40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    ok mk-I have to ask-at this age and you weigh 124/125 what do you have to loose?:happy: At this time in my life I don't plan on ever reaching that range agian.

    At 47 1/2, I'm at the point that I've accepted that I'll probably never get back to 120 or less without changing my whole lifestyle. I know that isn't going to happen because my husband's supportive of my efforts, but won't participate in any exercise with me. :grumble: :grumble:

    My main goals right now are maintaining my current weight , dropping body fat % and losing the darn muffin top above the belly button!!! I'm not quite 5'2", and carry all of my excess in my belly. I know that's not healthy...........so I'll keep plugging away at it. Part of the belly issue is 2 kids carried completely out front - my belly has so many stretch marks I look like a road map!!:laugh: But........ I have 2 wonderful daughters in their 20s to show for those marks, so they don't bother me nearly as much as the flab underneath them does!!!:laugh:

    When I set the 120 goal, my husband had just left for 6 months in Afghanistan, I'd put on over 10 pounds in the past 18 months, and was really struggling with getting any of it off. Nearly 6 months later, I'm at 124/125, working out 2-3 times per week and eating fairly healthy. Of course, I haven't cooked hardly at all in the last 6 months!:laugh:

    The hubby should be on his way home by midnight tonight:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Then the waiting game in Kuwait begins; they're still working off the backlog created by the volcanic ash earlier this month. He's hoping he'll be very lucky and make it to Washington DC early enough on Friday to out-process and make it home Friday evening! That's a very slim possibility - but I'm not counting it out yet. If he doesn't make it early enough on Friday, he'll be stuck there until Tuesday, :sad: :sad: If that happens, I'll be on a plane to DC to spend the weekend with him. No way I'm going to make him sit alone in a hotel for 3 days when he's been gone for 6 months!!!

    Everybody cross your fingers..................... I want my hubby back!!!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    MK: Fingers crossed and prayers coming your and your hubby's way!!!!!!! TxMs
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    We are definitely crossing our fingers. He's probably so excited to be on his way to you that he'll jump in and swim the Atlantic under the volcanic ash!

    The stressing out of Zebras continues. I pulled into a parking space at a restaurant too fast, and hit the curb and did $2,500 worth of damages to my darling VW Bug, the curb won that one. So, we offered to take out to dinner the friends who had rescued us at the restaurant we had just eaten at, and you know I had to order dessert while we watched them eat, so I ate a brownie sundae. I missed my lunch that day, so in the scheme of things not terrible, but when I'm stressed I still can't make good decisions.

    My mirror is showing good things, my biggest pair of size 18s are getting almost too loose to wear. I think next Winter I will get to treat myself to a smaller size for winter clothes.

    If anyone is using Walk It Out on their Nintendo Wii. I completely finished the island. I'm going to start over again, and use my 6" aerobic step on the slower songs to change it up.
  • sunraec1
    sunraec1 Posts: 3
    To all who have 100 or more pounds they want to loose..DON'T GIVE UP!! 12 years ago I weighed 235 lbs and dropped down to 132 lbs. It will happen!! I know it gets discouraging but keep with it. Always here if anyone needs words of encouragement!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Alf... Yes, he is going into the medical field. I feel sorry for my daughter, just got married and now she's looking at the possibility of not seeing him for 6 months. Well the 2 for boot camp then she will see him for two weeks and when he's in schooling she might not go there either. If they have a chance to bring her I'm sure they will jump at it. I know they were talking about her staying behind so that he can concentrate on school but I really doubt that will happen.

    I got really sunburned on our hike today. I am the type that burns, peels, and turns white again.

    I was under my calorie limit today which I am excited about. And it seemed like I ate a bunch.

    Tron, so he is definitely coming here to San Antonio. It looks like his training is about 4 mos so the military will not allow him to live off post and bring his spouse. They only do that if the job trng is close to a year or more... She could visit him... the best thing for her is just to stay as busy as possible and time will fly...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Our Grandson came for a visit with his Daddy yesterday and they are staying until tomorrow. I just cannot get enough of that little guy. I think my wife gets a bit depressed when he leaves. This is our first (and probably last) grandchild, so we are making the most of the time we have with him.

    I rode 40 miles on my bike over the weekend and took a long hike up the mountain last evening. It's rainy and cool here, but the leaves are in full bloom, the birds are making their families (we have a cardinal family in a big bush just outside our kitchen). It's wonderful to see the beauty of nature's rebirth each spring.

    Well, as I officially start the one-month countdown to vacation, I need to get my head on straight about my diet. It hasn't been too bad, but it certainly could be better. I just need to think about everything I eat. As I said on Friday, I am very pleased with my progress as far as fitness is concerned. I look and feel strong and lean, even though there is a small amount of fat that I need to get rid of. Alf, maybe i will try it your way with the Flat Belly Plan. We had the book, but I could not hack that vile "Sassy" water. I would consider doing a modified plan for a week or two just to see how it goes. Are you getting enough carbs to fuel your workouts? That's my biggest concern. I totally "bonk" if I don't get enough carbs to fuel my intense workouts and bike rides.

