
  • Had a busy day today at work. We got our first shipment of JUNK food and I was in charge of inputting all the prices into our register system. The best part, I didn't cave and buy any of it! :happy:

    Renny, thanks for the vegi/fruit challenge! It has made me much more aware of what I am eating every day so my fruits and vegis have been really pumped this week. For lunch today I had a hummus and vegi wrap that was very tasty!

    I tend to get migraines that are brought on by atmospheric pressure changes so if I know we have a weather change coming I try to watch for any signs of sinus congestion. If I get a decongestant on board I usually don't have to reach for the migraine medice. The problem is, when I take the decongestant, I get, shall we say, a little witchy. There may be 1 or 2 at work that would rather I stay home tomorrow! :ohwell:

    Hope everyone had a great Thursday and has a better Friday!

    Lori H.
    Southwest Missouri
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    WOW - I have alot to catch up on here! Thought I would just say HI!! It's been crazy I was gone over night for my food show and fell off the wagon Tuesday night..wine and dinner....The food show day I ate OK and then hit the gym doing 2 classes!!!! I'm proud... Today I was up and out early and hit snow going to meet a sales rep I was scheduled to ride with him...almost got snowed in there but braved the pass and hit more snow!!! so much the freeway was white!!!! Since I am a California girl I know zero about snow...I'm sure you experienced snow people are laughing!!! I was driving like a great grandma!!! Talk about white knuckles :noway:

    Working from home tomorrow so I will have some time to TRY to catch up on all the posts!!! I hope you are all doing well!! Time to go take care of my Dad then home for jamma time!!!:love: I can't wait!!!

    Night Night
  • Just wondering if this is an open group? I am a 52y/o woman with 74# left to my goal. I have lost 14# since I began this time (mid Nov) A few years ago i weighed 300# and lost about 115# but over the past couple of years I have gained about 50 of that back due to several things including hurting my back at work. :grumble: I have always had back problems but I have dealt with it and worked through it. Last year after I hurt it I was unable to work or even walk very far. Between massage therapy and exercise I am getting back my strength and getting rid of the pain and losing the weight- again. :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Laura Co- where are you in CO? My two DD's live there. We have deer and wild turkeys in our yard everyday. The only way I can have flowers is put them behind a fence.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

    Sue, I live in the South end of the Denver Metro area, just outside of the DTC near Park Meadows and just a few blocks from the Cherry Creek Resevoir, which is where hubby and I do a lot of bike riding during the spring, summer and fall and also do our deer watching at sundown.
    My cousin lives in Southern Oregon and he has deer and wild turkeys in his yard everyday and when I was visiting him in Fall of 2010 for my Mother's funeral it was so restful to sit in the living room and watch the turkeys do their mating dance and the deer eating the apples off the trees...fond memories.

    So where are your DD's?

    Laura 80111 in Colorado
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I hope everyone's year is off to a good start. I have to lose a few pounds picked up between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. I was supposed to be maintaining, but didn't. :embarassed: Between busy schedules, cold weather, and rain, I haven't kept up with my running, either. But, I ran Sunday and again today. The sun came out and life was beautiful again. My new clothes still fit, and I will NOT wear big clothes again. You're with me, right? Let's do our best and be our best in 2013!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Just wondering if this is an open group? I am a 52y/o woman with 74# left to my goal. I have lost 14# since I began this time (mid Nov) A few years ago i weighed 300# and lost about 115# but over the past couple of years I have gained about 50 of that back due to several things including hurting my back at work. :grumble: I have always had back problems but I have dealt with it and worked through it. Last year after I hurt it I was unable to work or even walk very far. Between massage therapy and exercise I am getting back my strength and getting rid of the pain and losing the weight- again. :flowerforyou:

    Sure, it's open to you! You're one of us! :) I hope you're soon feeling better than ever.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: I want to send thanks to all of you who talk about going to the gym to work out after work or in the evening. Thanks to you I got over the notion that if I didn’t do my weight training before 5 PM, it was too late. Tonight I started my weight training after the last walk with the dogs before dark. Later I’ll be on the recumbent bike while watching TV with Jake.

