Perverted Messages



  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    there.... i just tooke a pic.... yes im NOT HER! but im VERY close...... and after i take this one down ill have my inspiration pic up again.... because if that keeps me motavated.. what doesn it matter 2 u..... this is really me.. yes im not perfect but its me...... so **** off
    You are getting a little too worked up over this. No one was attacking you for having a picture of a model as your profile pic. And you didn't need to prove to anyone that you look good.
    lol yes. they were... have u read the threads.....? they were TOTALLY attacking me for having my inspiration picture.... and unless they changed there comments through edit than its VERY easily seen that i was a target from the second i made a post..
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    there.... i just tooke a pic.... yes im NOT HER! but im VERY close...... and after i take this one down ill have my inspiration pic up again.... because if that keeps me motavated.. what doesn it matter 2 u..... this is really me.. yes im not perfect but its me...... so **** off
    You are getting a little too worked up over this. No one was attacking you for having a picture of a model as your profile pic. And you didn't need to prove to anyone that you look good.
    lol yes. they were... have u read the threads.....? they were TOTALLY attacking me for having my inspiration picture.... and unless they changed there comments through edit than its VERY easily seen that i was a target from the second i made a post..

    ... Wait, one person said something, and everyone's critiquing that person's awful post, and you've acted like everyone ganged up on you...

    Are you posting satire, too?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    there.... i just tooke a pic.... yes im NOT HER! but im VERY close...... and after i take this one down ill have my inspiration pic up again.... because if that keeps me motavated.. what doesn it matter 2 u..... this is really me.. yes im not perfect but its me...... so **** off
    You are getting a little too worked up over this. No one was attacking you for having a picture of a model as your profile pic. And you didn't need to prove to anyone that you look good.
    lol yes. they were... have u read the threads.....? they were TOTALLY attacking me for having my inspiration picture.... and unless they changed there comments through edit than its VERY easily seen that i was a target from the second i made a post..

    I think you are reading more in to the responses than what was actually said. As a matter of fact, I recall you making the same logical jumps in other threads and saying that this is the meanest forum you have ever been on and how much you hated it that people made comments directed towards you that you didn't agree with. Interestingly, I also remember a while back you getting very angry that not ENOUGH people were giving you attention in one of those "Rate Me!!!!" threads. So, it seems to me that you want attention, but only for people to tell you that you're, like, a 10 from 1 to bangable.

    It might behoove you to stick to the motivation & success forums.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OH, the "I like Asians best, I'm blocking you for never talking to me" girl... Didn't realize we had a name change here.

    Alright, carry on.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    there.... i just tooke a pic.... yes im NOT HER! but im VERY close...... and after i take this one down ill have my inspiration pic up again.... because if that keeps me motavated.. what doesn it matter 2 u..... this is really me.. yes im not perfect but its me...... so **** off

    ooh ooh booby pic... report! report!

  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    OH, the "I like Asians best, I'm blocking you for never talking to me" girl... Didn't realize we had a name change here.

    Alright, carry on.

    Yes, that's the one. She also has no problem calling other chicks sluts. But she's sensitive so it's okay. :tongue:
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    oh yes i have..... there were actually 1 guy who tried to have me talk dirty to him i quickly deleted him...

    also i change my profile picture ALOT and i seem to get some friend requests from the same guys 5 times already....... and its very annoying.... i dont usually add male friends unless they are very supportive for that reason.............

    be careful ladies......... !!

    by the way... to the OP you have actually sent me a friend request 2 times already.... but maybe u didnt realize because i change my pic occassionally.....

    by the way the guy who was trying to make me talk dirty to him was named joe_smo..... he started off by saying he is new here and didnt have many friends and wish i could support him but after i looked at his profile he had ALOT of friends.....

    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...

    Wow @ 2nd comment.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    No..... Profile picture of a woman in a bikini with huge boobs. You don't think the pervs (and some typical males) are gonna be all over that? And what does "god" have to do with it?

    Wow... that is some pretty sexist BS right there.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member

    A perv is gonna be all over a person regardless of what what they are wearing or not wearing. I am showing off my legs in this pic ... I'm damn proud of the work I've done on them ... do you also think that because I'm proud of my legs, I deserve to get messages from someone I don't know that says "I would love to see those legs wrapped around me as I ... (I'm sure you can fill in the rest)..."

    I can't believe there are those out there, ESPECIALLY women, who still have the "she asked for it" mentality.

    I have leg pics because I'm proud of my legs, my other pics are not provocative at all. I've had a few messages that could be considered creepy.

    I only like them if they come from the good looking guys though :wink: :tongue: otherwise I'm just blocking you!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    There's a difference between identifying cause and effect and condoning it.

    On behalf of humanity as a whole, I want to thank the OP for his post. One can never be too careful on a large public site such as this and the OP clearly has employed his obviously very strong sense of social responsibility for the betterment of us all.

    OP, you rock!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Thanks diet angel. I was only out for a little while but somehow my thread degenerated into something despicable. I was only trying to help.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    I respect your ideas and what you have posted. I'm sorry if any of my above post was despicable in any sense that wasnt my intention at all. This is serious.

    I was just saying Ive had a few creepers and just blocked them, the other guys if they have commented have been more gentlemanly about it and give compliments. I dont mind those ones :wink:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thanks diet angel. I was only out for a little while but somehow my thread degenerated into something despicable. I was only trying to help.

    I'm sorry that this happened to your thread and it's not your fault.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Males my age are automatically branded as creeps and pervs anyway !
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Males my age are automatically branded as creeps and pervs anyway !

    That is so sad. I know some lovely older gentlemen and would never brand them like that
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Males my age are automatically branded as creeps and pervs anyway !

    That is so sad. I know some lovely older gentlemen and would never brand them like that

    Me too. :smokin:
  • mdyorston
    mdyorston Posts: 158
    man...I feel left out. I have yet to be creeped :sad:
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    man...I feel left out. I have yet to be creeped :sad:

    It's gross consider yourself lucky
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Males my age are automatically branded as creeps and pervs anyway !

    That is so sad. I know some lovely older gentlemen and would never brand them like that

    Me too. :smokin:

    Thanks for your kind support. Unfortunately, for many men my age (older/somewhat younger) compliments to younger women are not taken kindly, and are sometimes taken as being abusive. Maybe it's bad Karma for my generation's slogan "Never trust anyone over 30" lol
  • That isn't her. That is a model. one of my friends has the same thing. It isn't her though :)
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