Boy do I need to move out.



  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    Seriously?! I just love when people blame others for what food is around them!! It's sad you sit here and run your mother down because of the food she buys. you're the one who wants to change, deal with it! smh

    Um, her mother is buying poor food choices that only the OP will eat. I don't know but I think that's kind of jerky.
  • malyndad
    malyndad Posts: 30 Member
    I agree, do your own grocery shopping. Claim a shelf in the fridge and one in the pantry and be independent. People who intentionally sabotage others are seeking power over them. You do have to learn to resist temptation, but a taste can be as satisfying as a whole serving if you really savor it.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP, don't listen to this crap. You're better than they are and they're just jaded and bitter they didn't amount to anything. ;)

    Good luck figuring things out. I know the principle of the situation bothers you, but if your mother INSISTS on buying it, just throw it out, donate it, give it to someone else, whatever the hell you need to do. You got this!
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    Seriously?! I just love when people blame others for what food is around them!! It's sad you sit here and run your mother down because of the food she buys. you're the one who wants to change, deal with it! smh

    Um, her mother is buying poor food choices that only the OP will eat. I don't know but I think that's kind of jerky.

    I'm sure the OP is not the only one eating it!! It's so easy for us to blame other people for the choices we make in our own lives... No one is holding a gun to her head to eat the "poor food choices"
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    You are correct. I am judgmental - and I have a right to use my judgment; and the fact that you are proudly bragging about living on food stamps helps me make another judgement.

    We once played cops and robbers, now it is producers and parasites. LOL

    why don't you have a big party - in Boston if you like - and throw yourself overboard with the rest of the tea.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member

    You are correct. I am judgmental - and I have a right to use my judgment; and the fact that you are proudly bragging about living on food stamps helps me make another judgement.

    We once played cops and robbers, now it is producers and parasites. LOL

    why don't you have a big party - in Boston if you like - and throw yourself overboard with the rest of the tea.

    I think they're on their period. When The Red Tide is in, I know I can be a bit of a *****......or they just have a stick rammed up some orifice......My suggestion is to report their postings until the mods do their jobs.
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    *Sigh.* For a community that promises to be so supportive and motivating, some of you guys can be a really rude bunch. :/

    OP, I know it can be frustrating when your mom buys things that you specifically ask her not to buy, but I don't believe that necessarily means she's trying to sabotage you. My mom does stuff like this all the time, but it comes from a loving place where, even though I say I don't want something, she knows it's something I enjoy from time to time and wants to let me have foods in the house that I enjoy. Case in point: every Christmas she gets me a little 12 count box of Ferrero Rochers, delicious they are, healthy, not so much.

    For everyone telling the OP to simply throw the food in the trash, that really seems disrespectful to me. The mom is purchasing it with her own money, I hate to be one of those, "children are starving over in Africa," (Children are starving in America too, though), people, but it's true. Throwing perfectly fine food in the trash because it doesn't fit in your diet is so wasteful, hell, give it to your neighbor if you have a point to prove. But, honestly, I think having that food there is a good lesson in life. You can still enjoy these foods, allow yourself some "unhealthy" snacks every so often, but eat them in moderation, consume a small percentage less throughout the day and allow the snacks to fit in your macros and be a realistic addition to your healthy and active lifestyle. :)
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    You are correct. I am judgmental - and I have a right to use my judgment; and the fact that you are proudly bragging about living on food stamps helps me make another judgement.

    We once played cops and robbers, now it is producers and parasites. LOL

    Eh. One person's parasite, another person's national volunteer. I get paid nothing and need food stamps to stay afloat so that I can do community health work for those that don't fit your criteria for what a worthwhile person is (i.e. farm workers and low-income families) , you elitist *kitten*.

    But hey. I guess we all measure the value of our lives differently. You view yours in your ability to accumulate wealth, and I see mine as the positive impact I have on the world.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I would move out the sooner the better. If she is buying food that only you like is sounds to me like she is tring to sabotage you.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    At 21 you sure need to move out and fend for yourself.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    My mom knows i'm counting my calories and going to the gym (since we go together, lol) and i've told her numerous times not to buy certain food items.
    Is it her money that she is spending? Is she forcing you to eat what she buys? Why are you "telling" her anything? If you have grocery money, why don't you buy what you want to eat? Don't you think that is rude?
    Yesterday she walks in the door with one of the items i didn't want. Today? Did it again with another one i mentioned. I scold her for it and she just laughs and says "don't eat them" when she knows how hard that's going to be for me, as they're my favorite and i'm the only one in the family that eats them.
    She is not forcing you to eat the items. YOU control what goes in your mouth.
    I feel like the only way to stop this is to move out and buy my own groceries. yikes..
    If you have the money to move out then why don't you? You just need first, last months rent for security and pay the first real month. If you have money to buy foods you like, then why don't you buy your own groceries? Did you ever think that perhaps she wants you to be out on your own and that's why she buys what she wants to have in HER house. Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. It might be your tone or your lack of respect. Personally, you couldn't live in my house. Oh, and after you have moved out for at least 6 months, come back and read your post. An apology might be in order on your part. Grow up.
  • xatannerx
    xatannerx Posts: 36 Member
    I am sorry to sound so forward, but as others have said temptations are everywhere! Even when you move out and do your own grocery shopping you have the "bad" foods on display ahead of healthy choices that you will have to have the will power to pass up. The best thing to focus on is how you plan on dealing with them. Deciding this now will help you cope when you have temptations in life. I don't think throwing out your mother's food that she bought is really a wise decision. It sounds like she is being supportive in working out with you at the gym, if she pays for your membership as well I would be thanking her rather than complaining about her on here. Just some food for thought :)
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    Such a bad mommy. Lets you (an adult) live under her roof, pays for your groceries but will not take your instructions as to what to buy. Your sense of entitlement is amazing.

