Why are there so many crabby pants on MFP?



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I think that while there are people on here who can be less than tactful when expressing their opinions regarding certain issues, there are a whole lot more people who overreact and treat every post containing something that might prove them wrong as an ad hominem attack.

    When Joffrey dies i will have a party. And i don't know why anyone would think having a crush on Tyrion is unusual. There's a reason he gets laid more than anyone else on that show.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I don't know why there are so many meanies here. It's the boobs that offend me here. It is so inappropriate to post your boobs on an Internet site.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Personally, I hate perfume because it gives me an asthma attack and people tend to wear too much. Also, it stinks. I've never smelled a perfume I liked.

    Because of my horrible reaction to it (asthma, hives, headache), I think it should be banned from offices and public buildings like cigarettes.

    So there's that...
  • macaya5
    macaya5 Posts: 75

    Also, get off my lawn!

    yes! exactly!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member

    you hurt my feelings.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    i just want my douche bag bro in law to stop wearing so much axe
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Because I've put slightly more effort and care into my body than spritzing some perfume on it.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I'm crabby because my mommy hit me with a hose when I was a child.
  • Lol, cuz they be hungry hungry hungry, lol. I'm a total non-crab.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    It's the lack of cake.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    its because everyone is "dieting."
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    people are crabby everywhere; mfp is no different. put a man behind a monitor & keyboard and he's suddenly not accountable for politeness. it happens sometimes, especially with people who are "giving up" things they're emotionally connected to (like certain foods/ drinks)

    so be patient with them. and be kind yourself. and then you'll find that most people are just people, like everywhere.

    have a sweet day

    Couldn't have said it better myself, although some women act the same way...justsayin.:wink:

    i didn't mean it by sex, i meant it as species :)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member

    ermahgerd, this id the best thing i've seen all day!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I wouldn't expect the MFP forums to be any different that any other forum out there.
    Any forum is comprised of those who actually want to help, those who want to help no one, and those who's idea of helping is to tell you that everything you're doing is wrong and everything they are doing is right.

    Just because we all share a noble goal doesn't change the makeup of the people who reside here.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I wouldn't expect the MFP forums to be any different that any other forum out there.
    Any forum is comprised of those who actually want to help, those who want to help no one, and those who's idea of helping is to tell you that everything you're doing is wrong and everything they are doing is right.

    Just because we all share a noble goal doesn't change the makeup of the people who reside here.
    tagging this because I like how you worded it.. really never had thought about it this way before. This may make life easier on the boards for me after reading this and thinking about it. Thanks:happy:
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I must be tuning into threads that aren't representative of what goes on around here because I'm just not seeing abuse. I do however seem to be finding an abundance of threads complaining about abuse.

    If anyone feeling troubled could post a few links it would help those of us who aren't getting it.
  • Haven't come across any yet... I'm sorry :(
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    ermahgerd, this id the best thing i've seen all day!

    Careful, now!

    As awesome and hilarious as I find this post to be, someone actually reported me last week for simply saying exactly the same thing without the picture even though myself and the OP laughed about it 3 posts later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think some people who wear their emotions on their shoulders go into the boards with the sole goal of reporting as many people as they can because they have nothing better to do.

    Sure, there are people that can get mean. But 99% of the snarkiness is funny and is not intended to offend. Anyone with a sense of humor can see that...but some people have a lack of this sense of humor of which I speak...

    But to answer the original question...it's because people are tired of answering the same questions every day and every night over and over again...
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    It's due to cake deficiency...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Some people are hungry. Hungry = crabby.

    Some people are just sarcastic. Welcome to the internet.

    Some people are just tired of the redundancy of the forums. Perhaps if people want genuine help they should do a search on that topic instead of assuming their thoughts are completely unique. Chances are if you are struggling, others have before you. When there is countless threads about the very topic yours is about, expect it to go bad quickly. OOOOOOH THIS AGAIN? LETS SEE HOW BIG A JERK I CAN BE.

    Unhealthy practices, fad diets, Dr Oz worshipers. People who will not listen to reason... Two weeks later... HELP! I'm doing everything right but I can't lose weight. *head desk*

    So many willing victims, so little time. What do you expect when nearly half of thread starters are whining and complaining. Diets suck and exercise is hard. No one said it would be easy. So buck up, buttercup. Or they could just hurry up and quit and go back to facebook. Usually these people are calling everyone mean or bullies.

    And one of the biggest reasons people get their dander up and the claws come out is because someone is discrediting their method of weightloss and they are defensive of it. The more success someone has had with the method in question is often in direct proportion to how defensive (and therefore rude) they get. Frustrating. I'm not one of the people begging for advice. I'm not the one on a 4 month plateau. I didn't gain everything back over the holidays. So dont tell me my methods dont work.