
  • Good Morning!
    Looking for a yoga DVD for 50+ ??
    Try Embracing Menopause, Yoga For The Young At Heart, featuring Susan Winter Ward. I really enjoy this one!!!
    Have a great day everyone

    Freezing in MN!!!
  • ShrimpMe
    ShrimpMe Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning to everyone! Thanks for welcoming us newbies in your posts. Sounds like everyone knows everyone pretty well here. Based on that, here's the quick version about me. Mom (and step mom) to 3 handsome men and 1 beautiful lady all ranging 27 to 35. They have given us 4 awesome grandsons! Love to sail, boat, deep sea fish, spend time with my toes in the sand with a drink in my hand and enjoy lots of good times with friends. I hope our paths may cross soon. "Lasterday" (as my 4 yr old would say) was a good day. I Ate right and did my exercise. The best part was I drank my water!!! Yayyyy me. Why? Because you guys sent those cute little emotiocons out and I just kept seeing their little faces and glasses of water. Now that's a little twisted! Make today great! (Becky aka ShrimpMe)
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for the advice about eating back my exercise calories. I'm really trying to eat smart... I hate the thought of a pound a week! I want instant gratification! I want to fit into those cute clothes hanging in my closet! Now! It really is harder to lose the weight after turning 50... but I know it's possible. Just have to persevere....

    Love this thread.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning, having my tea and reading posts to start my day.

    Michele- I didn't know you used to live in the Pocono's, I worked at Tobyhanna Army Depot for a few years when I was married to my Ex. He was from Hazelton. I was really beautiful up there, but expensive. We tried to find a place there and couldn't afford it.

    Barbie- Happy Anniversary

    Not a lot going on today, maybe to do a video and my tubes, with the 10 or 20 lb. Hope everyone is staving off the flu and feeling better.

    Tigress in GA
  • judsimm
    judsimm Posts: 8 Member
    Just finished catching up on the posts. Work has been as busy as ever and it is hard to know where the days go! Over the weekend I got the front bedrooms painted and then we reassembled DH's desk. Also put Christmas away and pulled out/reorganized my seasonal items. It seemed so odd to be putting things back into those rooms. DH and I also cleaned out kitchen cabinets and culled out pots/pans, etc. Need to get a new bed for the guest room again since DS1 took it to the apartment with him. Guess we're getting a fresh empty nest again!

    We saw DS1 & DS2 for DH's birthday dinner Sunday night and had such a nice time. Went to the Marietta Diner -- massive amounts of food so plenty of leftovers, but golly, the sodium is NOT good for me. I did have part of a piece of lemon meringue pie, which was just delicious. I've been slugging back extra water today.

    Did I tell you DS2 is a smoker? He switched to an electronic cigarette recently and I noticed last night that his cough is gone. Glad for that...and no cigarette smoke odor. Big improvement, though I would prefer he entirely kick the habit.

    Friday after work I did weights and cardio at the Y. Guess I overdid the leg press and my right leg/knee have been irritated since.

    Welcome to all the new gals. I noticed someone from NM - I still have family in Albuquerque.

    Hope all those hurting/healing/ill are soon better!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • judsimm
    judsimm Posts: 8 Member
    Just finished catching up on the posts. Work has been as busy as ever and it is hard to know where the days go! Over the weekend I got the front bedrooms painted and then we reassembled DH's desk. Also put Christmas away and pulled out/reorganized my seasonal items. It seemed so odd to be putting things back into those rooms. DH and I also cleaned out kitchen cabinets and culled out pots/pans, etc. Need to get a new bed for the guest room again since DS1 took it to the apartment with him. Guess we're getting a fresh empty nest again!

    We saw DS1 & DS2 for DH's birthday dinner Sunday night and had such a nice time. Went to the Marietta Diner -- massive amounts of food so plenty of leftovers, but golly, the sodium is NOT good for me. I did have part of a piece of lemon meringue pie, which was just delicious. I've been slugging back extra water today.

    Did I tell you DS2 is a smoker? He switched to an electronic cigarette recently and I noticed last night that his cough is gone. Glad for that...and no cigarette smoke odor. Big improvement, though I would prefer he entirely kick the habit.

    Friday after work I did weights and cardio at the Y. Guess I overdid the leg press and my right leg/knee have been irritated since.

