
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There all caught up.
    Well grandaugher is getting the nack of hockey she played much better today. After all she's only seven her dad wants a pro.
    I told him hey they can't be all as good as you. He was a good little hockey player but boys have that. She'll get it. I walked around the arena they have a nice place to walk. A lot of the town people were walking. The game was in the next town over.

    I packed apples and cheese for snacks and that's what I had. I'm having a great day so far. Only one dance of line dancing done for exercise but will get more.

    Make today a good good day.

    Linda C for Northern Ontario.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings to all my fitness pals! It’s beautiful here…sunny and clear. But pretty cold! About 20 with some winds, so pretty standard january weather here. DH is finishing putting away the remaining Christmas decorations. Otherwise we are pretty lazy here. Slept in so no church.:yawn: I feel better overall, but incredibly tired. That is so unusual for me. Usually a couple days of antibiotics and I’m as good as new. This fatigue is bothersome. I did do my measurements and lost a total of 2.2 inches in various places. So I’m happy about that. :happy:

    This is late, but my January goals (developed with my work fitness buddy) are:
    1. Log on daily; log food and stay under goal (one free day every 2 weeks)
    2. Water, water, water. I am really bad about this
    3. Exercise!!!!! I have a routine plotted out but I need to actually do it. I have not exercised for a couple of weeks now since I have been sick.
    4. Goal: 30# loss total by end of March…that leaves me 9.3 pounds to lose. That sounds do-able. I had tried not having a weight goal but found I really need something to shoot for. I think I’ll use my big goals (-15, -30, -45, -60) and not have a stringent time line for it. Just shoot for that weight. We picked end of March to measure our goals because it’s about half way through the semester, including spring break.

    Shazzacass: your upcoming trip sounds delightful. I’m not so sure about the lamb LOL. :tongue:

    Geri: thanks for the tip about getting pomegranate seeds out! Sounds way easier!

    DeeDee: I had to smile when I read you are the family champ of steps! You’ll need another tiara! :laugh: Tell me more about your tea concoction….how much ginger and what type? Ground, whole? How much lemon? Slices or juice? Right now I’m willing to try anything!

    MissTemple: welcome to our group. It’s the best thread on the site.:flowerforyou:

    LinC: It’s interesting to look back at some of those old photos. Many of them I hated….OMG why do I look so awful???? Then look today, wow, not too bad before LOL

    Katla: good luck with the breakfast ordering. Most restaurants will cook to your request, too, so you hopefully will find things you can eat and you like.

    Barbie: stay warm on your walk!

    JoJo: join us on the journey! You will find great support here.:flowerforyou:

    Jb: what a great idea to buy a treat like that then freeze it in small portions you know the calorie count for. I have been debating joining costco. We bought one of those food dehydrators right after Christmas and find it works well for about everything except buns.

    Wessecg: you’ll have to give the horses some extra loving this week!:love:

    Tigress: I have found that instead of salad dressing (which I do actually like), I really enjoy crumbled cheese instead, such as bleu or feta. A tablespoon goes a long way! I also like cottage cheese on top.

    Rebel: that cracked me up! We had a letter from the lovely IRS yesterday. Seems we have finally convinced them we actually adopted kids and will be getting a nice refund from our taxes of several years ago! I was going to go to their office downtown and take the kids, then tell the IRS People I would leave the kids with them since we apparently never actually adopted them, then turn and walk out (of course I would let the kids in on this ahead of time). I thought maybe that would get their attention! Guess I don’t have to do that now. :laugh:

    Bjmcq: I agree restaurants can be difficult. On my free day (once every 2 weeks) we often go out and I don’t count what I eat. I eat what I want. Otherwise, I look their nutrition information up on line and pre-select what I am going to eat to fit into my day. I really do love going out to eat, and eating at home, and want the whole eating experience to be fun, happy, and enjoyable while being healthy at the same time.:drinker:

    Well since I am sitting here, I best get busy on the book chapter I am currently working on. I am starting to feel tired again:yawn: , but want to stay up some anyway (yes, Linda Sundance I will rest :flowerforyou: ) and get at least something done. I’m getting behind and starting to feel overwhelmed. I figured out the 2 chapters for the urology curriculum can be done at work, so that relieves that from my plate here at home. So onward!!! Take care everyone and have a joyous Sunday. Spend it the way YOU like. Meg :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    lots of dreadmilling yesterday over 20000 steps. Broncos lost and I was heart broken. Seahawks need to pick up or DH will be heart broken. It has been a decent weekend without negativity

    Take care all,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    chilly PNW
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Amanda- Glad to hear it is not cancer.

