250lbs and can use some friend in the same boat



  • annturner06
    annturner06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just joined today. I am starting at 232 and want to lose 75 lbs!! I need all the support I can get. I always start out well then in a week or so loose all motivation. Feel free to add me. I am willing to support others if they are willing to support me too. The journey has just begun and hopefully slow and steadily the weight will come off
  • brooklyngirl19
    brooklyngirl19 Posts: 26 Member
    Anyone can add me if they'd like! I've got around 95lbs to go, maybe more maybe slightly less depending on what feels right. It's definately not an easy journey!!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Just started on this site recently and now that I'm getting the hang of the food diary, I"m venturing out into the social part. I was 242 a few days ago. I'd love some friends on this same level as well. It seems like an insurmountable obstacle and just reading this topic, and seeing I'm not alone makes me feel a little better.
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member

    I'm 250 (as of yesterday) the highest weight I have ever knowingly been (I am sure during the 2 years I didn't weigh at all I exceeded that but I don't know for sure) this is my third time on MFP, the first being okay but last time I made it all the way to "one-derland" I got a new job a year ago and all my great habits went out the window! I've gained over 50 pounds back and it is due to my own stupidity! I stopped logging all I ate (the young'uns I work with giggled at my logging and I kinda forgot that I wasn't 22 anymore and able to eat anything I wanted like they could.) The job is also very sedentary. I sit on my hiney most of the day!
    If you want to add me as a friend just make sure to leave a message with the request. I am just now getting back into this so I am not great at responding yet but am getting better and need new friends as most of the old ones are either at goal or have left MFP.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    You can add me as a friend! I have more than a few lbs to loose ;) The first time I tried MFP whole heartedly and didn't loose a single pound! I was so discouraged. This is my second attempt.
  • ncishome
    Dittooooooo.... Good luck to you! Well, to us all :)
  • Gregbarnes300
    Gregbarnes300 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Greg. Been on MFP for awhile but just now got into the community side of things, i love how everyone supports each other. I am looking to lose over 100lbs, right now at 444 but i was 473 in Sept. Looking to build a great group of folks as a support network.

    Feel free to add me, looking to build a great support network also
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    I am always up for new friends, anyone feel free to add me. Have been here a while, but have only just got into it in the New Year.
  • blondiekittie
    blondiekittie Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and this is my first real time on MFP. I tried it a while back but wasn't mentally ready to start my weight loss journey, but I am now!! I'm currently 219 lbs. I've lost 5 since starting back up the first of the year and am hoping to lose a total of about 90 lbs. I'd love to meet some others who are on the same path as me. Feel free to add me! :-)
  • AmandaKaye27
    AmandaKaye27 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm at 220, working towards 170. Feel free to add me :)
  • dragonfly38
    dragonfly38 Posts: 7 Member
    Evrybody add me!!! LOL I am in the same boat!! I am 5'10" or so and people tell me Im lying when i tell them I am 272lbs. No way you way that much!! Yes people believe it..its true. LOL I want this weight to just fall off overnight like I'm sure we all do but we all also know "that aint gona happen"... So I need all the support and new friends I can get. This is my 3rd time on MFP too..3rd times a charm right!!
  • jeorr0694
    235 here. Really not happy about this. I am trying to put all of the pieces together. I am getting better with the exercise portion. Now, I have to work on the eating portion. Feel free to add me too.
  • matcartmill
    matcartmill Posts: 98 Member
    250lb male, 24 years old. Hoping to get down to 185 or so.

    Feel free to add me for support and motivation. I will not be stopping this time around!
  • eveningkiss
    eveningkiss Posts: 3 Member
    Im just under 250 again. My friend used this last year when he was at 350 and lost nearly 100lbs. He's a great inspiration but with only him on here it is a bit depressing. I htink for me the hardest part of doing this is i work Graveyard shift so some days i dont eat much because im always sleeping!
  • Alicia7519
    Feel free to add me. I started at 239 and now am at 214. I gained four pounds, but so what? I am starting over again.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    269 just started, feel free to add me, have more than a 100 to lose! :happy:
  • desie888
    desie888 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started and need to lose at least 100 lbs! Add me too!
  • dlunsford78
    dlunsford78 Posts: 38 Member
    269 here and this is my 3rd attempt. I do so well up til around July each year then I just get tired and give up... Last year I started out at 270 and got down to 220 the smallest I've been my adult life but I just have to keep trying...add me if you like..more friends the better!
  • dlunsford78
    dlunsford78 Posts: 38 Member
  • keliyo
    keliyo Posts: 8
    This is def not my first attempt on here.. So I'm with you on that! I too am tired of being fat and over eating.. But this is 2013 and having the numbers 13 in it makes me feel that this is my year!! So i Too, need support girl!! Just make sure and log in everyday so we can check up on each other!!! We can do it... Summer is coming !!!