Boyfriend is a Job Jumper



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Well apparently the economy is on the ups.
  • 712chris
    At lest he is keeping a his tax preparer busy!
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    It is totally dependent on what you want out of life. Do you want stability or do you always want to live on the wild side? Do you want kids and is it fair to have them knowing you may not always be able to support them in the manner that you would like to. Will you end up resenting him knowing that you are working your tail off to pay the bills and he is not holding up his end? He is 30 years old. If he has not matured enough to be responsible by now he never will.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    You think you're worried now? Wait till you have children.

  • mdyorston
    mdyorston Posts: 158
    I just don't understand how people like that can still keep getting jobs, yet people who have held jobs forever are having such a hard time finding work. Kind of makes me sick.

    ^^ my thoughts exactly. I was down-sized after eleven years and have bee out of work since September.

    Maybe he is not cut out for the restaurant business and needs to try something else. However, quitting without another job being lined up and being fired says alot about his character. We've all had jobs we hate but as an adult you have to make the best of it until something better comes along.

    How is he with you? Does he want to break up every time you fight?
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Yikes! Unfortunately his work ethic HAS defined him.

    You obviously care for him or you wouldn't still be with him or you have issues also. What makes me happy won't make you happy. Look out for you and do what you think is best. Living together and dating is just a dress rehearsal for a more permanent relationship. How he is now, in a time he should be trying to impress you, is how he'll be later. If he knows you'll put up wih it, he has no incentive to change.

    Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • mdyorston
    mdyorston Posts: 158
    he should get a job where he can tell people how to interview for a job. Apparantly, he is good at it

    right? LOL
  • Jennifer217B
    As a mother I would not want my daughter to be with an unreliable man like that. Leave him, you deserve a steady man who you can count on. Good luck.
  • djb44430
    Been married 12 years to a man that job jumps, but not as bad as him. It is better (with age) but still can be difficult. If you are not over the moon or this worries you. I would bail now my friend! Take it from me.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Baby what you see, is what you get. Don't take on a construction project, it won't work.


    He has shown you who he is, believe him. Please.
  • Christieson
    Christieson Posts: 36 Member
  • deemedpriceless
    deemedpriceless Posts: 72 Member
    The truth know the answer. Trust yourself. You don't need our input or evaluation on a situation you are an eyewitness too. He is crashing and burning and you are watching it. Do what your gut tells you to do, love does not mean you have to continue watching someone ruin their life and stress yours.
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    When my husband and I got married he had a steady job in the military. Then after he got out he job swapped a few times like that. I can honestly say it almost caused a divorce and forced us to separate because we had no financial resources to take care of our family after all the swapping. Do not voluntarily do it. You need to tell him to just "man up" and deal with it.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    The truth know the answer. Trust yourself. You don't need our input or evaluation on a situation you are an eyewitness too. He is crashing and burning and you are watching it. Do what your gut tells you to do, love does not mean you have to continue watching someone ruin their life and stress yours.

  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    My boyfriend was a job jumper for awhile, too. I've been with him 2.5 years and he went from throwing newspapers to working for a sand blasting company, to working at Auto Zone, to working at McDonalds in a 1.5 year span. Now, he works with me for my parent's company..

    He always said "I want to work to live, not live to work" and got bored with jobs SO easily. He has stuck with his current job for a year now, which is the longest he has ever been at a single job. The difference with this job is it feels more...permanent I guess you could say. He has responsibilities that only he can take care of so people rely on his knowledge. He says it's more enjoyable for him because he feels like he is being paid for his skills instead of his time.

    Maybe suggest trying to settle into a career to him. From the sounds of it, he has really only worked at places that will give him a paycheck instead of a future with the company. Feeling important in what you do makes so much of a difference, in my opinion.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I dont think there is any reason in dumping him if you truly love him.

    OP, please dont listen to this. Love does not conquer all. Love is, indeed, a big and important component of a lasting partnership, but it isn't the only factor. Common goals, beliefs, standards and ethics are also very important. I grew up hearing stories of how my father and his siblings lived- it was not easy, because my grandfather, albeit very intelligent, was lazy. He couldn't keep a job, and it was up to my grandmother to both raise the children AND try to bring in an income. Consequently, they always struggled. She loved him despite the hardship, but I don't think it's what she had envisioned for herself. I highly doubt that is the life you want; nor can I imagine that is the kind of life the above commenter wants for herself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Run far, far away as fast as you can. A very good friend of mine married a guy like this. She actually thought he would get his **** together once they got married...become more responsible, etc, etc, etc. The exact opposite has occured...he has gotten worse. He hasn't worked now in over 2 years and doesn't even bother faking it anymore by looking and acting like he's trying to hold down a job...he's a lazy *kitten* and doesn't want to work. They scrape by on her $15/hr and she's absolutely misserable going to work everyday while he sits at home and plays xbox. I've tried to convince her to get out, but she still insists that he'll grow up one of these days...he's 36 friggin years old, it aint gonna happen.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Fine someone new.

    But first punch him in the balls.

    It's pretty clear he doesn't need them for anything.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    wow- this is up to 100 posts.. thats almost as many jobs as this guys had. ;)
  • ToshaFeb268
    The truth know the answer. Trust yourself. You don't need our input or evaluation on a situation you are an eyewitness too. He is crashing and burning and you are watching it. Do what your gut tells you to do, love does not mean you have to continue watching someone ruin their life and stress yours.

    ^^^This right here.