Black Team Week 15



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Yeah! Look what we started!!

    Cuz of you all I did 30 minutes of high intensity cardio after I worked an hour with the trainer.

    I feel fanFREAKINtastic folks!!

    Way to go!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey kids.

    Lots going on lately, mostly good stuff though. I'm 10 days away from the half, and super excited...Test #4 is this Saturday (thank God, because I am ready to be done with it) and I am having some of my girlfriends over this weekend for my first get together since I moved in with the BF. Good times.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    :bigsmile: Hee, hee! Look at me. I'm the girl who needs to lose 13 pounds. :bigsmile:

    Well my friends, I feel like crapola. Seem to be getting a cold- sore throat, body ache, all of it. Lucky me. Now last week when it was hubs he laid on the couch all night. I still ran around all day running kids here and there, cooked dinner, etc. I did plop in the hammock with a blanket for an hour and a half after dinner and snuggled with my birthday boy and then hubs and loved every second of that. Now I'm past ready for bed!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey BT - Looks like I miss a nice love fest today with all the nice compliments for/from everyone! Great Job!

    Had a bad eating day....wish i logged in earlier

    Glad to hear your energy come thru again Miss Jeannie :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Nite team!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :bigsmile: Hee, hee! Look at me. I'm the girl who needs to lose 13 pounds. :bigsmile:

    Well my friends, I feel like crapola. Seem to be getting a cold- sore throat, body ache, all of it. Lucky me. Now last week when it was hubs he laid on the couch all night. I still ran around all day running kids here and there, cooked dinner, etc. I did plop in the hammock with a blanket for an hour and a half after dinner and snuggled with my birthday boy and then hubs and loved every second of that. Now I'm past ready for bed!

    Hope you feel better Lori:flowerforyou: How many days until the big Ball?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    :bigsmile: Hee, hee! Look at me. I'm the girl who needs to lose 13 pounds. :bigsmile:

    Well my friends, I feel like crapola. Seem to be getting a cold- sore throat, body ache, all of it. Lucky me. Now last week when it was hubs he laid on the couch all night. I still ran around all day running kids here and there, cooked dinner, etc. I did plop in the hammock with a blanket for an hour and a half after dinner and snuggled with my birthday boy and then hubs and loved every second of that. Now I'm past ready for bed!

    Hope you feel better Lori:flowerforyou: How many days until the big Ball?

    Thanks. I crawled in bed with my laptop, I forgot to brush my teeth, I don't want to move, but know I need to get up cause I can't sleep unless I brush them. Wonder if I can brush them in bed? LOL Better yet, wonder who will bring me my tooth brush? Spitting and rinsing may be an issue.

    The ball is next weekend. I've got some busy weekends coming up. First thing first, tomorrow school carnival at elementary school, Saturday is Alex's birthday party at the local skating rink. I decided buying a cake for over $30 was insane and so I would make it. Seriously, what was I thinking? Buying it is easier, that's why it costs so much! I can't wait until the last mintue in case I screw it up, so I have to fit that in tomorrow I guess.

    Hubs so nicely informed me we need groceries. No *kitten*. Geez, am I the only one who can bring food into this house? The kids suck down milk faster than I can buy it. I know I don't work (outside the home) and I know it's sort of 'my job' to do certain things, but sometimes I hate that it's my job, even more, I hate the 'you didn't do your job' tone I hear in what he says. Maybe it's not there and I make it up, but I still think I hear it!

    I also mentioned staining the outside kitchen area back piece he build tonight and he was outside putting in more stuff so I could make sure to stain it too. I only have so many hours in a day. Gym, groceries, staining, school carnival, finish pressure washing, get dirt for trees, rocks for under deck steps...... their are NOT enough hours to do it all! Something needs to give. Based on the way I feel right now, it might be all of it!

    Ummm, I think I got started. LOL Sorry Donna, one little question got me going.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :bigsmile: Hee, hee! Look at me. I'm the girl who needs to lose 13 pounds. :bigsmile:

    Well my friends, I feel like crapola. Seem to be getting a cold- sore throat, body ache, all of it. Lucky me. Now last week when it was hubs he laid on the couch all night. I still ran around all day running kids here and there, cooked dinner, etc. I did plop in the hammock with a blanket for an hour and a half after dinner and snuggled with my birthday boy and then hubs and loved every second of that. Now I'm past ready for bed!

