enough support from those 5 people and the people on this site!
  • SunshineDecember
    SunshineDecember Posts: 70 Member
    I've always kept quiet about it - make the excuse of just wanting to be healthy when someone asks why I always eat salads, why I don't want chocolate, etc.ect. Don't know why, but I'm kinda embarrassed about the whole thing, I guess. I only have one friend who knows, and she's trying to lose weight as well. It's the best feeling in the world when someone you haven't seen in a while says you're looking slimmer :)
  • I've told people who need to know. My husband, my son, some family and friends, and the girls at work. We are all trying to do something at work so we are a great support system for each other. FB doesn't need to know my every move or everything I eat. I'll post pictures on there when I'm ready and show off the new me when I get there. Til then, it's not really a secret but it's not being blasted all over either.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Trying to keep your goals to yourself from the people closest to you will never work. Support is a MAJOR factor in weight-loss, and to be frankly honest MFP isnt full of the "best" supporters.

    disagree. I kept it to myself for two years.

    lost 50 lbs.
    I made a general statement, obviously not every single person is the same. Dont take it so personal.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    I personally think not telling anyone is an easy way to give up. I understand not every single person in your life needs to know, but maybe close family members, or people that you live with so that they can be more conscious about it. My mom would have probably brought me home a big mac one day had she not known I was trying to lose weight. She would have sabotaged me without even realizing it. But at this point we motivate each other, and hold each other accountable.

    "I dont want to tell anyone so that if I feel like being lazy I can be without scrutiny"

    People in your life can either be your enablers or your motivators.

    Edit: Also, just because you have a few people that know doesnt mean you constantly bore people with talking about your fitness. There IS a happy-medium.
  • lapinu390
    lapinu390 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't tell because I like to see if they notice and the nice comments I will get :)
  • Hi

    Just wondering if anyone else is keeping this quiet? I haven't told anyone in my real life what I'm doing, I'm just hoping to quietly lose some weight. I think it's to avoid pressure really, and I want to do it for me rather than anyone else.

    I'm just curious as to whether I'm in the minority - I get all my support on here!!

    I'm keeping this quiet too - I only joined today, but the times I've tried to lose weight before and failed makes me feel a bit of a "failure". As much as the support can be a good thing, it also (for me) piles on the pressure and I end up trying to keep the weight loss up for everyone else instead of myself. I'm hoping that this time, if I ever need any support I will be able to get it from other people on this site :smile: