An Argument Against Fast Food



  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    I will quote the last one again

    "I find the whole idea of ‘clean eating’ pretentious. What exactly defines a food as ‘clean’? Do you spray windex on it? Rub soap on it? I find it a bit preposterous. I’ve been in debates with people promoting ‘clean eating’ but when I ask for a specific scientific definition of what makes a food ‘clean’ they are silent. I think the restrictive diets where you can only eat a half dozen or so foods are not only unhealthy because they don’t give you a diverse intake of nutrients but I believe they promote eating disorders and binging. I see people who ‘eat clean’ during most of the week and then binge on cheesecake, ice cream, and donuts because it’s a ‘cheat’ meal. Oh yea… that is way healthier than eating ‘unclean’ foods in moderation to a hit a specific macronutrient target. *rolleyes* Now that said, I do believe that many IIFYMers (I find it funny that something myself and others been promoting for years gets an acronym attached to it and is now this ‘new’ way of eating LOL) actually go too far in one direction. Most people who origionally promoted targeting macronutrient intakes instead of obsessing about food choices actually eat ‘clean’ foods 95% of the time, we just don’t agonize over having a homemade burrito with a low carb wrap or some reduced calorie ice cream. We see the value of a controlled intake in order to prevent uncontrolled binging. But I do see IIFYM followers who eat as much sugary, high fat foods as they can and wear it like a badge of honor. That is not the point. If you are following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition you will be eating a lot of ‘clean’ foods by default because you will not be able to hit a protein, carb, fat, and fiber intake conducive to body composition improvement if all you eat are high sugar/fat foods. The point is it’s ok to have these foods in small amounts if you are still hitting your goal macronutrient intake."

    Can you please explain to me this stereotype that anyone who says they eat clean only does so 3/4ths of the time, and spends the other 1/4th binging? Because it's not only ridiculously unfair to those who devote themselves to a truly healthy diet, but it throws a variable into the equation that doesn't even make sense. Also, who said anything about only eating a half dozen or so foods? If you follow the Abs Diet perhaps, but there are dozens and dozens of "clean", whole foods. There are hundreds of varieties of produce alone! People like simplistic diets revolving around limited foods because they're easy to follow and easy to log. Don't bash clean eating based on mitigating factors.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    Lady, have them.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    Lady, have them.

    I agree. She keeps trying to throw people out of the forums.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    You're right, maybe I'll go make a thread about how lifting weights builds muscle. People need to know about this!

    If you had a specific workout book/article quoted, that would be exactly the same thing as what OP just did. Stop trying to be condescending, dear, it's very unattractive.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.
    I think some one needs a big Mac cause you seem hangry

    Nah I'm good, thanks though bro.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    Lady, have them.

    I agree. She keeps trying to throw people out of the forums.

    Back to defend the girl that has nothing constructive to add to this "discussion"? Do go on. :)
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with this. I love fast food, so I'm not planning on giving it up anytime soon. I do try to limit it to cheat days, though. Eating whole, unprocessed foods is better for athletic performance and overall health because of the high nutrient density. It also happens to be better for weight loss because most of these foods are naturally lower in calories.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    You're right, maybe I'll go make a thread about how lifting weights builds muscle. People need to know about this!

    If you had a specific workout book/article quoted, that would be exactly the same thing as what OP just did. Stop trying to be condescending, dear, it's very unattractive.

    Use passive aggressive term of endearment / call others condescending. Seems legit.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyone is boo-hissing you because you went out of your way to make a post about something everyone already knows (fast food is bad for you. Big portions, processed, high calories, low nutrition content) and you're acting like you're really groundbreaking with this information. It's silly. Even if there is a tiny, misinformed minority that disagrees with this, it doesn't make you posting a thread to tell people any less ridiculous.

    And so you commented... why? At least the boo-hissers had something to say about it, you've got nothing. OP was not "acting groundbreaking", he quoted a book and shared his two cents. Guess what, that's what forums are for. Go find something else to do.

    You're right, maybe I'll go make a thread about how lifting weights builds muscle. People need to know about this!

    If you had a specific workout book/article quoted, that would be exactly the same thing as what OP just did. Stop trying to be condescending, dear, it's very unattractive.

    Use passive aggressive term of endearment / call others condescending. Seems legit.

    Yep! Just about as legit as telling someone that their forum post is useless. :)
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    I admit I did not read all the posts so someone smarter than me probably has pointed this out. The premise that if you eat more calories you have more energy is wrong. You only burn the calories you need to based on bmr and energy exerted. Eat more calories then you burn and you gain weight not feel more energetic.
  • samanthawarren
    No one has ever suggested that a significant portion of your diet should be comprised of fast food.

    Strawman is made of straw.

    even if it's a small portion of your diet, the body still wastes energy trying to assimilate it. it's still a net loss in energy compared to the nutrient-dense alternative.

    so by that logic, your body uses more calories to process fast food, wouldn't that be a postive for people trying to lose weight? That would be like one of those anecdotal finding like the value of nuts in the nurses health study that nut companies like to cite...

    Exactly what I was thinking.

    I agree that fast food is not a good idea. I avoid it just because of the highly processed nature. I also limit it for my kids, but I was really confused by the quote that was used. Usually wasted energy means energy not used, not converted into fat or anything else. Like people who can eat anything and don't put on weight. It is because their bodies tend to "waste" the energy they are consuming.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    But what am I supposed to eat to feel better when I'm hung over?

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I admit I did not read all the posts so someone smarter than me probably has pointed this out. The premise that if you eat more calories you have more energy is wrong. You only burn the calories you need to based on bmr and energy exerted. Eat more calories then you burn and you gain weight not feel more energetic.
    i wish i knew what this was referring to, but i think it's to the folks talking about the higher TEF?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.

    this is the first thread i've started about it actually...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.

    this is the first thread i've started about it actually...

    Maybe she meant she's noticed you posting a lot about this topic....not starting threads.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.

    this is the first thread i've started about it actually...

    Oh please. Didn't your last one get locked/deleted by the mods for selling your wares?
    Sure did!

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.

    this is the first thread i've started about it actually...

    Maybe she meant she's noticed you posting a lot about this topic....not starting threads.

    true, which is honestly why this particular section of the book stuck out for me, because it would have been incredibly useful in that other ill-fated thread. i wish we could just have discussions in here, and that the people who didn't want to discuss it would... ya know... just not read the thread. i know that's a bizarre concept.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Oh man, the truth comes out!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Before you flame without reading the post, <snip>
    Have at it. And let's try and keep it civil, K? :)

    Dude, how many times are you going to start a thread about this?

    I'm not on these boards much and even *I* am noticing how much you're doing it.

    Give it a rest.

    this is the first thread i've started about it actually...

    Oh please. Didn't your last one get locked/deleted by the mods for selling your wares?
    Sure did!

    wait WHAT??

    that's not at ALL true. I've NEVER tried to sell anything on these forums.