    Hope you feel better Lori:flowerforyou: How many days until the big Ball?

    I hate the 'you didn't do your job' tone I hear in what he says. Maybe it's not there and I make it up, but I still think I hear it!

    Oh, it's there-- make no mistake-- it's there. 'nuff said--

    Just had a lovely run-- very strong-- not sure what's changed-- but past two runs have been very strong again. Yee-ha-- foot pain is nearly absent-- totally thrilled. Not sure why it comes and goes, but I'll rejoice when it goes, that's for sure.

    Heading to work, my beloved team-- we're rather splintered these days, but I know you're all still out there and we're still pullin' for each other-- means the world, no?

    Love to all--
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning from the UK,

    Am aiming to do loads of walking and at least do 20 minutes on the bike today, but Thomas has an awards evening at sea Cadets tonight, so need to get it all done by 7pm! I thought I had alot to fit into my day, but Lori you certainly beat me - good luck with the cake today.

    I am desperately trying to lose some more weight but like you guys I seem to keep losing and regaining the same 3-5lbs, but will see. I am hoping that the increase in exercise and watching what I eat closer is going to have the desired effect but whatever!!

    I will pop back later, need to go prep for school walk and arrival of mindees x
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Morning team. What a LONG night. Still don't feel good. At all. I tossed and turned and woke myself up moaning. Every inch of me hurt. Finally at 3 (I dont' know why I didnt' early) I got up and took 800mg of Motrin. I got back in bed and I swear you can feel that stuff kick in. It's like a calm that comes over your aching and sore body and you drift off to much better sleep, until 5:45 when the alarm goes off and it's time to get the kids moving. I could have slept much longer.

    I am not going to the gym, not even a consideration. I do need to run errands and get stuff for Alex's cake and of course a little food, since we are out of the main stuff. As far as outside, we'll see how it goes, I'll do what I can and what I feel good enough to do, if it's nothing, hey, it's nothing. I've put in my time out there the past 2 months, I'm tired of killing myself over it.

    I hope everybody has a good day. It's Friday, that's good, right?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning, Tanya! Good morning Lori-- hope you feel better, woman.

    Took the kids to school this morning, again-- as long as Aaron's on crutches, I'm driving them to school. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Doctor told us yesterday basically what we already knew-- torn muscle. Stay off it. It will heal slowly. Have to go back again in two weeks and he may send him to physical therapy if he hasn't been able to resume some normal activity.

    Heading to type-- 170.5 today-- unreal. Maybe my stronger runs are jump starting some metabolism? Who knows.

    But, whatever-- I'll take it.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Hey gang-- too cool--

    If you want to see what I do for my transcribing-- the link is a piece done for the Today show with Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts. I transcribed the part of the interview that took place in his truck. Too funny-- it was a 42 minute interview, and only about 40 seconds actually made it to air--

    But, here you go folks--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- I am feeling somewhat better, thanks, I'm about to pop some more Motrin before that changes! I'm happy the scale is moving for you. It moved for me.... but not the right way. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't expect it though, I ate like crap yesterday and didn't give one thought about it.

    Cakes in the oven, hard work dumping that box mix into the mixer and adding water, oil and eggs. :tongue: I see no reason to make a cake from scratch when I can buy the box mix for .88 cents. Just my thoughts on the whole thing.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- I am feeling somewhat better, thanks, I'm about to pop some more Motrin before that changes! I'm happy the scale is moving for you. It moved for me.... but not the right way. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't expect it though, I ate like crap yesterday and didn't give one thought about it.

    Cakes in the oven, hard work dumping that box mix into the mixer and adding water, oil and eggs. :tongue: I see no reason to make a cake from scratch when I can buy the box mix for .88 cents. Just my thoughts on the whole thing.

    Maybe I'm a crappy baker, but I've yet to bake a cake from scratch that tastes better than a boxed one--

    SOMEBODY's in rare form around here today-- ugh. Calgon-- take me away.

    Later, peeps.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ya'll keep me in your prayers second visit with personal trainer..Hope she so dont mop the floor with me she probably will!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello BT! Looking forward to the weekend and some walking on the beach time!