    Welcome to all the new gals. I noticed someone from NM - I still have family in Albuquerque.

    Hope all those hurting/healing/ill are soon better!

    Gail, metro Atlanta

    Garden fail.......what is an electronic cigarette? My son could use one.
  • buddysmom35
    buddysmom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all,
    I will follow Becky's lead and introduce myself better.
    My name is Chris, I live with DH just outside of Philadelphia. I have DS24 and DD 22. DD is in her last year of college - DS is out on his own.
    I enjoy gardening, couponing, and sewing. Not real physical stuff - but I'm trying to improve that with mainly walking, although I'd like to find a beginners DVD to do in this cold weather. Anyone have any suggestions that they like? It has to be pretty much low impact.
    I have been on MFP for a week now. It is so helpful logging in what I eat. I am a lunchlady in my church/school. This past week I was much less tempted to "taste test" since I knew I'd have to write it down. I've found that I just love carrots with honey mustard dressing dip. :smile:
    I enjoy this thread very much and look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, :happy:

    Happy Anniversary Barbie! :love:

    I am not going to make a long reply, just checking in to make a commitment: I will go swimming today! :frown:

    Yes, swimming. The thing is, I worked as a lifeguard for many years and since then swimming has been on my :noway: "oh no, not again" list. I know it's such good exercise, and good for my body, and ... and ... and ... so today is the day. Back to the pool.

    It has been said, it must be done.

    I will check in later and tell you how it goes.

    Hasta pronto,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy anniversary, Barbie! :flowerforyou:

    I was looking forward to yoga this morning but the teacher cancelled because there is a two hour delay for school and the buses are on snow routes. :sad: It isn't icy here at my house, just wet. I live in the lowest part of town next to the river. There are plenty of hills and higher elevations around here. I guess I'll do my yoga dvd instead this morning. It is okay, but having the company of fellow students and a live teacher is really nice.

    Have a good day, everyone!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning again all,

    I know this is probably a stupid question, and the answer is probably obvious, but I'm having a senior moment, so please indulge me. What the heck does DH, DS, DD, etc. stand for? :embarassed: I'm figuring husband, son, daughter, but what does the "D" mean? Oh Lord, I know I'm going to feel like a fool when I find out the answer, but just had to put it out there. Maybe it might just make some of you laugh!:blushing:

    :smile: LinCharpentie I'm going to have to check out zumba. It sounds like fun, however, I have two left feet, so anything that requires following "steps" of any kind is always a problem for me!

    :noway: linder4866 I can't believe you walk 10 miles! I can barely manage 2.

    :smile: janehadji I wish my job were as fulfilling as yours. You are doing a great service and I admire you.

    :bigsmile: katla49 Good work in getting those Christmas decorations away! I know what a big job that is, and it feels great to get it done, right? As far as the gym goes, I have no idea how long all the "resolution people" might take, but I'm betting 30 days would be safe.

    :flowerforyou: megblair1 I think you are doing the right thing by easing into the exercise. Easy does it....you will get there.

    :heart: barbiecat Happy 24th anniversary!!! And many more.

    :wink: RebelRenny Thanks for the clarification about vitamin F. I was wondering that myself!

    Oh, and the meeting with my bosses is set up for Thursday afternoon. I'm nervous, but hopeful!

    Have a great day!

    Lucy in Delaware
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good morning again all,

    I know this is probably a stupid question, and the answer is probably obvious, but I'm having a senior moment, so please indulge me. What the heck does DH, DS, DD, etc. stand for? :embarassed: I'm figuring husband, son, daughter, but what does the "D" mean? Oh Lord, I know I'm going to feel like a fool when I find out the answer, but just had to put it out there. Maybe it might just make some of you laugh!:blushing:

    Lucy in Delaware

    You figured right, Lucy. Dear Husband, Dear Son, Dear Daughter etc. When I first started on a message board I was also perplexed by the abbreviations. I soon got used to it though :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you a fabulous day and year - up to # 25 - woohoo

    I seem to have leveled off in the weight department. No more losses to report. However...I can report that my clothes fit a little less tight. Given the scale was not telling me anything new this morning, I thought I would measure my waist and bust. I lost 2.5" in the bust and, as said previously, 4" in the waist. My body is re-configuring itself?! I am liking it. I am looking forward to my rings fitting.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Mine is back to heavy on the veggies and fruit. Had too much wine lately, so need to cut that back.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Another cold Tuesday in Denver:flowerforyou:

    Sounds like everyone is doing great this new year. Once again I'm only popping in to say HI as I have a lot to still catch up on. I have a scheduled call in to Tech Support on the software and hoping they can walk me through so I can actually be working in 2013...now wouldn't that be a novel idea:grumble: actually working in the current month and year. I still have to finish closing out Dec 2012 and have the reports done by the end of the wekk.

