What is wrong with people??!!??!?!?!



  • BadAzzBea
    BadAzzBea Posts: 461
    thats like gross n *kitten* !
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    That sounds ****in great! I'm probably not gonna use it but I think I'll get one installed just in case!
  • WOW! I can't even believe this idea has gotten off the ground! It is amazing how endless amounts of money is spent on the wrong things! What a waste, not to mention the ridiculousness of it!!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Bulimia for the lazy.

    Isn't that the truth! yuck!!
  • BunniPage
    BunniPage Posts: 49 Member
    Bulimia for the lazy.

    Exactly what I thought...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    In other words a surgical eating disorder.

    I googled because I thought surely snopes.
    Nope there is a video of this on you tube. It's real. Video is shocking.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    ewww :sick:
  • Wow...that's just f***ing insane...>__>
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Bulimia for the lazy.
    Well said
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    I heard this on the radio the other day. Pretty nasty. I wonder how these things affect people's sex lives though.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Surgically assisted bulima - why didn't someone think of that before?

    That is just unbelievable - .....:noway: :noway: :noway:
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Its bulimia without the risk of your stomach acid chewing through your esophagus and making your rot and fall out. Awesome! (Sarcasm)
  • CuddlyCurves
    CuddlyCurves Posts: 9 Member
    Wow this is all kinds of wrong!!! What kind of "doctors" worked on this project?!!? Saw in the headlines here in the UK that we throw out half of our food - great, all we need is how to ditch the other half :angry: I agree with everyone else - this is absolutely bullimia for the lazy & the ones desperate for a "quick fix" solution!!
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Well, you did it. I'm speechless!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Ok, so at first I was like :noway: but now the more I think about it, I think they're on to something.. I mean just reading the article has put me off my appetite :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: that's just plain DISGUSTING:sick: :sick:
  • weston23
    weston23 Posts: 59 Member
    No one likes working toward goals anymore. Everyone wants results/success with the least amount of effort put in, regardless of how crazy it sounds.

    For sure, longevity and change of lifestyle is something that needs to be carried forth life long, didn't come on overnight, is not coming off overnight.
    MRSCHAZZY Posts: 42 Member
    i am COMPLETEY shocked!! ****ing gross!
  • kissmevodka
    kissmevodka Posts: 29 Member
    jaw dropped...no words
  • The fact that the patients are actually agreeing with this and condoning the experiment, sickens me even more.
  • hamilton040
    hamilton040 Posts: 60 Member