Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I'm lurking :huh:

    Trying to get my motivation together. Got my orthotics last Friday and WOW do they make a difference! Already my foot pain has decreased! But I'm still so stiff and unreasonably tired and it PMS time already??? So I'm lurking on here trying to talk myself into today's workout. I went as far as getting dressed and putting on the HRM - you'd think I'd be in front of the TV by now :sad:

    Kicking my own butt off the puter......:explode:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I talked myself into BL Boot Camp. I'm glad I did because now I don't have to have a 300 calorie dinner! LOL
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I talked myself into BL Boot Camp. I'm glad I did because now I don't have to have a 300 calorie dinner! LOL

    Hey mschelle - isn't it nice to have some place to find the motivation? I find myself lurking all over the place - and :laugh: I've done the same thing.... dressed with HRM and.... sitting in front of the computer, waiting for inspiration to strike! Thank goodness for MFP! :) Hope your dinner was tasty. :bigsmile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Heeeey everyone! Where are you? Looks like we're slowing down a bit....

    I hope it's not just me. I did day 22 today - (should've been day 27 but I've fallen behind). It was Shred levels 1 &2. Call me crazy but I just wasn't loving it today. Afterward I was glad for having done it, but I had no love for Jillian. None at all.

    I could use a pep talk... another week to go to finish it right... I can make it another week, right?

    How are you all doing?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Smiles -
    I think without MFP i would have fallen off the wagon, so to speak, months ago! You *CAN* do one more week, but how about just one more day? Then another....(sing with me) Just put one foot in front of the other..... :laugh:

    My motivation is definitely not what it was in the beginning, but I've been thinking about it and I think that's to be expected. This is a lifestyle change, so I have to think of it that way. When you stop being excited about new things in your life, they don't (usually) just go away. They become part of your daily routine.

    I've also found it helps to forgive myself days off when I need it. I've realized I don't have to work out 7 days a week at full Jillian intensity for the rest of my life! I would totally collapse! If I get in 4 days a week, I'm happy, because that's 2000+ calories burned and a lot of increased strength and endurance! The fact that I'm really still doing 5-6 days a week makes my days off even better, and motivates me to do *something* on those days off - clean the garage, go for a walk, something to get my off my butt!

    So with MFP (the app), and MFP (the people), and the positive results I've definitely been seeing, I will keep chugging along until I look like I could be a reader model in Shape magazine!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Tueday Workout Peeps,
    What up?? Got in 45min of Gunner Peterson total body workout extended version (strength) w/ 5 and even 10lb weights on a couple of the exercises. My polar hasn't cone in and I am sooo impatient I bought a strapless version by pro-form to use as a watch by day has hrm and a gender /age function also counts cals, has an alarm and a stop watch. compared to the polar probabley not so good but i did want to get an idea about cals/ burned I used MFP's calculation on this w/o for 182 cals for 45min - HRM says 347 cals ( Okay, i did jump rope between sets!) not sure how accurate it is and my my HR nnever got above 124 - should be in between 147-173... hmmmm I am going to try it tonight with more vigerous exercise and see what reading it gives me. And against the polar ... when it shows up!!

    Smiles - Fantastic job on your run, just fantastic!!!! So proud of you on your personal best ~ you've been working so hard and have really improved!! keep up the great job - you inspire me!

    Hey, where's everybody ??????

    Will Check in later,

    Woops! How did i miss this? I was wondering where you were - and you were here in plain sight the whole time! :blushing: I haven't heard of the Gunner Peterson workout... what is it? Would you recommend it?

    I hope hope hope your HRM is here by NOW! You're so funny - buying another one when one is on the way. Talk about determined. :laugh: Do you have kids? I'm thinking you'd be a heck of a role model for them!

    Thanks for the comment on my PERSONAL BEST! :bigsmile: I'm still REALLY stoked about it, if you can't tell. Just did a 4 mile run (which still beats all of my other previous distances, except for the 4.5). I gotta give this program credit - the squats and lunges are helping my legs have strength to keep powering through. Ahhh.. now some food and water.... and to get on with the day.
    :heart: SMILES:bigsmile: :laugh: :happy: :wink: :smile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Smiles -
    I think without MFP i would have fallen off the wagon, so to speak, months ago! You *CAN* do one more week, but how about just one more day? Then another....(sing with me) Just put one foot in front of the other..... :laugh:

    My motivation is definitely not what it was in the beginning, but I've been thinking about it and I think that's to be expected. This is a lifestyle change, so I have to think of it that way. When you stop being excited about new things in your life, they don't (usually) just go away. They become part of your daily routine.

