How do you people stay at 1200 a day??



  • kelsanderson78
    kelsanderson78 Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't read all these replies, but my goal is net 1200 calories. have a look at my food diary to get an idea of what I eat - I don't go hungry, I have protein and carbs at every meal, 2 pieces of fruit a day and veges with at least 2 meals per day. I don't really snack, if I do its just almonds
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    Not sure how many lbs a week you have indicated that you are trying to lose, but if you are trying to lose too much too fast that is not considered to be healthy and you may be depriving yourself too much with restricting calories to that low of an amount. I have learned through much trial and error not to do deprivation type diets. For me, I find that when I deprive myself that much it makes it hard to stick on a diet for very long and then I fall off the wagon and eat everything in site and gain back anything I lost plus some. I am considered morbidly obese and I have set a safe goal of 1.8 lb weight loss per week, which means I have 1700 calories a day, however, I try to stay at around 1600 a day. I just learned recently that when I exercise, it earns me another 300 calories a day for just 20 minutes of riding my stationary bike. So I can actually eat more than the 1600 calories if I wanted to or bank it and lose weight at a faster rate than 1.8 lbs per week, which is what I have been doing. Exercise is not fun when you are heavy, but I encourage you to keep trying to find something that works for you because it will allow you to consume more calories and still lose weight. For me, the easiest thing is my stationary bike which has a comfortable seat with a high back. Also, if you like to cook, check out some low cal recipes on line. Spark People is a site that is similar to MFP, but is not as easy to use but does have lots of recipes. I'm not sure if I have my profile set to where my food diary is able to be viewed by others, but if you want some ideas on low cal things to eat, take a look. You'll see I'm not always completely on track, but a lot of the time I am, and a Weight Watchers leader once told me that success is being on track more times than you are not! Best of luck to you.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    P.S. I forgot to say that as you lose weight, you will then have to adjust (lower) your calories to still be able to continue losing weight, but I think the MPP will calculate that for you.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I did 1200 calories for four months and lost 32 pounds. I didn't feel hungry because I ate a lot of clean foods that were filling and low calorie. But I did notice the low calorie limit affected me in other ways and I was more prone to heavy binging on my cheat days. I've now gone up to my BMR and feel much better. There are some people who can do it, but it's not for everyone and it's not the only way to lose weight.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thread from the dead? I'll bite. I'm getting close to a proper weight, I'm middle aged, I'm extremely sedentary except when I work out. I'm unemployed, I have no life, I rarely leave the house, and I don't chase small ankle biters around trying to keep them out of dangerous chemicals and whatever else kids get into when you aren't standing right over them.

    So yeah, 1200 is fine for me. In fact, if I always ate my exercise calories back I'd lose weight so slowly on 1200 that I would go stark raving mad. So unfortunately right now I'm netting less than that. I sometimes do eat my exercise calories back, depending on how many innocent people will die if I don't.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    I started off at 1200 calories and realized that I should be eating at least a little bit more so I bumped it up to 1400 calories. But everyday I still always have about 100-200 calories left. How I do it: Eat one large meal a day with snacks in between. I eat breakfast and lunch. My breakfast is usually a smoothie or greek yogurt with honey and sometimes its just a kellogs bar. Lunch is a nice sandwich with milk and some chips (I know I shouldn't be eating it but it's a tiny bag). When I get home, all I do is snack every hour. Each hour is either a 90 kcal bar or some walnuts or almonds and dinner is just leftovers. And after that, it just all adds up to about 1200-1300 calories.

    It's honestly not that hard. But then again, I'm only looking to lose 15 pounds. I'm already in pretty good shape. Before I started losing weight, I was eating not much more than I am now. I was eating maybe 1600 kcal a day but it included lots of sugar and fats and junk. Now it's a lot healthier and I have more protein so I feel fuller longer.

