Public Restroom Flushing



  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm not afraid of sitting on a toilet, using my hand to flush. I wash my hands. But don't ever try to shake my hand because I don't know if YOU wash your hands. When you offer your hand, I'll just tell you I have a cold.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I'm with you on that one. And I use a paper towel to open and close the doors. I have a thing about public restrooms. :sick:

    Sometimes I use my foot, but as long as I don't have any open wounds on my hands...I know I'm going to wash (and we're talking soaping up and singing the Happy Birthday song twice* [in my head, of course, otherwise people think you're nuts] to make sure it's long enough before rinsing) so it doesn't matter. But for sure I use the paper towel on the door because not every one washes, and most people don't wash enough!

    *Got this tip from an Infection Control RN.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    My favorite are the people who line the seat with toilet paper then leave it there when they are done. Seriously? If you can't sit where my *kitten* has been, what makes you think I want to clean up the paper where your *kitten* has been?
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Foot...I'm not puttin' my hand on that thang AND I use a paper towel to get out of the bathroom, as I've found not all people feel it necessary to wash after GOING.... eeeewwwwwwwwww
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    My favorite are the people who line the seat with toilet paper then leave it there when they are done. Seriously? If you can't sit where my *kitten* has been, what makes you think I want to clean up the paper where your *kitten* has been?

    Amen!! :)
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i just shove a gummi bear under the lid of the toliet seat wait some some little kid to stroll by and say psssst hey kid free gummi bears just lift that lid , when iam done peeing i place one on the toliet handle its all good
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    Totally squat and foot flush. I don't know why people think if things look clean they are clean. Kitchen counters and phones look fine and are covered in ecoli; looks can be deceiving. I'm glad one other poster mentioned singing their ABCs. That is essential. I'm mortified with how horribly people wash their hands--hardly any soap and just a few seconds under the water. I actually prefer to use alcohol hand sanitizer, which is more effective than soap when no grim or dirt is actually on hands.

    Oh and the door touching issue--I never touch it. I'll usually just nudge the bottom of the door closed with the bottom of my foot and nudge it back open when I'm done. I've never had anyone bust in on me and I'd care a lot less about that then touching the filthy door. If it's a single stall bathroom and I wouldn't have the heads up of hearing people walking past other stalls--I use something long to flick or push the lock closed (and toss it and use something new to flick it open).

    Basically, I never make contact (with a paper towel or otherwise) with one single thing in a public restroom.

    On another note--what do you do with your purse? I saw a recent statistic that a majority of women will put their purse on the floor of the restroom (and that it's contributing to large amounts of ecoli on restaurant tables)! That strikes me as so foul. I wouldn't put mine on the door hang--let alone the floor. I don't get how people don't consider how transferable bacteria is...
  • plcowner
    plcowner Posts: 106 Member
    I flush it with my hand, knowing full well that I am going to wash my hands in the next thirty seconds, and that I possess a strong and adequate immune system.

    I am not afraid of germs.

    Germs are fine. Touching urine and feces isn't for me. I use my foot even though I know I'll wash my hands in a few moments.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    Seriously people, are you this crazy over your keyboard, cell phone and purses as well? They are just festering with more germs than any bathroom will have. You all make me shake my head with your silly nonsense. :ohwell:
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Is this why we que so long in the ladies!?! People cleaning seats, making a covering for the seat then trying to hover over it. Then flushing it with feet or wrapping tissues around their fingers to flush it!

    Get in, pee, flush, get out, wash hands and get the hell outta the germ pit ASAP
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    My favorite are the people who line the seat with toilet paper then leave it there when they are done. Seriously? If you can't sit where my *kitten* has been, what makes you think I want to clean up the paper where your *kitten* has been?

    bahahaha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I flush it with my hand, knowing full well that I am going to wash my hands in the next thirty seconds, and that I possess a strong and adequate immune system.

    I am not afraid of germs.

    This. I grew up in the sticks of Mexico, my immune system is Fort Knox.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I flush it with my hand. I wash my hands. I also don't hover. There is nothing nastier than following a hoverer who sprinkles all over the seat.
  • Otrepsi
    Otrepsi Posts: 24 Member
    I must have a good immune system. I'll wipe the seat if there's pee (probably left by hover pee-ers), sit, flush with hand, touch the handle, wash my hands, turn off the faucet, dry hands.

    The only thing "special" I do is open the door with the paper towel, then hold it with my foot as I toss the towel. If the garbage can is too far away, or it was an air-dry, I open the door with my sleeve or my pinky finger.

    I can honestly say I've never gotten sick from using a public toilet. I also work at a veterinary clinic, and even though I wash my hands several times an hour, I've trained myself to not touch my face while I'm at work. I've bypassed numerous office-wide colds, but I do still manage to catch one maybe once a year, usually because I didn't know someone was sick and used the phone right after them.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I flush it with my hand, knowing full well that I am going to wash my hands in the next thirty seconds, and that I possess a strong and adequate immune system.

    I am not afraid of germs.

    This. I grew up in the sticks of Mexico, my immune system is Fort Knox.

    ^^^My family took a trip to Mexico City when I was a little kid. We were told not to drink the water, so of course as soon as we got into the hotel, all 4 of us kids were drinking out of the faucet.

    We were incredibly sick flying back and I can remember vomiting all over the customs agent (I'd had strawberry pancakes with whipped cream for breakfast...). They hustled us through customs so fast that we could have been hauling in ANYTHING. THEN...THEN that same day, my parents took us to Six Flags in 100+ degree weather, and the first ride we went on was the Runaway Mine Train...did you know that back in the 60s, Six Flags had a nice infirmary where kids could stay all day? It was air conditioned, too!

    To this day, I never get sick like that, no matter where I go or what I eat. I've been to Mexico many times since and just eat whatever the street vendors are selling. I think that experience must have cauterized my stomach lining or something.

    The biggest reason to wash my hands is my current job; the kids I see get sick easily and every time it's a 3 week hospitalization. We have to wipe down all surfaces after each patient and wear masks/gowns if we're seeing more than one person that day. We can't even have magazines in the waiting room.
  • Brianna72994
    If there's nothing nasty on the flush handle, and the bathroom overall looks pretty clean, I use my hand. I'm going to wash my hands afterwards anyway.

    However I do use paper towels to open the bathroom door when I'm about to exit. Because there are some nasty people who use the restroom and don't wash their hands.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I never thought about the foot. Thanks!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I still use my foot to flush, but I don't hover anymore. I check for pee and then sit on down. I'm a renegade.
  • justkeepswimng
    Most public toilets now come with auto-flush. If not, I use my hands and then wash them. I roll out the paper towel before I wash them and then use the paper towel to open the door because what really matters is what you touch AFTER you've washed your hands.