maybe it's time to be serious... 30 Day Shred anyone?



  • I just started 30 Day Shred today and am so happy to see this message board to talk about it!

    My first wedding dress fitting is one month from today, so I am hoping to drop some quick pounds using this video and better eating habits.

    The video was hard for me, but I plan to do it again tomorrow.
  • I just started 30 Day Shred today and am so happy to see this message board to talk about it!

    My first wedding dress fitting is one month from today, so I am hoping to drop some quick pounds using this video and better eating habits.

    The video was hard for me, but I plan to do it again tomorrow.

    Hi Julie and Welcome! It's such a small world, because I looked at your profile and saw you are from Highland, IL. I was born and raised in Edwardsville and am now living in Troy. We're practically neighbors! I think if you stick with the video you will definitely see the results. I'm on Day 13 and loving it. The video has been difficult, but the longer you stick with it, the more endurance you will have. I'm on Day 3 of L2, and let me tell you L2 is killer! I like it a lot better than L1. What's your plan for working your way through the video?

    I'm also getting married this year and haven't had the nerve to go try on dresses yet. I think I have plenty of time still though because my wedding isn't until October. When is yours?

    Keep me updated on how the Shred is going for you. I weigh in on Mondays if you want to do a weigh in.

    Happy Shredding--

  • Today is L1D6 for me! I can really feel a difference in my endurance. I can do the jumping jacks and the the "buttkicks" (at least like Anita) finally! And I can actually do crunches for the entire minute for abs.

    Still can't do the modified pushups and the bycicle crunches though. Sometimes instead of the lunges and those sideways lunges, I do more cardio, because my knees do hurt. I have a feeling I'm doing it wrong; I can't get my knee to stop coming forward! (Or at least I think it is coming forward...) But, I'll deal. I think I need more cardio right now, anyways.

    Hey FunkySpunky-- Glad you're sticking with it. Day 6! The push ups are super hard for me too. I've never had a lot of upper body strength. One of my goals for this is to be able to do a REAL push up, LOL. I don't think I've ever done one in my entire life. Keep working on good form for the squats and they will get easier (on the knees too). Cardio is the best way to blast fat quickly, so doing the cardio instead of the squats is unlikely to hinder your results.

    Happy Shredding!
  • Just checking in tonight as today was my 13th day of shredding. Tomorrow I will have officially shredded for 2 weeks, which is insane! I've truly made it a part of my routine and kind of miss it if I don't do it in the morning and wait until the afternoon to torture myself. I am still loving:love: level 2 even though I have to pause at least once to make it through. I'm not sure why its so much more appealing to me than level 1, I think I like the uniqueness of it. Plus, the ab moves are much more difficult and you can really feel the burn.

    I've decided to stop doing the double jump rope during level 2. I mentioned earlier in the week that I was having some ankle issues, and my right ankle is still acting up. I think its the jumping up and down up and down that is causing it grief as none of the other movements seem to bother it. Instead of the double jump rope, I'm doing the skater during that cardio set. The oblique twist jump does not bother me, so I am continuing with that. Just a minor modification I thought I would share if any of you are experiencing the same issues. I hope all is well-- hope to hear from some of you soon!

  • I WAS on L1D7 of the shred, but I hurt my knee really bad.. I think from the squats or lunges, not sure which one, or maybe all of the jumping around lol.. But I've been having a hard time getting it to heal.. In the meantime, I've been doing some low impact stuff just to keep active.. So once my knee is back at 100% I am going to start back at Day 1..
  • I WAS on L1D7 of the shred, but I hurt my knee really bad.. I think from the squats or lunges, not sure which one, or maybe all of the jumping around lol.. But I've been having a hard time getting it to heal.. In the meantime, I've been doing some low impact stuff just to keep active.. So once my knee is back at 100% I am going to start back at Day 1..

    Hey AndBabyMakes3, and welcome! I know the shred can be a bit hard on joins. As mentioned, I've been having some problems with my ankle, nothing sever though -- thank goodness. I hope your knee starts feeling better soon! Make sure when you re-start the shred to watch your form, as your knees going over your toes is VERY bad for them. I had some mild discomfort in my knees when I first started, but worked through it and watched form and now have no problems at all. This is saying a lot because about a year ago, I had to quit running because of my knees. Let me know when you do start the shred again and need some support. I've been very diligent with the program and I am LOVING it. It's torture, but I know if I stick with it I will see results. Also, check in anyways, I love the motivation of others :) and I also enjoy supporting others as well! Good luck. Again, I hope your knee feels better soon! I know knee trouble is not fun and hard to get through :(

  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    OK, it's Monday morning and I'm back on track. I stumble a bit on the weekend; but today is a new day. My shoulder is 100% and I'm going to begin the shred again. I'm keeping this short and sweeet and I'll check in later. I have to get it over with before the plumber arrives to fix the rusted out pipe in the bathroom.....
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I'm with you Trina, back on track today. I will post after I do the shred again tonight hopefully. I have made too many excuses for not doing the shred in the past week or so... I'm ready to get serious this week and get through my current plateau. I hope everyone has a good week!!

