Coffee Lovers....



  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 67 Member
    I am a preschool teacher and I DON'T DARE give up my coffee!! I have it all measured out that I have 24 oz which equals to 150 calories I drink it with regular sugar and half &half .( rarely flavored creamers on the weekends) I have one coffee cup while getting up and ready and a travel cup on my way to work. Because it is an appetite suppressant I eat a light but healthy breakfast like a yogurt with a cereal topping ( something like cheerios .. Im a need crunch girl! LOL ) then I'll have fruit as a mid morning snack with the kids.

    If you are exercising your getting back some calories so I kinda feel justified :)
  • ZombieFoodSlayer
    No reason you can't use your flavored creamers if you can make it fit in your daily totals.

    3 cups of coffee this morning, 3 TB of creamer. 110 cals for coffee. Still lower than when I go to Starbucks and order ONE.

    Exactly this!!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I have to have sweetner, but I can do without creamer. If I have it at home or if it's at work, then I add a splash of creamer but if it's not available, then it isn't the end of my world. I put about 3 packets of Sweet-n-Low. Sometimes I remember to add it to my logs, other times I forget, but with the dreamer my coffee would only be about 40 cals anyway.
  • rjl36
    rjl36 Posts: 1
    It's "black, no sugar" for me. I gradually weaned myself off milk & sweeteners some years ago when I was on a diet (Slimming World I think...) where milk was restricted. Now I can't drink it with milk in - although I can still manage the occasional cappuccino!
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I like my coffee very strong with real half and half.

    Sometimes espresso with a lemon twist.

    At Starbucks I order a Red Eye which is a tall drip coffee with an added shot of espresso.

    Two or three cups a day is my usual and I don't log anything for this as it's just always been part of my day.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I drink my 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and I only use 1 tbsp of flavored creamer in each cup. It's 35 calories. It fits easily in my plan.
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    I forced myself to drink it black, gradually. I started by cutting back the sugar, just drinking it with half & half for a while. Then I cut that out too. Now I actually prefer most coffee black, though I sometimes will add cream for a treat. :)
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I admit I put creamer in it! But I don't do sugar. I like that lil bit of fat in my coffee. Keeps me from noshing and actually makes me feel full. Yeah, it's a lil extra calories makes up for it in the end since I eat far less with creamer in it than without. That lil bit of creamer just satisfies me! I don't feel like eating. I do Intermittent fasting too(a daily 12-14 hr fast)..but I can have creamer before I break the fast since it's not so many cals. IT really works.
  • pseusie
    pseusie Posts: 16
    I've been doing fake cafe au laits and lattes. I microwave a little bit of 1% milk for 30-45 seconds, then pour coffee on top. I add a packet of Splenda or some sugar free syrup (if I'm feeling really saucy, I'll throw a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder in, too). Yummy and easy, and this helps me deal with the fact that I'm nowhere near a coffee house of any variety.
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    I have to drink decaf since I've been ordered off of caffeine, but I still love it! I use 4 teaspoons of regular non-dairy creamer and 4 splenda packets, so only 40 calories per cup. (I know, I'm going to have to give up all this stuff eventually!!) Occasionally I'll add another teaspoon of hazelnut creamer for a little extra flavor. I tried using fat free creamer, but ended up having to use twice as much to get the same consistency as with regular creamer; so even though it may have been fat free, after I had my 4 cups for the day I was drinking up 320 calories instead of 160. Back to regular I went!! I just haven't learned to like it black yet....Maybe someday!
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    Since starting here, one tablespoon of flavored creamer per cup, 1 -2 cups. (I am not consciously trying to cut back, but I am trying to drinking more water, which leads to me reducing my normal 2 cups to one)

    I have a Tassimo coffee maker which does latte and cappuccino. I did have a latte today, but that is my weekend treat, 100 cals versus 38
  • mattyb1971
    Black all the way.
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    1 tbsp of lowfat half and half n no sugar
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I love ice coffees but never could make it well until I found a cold brew technique. With that, I add Silk Almond milk and a little bit of creamer with ice. I do have carmel and peppermint flavoring if I want to try other flavors, but haven't yet.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Usually black half caf... and I let it sit till it's cold. The past couple days I've been adding a tablespoon of hot chocolate mix. Mmmhmm!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • yogeshsarkar
    yogeshsarkar Posts: 119 Member
    1tsp coffee + ½ tsp sugar + 200ml toned milk. That way it becomes healthier, in fact I only drink it to somewhat cover up my protein need and to get some caffeine in, to lose water.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Homemade latte in the morning using my 20-year-old Krups personal espresso machine. Coffee with steamed almond milk - about a cup. Stevia to sweeten. Total is ~45 calories and more calcium than milk.

    Later in the day I use tea for caffeine if needed but try to stick to herbals, sometimes with a dash of almond milk and sometimes not.
  • Amyhue
    Amyhue Posts: 17 Member
    Coffee is a gift from God himself in the morning. So I give God a hundred calories each day... big deal. I have successfully lost lots o' weight on my coffee w/2% routine. It's really the rest of our day and how we handle ourselves that makes the real difference.
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    I would recommend switching to the sugar free for a while, it cuts out quite a few calories