    You really shouldn't start off at 1200 though considering as you said you are obese. I would start off with 1800 or 1700 if I were you and slowly make your way down.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    I have a pretty small frame and I can not manage to stay at 1200. Never. So I work my butt off and work out so that I have more calories to eat without getting fat.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I just feel like I'm wasting my time if I'm not eating the minimum. I'm just extreme like that so don't be like me. I mean I could run on a treadmill for two hours or I could just not eat those carbs and save the cost of the food and the time lost burning it off lol
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Log everything. Drink lots of water. Chew sugarless gum. Get busy doing something non-food related. After a while it will become second nature. Good luck!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    1200 is for the first half of my day and then about 700 for the rest of my day. 1200 is not a magic number, you need to find what works best for you. Start with what you learn here , use the number for at least a month and then adjust up or down accordingly.

    Also, more good info here
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    I have been doing this for a long time and I can not stay under calories, no matter how hard I try. How do you people do it??? I looked at some of your diaries and that ones I looked ate one meal a day and some vitamins, one ate protein shakes twice a day and a salad for the other, the others complain about not being able to get to 1200 a day, one eats pizza and goes over and still says he/she loses two lbs a week.

    My diary is private but I can tell you just of what works for me.

    I've never been a breakfast person, but I do try to have something, even if it's just soy milk, juice or a yogurt. So my breakfast calories are typically under 200cal. Sometimes I have cereal but I try to make sure it's high in fiber. I do take 2 gummies for vitamins and another 2 for fiber each day.

    I keep a reusable cup full of ice water on my desk at all times. I drink water pretty much non stop while I'm at work. Yes, this means I have to pee frequently, but my desk is near the bathroom, so I don't mind.

    For lunch, I have either a salad (I like those artisan salads from Publix deli (I sent them an email and they replied back with a PDF of the estimated calorie and nutrition info for me) or I make a lunch and bring it to work with me. The Artisan salads are big, so I often get 2 lunches out of those. As long as I get dressing on the side, they stay crisp for the second day. They have a good baja salad (like the taco one at Wendy's), a sweet apple with sugared pecans and balsamic glaze, and my favorite--shanghai chicken with spicy peanut dressing and crunchy noodles.

    When I make my own lunch, I try to make it snack-able. That is, I try to make it something that I can snack on so that it takes me awhile to eat. For example--Bread that I toast and then spread with hummus, Nutella, or laughing cow cheese; cucumbers or carrots with dip; hard boiled eggs with salt and pepper. I also use Lean Cuisines, but not the meals. I get the appetizers instead, like pita pocket with cheese dip (I toast the pita) or fajita rolls (3 for 200cal or a whole box for 400cal) that I can dip in hummus.

    My biggest meal is dinner with hubby and it's often my least healthy meal of the day. I try to watch my portion size and have something green/veggie with each dinner. I often only put half of "my" dinner on my plate. For example if dinner is chicken parm, I'll cut a breaded chicken breast in half instead of putting the whole breast on my plate. I go back for the other half only if I'm still hungry after finishing the 1st half. I often find I'm not hungry for the entire other half. The leftovers end up in my lunch the next day, or hubby eats it later, or I eat it on leftovers night.
    Don't you people get hungry???
    Yes, but then I usually realise my glass is empty. I refill it and see if a glass of water fixes my problem. Sometimes I get into part of my lunch early (fine because I made it snackable) or I don't eat my whole lunch and instead I use the rest of my lunch as an afternoon snack. I usually log it as lunch no matter when I eat the different parts of it.

    For the evening, when I get the urge to snack, I just start cooking dinner instead. Normally, hubby gets the urge to eat before I do, so I'm often cooking before I'm really hungry. So it's rare for me to want a snack before dinner.

    After dinner, if I have room in my budget, I will allow myself a treat (Hersey's kisses, ice cream) etc. If not, I try to distract myself--water, a walk, a book, etc. It doesn't always work, but most of the time it does.

    In general though, veggies tend to be low in calories, so I try to have as much of those for lunch and dinner as I can. That way I get more food for less of my calorie budget.

    I try to keep my biggest temptations out of the house or at least out of my reach (Soda, crackers/cookies, etc). I'm short and anything I can't see I tend to forget exists--which makes the top of the fridge the perfect place for hubby's stuff---chips, pretzels, etc. When he gets into those I'll have a bite or two, but not much. He might give/feed me a frito or two with salsa while I'm cooking or while he's watching TV but as long as he keeps control of the bag, I can think of them as just for him and I'll stay out of them.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    Its hard to stay in that range, for a lot of people that's too low. There are days that I am able to do it (not on purpose, my calories are set at 1400). The days that I do are the days I eat salads and veggies for most of the day with a lot of water. I'm not hungry at all on those days. I have found the trick is you can eat more for less when food isn't processed, eat it as natural as possible and it fills you longer and you can eat more because they are next to no calories. Good luck to you :)
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Eating 1200 a day is a good idea if either you are very small and sedentary or you want to be skinny-fat and miserable.

    I eat almost 2k.
  • nitiegen
    nitiegen Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have to hard of a time once you get use to it. When I get so hungry between my meals I will find things to eat like pickles, salad,or things with little to no calories. Light soups are a really good choice as well. There are lots of different foods out there you just got to search!!!
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    If you have been a big eater for a long time trying to cut to 1200 all at once might just be too much to ask. Try cutting back a bit more slowly to allow your tummy to shrink and remember any deficit is a good thing, you don't have to loose lbs and lbs every week you just have to loose something!!!
  • Eat all the fruit and veggies you can. They fill you up and are low in calories. I also do meal replacement bars and shakes from Labrada. Home made turkey sandwiches are also filling and low in calories. I'm at 1300 cal a day. Also "EXERCISE" is big. The more calories you burn the more space to eat healthy, and drink WATER like it's SODA! =0) But the main secret is determination. Write you goal down and look at it everyday. It all start in the mind.
  • AuntShanna
    AuntShanna Posts: 18 Member
    It is very different for everyone. What works for some, may not for others. I am a shorty at 5'1"... so I need to keep it real low. I eat LOTs of veg/fruit/lean protien. I dont worry about going over a little. Loosen up a little on the weekends. and I eat my exercise calories, since 1200 is so low to begin with... I figure my body needs to, to keep it happy/losing. But everyone is different. activity level, nutritional value of food, and your own bodies ability all come into play. I have a sluggish thyroid and suspected insulin resistance... so I keep it low... but believe me I'd love to eat 1600 calories a day... but I would gain there.
  • amills1152
    amills1152 Posts: 63 Member
    Eating 1200 a day is a good idea if either you are very small and sedentary or you want to be skinny-fat and miserable.

    I eat almost 2k.

    ^^^ This. I was skinny fat once because of taking in too little calories. I was low weight and squishy as all hell. It's all about TDEE and BMR!
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    I try and stick with raw veggies, egg whites, lean meats... But I'm human and will mess up and have chocolate (more often than I would like to admit.) I go over my calories almost every day... But I make sure I get a small workout in everyday so I can make up for the calories.
  • Try to drink lots of water- it helps you to stay full. Try to drink 1 glass of water before you eat a meal- again it will help you feel full and you will eat less at that meal. Have you tried planning out your food all day and sticking to it? If you plan your meals and snacks it will definitely be easier to follow and stay around the targeted calories.

    Measure out cereals or snacks and put them in ziplock baggies so you know the exact calories.

    My doctor told me that 3600 calories equals 1 pound. So if you cut out that number of calories in a week (or burn it off working out) you should lose 1 pound.

    My mom just joined and she is obese and can only have 1400 calories (or maybe it was 1200) which I thought was weird because I can have more calories than her and you'd think she generally eats more calories than me (because she is more over weight than I) so she could still eat more or similar calories and still lose weight.

    I know its hard to add exercise when you aren't used to it, but I heard on Dr. OZ that just doing 5 minutes of intense cardio (jogging in place, push ups, anything quick and intense to get your heart rate way up for 5 minutes) is extremely good for your heart and can help to jump start your metabolism. (Your body continues burning after you've quit exercising..)

    Good Luck-:happy:
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