Is DAIRY bad for your waistline/weight?



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    Lol, I actually did misread what you posted. My bad. Dumb post is dumb.

    IN all fairness, my original comment wasn't all that clear about what i was trying to say, anyways! LOL!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I eat LOTS of dairy and based on my results I would say it is great for the waistline!
    Unless you are lactose intolerant I don't see why it would be bad for you or your weight. As long as you fit in your daily goal and macros you should be OK.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    <<<<<<< Went from a 42" waist to a 27" waist.

    <<<<<<< Eats more dairy now than she did when she was fat. Milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, you name it.

    actually this is also true for me. When I was vegan, my waist was 36" now I eat dairy (ok. I eat cheese) and it's 28"....

    Gimmicky thinking (like dairy is bad, and acai juice is good) and all that stuff IMHO takes focus off of what you should be looking at. I think things like raw foodism work because they cut your calories. But gimmicky diets are not sustainable. I know I'm a vegetarian, but that isn't a gimimck diet. It's something I do becuase it is in line with my personal morals (and no i'm not going to discuss them). I was vegan for 11 years for the same reason. And I'd be vegan again if I felt giving up cheese would be worth it.

    The basics are:

    eat for nurtrition- you can get protein, calcium, iron, etc. from animal or non-animal sources, organic and non-organic sources, local or non-local sources (ethics and nutrion aren't the same thing!)

    Eat the right amount


    It's really that simple.

    You rock.
  • kaylacyr123
    kaylacyr123 Posts: 74 Member
    Dairy is bad for you because it is FILLED with chemicals and is processed. Bad bad bad and I would personally say that yes it is bad for your waistline/belly. I follow a veggie diet and want badly to follow a vegan one although it is hard, now that i have limited dairy and only have ORGANIC dairy I have no been bloated or gaining weight in my belly
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Since the majority of protein shakes are dairy based, adding more milk to wash it down with isn't going to make any difference. Plus it tastes much better.

    It is not wise to make assumptions like that, different dairy products or extracts have different amounts of calcium. The whey protein powder I currently use you'd need to eat ~260g of dry powder a day to get the recommended amount of calcium for an adult female (1g). The same works for cheeses: ~60g of grana padano supplies the same amount of calcium as ~1500ml of cottage cheese.

    I wasn't referring to calcium levels, simply to the topic question "is DAIRY bad for your waistline/weight".
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Dairy is bad for you because it is FILLED with chemicals and is processed. Bad bad bad and I would personally say that yes it is bad for your waistline/belly. I follow a veggie diet and want badly to follow a vegan one although it is hard, now that i have limited dairy and only have ORGANIC dairy I have no been bloated or gaining weight in my belly

    Curse that pasteurization!
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    Dairy doesn't do anything good for your body. Use it sparingly.

    I'm with ya.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Dairy is bad for you because it is FILLED with chemicals and is processed. Bad bad bad and I would personally say that yes it is bad for your waistline/belly. I follow a veggie diet and want badly to follow a vegan one although it is hard, now that i have limited dairy and only have ORGANIC dairy I have no been bloated or gaining weight in my belly

    Curse that pasteurization!

    All things are filled with chemicals. Chemicals are the building blocks of literally everything in existence in our world.

    Natural black tea has over 200 different chemical compounds. FEAR IT!

    (response meant for the first quoted post)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    So much fail. May I follow along?

    p.s. I drink milk and eat cheese and ill effects....and I know how to read research and stuff too. :angry:

    Why, I even went to college.

    *edit to add, dairy doesn't hurt my waistline, excess calories used to, though...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Dairy doesn't do anything good for your body. Use it sparingly.

    I'm with ya.

    Vitamin D, calcium, protein, B12 do not do anything good for your body? This is news to me.
  • kaylacyr123
    kaylacyr123 Posts: 74 Member
    Dairy is bad for you because it is FILLED with chemicals and is processed. Bad bad bad and I would personally say that yes it is bad for your waistline/belly. I follow a veggie diet and want badly to follow a vegan one although it is hard, now that i have limited dairy and only have ORGANIC dairy I have no been bloated or gaining weight in my belly

    Curse that pasteurization!

    All things are filled with chemicals. Chemicals are the building blocks of literally everything in existence in our world.

    Natural black tea has over 200 different chemical compounds. FEAR IT!

    (response meant for the first quoted post)

    Yes I agree and understand- but there are still things that have more chemicals, are more processed than others. I personally don't eat anything that isn't in its natural form, boxed or canned ( I try my best anyway) Milk also has a TON of added sugar. I stay away from it for many reasons and have seen major changes just from not drinking it, while i did enjoy it and love the taste
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    [ Milk also has a TON of added sugar.

  • kaylacyr123
    kaylacyr123 Posts: 74 Member
    [ Milk also has a TON of added sugar.


    Correction- flavored milk ( chocolate, strawberry) only mentioning because I love them. Btw not directed to you but it just saddens me how quick people are at being judgmental, rude and condescending on a website where people are asking- needing and would like support. it is OKAY to not have all the friggen information in the world about what is in food or have wrong information.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    [ Milk also has a TON of added sugar.


    bah ha ha
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    [ Milk also has a TON of added sugar.


    Correction- flavored milk ( chocolate, strawberry) only mentioning because I love them. Btw not directed to you but it just saddens me how quick people are at being judgmental, rude and condescending on a website where people are asking- needing and would like support. it is OKAY to not have all the friggen information in the world about what is in food or have wrong information.

    Yes. You can have wrong information. We will be happy to help you when you do.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Dairy is bad for you because it is FILLED with chemicals and is processed. Bad bad bad and I would personally say that yes it is bad for your waistline/belly. I follow a veggie diet and want badly to follow a vegan one although it is hard, now that i have limited dairy and only have ORGANIC dairy I have no been bloated or gaining weight in my belly

    Curse that pasteurization!

    All things are filled with chemicals. Chemicals are the building blocks of literally everything in existence in our world.

    Natural black tea has over 200 different chemical compounds. FEAR IT!

    (response meant for the first quoted post)

    Yes I agree and understand- but there are still things that have more chemicals, are more processed than others. I personally don't eat anything that isn't in its natural form, boxed or canned ( I try my best anyway) Milk also has a TON of added sugar. I stay away from it for many reasons and have seen major changes just from not drinking it, while i did enjoy it and love the taste

    Milk has lactose, a natural sugar. There is no added sugar in unflavored dairy milk, whatsoever.

    The processing involves pasteurization and homogenization, which basically amounts to flash heating it to make it safe to drink, skimming off the fat, and mixing it up so it has a smooth consistency and doesn't separate. I'm not sure what you think is going on during milk processing, but whatever you think is happening, isn't.
  • TheRealPDouble
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Personal experience: cutting out dairy and gluten-y things helped me lose weight. Don't know if it's due to cutting total calorie consumption (cheese and bready things have a lot of calories!) or if it was due exclusively to the dairy or the gluten.
  • zgisela
    If you want to limit your dairy, use almond milk- less calories than milk but still has calcium and (not as much) protein.

    I am in the process of starting to eat paleo (no dairy, wheat/gluten, etc), so that's what I use on my shake...and still tastes better than with water...
    NBARAKAT15 Posts: 4 Member
    My trainer tells me to drink 8oz of chocolate milk after a work out for the protein! It's cheaper than buying a protein shake from a juice bar or Muscle milk.