  • mskimberlee
    mskimberlee Posts: 38 Member
    What is the 30 Day Shred? Does it really work? Are there any sucess stories to share to help me decide if I should purchase it????
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Ok so I started over and did L1D1 sunday, and L1D2 Mon. I don't think I can do a level for a whole 7-10days without losing my mind any thoughts on alternative levels?
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    nolachick-- I don't think it matters which levels you do, as long as you are doing something. I haven't tried level 3 yet, so I don't know how hard it is; but if you do what you can of it, it's probably better than being bored and not doing anything. Switch it up every day if you have to, or, if that's too repetitive, do it every-other day and do something else on the off days. That's better than not doing it at all.

    mskimberlee- 30 day Shred is a Jillian Michaels video that has 3 separate 20 min. workouts which combine strength, cardio and abs. I think we've all just started within the last couple of weeks, and I've been kind of slacking, so I'm not sure what the results would be if you stuck to it religiously. Maybe the others are seeing more results than I am. It's only about $9 at Target, so if you're interested, it's not a huge investment.

    How is everyone doing? I've been slacking on the video, but hitting the treadmill regularly, so I guess that's OK. I keep thinking I'll have time for the Shred in the evening, if I fit in some running in the morning; but I never do. I'm going to have to come up with a better plan. Maybe stick to morning, since that works best for me, and do it every other day instead.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thanks trina. I made it to L1D3 and gave it my all but took a day off yesterday. today I think I'll do some Turbo Jam and then back to the shred tomorrow. I think I will also move my workouts to the morning that way I can eat healthy and not have to worry about what if I'm not able to workout later in the evening.

    Well ladies hope everyone is still getting some shredding done atleast once in a while. I can't wait to hear more results from people to use as motivation for myself.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I finally did the shred again last night! I could tell I hadn't done it in a while... it was hard again. I don't want to keep starting over so I'm going to go for it again tonight. My goal is to start doing it in the morning before work, but I have such a hard time getting up for work as it is. I need to come up with a new routine so I can get to bed earlier. I am in such a vicious cycle of staying up late, sleeping through my alarm, getting to work late, working late, working out late, going to bed late, etc.... AHHH Sorry for the rant. I hope you're all doing well! Keep up the good work ladies, even if it's not the shred, anything helps!! :D
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I finally did the shred again last night! I could tell I hadn't done it in a while... it was hard again. I don't want to keep starting over so I'm going to go for it again tonight. My goal is to start doing it in the morning before work, but I have such a hard time getting up for work as it is. I need to come up with a new routine so I can get to bed earlier. I am in such a vicious cycle of staying up late, sleeping through my alarm, getting to work late, working late, working out late, going to bed late, etc.... AHHH Sorry for the rant. I hope you're all doing well! Keep up the good work ladies, even if it's not the shred, anything helps!! :D

    sounds like something I wrote. I am in the exact same cycle! get to bed late, sleep thru my alarm, rush to work skip breakfast, starving for lunch and then dinner, have an average workout cuz I'm hungry/tired get to bed late cuz I'm doing nothing constructive UGH! what's wrong with us! we need to break the cycle!
  • Hi! Sorry I haven't been on this week, I've been dealing with some frustration over my ankle and finally gave in and rested it. It's doing much better but I am going to give it a few more days before attempting the shred again. I've quit doing to jump rope part as I'm pretty sure that has been unkind to my joints. Still not sure exactly what irritated it though. The last day I did the shred was Day 16! for me. Soooo... now I'm not sure wether I should start over at D1L1 or start at L2 since that's where I left off.

    I should have came here sooner-- I was SO happy to get on tonight and see people here sticking with it. It's late so I'm going to get some rest, but I will definitely be back to check in tomorrow!

  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    I finally tried level 2 this weekend and it was kind of funny. I couldn't keep up, and had to keep stopping. I thought maybe I was ready since I could do all of L1 without modified moves (except push ups.) Oh well, I guess it's supposed to be hard or we're not going to get any stronger, right? I'm just getting back into a set routine after taking a break for a bit, so that's probably why it was a little difficult, too. Anyway, I'm back on track and plan to keep it up!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Ugh, I haven't been the greatest at keeping up with the Shred. I do it most every night, but I skip days. I think I did 7 workouts in 2 weeks. I'm sick today and if I'm not still puking my guts up tomorrow, I'm starting over with Day 1. Everyday for thirty days, no excuse. :P
  • mebertz
    mebertz Posts: 1 Member
    I just bought this tape. Have you tried it yet? The day after I bought it I came down with strep throat :( I am going to start the tape this week.
  • helenb77
    helenb77 Posts: 4
    Hi all

    I've also just bought this dvd and have heard nothing but good about it. It should come tomorrow so all being well will be shredding tomorrow eve.
    Good to see other fellow shredders!!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I started over with Level 1 again last week and did it for 2 days (attempted a 3rd one night after yoga and almost died)... then I became a yoga maniac and went 4 days in a row and didn't have energy to do it those days at all. Then on Sunday night, I fell in the shower (we have a very slick tub and very soft water - bad bad combination!) and bruised myself up all over and messed up my hips so I did not do any working out yesterday. I'm feeling better today and very lazy and ate horribly yesterday so I think the guilt alone will force me to shred tonight.

    I feel like a straggler, but I think as long as I keep trying to check in with you ladies, I'll be ok. Let's keep this up!!
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