High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Crawline, the very same thing happened to me. I swear those nurses jack the scales to read more!
    That's one of the reasons I dashed out and got a new scales which is 100% more accurate than my old one.
    I swear, these things fade with time.

    I've moved the thread over to the "Motivation and Support" board. It's up and running right now. Heather will post the link as I am computor challenged. Who'll be the first to find me!!!
    I'll see you all over there, I won't be posting again here as we've done the job getting our group started and need to stabilize it.
    Talk to you all soon.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Crawline, the very same thing happened to me. I swear those nurses jack the scales to read more!
    That's one of the reasons I dashed out and got a new scales which is 100% more accurate than my old one.
    I swear, these things fade with time.

    I've moved the thread over to the "Motivation and Support" board. It's up and running right now. Heather will post the link as I am computor challenged. Who'll be the first to find me!!!
    I'll see you all over there, I won't be posting again here as we've done the job getting our group started and need to stabilize it.
    Talk to you all soon.

    nah, we don't jack the scale. what it says is what it says and people unfortunately need to just accept that. it's more accurate than a digital or dial scale. just the way it goes.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello All,

    Okay I am all in. Here it goes. I have never told anyone my weight. Not even my friends or family. I got encouragement from this season's biggest loser contestants. If you guys don't watch they had to weigh in front of everyone. Employers, friends, family etc. so I'm weighing in.

    SW today 314
    GW is 160

    I read the thread, so I thought, but I think I missed the sit up challenge because I didn't see it but I saw other members talking about it. Will someone please explain it to me? ??? do we continue with the same challenges every week or do they end after one week?

    If not, I'm in the 4 workouts per week. I would also like to do the 5 pounds by May 1, 2010. If there are any other challenges pls let me know.

    I'm ready. thanks
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Hello All,

    Okay I am all in. Here it goes. I have never told anyone my weight. Not even my friends or family. I got encouragement from this season's biggest loser contestants. If you guys don't watch they had to weigh in front of everyone. Employers, friends, family etc. so I'm weighing in.

    SW today 314
    GW is 160

    I read the thread, so I thought, but I think I missed the sit up challenge because I didn't see it but I saw other members talking about it. Will someone please explain it to me? ??? do we continue with the same challenges every week or do they end after one week?

    If not, I'm in the 4 workouts per week. I would also like to do the 5 pounds by May 1, 2010. If there are any other challenges pls let me know.

    I'm ready. thanks

    I just want to congratulate you, and point out your strength in posting your weight!! This thread is such an amazing group of ladies, and if there is anyone you can count on to keep you motivated, and feel safe telling your weight to it is THIS group!!

    The challenges are weekly - so this week is the sit ups and meditation, last week was heathers 4 workouts (which has not finished, but please feel free to use that as your goal and motivation). We weigh in on Fridays, so you will need to post your weight on Friday to be included in Allies spreadsheet! At that time meokk will choose another member of the group to challenge us, and the cycle goes on!

    Now most importanty (cuz I don't want u to loose us) Shredder has moved this thread to "motivation" section of threads, and heather should be posting a link for easy finding, but just so u know, there will be no more posts on this wall, everything will flow on the new one . . . . Hope this helped, and can't WAIT to see you over on the new thread!!
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I hit last weeks challenge:
    Tuesday 1 trained with trainer
    Wednesday 1x3 run (run 1 mile recover..) record time
    Thursday train with trainer
    Saturday 5K run with trainer and I am heppy to report fomr saturday to saturday I shaved 1:30mins off my 5K time

    Now to get my leg checked out... My right foot goes numb at 1.5 miles!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    Below is the link to our new permanent home for High Heels & Fishnets. We're now located under support and motivation. Feel free to check my profile if it's easier to find it that way! See you all there.

  • pricesus
    pricesus Posts: 10
    I completed Heather's challenge:

    Mon = walked 3.5 mph for 40 min
    Tues = walked 3.5 mph for 40 min
    Wed = walked 3.5 mph for 40 min
    Thurs = walked 3.5 mph for 40 min
    Friday = walked 3.5 mph for 40 min
    Sat = week end trip so was traveling
    Sun = mowed and did yard work (3 hrs) does that count?

    Promise to incorporate more excercise this week in addition to my daily walking..... starting tonight with the crunches!
  • apridgen
    apridgen Posts: 8
    Hi Everyone,
    I was nominated for the challenge this week........ thanks Shredder!

