Do you skip the gym in freezing weather?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My hats off to everyone who has the strength and will power to go out in freezing temps! I live in deep south Texas and people down here (including myself) are really thrown off when the temperature drops to freezing levels. Public schools have cancelled classes when temps have gotten into the mid 20s!

    My original reply was going to be "No, stay home, stay warm and keep safe", but now I realize that freezing temperatures and snow are par for the course in some parts of the country. Kudos to all who brave the elements to stay healthy!

    Why would they close schools for mid 20s? I know it's not common there, but there's no danger! When I was a kid the governor closed school for -48 (-60 up north), but that's hardly the same. I'm not saying Texans need to go outside, but 20 is definitely fine for going in and out of a bus.
    How many Texans own snowsuits and giant gloves/mittens/hats/facemasks/etc? I doubt many would be able to layer up even if they wanted to.

    It's also a matter of acclimation. Here in Wisconsin when it's 50F in the fall, it's cold. When it's 50F in the spring, it's t-shirt and shorts weather.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    What is this GYM you speak of?
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    where was it -53? was -30 in Minnesota
    It was -47C (-53F) last night. I went to the gym because it was too cold to run outside.
    Get your *kitten* to the gym sister! :happy:
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    It's pretty darn cold here in Central IL the last day or two and I still went and parked at the farthest parking spot in the lot too! Headed there today after work!
  • moneypenny50
    moneypenny50 Posts: 18 Member
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    I live in Houston. What is this cold weather you people speak of?

    you. leave. now
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    The cold doesn't stop me. I went swimming at the gym when it was -5 out and loved it because clearly, the cold keeps some people at home and the place was dead. The cold wouldn't stop me from going to the gym... heavy snow and dangerous driving conditions might, but once you're there, it's toasty warm. I think when you live in cold temps, the gym is essential because you wouldn't want to go for a walk or run outside when it's that cold....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    um no. cause then I'd be lying about how much I want to reach my goals.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm in Iowa and it was -15 with windchill this morning. It is freezing cold in my gym but I still go. I wear long sleeves and pants and usually I'm really cold when I start but by the end I'm dripping sweat. Get your butt to the gym. NO EXCUSES!
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    No. Short of a rest day or sick day, I never miss gym. Extreme weather and all. If I started missing gym because of cold temperatures I would not be working out 2/3 of winter here in Ohio.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    I do not skip the gym period!!!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I did 5 miles at 5:30 this morning in a 5 degree windchill.

    Ask me how badly I want to be awesome.

    Actually, ask bikini season when she is gonna be ready for me already geez
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I love walking out of the gym hot as hell and sweating and having the cold brisk New England air hit me. It's refreshing.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It was -47C (-53F) last night.
    LUXURY!!! It was fourteen degrees below absolute zero and we had to walk to the gym soaking wet and naked in four feet of snow uphill both ways carrying a 700 pound block of ice on our backs. And we were thankful!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I try to avoid working out indoors at all costs.......
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    probably everything i will say has been said

    but, for starters, -7 is not that cold.
    and more importantly, the gym is inside so why would it matter? the only reason i GO to the gym is because its cold out - otherwise I'd do my weights at home and then bike/run outside for cardio. unless your gym is an outdoor gym (do these exist? never heard of them), then you are just making excuses!

    my 2 cents =)
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 311 Member
    I skip running when cold weather! So it's the best time for JM workouts or P90x!
  • GetDemGainz
    Don't skip it on account of cold weather. EXCUSES ARE USELESS, RESULTS ARE PRICELESS. Get your butt to the gym..Dress for the cold so your comfortable when you leave the gym on those freeze days.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I ran a short interval run outside this morning in 12 degrees. The key is to make it fast and not stay out too long because you risk frost bite on exposed skin!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    No, I skip running outside and go to the gym. I usually change into my gym clothes and just drive to the gym. It was COLD AND SNOWY last night so I brought my gym clothes and running shoes to the gym and changed. I even wore a coat. BRRRRRRRRRR