The P90X Fat Man



  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Yes! Exercise is key. I can't believe how what I always thought would be the thing that would just wear me out actually gives me loads of energy throughout the day!

    Man, my arms are PUMPED. Shoulders and Arms today. I upped the tension on my bands and really pushed out some extra reps.

    I really enjoy this set. It's the one where I can completely follow along with the program, no pausing. It's exciting to think that someday I'll feel like this for all the other ones; sweaty, heart pumping, muscles burning, but following along just fine.

    I can't wait!

    Tomorrow is Yoga again, and actually, I'm looking forward to it!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I really struggled with YogaX today. I was pretty pumped to start with and I wore myself out too early. I'm going to try and pace myself better next time. I got through about 1/3 of the exercises, and about half of the balance poses and stretches. I was pretty worn out at the end.

    But I'm going to stick with it. It should be coming up earlier next week since I'm heading into my "rest" week. I have a feeling that I won't be resting much though, lol.

    Tomorrow is the third time through Legs and Back with Ab Ripper X. This time I'm determined to try ARX, and I have a plan. I'm going to do one of each of the reps and see how that goes. I know I'm very weak in the torso but I need to make progress in this area.

    Wish me luck!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I'm glad you are keeping with it! Yoga is still my own personal demon. I dislike the first 45 minutes. then the last 45 are ok...but it still isn't my fave. personally, I'd rather do plyo...
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    You are inspiring me, and that is an impressive feat! ;-) Way to go!
  • spokes744
    spokes744 Posts: 8 Member
    Today is 3 of 90. Thank You for getting me off my *kitten* again.
    Keep it up!!
  • cleanjerksnatch
    After creating a habit it will soon become a necessity. That is why we need good habits.

    Do not falter and remain steadfast.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I grabbed P90x a few years ago when everyone was saying 'meh, just another TV gimmick. lol

    By that time i had already lost 58kg.

    Man that kicked my :huh:

    My favourite was the Yoga. I would sweat liters of crying fat onto the floor. Id rave about Yoga to the guys on the work site, and get laughed at, until i remided them theres always a space up the back of a Yoga class *Wink :laugh:

    Unfortunately i fell sick back then, and fell off the bandwagon and gained back 37kg.

    My Son took it up and now he's a ripped lady killer.

    Im defiantly going to get into it again, even if its just the yoga and Stretching. Just want to loose a few more kilos first and get my engery levels back up a little.
  • brandiepair
    Great Job!! I'm the p90x fat woman!! I started at just under 275 and am currently at 249. I am on day like 54 i think. Keep it up. It does get easier.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Today is 3 of 90. Thank You for getting me off my *kitten* again.
    Keep it up!!


    And thanks to everyone else for the great encouragement!

    Today I totally rocked Shoulders and Legs!! Using heavy bands now. I can't wait to get light enough to be able to do real pull-ups.

    I'm getting better at the legs too. My legs were on fire with the wall squats but I pushed through with just one small break. I modified the one legged squats and just get my leg off the ground a bit and MAN that is enough for now. I'm working on lifting it a bit more each time.

    So, I had a wonderful workout. Cooled down. And then AB RIPPER X. Man oh man. I feel like ARX is college level and I'm still in kindergarten. But I went the whole way through the video. I did 10 each of the first three and then when the sit-ups and V-ups kicked in I tried to do just one and sometimes two of them.

    At the end I was lightheaded and felt sick in my stomach. BUT I DID IT!! Gotta start somewhere.

    Also, I twisted my back a bit on ARX, I hope it's ok for KempoX tomorrow. Because I'm really looking forward to it!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    KempoX was awesome today! I'm now able to make it through each of the exercises without triggering my heart monitor, but I end up right at the top of my range, so I still pause and take a pacing break until it comes back down into the middle of the zone.

    I still struggle with form and flexibility on the leg stuff. Kicks are still low, but they seem higher than last time.

    Almost finished with my third week. I just have stretching tomorrow and then it into the recovery week.

    It's hard to believe that I'm almost through phase 1!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Swashburn, I have to admit, I dislike yogaX. But because of you, I did it today. It's still not my fave. It will probably not ever be my fave, but it does have it's place in the cycle and I realize I need to do it more often.
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    Congrats and good for you! I'v heard P90X is really difficult and I've been thinking about trying it but didn't think I'd be able to keep up, this is a great inspiration I hope you keep posting updates! :)
  • alettep
    alettep Posts: 56 Member
    Started week #2 today...I can't imagine ever mastering a Dreya roll....seriously that is just amazing to me!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    There are a lot of p90x success stories but this one was really inspiring.
  • lumox1212
    lumox1212 Posts: 152
    just finished kenpo too... and ironically week 3 , recovery week upcoming...good job, keep drinking your water.
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    You are doing great!!! Wonderful to see all your posts, and to see you keep coming back to add another one. There definitely seems to be a difference from the beginning to today in your endurance, and your enthusiasm has been FULL-ON the whole time. I love the updates. P90X is no joke, and you are kicking it's no joke butt. (Take extra good care of yourself and be sure listen to your body, the fittest of people can tweak something on this kind of workout if a "cue" is ignored.) :)

    Keep it up, you are inspiring!!
  • tlwright1966
    You are a total inspiration! I have wanted to try P90X or Insanity or something like it. It would be great to get my husband interestd as well. Thanks for the updates. Keep working it!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Swashburn, I have to admit, I dislike yogaX. But because of you, I did it today. It's still not my fave. It will probably not ever be my fave, but it does have it's place in the cycle and I realize I need to do it more often.
    Awesome! Keep on doing it! :)

    Week three is over!! I've got 21 days of P90X under my belt.

    Today was a wonderful X-Stretch! I'm definitely becoming more flexible. I was able to do "bow" for the first time today, and I almost can do the pretzel one. Also, I was able to do the kenpo quad stretch for the first time! I still can't do the shoulder stand and plough.

    Now I'm heading into the first recovery week, so tomorrow is YogaX! I'll get a double dose this week. I'll also be weighing in tomorrow.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Keep it up, you are definitely inspiring a lot of people!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Great job! I don't have a heart rate monitor, but I know what you mean about just pacing until you're back within normal range. There are times when I'm working out where I feel like I'm going to croak, so I just side step until I catch my breath and then get back to the moves. I don't do p90X, but I'm having this issue a lot with the 30 day shred.

    I commend you for sticking with it even though you aren't able to do the whole thing. A lot of folks quit when they really should just modify and do what they can until they are able to do more.