    Glamchicka makes some really good points. Lots of moms fall into showing their love by giving them treats - things they know the kids like. Grown ups forgive them for it and eat what they need to fuel their bodies.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    if you are truly the ONLY one that eats them...then throw them out...

    a couple of times of you throwing them out and wasting her money will teach her not to waste her money and your time buying it.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    OP, I know it can be frustrating when your mom buys things that you specifically ask her not to buy,
    Please reread the original post--OP did NOT ASK anything according to the person. The word used was "TOLD".

    Motivation and support does not mean that you can just rant and expect people to just agree. Use some common sense. Was the OP asking anyone's opinion? Just making statements. The mother in this case could save money and have an extra room at home if the person moved out.

    Not being rude, I am a mother who works hard for the things I have and what I provide for my family.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Rather than focusing on what your mom is buying as some sort of "sabatoge", perhaps you should simply use it as the push to start buying your own groceries or indeed move out and buy your own groceries (whatever works I don't know you situation). In the long run you will have benefitted because you can not only make your own choices, but also teach yourself to avoid buying the items that don't work for you as an active choice not because someone does that for you.

    Make this about learning and growing for yourself and not blaming your mom.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I think the OP has a point if, like she said, she is the only one who eats the items she has asked her mom not to purchase. If that's the case, what is it, other than sabotage?

  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    ummm yes hun it time to move out.. Your 21 get some room mates and have fun,,,,
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hi Folks,

    I have gone through and taken care of some of the guideline violations in this post. The guideline in question states:
    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
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    You are free to disagree with the OP and argue your side as long as it's done constructively and intelligently. There is a way to disagree with people respectively and this is perfectly okay within the forums. Insults and attacks against the OP or any other poster will not be tolerated, users will be warned or struck if this occurs.

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    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • That is ruff.....I am faced with similar things but at my job. I just remember this and helps me pull through most of the time!

    My desire to change is greater than my desire to stay the same.....I am worth the hard work.

    The feelings of eating the once "favorite" food will change after a while. Once you start eating healthy and making the change its almost like your taste buds change too.
    Hang in there!!!!
    We cant always run from temptation but we can look it in the face and turn it down!!! Feel good about it! You are doing great!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    So let me get this straight, you don't pay for the groceries and you're complaining about what your mommy buys :huh:
    Gee Whatta hardship ....
    Have some self control and be thankful
    Yes, wasting money on food items your child - who is the only person who eats said item - doesn't want is quite intelligent. Her mother needs to grow up and stop being wasteful at the expense of being immature.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Man, I wish I could live at home at 21, I had to move out when I was 15.

    I'll stop there, because I could say some mean things.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    The nerve of your Mom. You should probably make out the grocery list yourself, go with her, fill the basket yourself. Go ahead and let her be involved a little. Like pulling out her checkbook at the checkout counter.

    Seriously...when you are living in someone else's home, you should be grateful. If you want something special, buy it. Prepare your own meals. Prepare some of the family meals. Until you contribute, you should just be thankful.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I feel like the only way to stop this is to move out and buy my own groceries. yikes..

    Key words right there... If she is buying the groceries, she picks what is bought... if you aren't ready to move out... why not buy your own food?
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    You are 21! I can't believe your mom hasn't kicked you out yet! Not to be mean but I booted my boys out at 19 only because I love em and wanted then to be independant individuals. You cannot expect your mom not to buy the groceries she wants to buy in her home, thats just rude. Now, go find a nice little apt and start buying your own groceries, you are a big girl now :)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Moving out and living on your own is a big responsibility. I dont know how old you are or anything else about your life but I think this is a little irrational. Buy your own groceries or don't eat the things she buys, if you are not mature enough to be able to decide what food you eat then you definitely arent mature enough to pay the bills and keep house.
  • Learn to deal with temptations; they're always going to be there.

    Yup! ^^^^ That's life. Always some sort of temptation around. Don't eat whatever it is. If you are the only one that eats them and she bought them anyways to tempt you. Open it up infront of her, and dump it in the trash. Let he know that it was a waste of her money and you are serious about sticking to your goals. But if other people are eating them, then just be strong and pretend you don't know it's there.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah, clearly you have it so rough. Someone who does your shopping and puts a roof over your head at 21. *eyeroll*
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Seriously?! I just love when people blame others for what food is around them!! It's sad you sit here and run your mother down because of the food she buys. you're the one who wants to change, deal with it! smh

    Um, her mother is buying poor food choices that only the OP will eat. I don't know but I think that's kind of jerky.

    I think that self control is important and if the mom has to fork out $ on food her grown daughter doesn't eat will teach her a lesson. Stop blaming others for your lack of control, just teach her a lesson. Say, thanks mom but I don't eat that junk anymore so you are wasting your money :)
  • Unless you are paying rent you shouldn't scold your mom, and even then that's disrespectful! She shouldn't have to cut out foods she wants to eat because its hard for you to say no.