You can tell you're counting calories when...



  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    Accuracy of my monitary budget and MPF budget are equal.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member

    * When you're in a restaurant and you take a photo of your food of your food when it arrives so that you can estimate the calories as accurately as possible later.

    WHY HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS?! So much better than logging at the table (rude) or trying to remember later (possibly inaccurate) what you've eaten!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    - It takes you an extra half-hour or so to do your weekly grocery shopping because you read the label (or compare labels) on everything you haven't purchased before.

    - Meal planning involves a compass, a TI-80 graphic calculator, an Excel spreadsheet, and an astronomy chart

    When you bring your own food in baggies to family dinners and parties and you take out your own personal plate that is equally divied into portions.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You count everything you eat. I had to laugh at myself while counting crakcers last night!

    OMG so true! Soup and crackers have to be counted like it's a luxury to have crackers. LOL

    It IS a luxury to have crackers! Have you seen how many crackers are in those things?!:noway:
  • pogereilly
    pogereilly Posts: 11 Member
    When you talk about "the cost of food", and you mean calorically, not monetarily.
    When your daughter asks "Daddy, can you afford this?", and SHE means calorically, and not monetarily.
    When out to eat with your co-workers, and they copy your lunch order, so they can talk about how they are counting calories
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You don't take "just one bite" of anything because it's too hard to figure out how to log it!
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I had to change my log to say 1.2oz of hummus because I accidentally licked the spoon after weighing out my 1oz :o
  • Dominque61
    Dominque61 Posts: 22 Member
    absolutely love these entries!
  • When your partner is a chef but you don't want to 'just taste this' cause you know its full of all the best stuff :sad:
  • Corkline
    Corkline Posts: 107
    You lick the wrapper your granola bar came in. You logged the 90 calories, you're eating them!

    I don't relate to the measuring spoon ones. I have a food scale. But I do have a spare set of batteries in the junk drawer, waiting for the current ones to die!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    when you realise the obsessiveness is ridiculously over the top, not sustainable for life, and really rather silly in the grand scheme of things.

    When you look at your naturally skinny boyfriend and realise he has remained slim and happy by not attempting to alter his natural body weight and by eating what he enjoys, when he is hungry, in control and in balance. Then you realise how stupid it is to be counting every single calorie instead of following your body's natural signals and using a bit of common sense.

    My DH weighs 108 lbs at 5'7", BUT he hardly ever snacks, almost never eats chocolate, and burns a lot of calories in nervous energy, while I chill out and relax on the couch! So after over 40 years of marriage, I am trying hard to stop us being the comic postcard couple. But I am learning to control my urge to eat biscuit after biscuit, but just one and eat it slowly, and to eat the food I really enjoy, not wasting my calorie allowance on chocolates or cakes that do not hit the spot... there are now several tins waiting for my DH to eat them up. And yes, I do read the labels, and have realised that pastry and pasta are full of cals, so cocktail sausages are better than sausage rolls!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    You don't take "just one bite" of anything because it's too hard to figure out how to log it!

    Oh yeah, done this. :laugh:
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    ...your husband sends you texts that read "I had a 300mL blah blah brand OJ" and " I found this womens breakfast cereal that you might like and the side panels says it has xxx that ok or too high for you?" or "can we fit a rice dish in tonight with our calorie amounts..?"

    ...your daughter sends you texts that read "Dad just had a small bucket of hot chips but I ate half of them so log only half" and "Dad wants to know how many calories he has left and can he have a takeaway coffee..?." when my hubby and kids are out without me on the holidays.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    When you keep a set of measuring spoons and cups in your purse :noway: Yes this is me. I know, I know :blushing: I don't care who sees it either. I just whip'em out anywhere! You should see the looks I get :laugh:

    LOL! Great idea! :wink:
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Oh gosh I can't stop laughing....thanks everybody.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    The husband is taking his turn cooking, and presents your plate of food along with a sticky note with all ingredient amounts written down.
    Now, that's romance.

    I do that for mine! (Sometimes even with scannable barcodes handed to him.) He always smiles at me and tells me that he loves me for doing it, it's very sweet. :D

    MIne saves all the barcodes for me to scan. He's a keeper.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    You are so used to drinking fat free milk, drinking the full fat version, 8 g fat/8 oz tastes like butter.

    You skip adding cheese to your sandwich, because it's not worth the calories if you can't taste it.
    You put your sprinkle of cheese on the outside of your burrito so you can taste it.
    You think lettuce 'tacos' are the greatest thing since sliced bread and don't understand why
    everyone doesn't think they are amazing.

    You use mustard on your salad instead of the packaged honey mustard dressing, or skip dressing at all.

    You contemplate bringing cauliflower or other veggie that has been riced to sub for actual rice, to a family gathering
    serving Gumbo. Then decide to skip eating rice at all there.

    You gasp at the stupidity of a comment heard at said gathering
    something along the lines of the punch wasn't sweet enough because sugar wasn't added to it,
    this is Hawaiian Punch, why would you add sugar?

    Looking at the Red Velvet Gooey Butter cake gives you the shudders.

    You can't remember the last time you drank orange juice, because it seems like empty calories compared to the much more satisfying calories of an actual orange or clementine. I actually stopped buying it for a few months, but i load up on fruit.

    You prefer eating 1 whole carrot than counting baby carrots because it's easier to log and remember.

    You spend so much time in the produce section that your other half goes through the whole store, and is ready to go,
    when he comes back you are only in aisle 2 or 3. (produce is aisle 1)
    can't count how often that happens to me.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    When somebody swears they will never set foot in a grocery store with you EVER AGAIN because you take too long shopping due to reading the exact same labels you read LAST WEEK to make sure nothing's changed in a week
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you tell your kids you made brownies.
    they ask if they are bean brownies, or reg. choc. brownies
    (they were reg. brownies)
    then 1 kids says, aww. I like bean brownies lol.
    I've converted my kids ha ha.
    they were also disappointed when I stopped buying fiber one
    (the traditional kind)
    and they love raisin bran almost as much as I do.
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    When you bring out your smartphone to scan barcode labels to record your calories.