    I've also found it helps to forgive myself days off when I need it. I've realized I don't have to work out 7 days a week at full Jillian intensity for the rest of my life! I would totally collapse! If I get in 4 days a week, I'm happy, because that's 2000+ calories burned and a lot of increased strength and endurance! The fact that I'm really still doing 5-6 days a week makes my days off even better, and motivates me to do *something* on those days off - clean the garage, go for a walk, something to get my off my butt!

    So with MFP (the app), and MFP (the people), and the positive results I've definitely been seeing, I will keep chugging along until I look like I could be a reader model in Shape magazine!

    Thank you so much for this. It's just the dose of reality I needed. It has been so rewarding to attack this Jillian workout because I see such great results.... but then my brain skips ahead to worry that I won't be able to maintain the results because I can't maintain this intensity forever.... and then a little voice starts asking "what's the point if it's going to slip away the minute I ease up?" That voice needs to just SHUT UP!:laugh:

    This journey is about more than shaping up my body, apparently it's about getting my mind and attitude in shape too! I had a great run this morning (4 miles). In July, I couldn't run for 4 minutes. THAT is the point, and I need to remember it. I'm making friends with my body and THAT is the point. Being the best me I can be.... THAT is the point.

    Thanks again Mschelle...... the perspective check was truly appreciated. :flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Well, I joined a new gym called machines, just classes:

    Today, is circuit training and beginning yoga
    Tomorrow, cardio box and Zumba

    It's a small and trendy fun place...younger crowd

    I haven't done the shred or anything because it's been my rotation at work...Quite honestly, they are crazy the way they shuffle patients around. I think the community has grown so much and the hospital has not expanded to meet the demands. So, I am off these next few days and plan to get some serious exercise in. Oh, and clean the house as well.

    BTW, you know, I have noticed that people do get frustrated after a while....Honestly, after 3 weeks of Jillian, look at your back and shoulders....I have noticed that mine rock when I do her videos. I love the Jillian videos. I just don't know if I can do them everyday.

    If everyone wants to start a new thread based on different goals, I would be more than willing to follow. I like the HRM challenge for the week. Anybody else, have some ideas. That way, we can do different exercises and burn calories.

    I have the warrior dash and hope to lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks and to be STRONG....any suggestions?

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Here's a new recipe to try:

    It came from my cooking light magazine:

    Can be made one day had 11 good reviews 4/5 stars

    Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Goat Cheese, Caramelized spring Onions and Thyme
    1 breast with 2 teaspoons sauce is Calories 274, Fat 9.5, Protein 39.3, Carb 6.6, Fiber 2.2, Chol 105mg, Iron 2.8, Sodium 530 and Calcium 123mg

    Not quit sure what I will serve it with; but, here's their suggustion: polenta and broccolini

    I have never had polenta; so, that will be the new food I try this week.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Kim,
    Mind if I join you for dinner when you make that recipe? :laugh: Sounds good! I'm not much of a cook - but since starting MFP I've been willing to experiment a bit with different things. My contribution to the veggie challenge is the MEXICAN LASAGNA recipe - it's in the recipe's thread. I'll bump it to bring it current. It's SOOO tasty.

    I agree with you - though toward the end it gets frustrating and hard, my back and shoulders ARE looking good! I really really want to do the 30 days again, but maybe with a break in between. As it is, I ran yesterday but didn't get NMTZ in because there were people here when I got home. Flexibility is the name of the game, right?

    Keep us posted if you decide to create a new thread - so we stay lively. I'll for sure follow.

    Your work sounds like it's keeping you busy.... hopefully that's a good thing? Good luck with getting to the workouts you have planned. My goal is to get NMTZ in today - either before or after work. It's gonna be a crazy day...
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Okay so I'm curious who has done this for the full 29 days so far?? :) Results??
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Mexican Lasagna

    1 head cauliflower (cored)
    3 plum tomatoes
    1 can black beans (15.5 oz)
    1 cup frozen corn
    1/3 cup chopped cilantro
    2 tsp chili powder
    2 tsp ground cumin
    3 1/2 cup monterey jack cheese
    1 jar (16 oz) green salsa / (verde)
    6 tortillas

    -Cut cauliflower and tomatoes. Place cauliflower, tomatoes, beans, corn, and cilantrol in bowl. Sprinkle with chili powder and cumin (I just mixed it all together, not sure what my mom did...)
    -Spread 3 cups or so of the mixture into the bottom of the crock-pot.
    -Sprinkle 1 cup of the cheese and 1/2 cup salsa over top.
    -Place 2 tortilla on top.
    -Repeat layers 2 or more times.
    -Cut last 2 tortillas into 2 inch pieces and scatter on top.
    -Sprinkle with cheese after its cooked if wanted and cook 30 minutes or until its melted.

    Prep time: 15 min
    Cook time: 3 1/2 hours on high or 6 hours on low
    Serves: 8
    Calories: 376 per serving (I don't know the rest of the nutritional info cause I didn't write it all down)


    This was shared on the recipes thread - I tried it and it was seriously wonderful. I added fresh spinach, threw in some ground beef with taco seasoning and when eating it, topped it with a dollop of sour cream. Oh man. Need to have this again SOON. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Okay so I'm curious who has done this for the full 29 days so far?? :) Results??

    Hi there... I'm supposed to be on day 29 but I'm on day 22 of the schedule. At first I got one or two days behind because life got in the way - I decided to try and make up the workouts instead of just moving on to the next day. I eventually started adding other things to the program (running) - so that is slowing me down a bit. BUT I'M DETERMINED TO FINISH!!!!

    Want to join us for another round? ;)
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Okay so I'm curious who has done this for the full 29 days so far?? :) Results??

    Hi there... I'm supposed to be on day 29 but I'm on day 22 of the schedule. At first I got one or two days behind because life got in the way - I decided to try and make up the workouts instead of just moving on to the next day. I eventually started adding other things to the program (running) - so that is slowing me down a bit. BUT I'M DETERMINED TO FINISH!!!!

    Want to join us for another round? ;)

    absolutly! my day 3 is tonight (I know, its better to workout in the morning but there's just no way that's happening) and I'm really pumped about it!!! It's gonna be great!! :D
  • ill be doing this for may :) since april is almost done <3 but thanks for the link to download it now i can print it and put it where all my other exercise stuff is <3
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Thanks for the does take time and I enjoy the results...I have to take my daughter to the ER because she is literally full of *kitten* and it has been nearly a month. So, they really want us to be proactive to avoid a bowel obstruction. This should be interesting. Turns out, I won't be cooking tonight. UGH

    Smiles, we can definately start a new thread in May

    Also, I have done the 30 slimdown twice...well 1 and 3/4th

    I thought the results are did take me longer than 30 days tho...I have so much more stamina and strength...however, I am ready to add some new things to the mix since I just joined a new health studio with all kinds of new classes.
  • Hi Everyone! I just finished day 11! Doing great so far. I had lost 15 lbs and was trying for another 5. These extra workouts (the 30 day slimdown) seem to be helping! Down 3 more lbs so far!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Elokyn, Fabiolaenvy, tylopez... :) Hi guys! (Kim, hi to you too!) :) It's nice to have you join us... I'd love to hear how it's going - maybe we can help motivate?

    Kim, I think I'm feeling the need to branch out a bit too, but I want to keep Jillian in the mix. I think if I can add enough other stuff (pilates, my corny but beloved Yoga Booty Ballet, maybe zumba???) then I'll be able to keep my drive for Jillian's stuff. What are your favorite new classes at the gym?

    Also, wondering what's going on with your daughter? A bowel obstruction would be miserable - glad you're able to be proactive about it. You're a nurse, right? Does having more "expert" knowledge make the situation feel better or worse?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So it's April 29 and I just did day 23. My :heart: wasn't in it at all. I had to hit pause multiple times, and I even exchanged some easy moves for harder ones, just to get through it.

    I don't know what's going on really, bc this is getting me in good shape, and yet, I felt worn down. My theories are: 1) I need better shoes. These are worn out and all of this jumping is starting to actually hurt the feet.. 2) Poor nutrition. I'm super stressed and I threw caution to the wind and ate Taco Bell nachos bellgrande and a bean burrito for lunch. That was over 1000 calories. I didn't have much water.. I swear, working out with actual nutrients vs. loads of junk makes a big difference. 3) Time of day. I didn' t have time to do it this morning so had to work it in this afternoon.

    Oh well.... at least I did it, even if it was half-hearted. Now I'm thinking about going for a nice long walk with one of the dogs so I can enjoy dinner tonight and not see red when I hit "complete".

    Janet, Eliza, mschelle - we're missing you!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Finished day 3! I'm loving this. I know I sound crazy but I already feel a difference. Just little tightness here and there where it was flab before! I so needed this DVD!! :)

    smiles4miles - Atleast you did it!! Great job with sticking with it!! I'm going to be getting some new shoes too, might make a difference if you're feet aren't killing you cause then you can't focus on what you should really be burning :) Awesome job!!!!!
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