    Housegirl2-I loved the pear picture thanks for sharing.

    Rebel- if it is not too late, I will jump in on the fruit and veggie challenge. I ignore them in the winter and live on them in the summer. Just cause of the cold weather I crave hot foods. Not good. I should be balanced all year.

    Warm wishes to anyone I missed who needs them. Good luck with staying on track to all.

    Got to bring DD and DS shopping. We are going skiing next weekend and they outgrew stuff I didn't think they could at their ages. (17 & 18 )

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies,

    We are in a very cold streak here. I think its what contributing to being under the weather a bit. I have been hurting so much last few days. Yesterday I was so stiff and hurting trying to get out of bed the minute my feet hit the floor the pain just went right il my legs. I I just crawl right back to bed stayed there till afternoon. Today on the sofa. So frustrating what a waste of day.

    Warm welcomes to all who are new to this thread!
    @Meg - Sorry you are under the water! Congrats on the weight loss!
    @Dee -- what is your tea creation?
    @Barbie --impress by your walks stay warm!
    @Karla going out to eat can be tricky but most restaurants now days can accomdate special diets.
    @Lin C glad your granddaughter is doing better at hockey.
    @Amanda glad the tests came back ok.

    @lili --- on our volunteer days at work one of the jobs my clients do our to fill all of the bird feeders and squirrel's feeders. As soon as we get done with all of their jobs we all enjoy watching the squirrels come and enjoy their treats and the birds too.

    Sorry not caught up yet on all of the posts yet but will make every effort to get back later to finish.

    Wishing everyone a good afternoon.

    Keep logging your food and drinking your water.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Rebel- if it is not too late, I will jump in on the fruit and veggie challenge. I ignore them in the winter and live on them in the summer. Just cause of the cold weather I crave hot foods. Not good. I should be balanced all year.


    Jump in anytime, Jeannir! Glad to hear from you.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi to all.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening,
    What a wonderful weekend of posts. I loved reading through and have many thoughts. I am sorry I didn't keep notes along the way.

    I feel like I am getting more into my groove and it feels so much better than all the floundering I was feeling. I am really working at getting going to the gym....even if its only for 20 minutes. I am showing up and once I get there, I am enjoying it more each time.

    I think Barbie's advice about having a strategy really helps. When I feel clear about what I am doing, it makes me feel like I've accomplished a goal as I do the things I promised myself I would do.
    It feels good to be optimistic again!!

    Have a good night,
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I hope you all are enjoying the weekend! I got to the gym yesterday and today we took a 5 mile hike burning close to 900 calories!

    :noway: Lucy ~ Sorry to hear about your job situtation...I know what you mean companies need to focus on their employees and treat them right and business will trive...the company I work for went national last year and they were treating us like crap! A few people quit the rest just complain. I hate being around all the negativity. Now things are turning around and I can see things getting better.
    :cry: Jane ~ SoSorry to hear about your foot!!!! What kind of work do you do? Good for you getting other opinions, that's smart. I am sending Positive Thoughts your way!!! You can make it through this!
    :happy: Nancy ~ Yep we have TRX class, yesterday there were about 9 of us...Great workout!

    MELT http://www.meltmethod.com/about Check it out... it is done with foam rollers and little balls...I know sounds silly..but it helps flexibility, mobility, sleep digestion also reduces aches and pains, tension, headaches and risk of injury. I have taken about 3 classes and have recently bought my own foam roller along with a book on MELT coming out in a couple weeks ( I pre ordered) I have heard from some people in class how some of their aches and pains have gone away since they started Melting. I will keep you up to date on the benefits I find.