    Tex, it's good to hear from you! It look like I'm not the only world traveler in this group!

    Have a great day!

    Sing, my granddaugher spent the weekend with us as well. She is so cute and I love to have her around me. She is also a handful. Hahahaha

    As far as the belly diet is concerned, I really enjoyed the sassy water. :laugh: I dont thing the 4 day jumpstart is for you unless you are willing to not exercise during those 4 days. 1200 calories might be a bit too low for you considering you are a male and you are exercising so much. If I were you I would just try to lower the calories a bit and eat more protein and include mufas in every meal. I have not seen recent pics of you but it sounds you dont need to lose much weight, nor fat around your belly....:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sorry for all the different posts...I am at work and it is "easier" for me this way...

    Tex, happy travels!! I myself have a few trips planned this year starting this Thursday, going to Sacramento to my nephew's wedding. Glad to hear family is doing well.

    MK, I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you cant wait to see him... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Duffy, hooray!! You are doing great!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    sunrae, wow!!! congrats on your weight loss. That is amazing!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Zebras, sorry to hear about your accident. I am glad you are ok.

    Gotta go before I get in trouble...:laugh: :laugh:

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Today its raining so no outside activities for me... Sad because I am having so much fun out in the sun. Yesterday I had to take my daughter to Sacramento to visit her husband and give him the phone charger he forgot. It was nice to be able to visit him again before he left for Georgia. He left this morning and just might be there now.

    Alf... Maybe I'll let them figure that out on there own, the going with him part that is. She already has it in her head that she's not going but with him being gone for boot camp I can see that changing. Nah, I'll probably just tell her so she wont be disappointed.

    Sing... 40 miles! Thats incredible! I'm so glad you were able to visit with you grandson. I miss having little ones around.

    sunraec1... Thank you for your words of encouragement and congratulations on your accomplishments!!!

    mkwoods.... I am so happy that your husband is returning soon. Hopefully he will never have to leave like that again.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have been reading through the thread and looking at the pictures. It is hard to believe that any of you are grandparents. You all look so young. Must be the healthy eating and all that exercise.
    I have not been posting or logging in my stuff. That means only one thing....I have not been doing well and I don't want anyone to know it. But now you all do. I should be whipped with one of the noodles that I overate on for dinner tonight.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    ALF: The Sassy water and concept of MUFAs are the two aspects of the Flat Belly Diet that I still follow regularly.

    I had an awesome run yesterday. My first tempo run of the year that I was actually able to maintain at tempo for the whole run:drinker:

    Not sure if any of you have read "The Spark" but I joined spark people and the strangest thing happened as soon as I joined the Plateau busters group - the scale started dropping (talk about the power of writing your goals down). My guess is it has a lot more to do with the fact that I'm off the 3 a day Ibuprofen that had me eating something around 8:30 with my last pill of the day. Either that or this Hip Hop Abs program is more intense than it seems.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Duffy, you drink the sassy water regularly? I havent had it since I finished the 4 day jumpstart. I am glad your running is going really well. I jogged/walked on Monday with my husband, about 4 miles, and I was feeling a little discomfort in the same area that I injured back in November. I was very dissapointed about that. I might need to have it xrayed along with my left shoulder and left foot...geez, I am falling apart!!! :noway: :laugh: The spark, is that a free website, tell us more about it. And yes, I think positive thinking helps in everything you do including weight loss.

    Swiss, hang in there, you can do it. Stay positive but be consistent. Try not to be so strict about cutting calories and changing your eating habits. Just try to control your portions and continue exercising.

    Tron, are you close to Sacramento? I am going there tomorrow until Monday. My nephew is getting married on Saturday. My daughter and granddaughter are going as well. Also my younger sister who lives in SC. I am excited!!! I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning before I leave to the airport and probably report from there.

    Take care!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi All!!!

    Boy, do I have a tale to tell!!

    On Monday I did a strong workout at the gym during lunch. When I got back to my office, I became very dizzy an disoriented. The next thing I knew I was on the floor. I passed out at my desk and hit my face on the way down. My wife came and took me to the ER. They admitted me for tests and observation. I just got out of the hospital this morning.

    The tests were negative, but my BP is erratic. It is usually always 120/80, which concerns me. So I need to lay low for a few days and check my BP, then go to my Doctor next week.

    I will check in later!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Oh Sing, I'm so sorry to hear that this happened! You have to take good care of yourself, you are our rock here at MFP 40+! Hopefuly it is nothing serious. We will all be thinking positive thoughts for you!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wow, Sing!!! I hope everything is ok. What kind of tests did they run? I am guessing you might not be eating enough? I know you do tough workouts. 120/80 BP is not bad. Of course, you dont want it higher than that. And it is not bad especially after what happened to you and being admitted in the hospital. Mine is always very high when I go to the doctor, I have white coat syndrome. It is perfect at home. :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Swiss... Everyone deals with their own battles when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes you win sometimes you dont. Trust me I am going though my own issues at the moment and know exactly how you feel. I come on here and have a bad day and dont feel worthy of even being on here because I feel like such a slacker... My advice is, even though you've had a bad day, week, or even month dont give up. Your worth it and so what if you slipped off the wagon for a bit... Pick yourself up and get back on.