    Hubby did okay for his graveyard shift, but said from now on he will leave this to the younger ones as there was a lot of lifting and his back was hurting after an hour of work. I left him and Peanut asleep in bed when I came in to work.

    I confess I didn't get in any exercise last night as I wanted to spend the time with hubby before he left for work and then I got sucked in watching the Biggest Loser and with it being so cold I just wanted to sit on the couch with Peanut and feel warm.

    My hands are so cold I keep hugging my coffee cup to get them warm and my computer says that it's gone up 9 degrees since I came in to the office....a balmy 17:wink:

    Everyone have a great day. Happy Anniversary Barbie:flowerforyou: Enjoy your day with Jake.

    Drink that water, l:drinker: og that food and let's keep moving (I will take that as a note to self:blushing: )

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,
    And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
    When you want to give up just because you gave in,
    and forget all about being healthy and thin.
    So What! You went over your [calories] a bit,
    It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!
    It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
    It's learning the skills to get back in your range.
    It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.
    You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
    It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
    You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.
    To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
    If you summon the will to get back in the race.
    But, often the strugglers, when loosing their grip,
    Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
    And learn too late when the damage is done,
    that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.
    Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,
    but facing each challenge will help you grow.
    Success is failure turned inside out,
    the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.
    When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,
    If you bite it, you write it....But don't you quit!
    - Author Unknown

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!
    :smile: jb from foggy, freezing NW OR
  • Hello everyone! I joined the group a few weeks ago, but this is my first post since then. For the past couple of weeks I have found myself to be unmotivated or perhaps undermotivated, but my mojo is back. I thankfully did not sabotage my diet during this period, but it was a near thing. I did, however, skip some workouts. So last night I got back on that horse or should I say treadmill and feel so much better today. There is nothing better than exercise for the happy endorphins which improve my mood and re-energize my dedication. I look forward to being a more active participant in this wonderful group. Thanks for listening! Liz :smile:
  • masch006
    masch006 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 50+ and about 125lbs over weight. I saw this motivational board and thought I'd say hi.
    I have one major issue and that's binging in the afternoon. I can"t seem to curb those 4pm hunger pangs.
    Any suggestions. I do try to nibble a healthy snack, but it doesn't seem to help. I can't really eat dinner that early.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning everyone! No sunshine here yet today, but the temp is at zero and a chinook is moving in so milder weather is on the way.
    I broke down and bought a three month pass to the pool for my aquacise classes. So now I just have to be diligent and use it so I am getting my money's worth!:happy: It also lets me in to the fitness area as well ( though I do have a gym membership closer to home) so I did some time on the treadmill and tried out the vibration machine....a little strange. Does anyone out there know anything about them?

    Barbie - Happy anniversary! I hope you both have a wonderful day:flowerforyou:

    Nancy - Good strategy to post your resolve to get to the pool - it does make it more 'real', doesn't it? I am not a swimmer - so I admire your life guard skills - and I don't mind the early morning trek to the pool, getting wet, the exercises, but I really dislike the drying off and dressing afterward. Especially now that wintr is here and dressing involves so much more:grumble: Advice? Let us know how it goes!

    Denise - Welcome and hang in there. There are lots of ideas and support here. As you log your food and move more, you will see improvement in how you feel. That success and the support here will help you to feel better about your self and encourage you in your journey. Good luck and good health!

    Well, I need to go stash those last boxes of Christmas decor and then get to work on a talk I need to give later this week.
    Go well today ladies...stay well.

    Glenda in breezy southern Alberta
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    jb - I just read your poem after I posted. That is great - :smile: thanks for sharing. We all need that encouragement to keep on!
    (did you write it? you always have such creative contributions :smile: )

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Denver is supposed to start warming up a bit, which will be welcome... it's been cold here!!! My brother is arriving from Hawaii tonight. He's coming for our father's 84th birthday on Thursday, but leaving the day before mine (Monday). It's too bad he couldn't stay another day, but needed to get back to work. And so the birthday week begins! Dad and I both like to have homemade German chocolate cake, which is a killer calorie-wise. I'm wondering if I should just make one cake and cut it in half and flip it sideways on the plates? It might look a bit odd, but then we'd just have one cake to eat instead of two -- undoubtedly a good thing! Hubby is off to Las Vegas to play in a soccer tournament -- his team actually won it a few years back. He's coming home a day early so that he can take me to birthday dinner. I won't be home alone, as my son is coming to stay with me, as well as my brother being here.

    Glenda – I’m sorry your friends are canceling their annual trip. Bummer! It sounds like you have a terrific water habit going! :drinker:

    Mwheatcraft – I’m glad you had a great time at your sister’s party! We all have to indulge occasionally, and as your only meal, I’m sure it didn’t hurt you any. Cheers!

    Meg – I’ll pass your cast-cutting idea on to my doctor and see what she says! I’ve heard that duct tape is good for putting just about anything back together. LOL :bigsmile:

    BJ – Thanks for the interesting article on exercise. I can’t imagine that I exercise enough to hurt my kidneys (I wish I could look at that as a potential problem!), but I’m sure that there are some people who do go all out regularly.

    Wannabethingi – I had to laugh about your dog and his purple monkey, but I’m sorry you had to take a spill, too.

    Dmendel64 – Congrats on the loss! Vitamin F is friends.

    Katia – I took my tree down a week ago and got it into the box, but it’s still in the entryway waiting for hubby to take in downstairs. I can’t believe how heavy it is! I think that most people will have stopped going to the gym by the end of January.

    Barbie – Happy 24th Anniversary to you and Jake!!!! :love: :heart: :love:

    Suebdew – Thanks for the encouragement! I have a 3rd opinion with a podiatrist next week, but as of now think I’ll try the 2 months of cast and crutches in April. I’ll need some more definite guarantees before doing surgery again, and I don’t have them yet.

    Michele -- I love watching the kids dance, and admire them so much! We usually have over 100 come from all over the state for the competition and to work with the master teacher. We had a group do a “Rainforest” ballet in one of the elementary schools, and the children’s faces were priceless.

    Liz – I think you’ll enjoy the Y. The closest gym for me is about 10 miles away, so I usually just peddle my bike in the basement, but I’d certainly prefer a gym.

    Shrimpme – Where is your sand? It sounds like you have a wonderful life!

    Nancy – Enjoy your swim! :flowerforyou:

    LucyT4dieting – The Ballet Guild is part of my volunteer work… I’m actually a realtor. The “D” stands for “Dear.”

    Laura80111 – I can’t believe you’re still having accounting issues! Grrrrr!! It’s definitely been cold here, although I understand it’s supposed to be better this afternoon. My brother is coming in from Hawaii tonight, and I warned him that he’d better find a coat to bring!

    JB – What a great poem – I loved it!! Thank you for posting it. :flowerforyou:

    Maasch006 – Can you plan a 4pm protein bar into your daily calories? I find that protein really helps in curbing the hunger.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    OMG! I have only been away for 10 days, and so many posts - I will never catch up.

    We had a fabulous holiday in Lanzarotte (Canary Islands). It was warm and sunny, and we did lots every day. Best bit of it, I think, was a submarine safari - the fish were spectacular, and we were able to see a diver feed a ray fish - awesome!

    Back home now, and we had snow yesterday. Only a little, but this is the UK and we don't do snow! Its still very cold out there. I did manage a walk this morning, but that's enough. I need to be indoors with the heating on - ha, ha!

    Well loads to do, so just a quick post otherwise I will never get caught up.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump for later today! :laugh:

    I posted on the December, start of January blog! Somehow. I missed the continuation thread !! Lol:sad:

    Everyone have a terrific Tuesday! 28 degrees here in Southern Calif this am!:noway:

    Talk with y'all tonight!!!

    Have a nutritious day!:flowerforyou:

    Blessings, lindaS :heart: