How many here have "never been thin"



  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member

    My whole family believes that feeding children is a sign of love. I was very loved, and am now paying for it.

    Totally relate to this ^^^
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I have always been heavy. I was thin for about a year 2 years ago before I had my second baby. 10 more pounds and I will be back to that weight wahoo! Now I am lighter than I was in high school and college (probably middle school too).
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    I never have, I think I started packing it on in grade 6, so before that never even though of my weight, I WILL find out what its like to be thinner :)
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Many of these stories are my story too. I have never been thin, although I was very active when I was young. Looking back, I know I was not fat, but I was the "heavy" child. I cannot wait to see what I look like as an adult at a healthy weight. It's such a foreign thought that it almost seems like it could be a fairy tale, but I am a fighter and I will work to learn better habits both with food and exercise and will do this because I am worth it.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Same here never been ideal weight. But in hindsight, back in the late 1960 and early 1970's when I was 8-12 yr old if you were tall, and your weight was not what was considered 'idea' for a female then you were overweight. In looking back at photos of myself at 12-16 I was a bit overweight but never really too bad. At 13 I recall being appro 5'8" and around 145-150 lbs, and this was considered back in the day to be quite overweight. So glad things have moved forward in that regard!! I recall at 16-17yrs being around 175 approx, but with very large bust at the time, and around 5'9" by then. I think I looked fine, but was considered quite large. Let's just say from then I must have been out to prove them right as my weight only went up from then on. At my top I was 380 but it took 47 yrs to get there, and I would say that I was over 300 for about 8 yrs prior to that I was under 300, altho I guess that is not saying much. Today I am 180 ish.. keep moving up and down a few lbs 180, 183 and back, and I am trying for 168-170 approx. Just being under 200 lbs awesome, and to buy a size 12!! in a regular store has been great. At this point however I think I look normal weight, I have a large frame, size 11.5 foot, etc.. but I know that once I am in maintenance I will likely gain some weight has my body begins to find a set point, so I wanted to try for 168 and then hopefully set around 172-175 on average. So time will tell. I am down 12% BF, but still right at 31% so I am still hoping to get that down closer to 25%.

    Good luck to everyone on their journey.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I was average as a kid, but never thin. I've been overweight since I hit my teenage years. My family never commented on it unless I was trying to lose weight. My aunt said to me this time, "Why would it work this time? It hasn't worked before" I'm down 35 lbs since that comment. My MFPals have been much better support.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Ive never been thin. I remember going to the school nurse for check ups on height and weight in primary school and being overweight, by a lot. I remember the exact number was 56 kilos, at the age of around 10 - It was insane. I was sent to fat camp and lost some, but not much and only gained it all again. Now where Im the right age to take control of my own live and what I put in my body I will become thin and healthy and prove to people that I have the willpower, I was not meant to just be that fat, ugly child forever, I can become strong and beautiful.
    I really can relate to the school weight part & weighing in :sad: Our family Doctor had my whole family on amphetamines When I was in 2nd grade. :mad:
  • becklaughs
    I'm 38yrs old & have been the same size (22/24) since I was 16. My family ancestry is full obesity. BUT...while genetics might have it out for me, I know I can at least slim down AND have a healthier life style. I'll never be a "thin" person, but I will be a better me. And that's good.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Nope, never been thin. I reached 5'7" and 168lbs by the time I was 11 years old, and was 6'1" and in the 180's when I was 15. That was probably my thinnest at my adult height and looking back I did look slim for my height but as all my female friends were under 5 foot 4 and about 100 pounds at that age I felt ENORMOUS next to them!!! Been called 'sturdy', 'big boned', 'large framed', 'cuddly', 'curvy', 'amazonian', or just plain big & fat.

    I have yo-yoed up and down in weight during my teens and 20's but nowhere close to what is considered 'thin'- I did get within 10 pounds of a healthy BMI at the age of 26- briefly......
  • Sarahsue94
    I don't want to buy into that anymore or what your family says, things like "" you just have "our build" or genetics""

    It sux to alway believe that

    I am and honestly beleive that in some cases it is just genetics. But that doesnt mean you cant change and it just makes me want to train harder and try harder.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Yes I hit 200 pounds in the 8th grade. Never have been under 200 since. I'm knocking on the door now though, 211 right now.
  • EstiloPanama
    I've never been thin..and never will be but I am excited to get fit : )
  • DKrisAn
    DKrisAn Posts: 43 Member
    The only time I was thin was when I was a child. Three years ago I got down to 149lbs at 5'1.
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    I totally agree. I've never been thin either and hate the comments - you're big boned like your family or you come from an obese family so it's not in your cards, etc. I can't wait to lose this weight and be fit, I don't want to be thin or skinny, I want to be fit!
  • Momma258
    I have been bigger than I wanted since I was in high school. I have been on some kind of diet all my life, and I am now 54. I like myfitnesspal because it puts all of it together, except it would be nice to have a journal area to log how we feel. However, I need to get motivated, because now I have been put on a dairy free and gluten free diet, in addition to being about 40 pounds overweight for my 5ft 1" frame and being older. Every time I got thin from either WW or Adkins, I'd put the weight back on. Hope it is different this time. :happy:
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    OMG!! I have always been the biggest girl! I have been large since first grade! Shopped in the "Husky" department!! I am tall and heavy, so I always stand out. I do have a larger frame (no - really!!! LOL!!!), so I don't have any delusions about being "small" and that is why I set my goal weight to 170 instead of some ridiculous number like 130 or 140! At my heaviest, I was 257, and I know I will be happy at 170!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Never experienced it, working towards getting there. Wondering what it's like to be there and looking forward to finding out.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I've always been a chunky monkey - even in daycare I remember being chubbier than everyone else :(

    Even now I still feel the same as I did at my heaviest, which I know a lot of people struggle with on here. I just hope once I am at a healthy weight, I feel it.
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member
    ME! NEVER EVER have I been thin. :frown: