
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. I am seriously missing my vitamin F!!!!! I slept the entire day and got up for dinner. It's about 9 pm now and i'm getting sleepy again! This is crazy, but if the sleep makes me better, I 'll snooze away. I have read all your posts and enjoyed all your news.

    Wessecg: my hubby had bunion surgery in June and is doing well. He was surprised at how the limitations in mobility would affect him, but once he got going again has been fine. He can now wear all his shoes and is thinking of starting back into raquet ball again, which had been nixed by the foot doc prior to surgery.

    OK, back to bed for me. Sleep well everyone and I'll be here tomorrow for my dose of vitamin F Meg
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Jane: I went back and re-read the part about bunions, and read your post again. I'm so sorry to hear about your foot and al lthe problems you have been having with it. i'll keep my fingers crossed for a better opinion. Meg
  • JenNuma
    JenNuma Posts: 52 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    today is my birthday. Instead of cake I was given a box of California cuties (clementines)

    I LOVE Clementines. :heart: :heart: :heart: We found them the first time at Thanksgiving and have been addicted ever since.:love:
  • shazzacass
    shazzacass Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Ladies, thank you to the kind souls who pointed me to this thread. There are so many of them LOL

    Well I have had a wonderful day so far. The horrid Sydney heat of over 40 degs Centigrade has left us for a few days, so a chance to inspect the garden for sunburnt lily fronds etc before hitting the gym for a Pump class. After that I grabbed a take away coffee and headed down towards the harbour to a quaint old 'independent' theatre and watched 'love is all you need' with Pierce Brosnan starring in it. As hubby and I are off to Tuscany for a 1 week Hiking Tour in June, I thought a bit of magnificent Italian scenery would put me in the mood. Very much along the lines of Mamma Mia without the singing. Anyhow I've got to get a leg of lamb in the oven for dinner so bfn
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning my lovelies. It's a chilly Sunday morning here with snow predicted :sad: .

    Housegirl2 - Happy birthday & what a fab gift. Clementines have been a winter must have here ever since I can remember. We have a tradition in our family that you always had a foil wrapped clementine in your Christmas stocking together with a couple of shiny new coins.

    Renny - I love pomegranite. They are full of anti-oxidants I think which is a good thing apparently. They are nice sprinkled on salads & spicy Moroccan style dishes. One of our TV chefs - Nigella Lawson calls them little jewels. When I was a kid, we always had them at Christmas time & used to pick the seeds out with a pin. Now all the TV chefs just cut them in half, hold them over a bowl & whack the outside with a wooden spoon (or similar) to knock the seeds out. A lot quicker!

    Meg - You sound like me a week or so ago - sleeping all the time & finding that just raising my head from the pillow was exhausting. Even now I can nod off at the drop of a hat. Sleep - your body needs it!!

    Welcome to new friends. You will find so much inspiration & sounds advice her.

    Off to spend time with the gorgeous Ethan, my 6 week old grandson. Hopefully I can keep & eye on him while his Mum gets a little sleep.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Geri in England
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Meg:smile: Sure hope you get to feeeling better!

    Barbie:smile: I`m sure I would have tripped over the corded mike teaching a dance class:laugh: , of course it`s easy for me to trip with no outside help at all:laugh: ! I bet you`re having lots of fun with the bike repaired now! Those are some lucky dogs, and smart of you to stay off the road until you knew it was it safe! Noel decided to be stubborn the other day:angry: and I actually had to carry her part of the way home, that was one of the days we had rain, good thing she only weighs about 13 pounds!

    JaneM:smile: Glad hubby is on the mend!!!

    Janehadji:smile: I hope your 3rd opinion will bring you better news!!! I have a bunion but it doesn`t bother me at all, after hearing about your struggles I think I`ll just leave mine alone!

    Geri:smile: Enjoy your time with your beautiful little grandson:love: , they grow so fast!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: , you`ve come to the right place for motivation and support!!!

    Robin:smile: I hope you a weekend filled with fun and zero negativity!!!

    I`m feeling much better this morning, I swear by hot tea with lemon and ginger, a few cups of that throughout the day with a few Advil thrown in, does me a world of good! I`m having dinner tonight with my granddaughters:love: and of course daughter and son in law too, looking forward to getting lots of hugs and kisses:smooched: ! I bought my son in law and my daughter a FitBit for Christmas ( they bought one for me for my birthday), I`m happy to report I have them both beat on the steps! My daughter calls in the middle of the day to check and see how many steps I have so far, then at night to see how many I have and so far I`ve beat them both:bigsmile: ...I love it!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Here it is time to hit the reply button...keeping my fingers crossed!

    DeeDee in NC
  • MissTemple
    MissTemple Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join this group! Could you help me
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There did page 7 but no notes just read through it all. Time don't allow this morning hocky game out of town this morning and being picked up at 9:15 so need to get some kind of exercise done. going to peel a couple apple put them in Lemon and bring that for a snack with cheese but need enough for five of us.

    The wii gives you what you weight not always what you want to weight mind you. But it gives it in numbers like 170 if I ever get there. That the wii fit. The wii fit plus gives it to you but in kg's. I never had to set nothing just comes.

    Glucose tablets I need to get some of those for my purse and coat pocket

    So it's on to another great day. My sister in law gave me a picture last night it had to be at my very heaviest. Ugly. Balloon face.
    Then I had hubby take out the picture he has in his wallet of me when I was 18. Showed it to my brother and he said wow. You were hot of course he had been drinking. so to his foolishness I replied put it this way didn't have no problem with getting a date. LOL. I always tell hubby it's a reminder of what he married.

    Well enough got lots to do and little time to do it.

    Linda in the cold white North not bad this morning -6
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're having breakfast/lunch with our new DIL and her mom today. I'm looking forward to seeing them, but sort of dread the ordering process. This place cooks with butter and cream, neither of which I can digest. :noway: I talked to them on the phone and I can have things cooked in olive oil instead of butter. Wish me luck on the ordering. Breakfast out is the most difficult meal for me to order in a restaurant because of the lactose issue, so I'm hoping that the lunch items will be more to my needs.

    I've finally gotten on the water bandwagon. I ended up swollen with water retention from too much salt a few days ago and am still trying to wash it out of my system. My hands don't feel swollen today. Yay! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    We're having breakfast/lunch with our new DIL and her mom today. I'm looking forward to seeing them, but sort of dread the ordering process. This place cooks with butter and cream, neither of which I can digest. :noway: I talked to them on the phone and I can have things cooked in olive oil instead of butter. Wish me luck on the ordering. Breakfast out is the most difficult meal for me to order in a restaurant because of the lactose issue, so I'm hoping that the lunch items will be more to my needs.

    I've finally gotten on the water bandwagon. I ended up swollen with water retention from too much salt a few days ago and am still trying to wash it out of my system. My hands don't feel swollen today. Yay! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla from NW Oregon

    :bigsmile: Katla, the longer I'm on this journey, the fewer meals I eat in restaurants. and when I do end up in a restaurant I'm not shy about ordering exactly what I want just like you are doing. My friends know that I don't want to meet them in restaurants. Many of them meet me for a walk or a cup of tea. There is very little in restaurants that I'll eat and I don't have any food intolerances.....good luck to you in ordering what you'll be able to eat.

    :flowerforyou: oops, enough time on the computer, the dogs are staring at me wondering when we'll leave for our walk....it is colder today than yesterday so I've added some layers of clothing :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • johinz57
    johinz57 Posts: 5 Member
    Here I go again making another attempt to lose it. "the weight" :) Wish me luck :)

    JoJo in Glen Rose, Tx
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good evening all!

    Does anyone know of any DVDs for weight training? I have free weights, a kettle bell, and a resistance band, but need a good routine to follow.

    Thanks in advance.

    Deb A
    Deb I have used the kettleworx Dvd set...I like the resistance and core workouts in the set...it is a 6 week program...so each Dvd has 6 different workouts. Denise Austin has a pretty good book (I thought anyway) for resistance bands and exercise balls.

    Good luck!

    Sorry...name of book is Bands and Balls (I think)
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jen- Thanks for the info. I like the idea of a 6 week program. I'll see if I can find that one.

    Barbie- Thanks for the information on the books. I will also see if I can find them at my library.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Deb A from CNY
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Busy day yesterday, besides running unexpected errands for my cousin who needed a ride to the airport and needed me to care for his young black lab for the day, I stopped at Costco for a few things and gave in to buying a container of their granola snack mix. Oh is it ever decadent, full of all kinds of nuts and seeds and dried cranberries, and sweetened with honey. I was not able to control myself in the least. :ohwell: So the remainder is going into the freezer, wrapped in teeny little 80-100 cal servings. I don't often buy treats like that, but when I do I realize I still have a few mountains to climb in the self-control dept. At least this time it wasn't cake or cookies! :wink:

    Michele, I would imagine it's entirely possible to strain the achilles by jumping rope. Ouch. It's a painful endeavor in more ways than one, I was quite sore all over yesterday. I was also amazed at how quickly I got out of breath! Not sure it'll be something I ever do very much of, maybe a little here and there. You do so much strenuous exercise! Is there something you can do for the achilles?

    DeeDee, glad you're feeling better!! And Meg, hope you're on the mend!

    Katla, it's amazing how the weather in the area has its pockets of micro-climates. The Gorge creates its own weather, oft times I see the report and it's nothing like we're having. Sounds like you're a little protected from the winds.

    JaneH, oh good, you've made the appt for another opinion outside of Kaiser. Keeping fingers crossed here!

    Jen, that's soo funny about not letting your mom join this thread! haha!

    Glenda, it sounds gorgeous where you are! Gotta love the beauty of winter.

    Barbie, how funny about having to dance with the microphone cord! That must have been a bit of a task. I've spent many years stepping around and over cords on stage, they can sure get to be a tangled mess of "spaghetti".

    Well, dear friends, have a happy Sunday. I'm off to start making stuffing for the turkey I'll be roasting this afternoon. We'll have company join us for dinner and a game of cards after, always a fun time. I will not eat any of that granola today! NONE! Ate enough yesterday for a week. Blah.

    :smile: jb from frosty, freezing Portland brrrrrr
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Do you know why there are no horse pictures today????? Because I haven't seen my horse this weekend. Had to work until midnight Friday night, then over 13 hours yesterday and since 8 this morning. I am almost done but have a thing to go to for one of my daughter's college selections (Notre Dame) from 2 to 4 - so still no horse riding. I kind of depend on riding for a good weekend calorie burn. Oh well.

    Back to work. I'll catch up reading (actually probably not) tomorrow!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Gads it's already afternoon, I can't believe I've been laying around all morning.

    Linda C- I prefer to carry snacks around for low blood sugar, like rice cakes equal to 12-15 carbs, 1/2 an apple, or a clementine, but I do carry the glucose tablets just in case. The kids used to tell me, when I would start to bottom out, when driving and I would get so mad. I was screaming at the drivers, I know it would scare them, but you don't realize it in yourself when your sugar drops to low. So get some they aren't expensive.

    Lori H- I too hate low cal or low fat salad dressing it tastes bad. I want the taste but not so many calories, I have been doing this for a while. I don't like very much salad dressing anyway. Lots of people dip their fork and then get their salad but I find that difficult to measure. I usually use vinegar and 2 tsp olive oil, but some times I want, ranch or green goddess, or greek, I take 1 tbsp of dressing and then add 1 or 2 tbsp of water and mix with a fork or wisk. You do get the taste, but no all those calories.

    Well the grocery list is done and time to get to the store. Hope everyone is feeling better.

    Tigress in GA
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: This made me smile:

    A man wrote a letter to the IRS: “I have been unable to sleep knowing that I have cheated on my income tax. I understated my taxable income and have enclosed a check for $200.00. If I still can’t sleep, I will send the rest.”

    :laugh: :laugh:

    On another note: I ended up eating the whole pomegranate yesterday, although it took me from mid-afternoon until bed-time :bigsmile: I loved it. I can see that they would be great in salads.

    As a result of the pomegranate experience, I did not eat any other fruits :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I managed to weed through our 2010 digital pictures yesterday and order the ones I wanted. Took me till about 9 in the evening. The next stage is getting them into photo albums, once I pick them up from Costco. 2010 was a very busy year for us, hence the many pictures: FIL passed away, youngest son got married, Mexican cruise, sister came to visit, and our own 40th anniversary that year; that all in addition to all the other usual - but special - occasions, such as birthdays and holidays. 2011 should be a breeze:wink:

    Happy Sunday!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Sunday to everyone!

    I was away yesterday, and am trying to catch up on all the posts, will have to do it in stages today . I did Renny's veg and fruit day, and felt terrific.....so I will plan to do that regularly in my schedule. I felt that the body was really happy to burn and to process, so...

    it is a nice kick to the system!

    Thanks for suggesting it Renny!

    Today and yesterday we had a sudden summer day here in SWO! The university kids were out in droves, and many in shorts. I have not worn a winter coat for 5 days now, and the white snow is gone, and the green is back....I can live through that, but as I was driving through rural SWOntario yesterday, I could see that the fields were barren of snow....that is not good. We have had buckets of rain, but we need a good snow cover to stay all winter for the crops and health of the farms....so, yes, global warming is here.....3 winters ago I could not see over the sides of my driveway for snow, in a high SUV! Just my concern, since we are still getting killer hot summers with very little rain.....and I think it will be an early spring. Saw many hawks, and they are migrators. So some did not leave, or they returned very very early.

    Lin, I know you are farther north, and believe it or not, I was happy to see you had minus temps! Hope your busy day is fulfillling.

    The whole eating out thing is difficult, and Barbie has put boundaries on her social interactions that do not include food, and I can see how that has to happen at times! I have managed to find restaurants where I can eat a clean meal, and so I use those to meet people, but the eating out at other peoples houses is very difficult. Last night, we were with friends, and I brought a large spinach, fennel, and asparagus salad, and I made the dressing from lowfat mayo, with a touch of olive oil, and lots of fresh tarragon to make sure it was flavourful and yet less "fattening'. Half my plate was that salad, and I ate only a touch of the curries and beef bourg she was serving. Still, it was full of oil, or wine, or ? and I just don't know. I think I will be offering to bring salads to every food event now! Someone said, eat what you bring before Christmas, and now I know that that strategy is very important!

    On to a good week, teaching tomorrow. DH is watching his food intake with the help of MFP, now that he is pre-diabetic, pre-heart issues.....sooooo life has become a little easier on the cooking side.

    There are so many people to thank for their informative posts, too many. I am inspired and motivated by your logs of activity and healthy eating!

    Have a wonderful day, BJ, SWOnt, Canada
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. :happy: :happy: :happy: The sun is shining on the nice crisp snow and everything is sparkling. I’m just waiting for the birds to come and cluster around the feeders and see if I have any new ones. Just having my coffee and watching the birds have their little snowbaths.

    I did Renny’s fruit and veggie challenge again. Wasn’t at all difficult to do and I have some nice fresh fruit salad to have with Greek yoghurt and JB’s corn muffins this morning (in the oven right now and starting to smell great).

    I seem to be gaining on the 1200 calories again during the week, went up 2 pounds and am down a pound this morning after the F&V day. I’m finding this really annoying. :grumble: :grumble: I don’t understand how I can gain on 1200 and everyone else loses on that amount. I’ll do it for another week and see how it goes, but if I creep above 140 I’m going to totally freak out because that was such a long stretch to break that marker.

    Amanda – so glad to hear that your scan came back with a manageable issue. :happy: I would hate to go back to low fibre but I guess you will just have to look at it as another food challenge. You’ve already successfully managed the weight challenge and I’m sure you will apply the same commitment to this food change.

    JB – I’m happy to hear that your heeler has the same reaction to dressing up as mine does. Even in NW Ontario at -40C (and I can’t remember how to change that to Fahrenheit) Rex wouldn’t wear boots. I won’t take his disgusted look so personally. He’s old enough to have arthritis bother him now in the cold weather and some days even the pills aren’t staving off the pains. We’re growing older together.:ohwell:

    Michele – yes, my mat is nice and thick and I don’t really feel the floor even when I roll on the old hipbones.

    Jeannie – I tried Melatonin when I had insomnia a few years ago but it gave me amazing nightmares. I understand it has that effect on quite a few people and unfortunately I was one. No, my dogs are heelers and not wanderers; they like to keep me in sight at all times. I may not see them but I can be sure they can see me.
    I have seen bear in the spring and fall, had a little one enjoying my berry left overs and garden raiding in the fall and we have had a cougar on the street once, lots of coyotes howling on a regular basis, but they tend to stay out of my yard normally, not interesting enough to go over the fence for I guess.

    JaneH – no, I didn’t have joint fusion (however, I do know a couple of people who have had the great toe joint fused and yes, there is very limited movement in the joint, no really high heels as the joint doesn’t bend to allow that flex to the foot). Both of my were osteomy surgeries, one did the bone wedge removal and screws which had to be removed a few years later; the second was a removal of part of the base bone and didn’t require pinning or screws, but in my opinion has not been as successful as I do have some limits on flexibility now in that toe. I still can exercise, run and wear heels but the joint does feel locked sometimes. However, I would consider both of them successes and there is no continual pain and I can walk for hours :happy: :happy: (before it was less than 10 minutes before I had to sit and massage foot to ease the pain).

    Nancy – Wild is non-fiction which I think I remember is your preference and well worth the read. I thoroughly endorse it. I read somewhere that the Neil Young lyrics are actually about Blind River which northerners consider middle Ontario but hey, according to the Ontario Provincial government, Northern Ontario begins at Barrie which is only about and hour north of Toronto. Anything outside of the Golden Horseshoe is hinterland (am I right Linda C? – lol). Most of my time in NW Ontario was dealing with the discrepancies in government policy and treatment of the north compared to the south, one size fits all mentality. So what types of food is your new concession manager doing? I’d be interested for our arena.
    PS – wonderful sun and cold on this side of the pass yesterday and today. Planning on getting my limping old boy out for a sedate walk today.:bigsmile:

    Texasgal – thank you for the image, it truly is beautiful.:flowerforyou:

    Glenda – the thing I like best about Alberta is that startling blue, blue sky. Your description is everything I remember best about it.

    DeeDee – try doing your post in Word and then copy and paste it into MFP. That way you can recopy and repost if the MFP part fails. Sorry to hear you have a cold, lots of water, lemon juice and a good book in a sunny window. Saw the new post - glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Housegirl – happy birthday to you (belated):flowerforyou: and the Clementines sound better than a box of chocolates any day~!!!

    Renny – pomegranates, love the flavor:heart: , dislike the whole production of eating them and always get my fingers all stained. I read in Chatelaine that if you cut it and then tap the skin with the back of a spoon smartly the seeds pop out – didn’t work for me but worth a try? Anyone else have ideas?

    Cheryl – missing your horse – awww:cry::brokenheart: , it does take time to get out there though doesn’t it? Hope you get to set some time aside for you and the horses really soon.

    BJ - I heard about the SWO heat wave – lol. Envying you a little but the impact of no snow is not great come summer. Our eagles here in BC are changing their migrating habits too, and a lot are near starving.

    Have caught up with the posts now and if you see things that are already redundant in what I wrote above – my apologies.:bigsmile: I write as I go along and obviously some things get updated as the thread grows. Time to go and phone my DD1 and wish her a happy birthday. Saw her at Xmas and will see her mid-Feb too but still miss her on a regular daily basis.

    Have a great day ladies:flowerforyou: :drinker: