Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    lMacbethl - Glad to see you back and happy that you're getting back into your 'groove'.
    Linder - Sorry you had a crappy day yesterday and hope today is much better!
    Laurie - Excited to hear you're back near your lowest!
    Darmannin - Welcome to our little group! Exercise is a great way to start. You have two lovely girls! Glad to see you're off the soda. It was one of the things that made me feel so much better and energetic.
    @skinny - You're dedication inspires me, really. Exhausted but you still managed to do what you needed to.
    @Vicki - Keep at it! I can not WAIT for the excited post you write the day you hit ONEderland!
    @Naceto - Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on for you right now. You are such an amazingly strong woman! (I'm terrified of math because I'm SO terrible at it).
    @Kah - Have you tried wearing her out before bed? Split her evening meal (or feed it to her late) so she plays hard and then eats just before your bedtime. That's what I had to do with Shepherd Book when he was a baby. Try something like Da Bird The way the feather flutters is quite unique and really gets them moving to exhaustion. OR..invest in earplugs.
    @Walking Queen - I'm so sorry you have negative support from those closest to you. I think that is SO much worse than no support at all. TEASING you for what you eat is just not acceptable and imo, you shouldn't put up with it. It frustrates and angers me FOR you that you are have to deal with the way you are being treated recently. I say if you can afford a nice 55.00 purse then you should GO for it. If it's meant for a reward you can put it in the closet and not use it until you reach the goal... or if it's a gift to yourself then start carrying it around.
    @KSea - Welcome back. I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. If it helps you can encourage yourself by thinking how much money you're saving by giving up cigarettes. I quit about 5 years ago and it was no easy task. I still get the urge sometimes or if I walk by someone who has just lit up, I have to pause and take a BIG wif....
    @Allison - I drink the unsweetened/ vanilla flavor and I rarely 'drink' it. I might put it in hot chocolate or over my cereal or in a smoothie but I'd sure never drink a glass for the sake of it. Blech. :P
    @GrandmaKaye - I sure hope you get a good night sleep soon. During the month as my hormones fluctuate so do my sleep patterns and it's frustrating. I was at work at almost 6:30 this morning because I woke up @ 3 AM and couldn't fall back to sleep. Some days I wake up @ 1:30 or 2 am and that's it for me for the night. Very frustrating. I really hope you get to see your dad on his birthday.

    Wednesday Wish - I hadn't taken MOnday off work. I'm scrambling to make up the hours. That means that by the time I got home, cooked, ate, took care of the boys, tidied the apartment I only had 15 minutes until my bed time.... so I missed my workout. The one thing I refuse to cut into is my precious sleep time. I need it too badly. Tonight might be a little easier since I came in so early and I don't have any errands to run on the way home.
  • zettravpa
    zettravpa Posts: 18 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Bump. I found us clear on page 3.
  • Keep it up YOU CAN DO IT
  • Darmanin
    Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
    Firstly thank you for your welcome. :-)

    Then reading this I was following you up to the macro and micro and you lost me. .... looks like it may be time to give google a work out. LOL :-)
    Welcome! You're off to a great start! Your getting off the train a stop earlier is an excellent effort - that is going to help you do well. As you say, getting your food under control is an important tool, and My Fitness Pal is an excellent way to track your food, as it builds a data base for you of all the common food items you ordinarily eat. Learning to enter your daily foods helps you in so many ways, you'll learn to be aware of eating protein in the mornings, watching your macro- and micro- nutrients of your choice if you are concerned about things such as sodium intake, sugar if you are a diabetic, planning for an evening snack so you have the calories available, and many more ways.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    KSea77 - keep up the good work avoiding those cancer sticks!

    BohemianCoast -
    To everyone who's having a rough time keeping on track at the moment; this is the month where we just need to hunker down, follow the plan, and trust that it will come good. You can all do this thing.
    amen to that.

    Kaye - I know that sleep is important and it is something I have trouble with too. I am trying to be more consistant about when I go to bed and get up.

    Yesterday was a minor set back for me, I was planning to get a walk in, but by mid afternoon had too much pain in my lower back to do more than feel sorry for myself. so I went over in calories for the day. I'm doing much better today but I am going to eat light in case I am not able to exercise again today. I think I am paying for the holiday food, a combination of IC and SB and if you don't know what I means I am happy for you otherwise it is TMI.
  • Wednesday Wish: Money, and lots of it! Enough for myself and friends and family who are struggling... sigh.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KSea77 - keep up the good work avoiding those cancer sticks!

    BohemianCoast -
    To everyone who's having a rough time keeping on track at the moment; this is the month where we just need to hunker down, follow the plan, and trust that it will come good. You can all do this thing.
    amen to that.

    Kaye - I know that sleep is important and it is something I have trouble with too. I am trying to be more consistant about when I go to bed and get up.

    Yesterday was a minor set back for me, I was planning to get a walk in, but by mid afternoon had too much pain in my lower back to do more than feel sorry for myself. so I went over in calories for the day. I'm doing much better today but I am going to eat light in case I am not able to exercise again today. I think I am paying for the holiday food, a combination of IC and SB and if you don't know what I means I am happy for you otherwise it is TMI.

    Oh, sister, I am with you today on the IC and SB ! :sad: Its been a rough day and I have gone over by 700 calories, mostly by tossing bagel after bagel down toward my sore stomach trying to calm it as it only stopped aching when something was up against its sides. Couldn't exercise because of my back either.... but did get a mile in yesterday, thankfully.

