
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good evening, lovely ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend and your team won . . . which mine didn’t, so sports are over until hockey starts back up in a few days. All I can say is, Pitchers and Catchers Report in less than four weeks!

    Eating was a little hit and miss – I stopped counting calories yesterday when my lunch at my sister’s football party went over 1k . . . at that point I knew I was screwed. That was, however, my only meal of the day so aside from the empty calories consumed in a glass it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. The big difference was that yesterday was my rest day, and I for once took it. They say you can still eat at the same level as your workout days, but I try to keep the calorie deficit the same each day. Meh. Not going to stress. I didn’t have a gain (or a loss) on the scale this morning, so I’m OK with it.

    I was going to try to respond to everyone but really you know it would take too many pages. I’ll just say to everyone who is facing a bit of blowback after the holidays and trying to find the motivation for the new year that it’s here for the taking. Honestly, I’m getting close enough to my goal that I’m already feeling myself loosen up the discipline – but it’s not time yet. I want to get to that goal, not near it. I’m not going to stop, and I’m going to keep logging my calories and water and exercise on here so I can watch the little ticker move, move, move.

    Cheers, everyone!

  • Morning all

    It is a rainy summer's day here in New Zealand this Tuesday morning. I'm a day ahead of many of you. Had to remind the princess dog she was not going to melt and yes I did expect her to go out in the wet stuff to do her business. The other one who is not so precious was straight out without a seconds hesitation.

    DS is getting his own meals and DD is away house sitting so it it lovely just planning food for myself and eating when I feel like it. Makes staying on track so much easier.

    Only a week left of my completely on holiday time, next week I start going back into school to enrol new students and look at changing subjects for my year group after they get their exam results back. Will make exercising easier as well as I will be going up and down flights of stairs at least 14 times each day.

    Robyn in New Plymouth
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Denise.
    Went to ortho dr,wasn`t able to workout for a couple weeks,so now I have 3 more weeks and go back.
    Hubby`s on 2nd set of antibodics.Hope these work.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    It is bitter cold here also. I walked for 10 minutes in 25 degree weather. The wind picked when I was heading back and my teeth were clattering by the time I got back inside.

    I think I will focus n strength training for the rest of the day (inside my house)

    Happy Monday!

    Jeannie in NM
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good Monday. I had an office day today; my co-teacher had the class so I got all caught up on grading, etc. I felt well enough to do a little exercise when I got home. Pretty tame compared to what I usually do (and that’s not all that great) but it was a good way to ease back in. I did 10 minutes on the ellipital and 10 minutes of wii fit yoga. Right now I’m settling in to do some book work and I’m drinking DeeDee’s ginger/lemon tea. It’s delicious.:happy: I usually don’t like any flavoring in
    coffee or tea, so I’m surprised I like it, but it’s great.

    Robin: wow that is a lot of dreadmilling. Sorry about your team! Who do the dogs vote for? Our critters always take my side. LOL :bigsmile:

    Liz: so sorry you had a frustrating and painful day. I hope tomorrow is better.:flowerforyou:

    Sally: glad you are feeling more on track. I think planning is the key!

    Judy hope you got to burn all those ‘foodie’ calories away! What a challenging job!

    Lin: good for you to avoid the arena food. Now that is some bad stuff (of course I like it LOL:laugh: )

    Michele: I think it’s hilarious that pets can be added to wii fit plus. I’m not very good at their yoga. My biggest calorie burn on the wii is laughing at it. The voice and the bad English just kill me. :laugh:

    Colleen: OMG skunks in your house????? YIKES. :sick: My dog got sprayed by one once and that was bad enough.

    Kackie: drive safely!

    Barbie: so sorry your team lost!

    Robin: welcome to our group! I was in New Zealand once…both islands. What a lovely place!