    First of all, happy to report that I completed Heather's challenge from last week
    Thursday: 20 mins walking, 20 mins gardening
    Friday: 50 mins walking, 210 sit ups
    Saturday: 2.5 hours gardening
    Sunday: 4 hours gardening

    Your challenges for this week are...........
    CHALLENGE 1. Start the 200 sit ups challenge http://www.twohundredsitups.com/
    You start by doing as many crunches as you can in a row without breaks to determine your baseline capability. The program then tells you what week and column to start on and prescribes sets of crunches designed to get you stronger. By the time you finish you should be able to do 200 sit ups in a row without breaks. I just managed 210 in a row this week but I'm going to keep going.
    If you would like to keep going after this week there is already a tread devoted just to this program, started by my friend Cris. The tread is fizzling a bit so we'd love to have any of you for some extra support: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83050-200-sit-up-challenge-2010?page=6#posts-1268682
    CHALLENGE 2. Find 15 minutes for YOU. The challenge is to meditate for 15 mins. Whatever method you choose but you should be alone, have peace & quiet, breathe deeply and contemplate for 15 minutes one day this week.

    Hope you all have a great week
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Oh, I am SO jumping in on this...wish I had noticed it yesterday! I noticed they have a pushup and a pullup and a squat challenge too...I printed them all off!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Well, hello, hello, hello! Allie- Beautiful chart. Thanks for all the work you put into it. I just completed an EXCEL clas, so I know that It takes work. Thanks again.

    i too completed the first mini challenge- I work out everyday but Mondays (tho sometimes I fit a workout in before I leave school!) I am looking up the 200 situp thing as soon as I leave this post. And I will try that!!!! (I think- I HATE situps!!)

    5# by the end of April- doable, but will I do it? My mini goal- 5# by the end of April; I will let you know!

    I read all 14 pages tonight and plan on keeping up with this site daily. Meokk- the meditation thing is right on! We all need time to get with our GOD and ask for the extra support withthis that only HE can provide- And all of you are what HE has provided to me for that support! So thanks to all of you- Keep it down!!! k
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Well, meokk- I began the 2000 situp challenge... I will let all know how it goes! :yawn:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    I see a few of you are still checking in over here. We've moved the thread under a different category. You can get there by following the link above.

    See you there!
  • I would like to join in, with the group...if its not too late?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I would like to join in, with the group...if its not too late?

    It's never too late to join! Follow the below link to catch up to us at our new location!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Wow Heather you look fabuloso in your dress and boots. Happy Birthday my friend.:flowerforyou:

    What a weekend....in Palm Springs with my 2 girls at a dance convention. A lot of time spent watching them dance with also a good mix of downtown for all of us spent at the pool (there were 3 pools at our hotel). That was a sight, me in a swimsuit.
    I'll tell ya, there's nothing like spending 3 days mixing with and watching some of the most athletic and toned bodies ever. These dancers were in such good shape, graceful and so strong and powerful.
    They were definitley an inspiration to me and super role models for my girls....no skinny minnys there.
    I danced years ago and watching them brought me back to a time and place when I would have been a contender both in body and spirit. I want my body back!!!!
    So, it was a ton of fun to sit here and go back over all the posts I've missed since I left. You are all doing such a great job. I love the 100lb goal by next this Friday and i promise I won't let you guys down.

    So where is Cris with this week's challenge????
    I sent her a message and will also ask meokk to keep trying.
    If it's not posted by tonight I'll ask meokk to nominate a 2nd.
    Let's make it official that the challenge must be posted by the new nominee by Saturday night/Sunday morning LATEST. I know a ton of you workout on Sundays and would love to embrace the new challenge on the first day of your workout week. Deal?

    In the meantime, as we wait for Cris, get in a 30m cardio and 16m stretching today. You can start your workoutout with 8 mins stretching and end with 8 if you like.
    I really saw the value of this important element watching dancers warm up. They won't go near any sort of exertion until they are totally warmed up, limber and flexible. They obviously spent way more time on their warmups but we can try for 16mins to start. Do more if you can....good for you.
    I'm off to dig out my ballet shoes, find a mat and S-T-R-E-T-C-H-.
    :heart: S.
  • Felixanvk
    Felixanvk Posts: 69
    I hope you loose some weight as well!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I am really hoping to stick to all workouts, challenges, and food goals this week!

    I was really down last week, so I didnt make my workout goals or challenge goals. I am going to try for last week's challenge and this week's! I finally figured out that I am trying to do too much exercise I think. I will try to cut back... but still keep up-if that makes sense.

    Can't wait to see this week's challenge :D
  • tconfer
    tconfer Posts: 2
    Hi I am brand new to this site today is actually my first day. I am really looking for some inspiration and someone to not accept my excuses. You ladies seem to be exactly what I need!!! I love my body i just wish it was a little smaller. I also am a girl who loves a good pair of heels. Please let me know what I need to do to join this AWESOME group!!!
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    ok, i won't know till i try it. what do i have to do??????????

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Some of you have noticed we've moved, but if not, follow the link above!

  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I think I'm ready - currently a 12 and want to get to a 10! lost 25lbs already- was a 14....but I have hit the wall and need a push through it. lets go!
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