    Tomorrow I have to be on the road by 530 :cry: I have a sales meeting which being in the food business is a challenging day . Our vendors will come in and train us on their lines sampling and comparing to the competition or sampling new items. I hope to get home in time for my Cozmosize class to work off any damage :laugh:

    Wishing you all a wonderful week full of good choices! Remember DON'T GIVE UP WHAT YOU WANT MOST FOR WHAT YOU WANT IN A MOMENT!!!! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Judy - So Cal
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    All caught up again but like Sally didn't get notes. Everyone seems to have had a very good weekend. Other than the ones the bug hit.
    Had to feel for the hockey team yesterday three of the team members were sick they vomitted yet wanted to play. That's team spirit for you. But them are 7 and 8 year olds. Made of tough stuff.

    Well today was a very good day and I didn't make my calories hope I don't get in crap for it. But darn it's hard when you refuse to eat Arena food. I had brought apples and cheese but 1/2 an apple and 30 grams of cheese don't add up to much. Maybe i had more than that in cheese. I will go up my serving. LOL.

    Did four bouts of zumba on u tube about 1/2 or so. Put it under line dancing in exercise. That's all that was there.

    So now to have a great evening supper was late. Made pork chops and potatoes veg. for hubby. I had an oatmeal pancake with blueberry sauce and yogurt yummy.

    See you all tomorrow.
  • what does 'bump' mean, I am brand new
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    what does 'bump' mean, I am brand new

    People use "bump" when they don't really have time or a comment and want MFP to show this thread under "My Topics." It also marks your place so you know what you've already read.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Katla - enter the vitamin/mineral/whatever as if you were entering a food into the database. Then, you can click on it and add it to your "snacks" or make a new topic called "suppliments" or whatever. But it CAN be done. If you're tracking, say potassium, be sure to add that to the list of items you track (calories, fats, protein, etc)

    tigress - your cat is so cute! I just love your pic of him (her?)

    Lori - the hashbrowns are potatoes which is a vegetable, so you DID fullfill the challenge.

    Jen - I agree with DeeDee, as much as we love our moms, we need our space. And so do our kids. So sorry you're not feeling well.

    housegirl - happy birthday! What a neat present.

    Welcome everyone new!

    homesbyd - I'd log that yogurt on the next day, mainly because I probably have already closed out the previous day

    Deb - I like the DVD's for weights by Jari Love. If you go to collage.com you can see a clip of the DVD. I have usually found that Amazon's prices are lower, tho.

    I just made a ceream cheese berry coffee cake for bunco Tuesday, it's in the oven, hope it turns out OK.

    SueR - I've found that I usually want to have water when I have some airpopped popcorn. Hope that helps

    Vince just said that he's going out to wash his car. Maybe after the cake comes out of the oven I'll do my car.

    LoriH - this is the first house we've ever owned where we've been on city water. I remember the power went out for 3 days in our last house. Going to the bathroom was QUITE interesting, to say the least so I understand where you're coming from. If your power goes out, let's hope it isn't for long

    barbie - Vince was telling me about that football game.

    Geri in England - our tradition for Christmas is that you always got a little bit of coal for the bad girl/boy and an orange for the good girl/boy

    Did an hour of the zumba Wii today (Sun). How did I do? Can we say "s***". One of the things is that I was constantly being careful of my ankle, there a fair amount of jumping in it which I didn't do. But I'll keep after it, maybe someday I'll be sort-of decent. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    DeeDee - congrats on the steps!!!! You go girl!

    katla - good luck on the ordering. Usually restaurants will accommodate special requests.

    Linda - I have the WiiFit Plus. There MUST be a way to have it display the weight because in my book it says "weight the baby or pet helper and deduct the weight" to find out the weight of a baby or a pet. It wouldn't tell you to deduct the weight if it didn't give you the weight. I've found that the instructions for any of the Wii games are not that thorough, you need to go thru a lot of trial and error. Like I did this a.m. with the zumba.

    jb - I'm wondering if there's a stretching exercise for the achilles that you do on the foam roller. I love mine. I'll have to research that. Update: Just put a book on the foam roller on my wish list. When I was younger, I could go for hours and hours jump ropeing, now after 5 minutes I'm huffing and puffing. What happened???? Yea, I probably won't do it a lot, either. If we go away, it is something good to be able to do in a hotel since you don't have to bring a lot of equipment and you get a good workout. Next time I'll do even less time jump roping, maybe only 5 minutes instead of 15.Don't want to reinjur myself, that's for sure.