    Grumpy….I mean DeeDee ::flowerforyou: Thanks so much for the tea idea. Not only does it taste yummy but I find that as I sit here drinking it, I’m full! I’m going the decaf route so I can sleep today. I’m sorry to hear about your water issue…will insurance cover it? Have a better day tomorrow. Polish the tiara and admire your lovely self in the mirror!:happy:

    Tammy: welcome to our group. My opinion about eating back your calories is that each person is different. For instance I don’t burn a ton of calories and with 1800 I have plenty to eat. But if you are burning 500 or more….I’d eat at least some of them back to make sure you have enough fuel. Try it one way for a couple of weeks and see what happens. That may not help much! I agree with Barbie on this point…make sure what you eat is actually nutritious.

    Shrimpme: welcome to you too!

    Emtjab : can you share your cabbage and bean soup recipe? Sounds yummy!

    Chris: welcome to you too. I’m glad to hear you were able to tolerate more activity than you thought! I can’t answer your questions though because I don’t know what your abbreviations stand for lOL

    Nancy: hope your day at school was great!

    Lenitgogirl: I usually record my weight no matter what but I do have to confess not posting the weight gain the 2nd to last week of the fitness challenge at work. I was really mad at myself and wanted to keep envisioning myself at the lower weight. I think recording it will keep you honest.

    Lucy I hope your meeting goes well and the outcome is what you want. Keep us posted!

    Laura; I hope your evenings are productive while hubby is away!

    Lin: what is the virtual walk across America?

    Denise: welcome to our group. This is a great place to get advice and encouragement. Come back often!

    Jane: your work with the ballet company sounds very interesting . I wonder if you could cut your cast off, put it in your suitcase, then glue it back together when you hit the beach?:smokin: Oh, maybe not…you’d get sand in it! :tongue: Sending you a virtual beach postcard!

    Glenda: sad about you not getting your trip in!

    M: HOORAY for baseball….it’s a-coming soon! :happy:

    Well I think I have missed a few of you, but need to get some things accomplished yet tonight. Take care all and stay (or get!) healthy! Too much sickness here! Meg
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    FYI: Too much exercise all at once - newest research. I thought many of you might be interested in this new research, just in case we old gals try to take on too much all at once, although it seems to hit young women too. I don't think it is common, but, it must be increasing...because it was put in the national news feed here as an alert.

    "Weekend warriors and people starting a post-holiday fitness program too hard and too fast after time off are being warned that extreme exercise risks damaging the vital kidneys and muscles.

    Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, director of the neuromuscular and neurometabolic clinic at McMaster University Medical Centre in Hamilton, Ont., is bracing for an increase in cases of a disorder called rhabdomyolysis — rapid breakdown of muscle fibres that leads to the release of chemicals in the blood that can damage the kidneys.

    When Jay Armitage had rhabdomylosis after overexerting herself she said the muscle soreness was totally different from what she'd felt in the past. (CBC)
    Rhabdomyolysis affects the muscles we use to run, jump and lift.

    "We're probably going to see a big rise in this over the next months with the New Year's resolution person," said Tarnopolsky.

    He gives the example of someone in their mid 30s who used to be an athlete in high school, hasn't been physically active since, and then decides it's time to lose 15 pounds.

    It's normal to have a few aches and pains in the first 48 hours after exercising, but people should watch for more serious signs of trouble, Tarnopolsky says.

    "I think where people should be concerned and seek medical attention is if their urine goes dark, if their urine goes brown or red or tea colour. Those are the people who definitely need to go to an emergency department, they will likely need an intravenous, and they'll need lots of hydration to protect the kidneys and ride them through that period."

    Tarnopolsky also advises people to seek medical attention if the muscle soreness worsens after two or three days.

    Jay Armitage, 33, of Toronto, had rhabdomylosis in May. Armitage said she hadn't exercised for three months during a busy period at work and was getting dehydrated while flying. Then she did an intense, 60-minute class of kettle bells and squats. Her legs were shaking as she walked out.

    "When I woke up in the morning, I was in incredible pain. I couldn't raise my arms above my shoulders," Armitage recalled.