    That should burn a few calories!

    How are all my skinny friends?? Good and healthy and having salad with that slice tonight??

    Love yas!!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Personal trainer was pretty good today she kicked my tail and mopped the gym with me..

    Weigh in today 2.8 pounds down...Yay me!! Back to my bodys happy weight 6 pounds under goal weight.. Off to enjoy dinner with the family everyone have a great weekend!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Marla- I am feeling somewhat better, thanks, I'm about to pop some more Motrin before that changes! I'm happy the scale is moving for you. It moved for me.... but not the right way. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't expect it though, I ate like crap yesterday and didn't give one thought about it.

    Cakes in the oven, hard work dumping that box mix into the mixer and adding water, oil and eggs. :tongue: I see no reason to make a cake from scratch when I can buy the box mix for .88 cents. Just my thoughts on the whole thing.

    Maybe I'm a crappy baker, but I've yet to bake a cake from scratch that tastes better than a boxed one--

    SOMEBODY's in rare form around here today-- ugh. Calgon-- take me away.

    Later, peeps.

    For me it's knowing what is really going into it. I'm sure there are all kinds of things to keep the stuff fresh. I also like all the mixing! haha plus it's fun to make things with my girls.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    My blog entry for the day........

    I decided for Alex's birthday I was not buying a cake from a bakery and spending a fortune. Every time I do that I get irritated that a cake costs $35-40 when I can buy a box mix for 88 cents. So I decided to make one.

    I bought all the supplies and when I gathered them all up I started thinking.

    $12 for the pan
    $8 for the icing bags and the 3 tips I needed for the design
    $3 for cake mixes
    $5 for icing
    $7 for food coloring
    Um...... I spent $35 for the dang supplies! Instead of calling and ordering and picking up, I now also had to put the time into making it. Something went wrong with this plan.

    Mixing the cakes and baking 3 of them wasn't all that bad, after all, a boxed cake mix is about as easy as it gets. It was after that that things got interesting.

    I used at least half a roll of paper towels in the process. I mixed 4 different colors of icing. My fingers are stained from food coloring. I felt nauseated from smelling the cake and icing. It took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to decorate it and clean up the dreadful mess I made. I think I'll put the bakery on speed dial.......
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lori-- I will say this with all affection, because it is MY word-- I use it around the house all the time with my loved ones.

    You dope. When you said a boxed cake I'm thinking you're REALLY taking the easy route-- whip up Betty Crocker, slap a can of frosting on, poof-- happy birthday, lil' buddy.

    You need to come hang with me, my friend-- I'll show you how to chill on the birthdays--

    Hi, thanks for coming-- have fun, play a game or two, have a cupcake, thanks for the gift, now get the hell out-- boom-- from A to Z in under two hours-- I don't even do goody bags.

    I'm truly the Miss Hannigan (think Annie) of birthdays-- my kids all know it.

    'Cause as I've said before-- why in the world am I celebrating the child-- I'M the one with the stretch marks and hypertension from all the freaking births-- hell, I should be getting 9 parties a year thrown in MY freaking honor. Whose idea was this anyway?

    Oh well-- the cake is adorable-- hope he has a great time. Feel better my friend--

    Me? I'm feeling FULL. For the very first time in my very sheltered life, I ate at a Waffle House this evening-- what an experience. Hubs and I did our pay cycle crunch tonight, and then headed out to Allentown, PA-- 20 minutes from us for the closest Waffle House. What delish stuff-- and sitting at the counter watching the cooks do their thang-- well, it was a sight to behold.

    So what if I ate 2/3 of my daily allotment in calories in one fell swoop? Well, uh, I do, actually-- but, not enough to lose sleep. I did my strength training today and will get a good cardio session in tomorrow-- and it is what it is--

    Heading to bed-- later!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Marla-I am very unsure as to why you do not have a syndicated column in the daily newspaper! Seriously, you are funnier than Ann or Abby...........and even rival my beloved Erma!!

    God Bless you for making me smile each and every time.

    As for Birthday parties I went the bowling, roller rink, park route. Someone else can clean up the mess!!

    I celebrate my mom every May 5th!! Her "Jeannine, my queen of lilac time" never forgets the 12 hours of labor and breech (butt 1st) birth she went through with no anesthesia!
