High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    No weight loss for me this week. Still at 126. :(
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    So this week was TOM so I am grateful because I stayed the same - CW: 188.5 but I am more sore this week I put more of an effort with my workouts and the AB class i took ..STILL SORE.

    Chris- I made it to 84.5oz of water...and I didn't pop! lol:laugh:

    pmortlip- Goodness I hope you feel better and the docs can fix u up even quicker!:flowerforyou:

    So here comes another busy weekend so let's see how the diet goes :bigsmile:
  • Last week: 156
    This week: 156

    No change :(

    Met the water challenge.

    Happy Friday, everybody!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Checking in...

    Week 1 4/16 193.5
    Week 2 4/26 195.6 +2.1
    Week 3 4/30 194.6 -1

    This week sucked so big time for me (and from your posts, sounds like I wasn't the only one).
    I have no-one to blame but ME! I could post a thousand excuses as to the why's of my failures, but I'm not going there.
    Bottom line, I ate too much and didn't workout to my usual degree of days or intensity.
    Still...I did shake a pound off of last weeks number so I'll take it.
    Tomorrow is May 1st and the beginning of a new month and goals for me.
    I want to lose 10 lbs by May 31st.
    I need to sit down today and really take a hard look at what my strategy will be.
    I'm a planner by nature, you know the type...we make lists upon lists of our goals. I want to check some of the off in May.
    pmortlip....take it easy with that injury, sounds really painful. I do hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
    Halloweenmom....so awesome to see that huge chunk you lost this week. I think you're in the lead....way to go.
    Cris...I'm not doing great on the water challenge. It's the only liquids I drink...no sodas, ever....but I can't choke down that much water in a day. I am pleased that I am way more aware of the benefits due to your post, and although I have upped my intake, I can't see myself drinking 12 cups a day.
    Great to see so many losers this week.
    It's only week 3 on our thread...anything can happen in the coming weeks. Let's keep the focus up and take the intensity up a notch for May!!!
    :heart: S
  • SW 202
    CW 199
    GW 172


    I didnt start my diet until Monday and that's when I first weighed myself, however I have lost 3lbs since then, so I hope next week it will be a better result, as I will have 2 additional days to lose to catch up to the group.

    Chris - Water challenge has been ok, I have definately upped my intake of actual water although like Shredder I am also struggling to consume 12 cups...but your challenge has helped me see that I need to drink more.

    I look forward to the next challenge
  • Ju5t4u_84
    Ju5t4u_84 Posts: 28
    So you know how they say women all sync in their cycles... It's pretty amazing that so many of us from so far away are on the same track... So my week was pretty good actually... It's my TOM as well... but for some reason I seem to loose during these times.. EVEN though I've cheated many times this week.. *tisk tisk* ex. I had some smartie icecream along with my morning snack one morning... Yesterday I had 2 timbits... OMG did you know those little things pack 60cals each! But even with all my wants to eat and eat and eat some more, I was pretty good and finally I've seen some movement in my weight. I have gone down for FOUR.... count'em 4 days in a row!


    SW 190
    HH&F SW 165
    CW 161.6!!! (which I think is almost 2lbs!)
    GW 130...but I'd probably be happy with 140

    I think I'm rocking in the water challenge, I have a water bottle that I drink 3 times, and it has 28oz for a total of 84oz. Then on top of that I have a glass during dinner which is another 16oz aprox.

    Almost every day this week, I have ellipticaled, min of 10min up to 30min per day. Plus I have a dvd I've been using that does belly, buns and thighs for a total of 30min and before that I pop in another dvd for warm-up dance for 10min.

    So over all... I'm pretty happy with myself. I start my new old job on Monday, 8-4:30 so I'm excited to have a more consistent schedule.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Work hard and live well!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay... I am am ubber excited to tell my weight today! I do believe that my major gain last week was due in part to the fact that I weighed after lunch last week.... So this week's weight:

    CW: 171!!! loss of 4lbs from last week!

    I hope that next week that second digit can be a 6 :D....

    JU5t4u- I was going to say the same thing... I am in sync with everyone too! Even though this is my 2nd-count it 2nd- TOM for April ughh!

    I rocked the water challenge! No suprise though cause I typically only drink water. My boyfriend calls me his beautiful fish lmao!

    I wanted to share something that happened to me last night at the gym... One, I got there early so I went to the outside track and ran/walked laps.... while doing this, the back of my workout pants kept slipping down!!!! Same thing was happening in my Aerobics class... Great news! Except for the fact that I just ordered a new pair of workout pants in the same size.

    Another positive, I had a really cute, muscle bound, guy at the gym say "Damn, that *kitten* is fine!" I acted offended-cause I like to be talked to like a lady- but inside I was tickled pink!!!!! My boyfriend will not hear about this though haha...

    Sorry for those having a bad week... I know it sucks! I had mine last week. Good luck to everyone for next week!

    Shredder- I am a planner as well! I am making a goal of 10lbs for May 31st (my birthday!) Since I didnt make my April goal :( Starting on the workout/food schedule right now!
  • SW- 154.4 ranges up to 157
    Last Week-154.0
    GW- 130
    CW - I am not really sure what my CW is, and that is because the scale said yesterday that I was 152.2. Then this morning when I stepped on the scale it said 151.6, I was totaly excited. So to check it I kept stepping on it and it said that same thing. Then I walked to the bath room to get something and back to my bedroom. And I decided to check one more time, just to be sure and it said 153.2. So I really don't know what my wight is. I am going to mark is at 153 this week, I would really love it to be 151.6 because my mini goal is to be under 150 by next my trip which is next Thur.
  • loserchick
    loserchick Posts: 283 Member
    Week 3 Weigh-in :)

    I'm back sorry I missed last week, but I'm back from my vacation and good to go. I didn't quite meet my mini goal that I set two weeks ago but I am still very proud of myself. While on vacation I went to the gym and worked out 5 of the 7 days that I was gone. Yay me! And I was able to lose a little, so still very happy with my progress. I started the 200 sit-up challenge yesterday. I downloaded the iPhone app and it's pretty awesome. Thanks for the challenge :) Anyway I'll stop babbling and give you my stats:

    SW: 210
    HH&F SW: 202.4
    CW: 200.6 (down 1.8 pounds!) :bigsmile:
    Mini Goal: 195 by May 21st
    GW: 125
  • kaylac13
    kaylac13 Posts: 16
    I was determined this week, and it really paid off.

    Starting weight: 185
    Last week: 184.2
    This week: 180.2

    I am very happy with that 4 pounds down! :happy:
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    No change for me =(

    Still 142.

    It's TOM for me, too! I'm bummed because I just know I'm not going to be in the shape I want to be in for summer. I'm not being as consistant with my P90X workouts as I should (school, work, family, buying house....), I need to stop with the excuses and get on it! If I had more money, I would just go and get it sucked out of me!!!!!:ohwell:
  • pricesus
    pricesus Posts: 10
    Happy Friday everyone! A word of inspiration.... (I hope) and something I tell myself when I get tempted....my new favorite saying:
    "Tomorrow begins today". At the very least, it makes me stop and think before I over-indulge and/or it gets me back on track when I do. I am a classic yo-yo and was actually 30 lbs lighter last summer. I loved the feeling of not carrying around the extra weight, (even though I had much more to lose). Well I am down 3 lbs for the week.... and tomorrow begins today. So good luck this week ladies!

    LW : 214.8
    TW: 211.8

  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    I'm pretty bummed with myself. Last week I had no change and this week I gained a pound! :cry:
    I'm really struggling with the mental part of this whole diet thing. This is harder than quitting cigarettes!!! :smokin:

    CW: 166 :cry:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    last week I weighed in at 150.2 lbs (I'm posting this because I forgot to and was late before the nice chart was made)

    This week's weight: 149 lbs
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    LW- 207.8
    CW- 204.8

    Loss of 3lbs...considering I was in bed Monday and Tuesday, home taking care of my sick son on Wed..and only got 1 excercise day in I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy with this loss.

    I want to thank everyone that accomplished or attempted the challenge. Great job!!!! For those of you that didnt accomplish it- its ok, just keep trying your body adjusts to the intake really fast and starts to crave water after awhile so you'll get there!

    Congrats to our future biggest loser...we had a couple of big losses (4lbs+!!!) this week! GREAT JOB GALS!

  • krcpugs
    krcpugs Posts: 16
    Last Week: 171.2
    Current Weight: 171
    Total loss: .2 (at least no gain):indifferent:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    LW- 207.8
    CW- 204.8

    Loss of 3lbs...considering I was in bed Monday and Tuesday, home taking care of my sick son on Wed..and only got 1 excercise day in I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy with this loss.

    I want to thank everyone that accomplished or attempted the challenge. Great job!!!! For those of you that didnt accomplish it- its ok, just keep trying your body adjusts to the intake really fast and starts to crave water after awhile so you'll get there!

    Congrats to our future biggest loser...we had a couple of big losses (4lbs+!!!) this week! GREAT JOB GALS!


    OK Cris! Good for you! Keep up the good work!. And to the 4+ers!!!

    Now- I am off to the beach for the weekend. I am praying that the oil is contained soon or there will be no beach to go to! And the poor animals... :sad: I will check in on Tuesday when I return to see what the challenge is and to see what everyone has done. Good luck, all!!! k
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry for the LONG Post!
    This is a 4 day workout that my trainer gave me so when he is out or I am on travel!
    And of course you can modify the weights up or down based on your physical strength!!
    4 Day workout.
    These workouts can be done either on a 4 day a week ( Monday- Tuesday.. Thursday- Friday). They may also be done on a 2 day a week 2 week rotation. ( do w/o 1 and 2 this week, and w/o 3 and 4 next week.).Please Text me any questions. MikeE
    Day 1 ( upper )
    Pyramid: These exercises listed below should be done as a continuous circuit starting at the lowest number assigned and building to the highest number assigned by the increment assigned. ( example: Look at today’s workout. First round you will do 1 pull-up, 2 pushup’s, 3 crunches. 2econd round ( No rest). You will do 2 pull-ups, 4 pushups, 6 crunches. You will continue ( with no rest) until you reach the top number in this case 5 pull-ups 10 pushups and 15 crunches. Then work your way back down to the low number. Of course with no rest.
    Pull-ups 1-5-1.
    Pushups 2-10-2
    Crunches 3-15-3
    Rest 3-4 minutes. Recover!!!!
    3 rounds maximum weight for number of reps. Push your self, BUT do not hurt yourself. 60 second rest between each round.
    10 reps. Bent Rows
    10 reps each arm Db. Curls
    10 reps DB. Tricep extensions
    Rest 2-4 minutes.
    Mega Shoulders: 2 sets 5lb 3lb.
    10 palm down Side lateral raises, 10 front lateral raises, 10 side lat raise with thumbs up, 10 side lat raises with thumbds down, 10 side raises bring arms over head and cross and back down
    Do with 5lb weights then 3 lb weights

    Day 2 ( lower )
    2 rounds no rest.
    10 Squat thrusters (burpees)
    50 Mtn. Climbers
    2mins JumpRope
    Rest 3-4 minutes.

    3 rounds 60sec rest between each round.
    15 DB squats 10lb db.
    10 each leg Walking Lunges 10lb db.
    1 min Wall Sit

    Day 3 Upper
    You should do 3 rounds. 1st rd. 12 reps. 2nd rd. 10reps. 3rd rd. 8reps. Increase wt, each round. You may use db. instead of bar. 1-2mins. Rest between rounds.
    Shoulder Press
    Push Press
    Incline bench press
    1 arm Row.
    Cable Flies
    Rest 5 minutes. Recover completely!!!

    Abs 3exercises 2 sets. Your choice.

    Rest 2-4 minutes max.
    3 rounds maximum of each the first round. Max -2 the 2nd round and max-4 the 3rd round.
    Dips, 10lb db curls, 5lb 2part lateral raise.

    Day 4 ( lower )
    Leg Kranks ( 24 bodyweight Squats 24 alternating lunges, 24 lump lunges, 10 jump squats. ). 2 sets. 1minute between set rest.
    Rest 2 minutes.
    Do 3 rounds 1st rd. 15reps., 2nd rd. do 12reps. And 3rd rd. do 10reps. Maximise weight each round.
    Leg Press
    Smith Lunges
    Medicine ball Squat Toss (3 risers) (20lb ball).
    Rest 2 minutes.

    2 rounds of each exercise.
    Farmers walk 35lbs plate or db. you should walk 1 min. minimum.
    Calf raise 1 minute each leg.
    Bozu Squat holds 10 holds 15 seconds each.
  • This week's weigh in: 132.8 :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    no change