How do you people stay at 1200 a day??



  • macaya5
    macaya5 Posts: 75
    My calorie intake is set for 1510 and I find that I'm under that for the most part. I eat foods high in fiber, lean meat, whole grains. I portion my food as much as possible and try to eat every 3-4 hours. it's ok to feel a little hungry but I try to not get over hungry. A bowl of oatmeal is going to keep me feeling full for a good while, so I eat that when I feel like I need to tide over--not just for breakfast.

    There are times when I work out a lot, walking, free weights and cardio machines. Those days, I need an extra meal. I just make sure it's something that's filling and tastes great. Drinking a lot of water helps, too.
  • sam0828
    sam0828 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know your starting weight, but you did mention you are obese. I started MFP because I needed more motivation. I lost over 50lbs on my own and still have at least 60-70 more to go. When I signed up it told me to eat 1200 calories, but I knew that would never be enough. I uped it to 1800 calories and that is what I have been eating the last 2 weeks. I lost 5 lbs! I don't want to lose too fast because for me this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I want to be healthy for my kids. I have failed many "diets" in the past so I am committed to doing this the RIGHT way. I will be adding exercise soon so I may up it to 2000 depending how my loss progresses.
  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    For me my calorie goal here to lose weight is about 1350. I'm always able to eat under because I eat a lot of veggies, lean meat, whole grain, fruit and low fat dairy. It gives me more energy to be able to exercise 3-4 days a week at 30 minutes at a time. My starting weight 11 months ago was 368. From doing this plan I am down to 269 now. You can eat all throughout the day. 5x a day eating those foods and you will not deprive yourself or feel hungry. I went off the biggest loser books when it talked about how much of veggie, meat or fruit I could eat. The serving size. It really works. Plus I give myself one treat and one cheat meal a week and that is able to keep me on track and gives me something to look forward too so I don't feel like I am always on a diet. I make all kinds of food from split pea soup to pork roast and potatoes. A lot of the same stuff I was eating before just healthier versions of it. Believe me if I can do this after being a junk food addict, anyone can. The heavier you are too the more calories you need to consume or your body goes into starvation mode and you will not lose weight. To speed up your metabolism you need to eat more. Good luck to you.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I have been doing this for a long time and I can not stay under calories, no matter how hard I try. How do you people do it??? I looked at some of your diaries and that ones I looked ate one meal a day and some vitamins, one ate protein shakes twice a day and a salad for the other, the others complain about not being able to get to 1200 a day, one eats pizza and goes over and still says he/she loses two lbs a week.

    Don't you people get hungry??? How do you do it?????? I know, yes, my exercise is not where it should be and I"m working on it (majorly obese here so I'm working at it) but the diaries I was referring to didn't have any exercise calories listed in at the bottom....

    Don't you get hungry?????? I'm beginning to think all these numbers maybe too complicated for this brain to figure out, too (like another post said).


    most of the time I am under 1200-1300 cal a day.... I eat three meals a day and usually have one snack. it's all about WHAT you eat, not how much or how little. It's all in what works for your body. if you cant do it, dont try it. Stick with what you enjoy and what works for your body.
    I also exercise at least four days a week, such as today i burned about 850 calories.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    no I eat really healthy food. I get plenty of nutrients. I eat fruit, veggies, meat and real food. many people are uneducated about calories and buy the myth that 1200 calories is starving. however Dr. Oz, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper agree that women need to eat between 1200-1400 calories. they are all professional so I go with them.

    people can't tell the difference between healthy calories and empty calories.
  • amwoodruff
    amwoodruff Posts: 54 Member
    Listen, 1200 is a bit extreme for some people. I have mine set at 1500, which is way lower than MFP has me set at, even if I hit sedentary, and I go over sometimes 100-200 a day, and I am still slowly losing weight. ( Would be doing better if I hit the gym more.) If you can't do 1200, don't do 1200. Do 1500, and I also don't add my exercise calories back, because I go over the 1500 enough that I don't really think I need to be seeing extra room on my app. Find your happy place! Find your TDEE! Be nice to yourself, and your body.
  • bamagrrrl
    bamagrrrl Posts: 18 Member
    Its not hard once you get used to it. I have always been a big eater and wondered how people only ate one of anything... the key is to make up your mind and the rest is easy. I pack my breakfast lunch and 2 snacks that are portion controlled and then I eat a healthy meal that again is portion controlled. I also started out with more calories then worked my way down using the recomended calories to loose 2 pounds per week. I also pre plan if I am going out to a restaraunt and make sure I have a game plan of what I am going to eat. I have only been doinf this for 20+ days but this is what so far has worked for me... I also am pretty heavy but I work out and do what I can and push myself harder and harder once I get to the point where what I am doing is not a challenge anymore. I know it is hard and I know it seems impossible but its totally doable once you make up your mind. Hope this helps.. hang in there.
  • The best thing you can do is cook delicious meals, instead of pretending you'd be satisfied on raw veggies and cooked chicken breast. Try, there are lots of delicious, easy recipes that are low-calorie. Cooking yourself lets you eat meals that are very filling and satisfying for a low amount of calories.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    MFP automatically decides that I should net 1200 a day. I tried it for a week. It resulted in bad moods, illness, binge eating and just plain misery.

    My body told me that 1200 is not good for me. My goal is between 1500-1600 now and I feel much better.