    Kind thoughts to everybody.
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Wednesday's wish:
    - increased attention span.
    haven't had the ability to concentrate on my work that's due tomorrow from my extensions
    - academic probation revoked
    University sent me a warning that my GPR/GPA were low (7 of 23 credits were earned).
    - sticking to my calorie limit.
    Haven't been really paying attention to what's been going in my mouth. I haven't gained too much back but as university starts up next week, I'd like to get back on schedule.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nicole- You can do the math and there may be a math tutoring center available at the college if you need it. There are also some on-line tutoring websites if you look them up. I also think that 300 problems is excessive, when a quarter of that would be sufficient to know if you got or don't.

    Wish-That I get over this sinus infection quickly and that my knee stops bothering. I do have meds for the sinus infection and have been stretching and icing the knee today. I think I will not be able to climb on Friday between the knee and the infection my energy level my be to low.

    Have a great day everyone. Do your best to make good choices!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Even though I couldn't exercise I managed to eat light enough during the day to stay below my calorie limit. So today was a victory. Hope you all can celebrate a victory too.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Hey it's Wednesday wish time again!! I think I want so much this week I can't even contain it to one wish. :laugh: :laugh:

    I think maybe I'm back to a Powerball win as my wish again this week.

    Meanwhile, I was out of town today running after odd things for my dad and while at the nursing home the 2nd floor nursing supervisor stops me in the halls and says----are you losing weight? So I thought maybe I actually am looking better so I said yes. She replies----I thought so YOUR FACE LOOKS THINNER!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Yep, I've lost 90+ lbs. from my face. Guess it's a long road..........:noway:

    Hoping everyone with a TMI type problem is better soon.


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I had a calendar committee meeting after work, so it was too dark to walk gunner when I got home. I will do my core work tonight and head to the gym tomorrow.

    Everyone is talking about getting enough sleep--I am also in dire need of more sleep. On that note, I'm going to skip personals tonight, do my core work, and try to get to bed a bit early.

    Wed. Wish:
    That we all find the strength to make it through our current struggles--whatever they may be.

    Grading goals:
    1. 6/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for AP Lit, H Am Lit, and Adv. G&S
    5. x/59 Journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (treadmill and elliptical) DONE
    Wed--core work
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + core
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Charlotte- so crazy that they replace RNs with care workers on a surgical floor when every study shows that morbidity and mortality increases without an RN looking after you. I value care workers as everyone i have met is a great worker with lots to offer but in some situations it is critical to have an RN

    Graduated from physio today!! I have 120 degrees of flexion in my knee now, can do all the exercises they have given me and can now walk up and down the stairs like an adult instead of a toddler!! Now to go to the gym to build up muscle and stamina. Physio's caution is ' go slow' but my motto has always been 'go big or go home' :laugh:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    Yep, I've lost 90+ lbs. from my face. Guess it's a long road..........:noway:


    yup :laugh: :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Charlotte- so crazy that they replace RNs with care workers on a surgical floor when every study shows that morbidity and mortality increases without an RN looking after you. I value care workers as everyone i have met is a great worker with lots to offer but in some situations it is critical to have an RN

    Graduated from physio today!! I have 120 degrees of flexion in my knee now, can do all the exercises they have given me and can now walk up and down the stairs like an adult instead of a toddler!! Now to go to the gym to build up muscle and stamina. Physio's caution is ' go slow' but my motto has always been 'go big or go home' :laugh:

    Congratulations on graduating from therapy. I think that maybe I was graduated from therapy a little too soon. I have great flex and extension, can walk really well with no limp, but I'm still struggling with stairs. It takes a lot of effort and still some pain to do stairs.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Happy New Year
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Can't figure out how I missed Tuesday but I was running around all day with appointments and then had company overnight so I guess thats what happened. Oh well, I did get my food diary done for the day just didn't get on here to check in. I think my Wednesday wish would be for life to just slow down a bit. Seems to me that one day just runs into the other and I dont' get a chance to just sit and go, whew!!
    @KarenLeona - Congrats on graduating from physio. I've missed a lot. Did you have the knee replacement done? Its been over 3 years for me now since mine were done and I still have trouble with the stairs sometimes. Walking is great, I can go forever but the stairs is sometimes a challenge, especially when I'm tired. But, you just have to keep doing the exercises and plug away at it. Hope all is well otherwise.
    I agree that there are some great PSW's but unfortunately, on a busy floor like ours, I think they are going to be like fish out of water. I dont' think it'll work anymore than I think I'll win the lottery one day. Charlotte
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    I am sitting in my home hearing the winds blowing. Thinking do I have a good reason to call off work other than I don't want to leave my warm home? I am afraid I can 't think of one. Today is one of our community days so being out in this I
    will be. But as much as I do complain I am grateful that I have a job. It help us keep the wolves at bay.

    Yesterday was a ok day as far as food and workout goes. Today I hope and plan on doing better.

    Putting dinner in my crockpot. I sure have been getting my money out of it this week I alone I have use it nightly. But it helps. I leave home for work at 6:30am and will be home between 6:30-7 pm. So being able to.come home to a hot meal make the extra planning so worth it. Its a blessing.

    Well wish everyone well today. I need to move on and start getting ready for work.

    Remember to log that food and drink your water.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Thursday Truth~I hit a wall yesterday afternoon along with a migraine, so skipped the gym and went home to nap. Epic fail, I really wanted to run last night. :cry: Still have a headache this morning - hope it disppears soon.

    @Kris~LOL at earplugs! Thanks for the toy idea, she has something similar but may look into that - she'd have a blast. She is one of the most playful kittens I've had and pretty much wears herself out from playing so hard - right now she is still adjusting so think she gets lonely in the middle of the night and wants some company.