    When someone's urine goes brown, red or tea colour, they could need IV fluids.
    As a kidney donor, she had a home blood pressure machine that showed a high reading. After blood tests, a doctor called her at home and told her to get to an emergency as soon as possible for treatment, reassuring her that she'd be fine.

    "The end goal is to be active," said Armitage, who is now seeing Tarnopolsky for advice on getting back into exercise. "It's just a matter of slow and steady wins the race."

    The other problem that Tarnopolsky said needs medical attention is significant muscle swelling after exercise, especially in the lower legs, which can push blood vessels and nerves leading to feelings of numbness or tingling or foot discoloration."

    CBC News

    I have never heard of this before, but thought it might be useful to know, in case you know anyone who has sudden symptoms!

    The warm weather has deserted us, it is back to winter, but I am looking forward a brisk walk with the pit-poodle at a new park tomorrow!

    BJ, SWOntario, CA
  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! I haven't been on the thread for a couple of days and it was fun to catch up with everyone and see what you guys have been up to!! It's been icy here and cold (19 or so) and I'dmuch rather have snow than ice. Oh well, it's winter - what do I expect? My dog Toby doesn't like the ice one bit either. He ran outside yesterday mid-morning, hit the ice on the driveway and all 4 legs sprawled out from under him! This has happened on the hardwood floors before, but he's careful and "tip toes" on them. Anyway - Toby doesn't go many places without a toy (his favorite is a purple monkey) and he had it with him on Saturday. There he was - sprawled out on his belly - and he looks back at me like, "At least I didn't drop my monkey!" and wags his tail (he has the happiest heart!) He just couldn't get his legs back under him, so I ran out and was lifting him up (which is no small feat because he's over 100 pounds and all legs) and........yep, I wiped out. He gets up, purple monkey stil in his mouth and nudges me with the monkey like he does when he wants to play tug of war...I really think he thought he could pull me up. haha I couldn't help but laugh. But needless to say, one of us is sore today. haha

    Hey I found a really neat blog with some interesting low fat food on it - thought I'd share: www.joyfulabode.com

    ~Marita from Illinois
  • Hi ladies,

    Well I did my weigh in on Saturday and lost 1.5 LBS.. I think just weighing in once a week will help me out a lot. So thanks for the coaching and encouragement.

    I haven't been on in a few days and kept reading about vitamin F on different post, I went back to see if I could find the original post regarding vitamin F but couldn't. Could somebody fill me in on the benefits? I'm hoping it is either help with weight lose, better sleep or boosts energy!

    Wish I had an exercise buddy, that would force me to get off my excuses and be accountable.

    Best wishes,
    Denise - Lake St. Louis

    Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.
    Tony Robbins
  • HI ladies I would like to rejoin your group.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I haven't been on in a few days and kept reading about vitamin F on different post, I went back to see if I could find the original post regarding vitamin F but couldn't. Could somebody fill me in on the benefits? I'm hoping it is either help with weight lose, better sleep or boosts energy!

    Denise - Lake St. Louis

    Vitamin F is what you absorb when connecting with your Friends:heart::heart: ! Something exermom (Michele) thought up! Yay for Vitamin F! I come often to load up.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi buddy :

    ==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====


    Just in case anyone is wondering. The user who posted this nonsense has been inactivated! So now and then message boards get spammed. This was one of them.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Not the best fitness day for me today, but I took a needed nap and got some rest. We finally put the Christmas ornaments back into the attic which meant some heavy pushing and stacking, at least heavy for me. Tomorrow we can set up our recumbent bike on a trainer in the garage so DH can easily exercise. I plan to use it, too. We had snow today but it didn't stick. It was pretty and I took the dog for a walk in it. He and I enjoyed the time outside.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm contemplating rejoining a local gym so I can have access to their classes and equipment. Actually, I don't have to rejoin, I just need to start paying the monthly fees. I'm waiting for the January Resolutions people to drop out. I don't like it busy and crowded with people who won't stick around anyway. :-( Does anybody have a good guess on how long that might take for the majority? (I'm not worried about the ones who will really stick to it.) They have yoga, and zumba in their mix along with machines, weights, and spinning classes. I used to go with a friend, but she moved away some time back, and I'll be going on my own. DH doesn't like it there because it is too noisey to suit him. Advice welcome!.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just finished catching up on the posts. Work has been as busy as ever and it is hard to know where the days go! Over the weekend I got the front bedrooms painted and then we reassembled DH's desk. Also put Christmas away and pulled out/reorganized my seasonal items. It seemed so odd to be putting things back into those rooms. DH and I also cleaned out kitchen cabinets and culled out pots/pans, etc. Need to get a new bed for the guest room again since DS1 took it to the apartment with him. Guess we're getting a fresh empty nest again!