    But some days I do find it hard to eat enough calories and those are days when I am eating tons of fresh veggies. Usually the day or two right after grocery shopping when I'm super excited about all that good stuff that I eat three meals of stir fries. Those days I usually have to snack on nuts so I don't get too sick.

    I love food. I have no plans on not eating.
  • Since I started a low carb diet, its been super easy to stay under the 1200 mark. Bread, pasta, cake and other carbs pack tons of useless calories. The first two days I was really missing that bagel in the morning but its been two weeks and I have so much more energy because I'm putting good, wholesome nutritious food into my body and not junk. Eat lots of raw veggies (and fruit if you're not low carb) and lots of lean protein. I substitute lettuce for bread so instead of having a sandwich with tuna, I'll have the tuna on a salad with cheddar cheese and dressing. Protein keeps your appetite down because your body uses it steadily and you don't get that sugar crash. You'd be really surprised at how much you can actually eat. Also, if you're exercising enough you should be able to stay at or below the goal. Good luck!!
  • I am right there with you most days i find it a strugle to stck to 1200 calories but have decided just log what i eat and just make sure that i dont go Back to eating rubish. I also exercis at the gym and do Aquafit twice a week and try to get aleast a half to 1 hours walk a day weather permiting and if that dos'nt work theres not much else I can do. It must be working thou because i have lost 231b since June. So good luck:smile:
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    You can open up their diaries and look at what they are eating and the exercise they may be doing to stay at or under 1200 calories. My diary is unlocked take a look!
  • Nola4
    Nola4 Posts: 50 Member
    I am also on a 1200 with working out but snack on healthy stuff ALL DAY. I just have to make sure I am only having one serving on tostitos and not the entire bag.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    It takes a while to get used to 1200 calories and how those calories are best spent. Salad and most fruits are low in calories, lean meats are good because they are filling and have a lot of protein which makes you feel full longer. Drinking a lot of water helps. I typically eat breakfast (usually cereal with almond milk) then have a snack (piece of fruit or some kind of protein or fiber bar) about 2 hours later. Then I have lunch (that is usually my biggest calorie meal of the day), then 2 hours later I have another snack (if I had fruit at the first snack then I have a bar or veggies and vice versa), then I have dinner. Some times I have an evening snack, sometimes I don't depends on if I have the calories left or not. It isn't easy, believe me I know, but from March 2011 to March 2012 I lost 87 pounds using this site and sticking to 1200 calories per day. I then stopped keeping track, went through a divorce, etc. and let my eating get away from me again and gained 20 of it back. I have now been back on track for 2 weeks and have lost 5 lbs.
  • brenda9090
    brenda9090 Posts: 2 Member
    If you want, you can set your diary as public so that we can see what you eat and give you better advice on how to stay within your limits.
  • I don't even dare to count calories. I see them, but there are the last thing on my mind. Importance of nutrition comes from the amount of nutrients, sodium, cholesterol, fat, and then carbs. You're body needs to be fed properly (even though it can be a struggle inittially), if you can learn to keep the s/c/f/cbs down, you're doing fine overall. :-)
  • Which is why we all have different numbers of calories per day. When I was on 1200 calories, I reached it fine, and only went over when I splurged on some junk foods!
    Now I am on medicine that makes me hungry ALL THE TIME! and I am still fine at 1400 calories.

    People are different, and that is why you are hungry at 1700 calories and she is uncomfortably full at 1400. It is very tiring to see so many people judging others based on the fact their diets or goals are different.
  • Plan your meals. Once you get the hang of staying under 1200 calories, its really not hard. I eat a breakfast cereal for breakfast, a vegetable or a frozen type meal for lunch, a snack between two meals and some sort of vegetable and/or meat for lunch. I never get hungry.

    If you feel hungry, drink water. Most of the time, you really aren't hungry at all. After drinking a glass of water, wait 10 minutes. If you are still hungry... eat. Most of the time you wont feel that way anymore though.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I do often go over, although for a woman my size and age, 1200 is a good ball park figure. When I stay at or under 1200 it's usually because I'm exceptionally motivated, or have streamlined things so I have a small number of nutritious meals of known calories. It also helps tremendously not to focus on food.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member

    You choose foods with high nutrition value but lower calories.

    "Staples for a 1,200-calorie plan might include skinless chicken breast, shrimp, egg whites, canned beans, dark leafy greens, cut-up raw vegetables, melon, berries, apples, brown rice, oatmeal and whole-grain bread."

    OP, I suppose you will be doctor supervised if on 1200?
    HAHA! This person just listed most of my go to staples! I aim for under 1500. I had an accident day at 1100, just busy and wasn't hungry, then the next day I ate 1500. No big. Like so many have posted, eat clean. I look for food with good nutritional content and low cals.

    Example day:
    Toast with peanut butter
    half a grapefruit or a banana

    Silhouete (35 calorie) yogurt with fresh strawberries

    Salad with low calorie dressing and loads of fresh veggies with lean turkey or chicken


    Chicken Breast
    Brown Rice
    Pile of broccoli or green beans

    This hits me at around 1200 ish and I do not feel hungry! If I have a good workout I have an extra snack or fruits or veggies or even a protien bar.
    It takes time, I still make bad choices and have an off day. But I'm going to keep striving for my goals and improving and finding new snacks and meals!

    Feel free to add me :D
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