    Sing... Oh My Gosh!!! Take care of yourself. Did you eat properly before your workout? I know you want to lose that little extra that is bugging you but are you sure that the little extra is really in need of loosing and not something your just obsessing on? I think you look AMAZING and dont want you to hurt yourself because we really need you here with us. You are an inspiration to me and something of what I strive to be when I grow up... :wink:

    Alf... I live about 2 1/2 hours away from Sacramento so pretty close. I told my daughter about not being able to go with her man when it comes to Texas, she already knew that and wasn't worried. She said the school is in Dallas and they were told it was known to be a "party" school. Oh great, her husband used to be a partier and just what he needs is to have her gone and mess up his opportunity for a half way decent job. Not that I think people should join the military for a job during war time BUT he sure didn't try to get a job anywhere else before hand.

    As for me... I think I went over my calorie limit yesterday BUT today is a new day. I need to clean my house so I have no more excuses on the working out part. Thats my goal today... Clean, clean, clean, and clean some more....
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Sing.............wow!! Hope you recover quickly and with no lasting effects. Just goes to show that we may think that we're in control of our bodies, but the body will do what it needs to do to give you a 'wake up call" if needed!!! Take care of yourself - we all look to you to keep us going here!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Swiss...........hang in there! We all get frustrated and discouraged when we have a bad day or bad week (or bad couple of weeks), but we are all the survivors who will just keep on trudging our way to better health!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Alf..........enjoy your trip!! I can't wait for our trips this summer!

    Tron.....you sound like I've been for the past week. The cleaning bug hit me last weekend, and while the house isn't spotless, it looks better than it has since before Christmas! Amazing what knowing that time alone is coming to an end will do to your motivation!:laugh: :laugh:

    I'm here today in limbo land............the hubby's somewhere between Kabul, Afghanistan and Washington DC, but I have no clue where! :grumble: In this age of instant communication, it's frustrating to know he's out of touch traveling and that I probably won't hear from him for at least another 24 hours.:grumble: I know............the old saying "no news is good news" still applies, but I still get nervous when he's traveling, especially flying overseas! I had a really bad nightmare years ago when he was flying back from a school in bad winter weather and just can't ever get that feeling out of the back of my mind when I know he's probably on a plane. Didn't sleep well last night, won't sleep decently until he gets home, and just can't maintain focus. Jeez.................do I sound like a whiny, neurotic person or what??? Need to work out tonight; that should burn off some of this darn nervous energy.....
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    mkwood...just remember that you do know that your husband loves you dearly. So many of them are out there without their wives being able to contact them because they do not want to be found. Oh dear, I am rehashing my former marriage. You WILL be with your husband soon. I wish all of God's blessings on the two of you.

    tron, thank you for understanding. i feel at times that I can't go on. Just too much stress in my life at this time. I really want to just disappear.

    sing, you are really worrying me. I have been experiencing the same symptoms. Please let us know what has been found out about you. I believe that mine is nothing serious. Just stress.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning Folks:

    I accidentally tested the starvation theory yesterday. I worked out in the evening like always but started about a 1/2 an hour later than usual, and by the time I was done, I was wiped out and all I ended up eating was a piece of homemade bread with nothing on it. I'd say for the whole day I may have only eaten the equivalent of my work out calories. I really don't think that for one day in a row my body would go into starvation mode anyhow, so let's hope that the missing calories cause a little downturn on the scale. In the meantime, the mirror is making me happy!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    Swiss-hope you are ok???Did they find the cause? Hope this doesn't mess with your vacation plans. Was there any damage from the fall?

    Sounds like everyone is really trying. I ws doing pretty good this week to some degree-went to happy hour with the girls, so it was not the right kind of food to have-had a couple of bad items and then piled on the lettuce shreds and picked at them w/1 margarita and 2 glasses of water. I go to the gym for toning workout today. Funny thing I woke up really hungry this morning, so had egg beater w/skim cheese. I figured protein would be a good filler and it worked.

    Have a great day everyone....at least our sun has returned to New England!
  • icurly
    icurly Posts: 1
    Hello, I am new to MFP, very new just started two days ago and I was searching the posts and your comment here really spoke to me. I am 44 years old and pretty fit yet struggling to lose 10 to 15 lbs that have settled around my middle. I do P90X and most of those workouts are 600 calories average and I am struggling to eat enough clean food to support the calorie requirements.

    I'm 6 feet tall and was surprised to find that I probably gained the fat because I wasn't eating enough....duh. I'm just making sure I understand how this program works the calories they set for you is for you to lose your weight right? When I post a workout they add those calories to that number example if they calculate I should eat 1,600 calories per day and like yesterday calculated 800 calorie workout that made me total calorie requirement 2,400 calories. I was under by 400 calories. :ohwell:

    Does this mean I will not lose as quickly or is it good when I'm under....confused? Can you please help me?
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