    We saw DS1 & DS2 for DH's birthday dinner Sunday night and had such a nice time. Went to the Marietta Diner -- massive amounts of food so plenty of leftovers, but golly, the sodium is NOT good for me. I did have part of a piece of lemon meringue pie, which was just delicious. I've been slugging back extra water today.

    Did I tell you DS2 is a smoker? He switched to an electronic cigarette recently and I noticed last night that his cough is gone. Glad for that...and no cigarette smoke odor. Big improvement, though I would prefer he entirely kick the habit.

    Friday after work I did weights and cardio at the Y. Guess I overdid the leg press and my right leg/knee have been irritated since.

    Welcome to all the new gals. I noticed someone from NM - I still have family in Albuquerque.

    Hope all those hurting/healing/ill are soon better!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is our 24th Anniversary........Jake and I had so much already planned for the day that we decided that we'd celebrate officially tomorrow but today we some unofficial celebrating although for us, we feel like every day is a honeymoon day:heart::heart:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    :heart: :heart: Happy Anniversary, Barbie! Congratulations on 24 yrs.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I missed a couple of day because I had my 4 youngest grandkids for two days. Boy, playing all day can wear you out! Maybe it was all the cooking also. Anyway, it's late so I'll be back tomorrow.
    Jane in Co - I so hope you're seeing an Orthopedic surgeon before making a decision to have surgery. Some drs. first impulse is surgery while others favor more conservative therapy. Wishing you good luck.
    I made notes so I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Barbie - Happy Anniversary!
    Welcome to all the new ones. This is a great group.

    Keep coming back,
    MaryC from SE WI
    Progress on January goal, 54/100 miles
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Colleen - oh my dear! I would be stressed, too.

    kackie - sending good vibes for your hubby

    Judy - I checked, there isn't a MELT class around here. Also, the book won't be released until later this month. Guess I'm just going to have to wait.

    Robyn - how exciting you got an ereader!

    DeeDee - Depending on how hard it's raining by you, they may not be able to do the digging. When they were installing the pool and it rained, they usually didn't do any digging since the machinery is so heavy. They may even need an extra day or so to let the soil dry out. But the good news is that you won't have that ugly red clay in your house! It's barely drizzling by me

    tammytylerjon - welcome, what part of VA are you in? You know, I think eating back exercise calories is a personal thing. I know that whenever (never fails) I eat back my exercise calories...I can be assured a gain the next day. Yet, there are people who lose while eating back those calories. I guess you just have to find out what works for you. barbie is right - try to eat nutritious foods. Sometimes I find that to be so hard to do, but I'm trying.

    shrimpMe - WE'RE glad you found us.

    Chris - great walking. You're on your way now!

    lentinogirl - we need to exercise constantly. I have no idea where MFP gets the algorithm from. Many times it'll tell me the same thing "if every day were like today you'd weigh X pounds in 6 weeks". There is no way I'd weigh what that says, that is, unless I want to look and feel like c****, which I don't. Many times I just ignore it. Or you get the wonderful message "you're eating too few calories". I could be under by onhly 50 calories and I get that message. Give me a break! Some days I'm under, and then there are those days when I'm over.

    katla - how nice of you to take such care of the birds!