    :flowerforyou: There are some deer who live in our neighborhood and we never know when we'll see them. Brandy and Sasha like the deer but we don't get too close to them unless they're lurking in the dark and we too close by accident. We can often look out the window and see them near our fence. When we aren't looking, they sneak into our yard (over the fence) and nibble on the hydrangea plant we transplanted from the front yard because they were eating it there.

    :flowerforyou: If you are new here, we welcome you. This is a thread, not a group. Even though the title is women ages 50+, all women are welcome. All you have to do to join, is to post on the thread. Then it will show up under “My Topics” and you can find us again.

    :flowerforyou: It has been awhile since I read “The Thin Commandments Diet” but I’d like to recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it. It has a food plan at the end, but its main attraction is the wonderful tools, like “Strategy is stronger than willpower.”

    :laugh: Now I’ve been at the computer too long and have to get up and do something that doesn’t require sitting.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: My word for for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all - "found" another .5 lb at my weigh in today, that is +1.4 in the past two weeks. Sorry to say but I have no one to blame but myself. I am going to change up my meal plan, cutting the carbs and upping the protein.
    Positives for the month - got up at 5am 3x this week for tai chi routine, 3x this week did 30 min on recumbent bike at gym, logging meals every day, 70+ oz water daily (water, tea, crystal light), at 44 of 100 mile monthly goal, vitamin F.
    Needs work this month - snacking in evening, weight training, daily vitamin & vitamin D.
    Keep coming back,
    MaryC, SE WI
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    I am so with you on this one ......I feel its SO important to keep up all the activities as a habit not a chore and that way its just what you have to do everyday as part of your routine....I have been storing all the fat clothes but I will declutter and give them to charity because no way will I ever wear them again:noway: I am almost back to goal after the holiday break:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    Should have put this as a quote and must have pressed reply age is wicked for errors :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    The message was for love22step:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Hello all - "found" another .5 lb at my weigh in today, that is +1.4 in the past two weeks. Sorry to say but I have no one to blame but myself. I am going to change up my meal plan, cutting the carbs and upping the protein.
    Positives for the month - got up at 5am 3x this week for tai chi routine, 3x this week did 30 min on recumbent bike at gym, logging meals every day, 70+ oz water daily (water, tea, crystal light), at 44 of 100 mile monthly goal, vitamin F.
    Needs work this month - snacking in evening, weight training, daily vitamin & vitamin D.
    Keep coming back,
    MaryC, SE WI
    The important thing is to keep on trying so I am sure that you can kick this thing
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm Karen from NY. New to MyFitnessPal, and loving it so far.Im gladI found this topic as I just turned 50 last week!!!

    In the past 4 years, I've gained back 100 pounds of the 150 I lost. It's SO disheartening to think I let it happen again. I feel like all my life I've been a yo-yo!!!! It's now Day 5 of my logging in to MyFitnessPal, listing my food, etc. Im just SO terrified of losing the little bit of control I feel this week; willpower is so hard to hold on to.

    I'm happy to meet all of you and look to you for support and advice. You're all my "new friends"!!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , this is the best group of supportive women!!! Keep coming in and chatting!!!

    One of these days I`ll slow down enough to reply to more, however this morning is not one of those days:frown: .
    I`ve read all the posts and now I must get the behind up and go for my morning walk, and it`s raining this morning, however not enough to keep me inside!

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and then drink some more:drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Lila - I usually have buffalo jerky. Honestly, I like it much better than beef jerky. Plus, it doesn't have all that added stuff.

    Amanda - the end is worth the "cleanout"

    tigress - I so agree with you. We know our bodies so much better than the MD. I remember a while ago I had this rash around my abdomen. I kept telling the MD that it was a heat rash (this was in the summer and it was just around where the waistband to my clothing would be). She insisted it was a food allergy (not that she tested for which food, mind you) so she prescribed this pill for me. The next day we went camping further north where it was cooler. Inside of one day the rash disappeared. So I just discontinued the pills. Never had a problem since then. A food allergy my foot! I've never been a fan of the show "Biggest Loser". Personally, I don't agree with belittling people. But then again, there are some people who need to really be yelled at in order to do what they need to do. I've also read about "tricks" that contenstants do to make them lose weight and it seems that many of them gain it all back once they are off the show. They no longer have a chef etc and their lifestyle monitored so they fall back into their old habits. But I do think that a lot of the DVD's are good.

    Welcome to everyone who is new! You've come to a good place for lots of inspiration and motivation.

    Lin - WTG on the loss for 5 weeks now. That's wonderful! Congrats on the blood sugar, too. I love using the resistance band! Actually, you're working doubly hard because you have to control the band in the eccentric AND the concentric movement. I haven't used it for a lot of stretching, tho. That is so nice of you to be helping your sister like that!

    Did the ASAP DVD today (Thurs), had breakfast, then went to the Green Room (community theater) to volunteer. On the way home, stopped at WalMart to get some beans to make a soup, the rest I'll freeze. Tomorrow I'll take the deep water class. Before that I'll stop at the Humane Society and drop off our aluminum for them along with some coupons. Even tho they won't be open, I can do that.

    In a way, I can't wait to have breakfast tomorrow. I am mixing some greek yogurt with quinoa and some chicken that I want to finish up. I know, it sounds weird, but it's things that I want to finish

    Lucy in DE - the other day right as I finished my workout, as I was walking down the stairs I could smell them toasting a bagel. Glad it was AFTER my workout and not before....lol

    Well, the lady who was in charge of the "gala" has droped out. Seems there was some conflict between her (I personally don't see a problem) and another gal (sometimes I think she might be a bit on the "only I should know" side. Like she asked Vince for certain financial info but she didn't share it with the other gal), so I'm not even going to be bothered with this gala. I don't wish to have anything to do with conflict. We should be able to work together, and if not, I don't want any part of it. Evidentally this other gal said "well, we can have it this weekend or this weekend because I have things I have to do other other weekends." No. I suspect it's going to be SOS (same old s***) and that's not what I want. So I'm out. Actually, Vince said that if it is going to be SOS, we won't even bother going

    M - when we have Chinese, I usually get some sort of steamed vege and shrimp or chicken steamed.

    Laura - is there something that you have to do to get the emails from cheaptickets and travelzoo? I couldn't find anywhere on their website where you could put yourself on a mailing list. How frustrating that you're back to the old program.

    I have some red beans that I'm soaking to put in a soup I'm going to make and then freeze the rest. Vince came home, looked at them soaking and said "ohh....mixed nuts". When I told himn what it was, he just gave a very unpleasant smile....lol

    Say, would people please post which (the title) DVD they do? Kathy - you said you did a pilates DVD -- which one was it? I'm always on the lookout for pilates DVD's (well, really any DVD)

    1stday13 - stop back regularly, love to get to know you (and everyone new too)

    jane - i do hope hubby is better real soon. You take care of yourself, too.

    katla - your dh sounds just like mine. He has this idea that he should only eat three meals/day and only when he's hungry, not before he gets hungry. He thought I was nuts when I told him how he was messing with his metabolism and he needed to keep his blood sugar even. But then he complains that he isn't losing any weight....duhhhhh..... Good luck to you, I haven't gotten thru to Vince!

    glenbabe - your clothing sounds wonderful. Wish I could wear skinny leggins, but alas..it isn't to be.

    Gail - happy birthday to your dh!

    Lori in SW MO - when I take a decongestant, it makes me so dry it isn't funny

    Got to leave early to take the aluminum to the Humane Society (Fri). Cut out some coasters (plastic canvas) last night that I'll work on when we go to FL in Feb. Then water aerobics. Then home to give Loki his med, I'll leave early for the Healthy Cooking Demo to stop at Kohls, I saw a bath towel in their ad and think it'll look nice in our bathroom. I have some gift cards so I should get it for free. Won't go to mahjongg but will go to the Healthy Cooking Demo then stop at Belks (since I'm at the mall anyway) just to see what they have. Who knows? You might find something nice on sale.

    Hope everyone has a great day

  • gail4721
    gail4721 Posts: 75 Member
    What does it mean when people put BUMP on the post? I love your husky picture...is he yours? I have a 13 yrs old husky and my daughter has an almost 1 yr old husky.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    You sound like a very neat person. Nothing wrong with that.

    Your getting to know your boday in more ways than one. Guess we should start knowing it been in them long enough.lol

    Positive Power
    I live in the great white North. Knuckling through winter storms is nothing to me. Be proud you did it.

    Thanks for the tin commandments i'm always looking for something for tops that might be good for a meeting.

    Your getting right back with it that's 1.4 lb gain won't have a chance to stick around.

    You already did it once. The know how is still with you.

    Enjoy your walk. Think i'll be joining you it's a mild -2 here this morning.

    Thank you.
    Getting into a conflict your much better to back off.
    Enjoy the pool and your shopping.

    To all the new comers Welcome and step right in.

    Well that's one morning chore done. Now to tackle the rest. But there will definantly be time for a walk maybe two today.
    Sure don't like the frown on wii and my face this morning Need to turn that into a smile and fast. I'm not going through not even a day with a frown. LIfe is better than that.
    Love to live happy happy jolly jolly. There that helped.

    Linda C
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Well my pound is gone (sure wished I hadn't gained it.) Weighed 158.6 three weeks ago, 157.4 two weeks ago, 158.6 last week and 157.4 this morning. I would have panicked if any of the pound had still been there, but I was sure hoping for 157.2 - any loss from the prior week at all. I looked back and realized that since November 22nd I have lost 3.8 pounds. It is not much but considering those months included Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, I am pretty lucky to be still on track. Yay.

    Laura - can't believe your accounting woes are starting up again.

    Michele - conflict in the work place seems to be a given. In IT it seems like everyone wants credit for a project - the project manager, the business systems analyst and the developer. Sure wish everyone would just be happy to deliver the end result together. Of course often one person does get all the credit so I also understand where the mentality is coming from.

    Linda - sure wish I had a WII - but it "frowns" at you?

    DeeDee - don't slow down!!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning, January Jewels!

    Today I am trying the veggie-fruit challenge, with some whey protein supplement....looking forward to it as a type of healthy cleanse! I love veggies, and DH hates them, but we are getting to a happy middle....he eats quite a few now for dinner, although he prefers a veg tomato drink for lunch...I eat veggies for breakfast! ( and I am the anaemic one who must eat red meat! sheesh!)

    It is pouring rain out, instead of snow. and the temp is about 20 degrees warmer that it should be for mid- Jan.....and we are in a snow belt! Sooo...I expect the existing snow will melt away, too bad,
    I prefer a clean white landscape to a muddy brown one in winter! I really wanted another bright sunny day!

    Have a great day everyone,

    BJ, SWOnt
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    TGI Friday:flowerforyou: and I do mean it!

    No time to comment...again...my IT guy is working on the server and then will work on my computer to see about getting me into 2013...nothing like past the last minute:grumble:

    I have a busy weekend ahead we will be watching the two older grandsons all day tomorrow as Son #2 & DIL have a rally for her Premier Jewelry business and then our small group of friends from church meets in the evening for dinner and in the middle of it all hubby and I will try to watch the Broncos Football game.

    Sunday we will try and get the house clean, washing done and prep our meals for the work week.

    Hoping everyone has a great Friday let's keep going...moving...drinking (water of course) and log that food:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado

    Michele- it's been so long since I signed up on those sites that I really don't remember how they asked me if I would like to be on their email list:ohwell:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I say wii frowns at me when I don't see a loss. LOL
    I think you did very well with your loss in the two worst months of the year.

    Good luck with your fruit and veg. day.
    I'm in Northern Ontario can't believe the weather going to +6 today.
    The snow is actualy melting in Jan.

    Well so far haven't accomplished much hubby is working on water pipes.
    No use of doing any cleaning is in and out and all over have to wait for him to finish.
    Just might take my book and go and read or better yet could get on the wii for exercise.
    Raining outside so walking I know i'm not made of sugar but I don't need a cold neither.

    Linda C