    After the extremepump class on the way home, I think I'll stop at Aldi's, there are a few things on my shopping list that I can get there. Besides, their cukes are on sale this week. In the afternoon I go for my infusion of Reclast and Vince has an appt with the cardiologist. Then at night I have the mahjongg game.

    Lila - happy birthday to your daughter!

    Meg - glad you'll be getting that refund you so deserve

    liz - feel better fast

    sally - that's great that you're getting to the gym! I try to plan ahead what type of exercise I will do. Yes, there are times when I have to switch and do something else, but not all that often.

    Judy - thanks for the link. I'm going to check it out

    Guess I'd better get ready for tomorrow and check out Judy's link. Hope everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • I haven't been here in a couple of days, I had a family of skunks move in under my home :mad: Can't begin to tell you how bad the house smells..had a professional come out and trap them and my nephew came over yesterday and we dug a trench and put wire up and cement so I could officially close "The Skunk Hotel".:smile: The odor in my home is a bit better but it'll take a while I think. Thanks everyone for listening to me vent about the skunks---I was stressed big time, didn't log or exercise...getting back on track tomorrow

    JB Love the dog's pic

    Lila The salmon, spaghetti squash with peppers and salad sounds delicious

    Still catching up on all the posts - have a good evening

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, dear Ladies,

    Glad to hear what everyone's been up to. Beautiful warm & sunny weekend here. I got some nice walks in and today ran a decent part of my walk. Got to get ready for skiing!

    We drive up to Charlotte in the morning for follow up with DH surgeon. I hope they will give him ok to do some PT. fingers crossed! We will spend the night with dear friends and return Tuesday! I'm ready to get out of my own house anyway!

    Have a good, heathy week everyone::flowerforyou: Kackie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla - enter the vitamin/mineral/whatever as if you were entering a food into the database. Then, you can click on it and add it to your "snacks" or make a new topic called "suppliments" or whatever. But it CAN be done. If you're tracking, say potassium, be sure to add that to the list of items you track (calories, fats, protein, etc)

    Michele in NC

    I got the Citracal into the database but have been unable to add my Centrum Silver multi-vitamin. I'm better off than before and I appreciate your help.:bigsmile:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jb, I understand your lack of self-control……..my weaknesses are raisins and nuts and granola.

    :flowerforyou: Today is Isagenix cleanse day so I have a ritual of chores that I do along with dog walking and watching TV with Jake……our hearts were broken when the SeaHawks lost. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I added several new items to my walking clothes this morning…..wool fingerless gloves on top of my other gloves, an extra wool hat, and Jake’s “rain pants” that he wears for golf over my jeans. I was toasty warm for over two hours this morning and if there had been a public restroom for me to use, I’d probably have walked longer.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, I’m glad to hear that you are going back to the gym again……20 minutes is a great start.

    :flowerforyou: I still haven’t gotten to doing my yoga DVD but I’ve added some stretches to my walk and while I’m watching TV so there is hope for me. I do 100 warrior 3 poses every day most of them while walking one dog at a time and several standing forward bends that stretch everything. The dogs are very patient and tolerant about my activities.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    Resolutions for January
    *Be agreeable----say OK
    * Yoga once a week
    *Walk with hubby once a week
    *Weight training three times a week
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump until tomorrow.....
  • Hi all from New Plymouth, New Zealand.

    It's Monday evening here while for many of you it is still Sunday. Love having this thread to read through while the grandson (5) is watching cartoons on a rainy day. Feeling excited as I purchased an eReader yesterday so can again read in bed and a cross trainer today.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi all from New Plymouth, New Zealand.

    It's Monday evening here while for many of you it is still Sunday. Love having this thread to read through while the grandson (5) is watching cartoons on a rainy day. Feeling excited as I purchased an eReader yesterday so can again read in bed and a cross trainer today.

    Welcome. This is a nice bunch of women from several countries. Post often and get to know people. I'm a relative newbie, but there are many newer than me.

    Katla from NW Oregon