    Just roasted a chicken. I find that if you buy the chicken already roasted in the store, it many times is much higher in fat and sodium. I read somewhere that to make the birds juicy they add salt. I'm not crazy about that. I also made these parmesan spinach cakes. I'll serve them at bunco tomorrow night, but to be honest, I'll probably be about the only one eating them. But the way I figure it....spinach is a vege so I can have them for breakfast or with my breakfast.

    Did 25 minutes of yoga today and then an hour of the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD of an am&pm walking.

    My achilles is getting better, but I can still feel that it's not perfect. Bought gas before I went to the class, I can't get over how warm it is outside! Then after the class I stopped at Aldi to get the chicken and a few other things we needed. Actually, I'd previously stopped at this outlet store to get hotdog rolls for Vince but they were actually cheaper at Aldi's. Oh well...live and learn....and die a fool....lol Aldi had a package of these Great Northern Beans so I'm soaking them right now.

    I got some apples at Aldi. One problem I'm finding is that the fruit drawer in my refrig is overflowing!

    katz - you couldn't have found a more support group of women if you'd tried. Come in often

    Jane in CO - how very interesting you working with the dancers. Many years ago I was the secretary for a non-profit group which brought the arts to the schools. We'd hold about 4 shows/year. It was real neat to watch the kids

    Robyn - Sometimes it is just so good to have to just take care of yourself, you can eat what you want, when you want. Enjoy it!

    jane - hope the antibiotics work for your hubby

    Meg - my cat can do cat/cow very very well....lol

    Marita - I had to laugh reading about Toby's "adventures"

    Renny thanks for telling us about that weird post. I was wonderinhg about it and, honestly, just skipped it.

    katla - I think how long it takes for the resolutioners to drop out of the gym depends on the area where you live. When we lived in the Poconos, you can almost always depend that by February (when the weather got worse) people would drop out. Not so here in NC, it's usually not until Easter. I would think you could call the executive director and ask him/her

    barbie - happy anniversary!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Thank you all for the kind wishes feeling much better today. Still stiff and sore but able to get going a bit manage to do some housework. Felt good the house was sort of looking shabby.

    @Barbie -- Happy Anniversary!! :flowerforyou: Today is my DH birthday!
    @Dee thank you for the tea recipe :flowerforyou:
    @Lin that is great on hitting the 100 mile mark.

    One of the things I accomplish today was I did it I signed up and now a member of the Y. Than got information on the arthritis water classes. They have 2 things I wanted for sure a indoor track that I can walk in and the pool. Which will be easier on my joints when hurting. Plus there are other classes that interest me but felt this is a good place to start.

    Tomorrow is work
    @Gail we are getting busier too time for our audits. Tomorrow is volunteer day at work for clients so lord of walking and on my feet. I normally enjoy it they like it so much so.hoping for positive outcome tomorrow.

    Well so sorry if I miss anyone. Brain shutting down. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.

    Keep.logging and drinking that water::drinker:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy anniversary to you and Jake:heart::love: :heart: ! Wishing you many more years of togetherness!!!!

    Liz:smile: I`m glad you`re feeling better! Enjoy your day today walking!

    Michele:smile: Can you come to my house and cook:laugh: !!!!! I had a dream about your pool last night, it was beautiful....you and Vince had just turned on all the lights in and around the pool and it just sparkled!

    Marita:smile: I bet Toby is adorable:love: ! I could just picture a sprawled out doggie with a purple monkey in his mouth:laugh: , and then trying to help you, how sweet! Glad you didn`t get hurt!

    Suebdew:smile: Yes, playing with those kiddos is a lot of work! I would love to just have a bit of the energy they have! My granddaughters wear me out!

    The plumbers decided it was too wet to bring a backhoe in to dig the yard up, it`s supposed to rain for the next three days too:frown: , so we have it planned for next Wed. I hope all this rain plus the water leak will not wash my house away!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: Come in often and chat!!!

    Well, I must get myself off this computer and get my walk (in the rain again, however I will wear a hat this time, and it`s colder this morning 45 degrees).

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC (I keep forgetting to put where I`m from:tongue: )