Gym fail blog



  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I don't know how funny it was, but I wear boxer briefs every day, I was in spin class and had just sat back on my seat and didn't realize my boxers and shorts and ridden up and the seat pulled them further up, thereby exposing myself to the instructor. It took a minute before I realized something was wrong and she was intentionally not looking my way.....good times.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I leaped up, realizing at the peak of my jump that I miscalculated the distance. I had a split second moment of "FML, why me?..." before I whacked both knees on the edge of the box.

    Lol I did this too, but I couldn't stop my forward momentum and took the box over with me. I landed on all fours, with the box behind me. Luckily, this was during a rugby training session, all of our first times with box jumps, and I wasn't the only one who did it.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    last year I went to get on an elliptical and I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing so I ended up wiping out and I fell ON the machine backwards and I had bruises all over my back, legs and arms....and people def saw.... it was SO embarrassing....but I pretended it didn't hurt either but I was dying and I couldn't move later. :blushing:
  • Lwin707
    Lwin707 Posts: 19 Member
    i farted loud as hell while doing a deep squat
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    In my gym the mat area is in front of a large weights section, with all the machines facing the mat area. I was doing jackknifes on the BOSU and completely lost my balance... Rolled off it backwards, legs going over my head. Hopped back on and hoped the 15 people on machines behind me weren't laughing too hard.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was using a treadmill that had smallish cupholders. My water bottle was too big to fit but I squeezed that sucker in there. I started out with a walk when a gentleman started the machine next to me. After a few minutes, I decided to end my warm-up and start to run. As I did, the machine started to jolt around (it was an older machine) and my water bottle flew out and into the treadmill next to me being used by the gentleman. Luckily, he was only walking and saw the bottle as it flew onto his machine so he knew to jump over it.

    I was so embarrassed that I turned off my machine, apologize profusely while I grabbed my bottle then left the gym.

    They've since bought newer more stable machines with larger cupholders :blushing:
  • 21Pontoon
    Hahah! I love these!

    I'm a mess in the gym, literally just run around like a blue *kitten* fly, I was squatting with my friend and went up to 60kg, couldn't do it at all and got stuck at the bottom, he tried to lift the bar off me but I just fell face first into the rack and the mirror. I squeaked in pain ... we both laughed but he wouldn't let me try 60 again for a week or so x
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    My friends and family can't quite figure out how I used to punch the treadmill when I ran on one. What can I say, I run with proper form but can't run in a straight line (even on a treadmill) and the side rails got too close a few times. It hasn't happened in a while so I guess I have adjusted to treadmill running.

    I used to work at a gym but only the front desk. And so I would work out from time to time after my shift ended. One day, I decided not to hop on the treadmill but try the elliptical instead. I would get on one but not start pedaling and try to set up my time and all that and when it didn't work I switched to a different one. I probably jumped on and off 3 or 4 ellipticals before I gave up and got on a treadmill. I found out LATER that you have to start pedaling in order to get the screen up to set time and resistance. *palmface*
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    This happened Monday. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.

    OMG..... LMBO hahahahaha That was GREAT... Thanks for sharing... Definitely a good giggle today....
  • MGoodElite9
    MGoodElite9 Posts: 30 Member
    This fail happened outside the gym...but I'll blame it on a lack of fitness... I was a Cedar Point, an amusement park, and went to get in line for a ride. Since I would have had to walk some distance to the line entrance, I thought I would be smart and just jump the fence to save some time since the line wasn't that long. Turns out I'm not good at that, because my foot caught the railing and I did a Napoleon Dynamite face plant in front of the whole line of people. I then had to stand in line with these people...soo embarassing!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    This is an oldy, but I tell it when people need to be cheered up...

    I was at a hotel for a big conference and decided to go to the pool before breakfast. It was winter, and a professional conference, so I put clothes on over my suit to go down. Once I got there, I pulled of my shorts and threw them on the chair, pulled off my shirt and threw it on the chair, as the next item was about to leave my hand I realized - MY SUIT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY BODY!!!

    There was no one in the pool area, but there was an attendant and several cardio machines facing. No one *seemed* to be looking once I had the suit back on, but I have long suspected that I exposed myself to all the fittest of my colleagues across the nation.

    BTW, I went ahead and jumped in the pool. I think I was hoping that anyone who saw was in such disbelief that they would deny it to themselves as long as I kept my cool.
  • Beccalicious420

    There was no one in the pool area, but there was an attendant and several cardio machines facing. No one *seemed* to be looking once I had the suit back on, but I have long suspected that I exposed myself to all the fittest of my colleagues across the nation.

    BTW, I went ahead and jumped in the pool. I think I was hoping that anyone who saw was in such disbelief that they would deny it to themselves as long as I kept my cool.

    This brought me to tears. :laugh:
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I started doing "private training" with my kickboxing instructor. It would be just us two, alone in a room with a giant mat. Anyway, we used to do this exercise where I was in a sit-up position with my legs bent & spread open. My trainer would stand over me (near my feet, facing me) holding each leg on the outside of his thighs while I did sit-ups. Well, one day I farted o___o but he smiled, told me to keep going & said "it happens in the gym all the time."
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Yea but people definitely saw. I walked up to a group of young women at the squat racks not too long ago. There were about 5 of them and they were taking up both racks and circuit training on top of it. I asked if I could cut in on one of the racks. They immediately moved. Very quickly. There I am thinking "very polite young ladies".

    So I walked up to the bar, looked in the mirror . . . and noticed my fly was all the way down.


    BEST way to clear a squat rack ever!
  • branohockey
    branohockey Posts: 60 Member
    This happened Monday. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.

    OMG this happened to my husband, (then fiancee)... but at one of our first family Easter dinners together!!! He's at my parent's house for dinner, is sitting on the famiy room chair with his leg crossed on his knee. He notices a lump at his calf and reaches in from the ankle up to feel what the heck it could be. After he realizes what it is, instead of discreetly excusing himself and taking care of it in private, he pulls them out, holds them up for all 20 of us to see and exclaims 'Wow, my underwear was stuck in my pant leg!!!'

    Yes I still married him. :)
  • amili045
    At the Ottawa Athletic club there's a track encircling the workout equipment. The track is inclined as you round a bend in the track...this I didn't know. the very first time I ever set foot in that gym. I stopped at the edge of the track to survey the equipment to see where I wanted to start and to make sure I wasn't going to get run over by a passing runner. When the opportunity to cross the track came, I said to my friend (pretty loudly) let's go. Not being prepared for the incline I tripped over my own feet, fell to my hands and knees and then proceeded to tumble down the rest of the not so very steep incline. To make matters worse, my friend and I then couldn't stop laughing making an even bigger scene....ah memories.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Tripped, gotten tangled in my headphones, overestimated my strength and cranked out a wonky squat - the walk of shame to put back the bar is ALWAYS witnessed by the juice head men, lol
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Can't think of any for myself, but I did feel bad for the poor guy who was walking around the gym with the poo stain on his shorts. I just couldn't bring myself to use any of the machines that he'd used. I was afraid of getting the poo on me! Someone pointed it out to him and he's like, "Yeah I know, but I still got one more set..." WTF? :noway:

    Uuuuhhhh, I got nothin'...
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    These are all awesome! Last night I worked out in fear of a fail and nothing happened to me but to my hubby again he slammed his fingers in between the weights as he re racked.
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    This happened Monday. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.

    Sad thing is it could have been one of my new stylish boxers, but nooooo it had to be one of my ultra cozy, broken elastic, will never give up, 10yr old tighty-whities. I thought to myself are you fkn’ kidding me! I got off the tread mill while it was still running, quickly picked them up, squeezed them into the tightest, smallest ball to fit in my hand went into the locker room grabbed my stuff and left. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw what happened but I did skip the gym the next day.