Success with TDEE -20%



  • ssieben
    ssieben Posts: 18 Member
    Bumpity Bump for later, I recently upped my calories and while I reallllllly enjoy eating more.... Im scared! Thanks to everyone for sharing their success stories! :)
  • Bump!!
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  • hjdavies2326
    hjdavies2326 Posts: 26 Member
    Ive lost weight so far by the good old fashioned move more eat less takeaways. My weight has now reached plateau and i want to make small changed to set it off again. I got the exercise part down its the nutritional part I'm working on. Based on my height and weight my tdee is 2650 and 20% reduction would leave me with 2120 to eat daily. I feel eating this would be a set backwards as I'm just maintaining my figure. I'm not too up on micros ca anyone give me tips on doing and managing this 40/20/20 stuff I'm not a maths person I don't understand how to work out all this?? I do make good food choices but don't know how to start my loss again. Help advice would be really appriciated! !!!!
  • hjdavies2326
    hjdavies2326 Posts: 26 Member
    OK from this forum I went out and calculated my TDEE and I have to bump up my calorie intake by almost 500. That seems a lot to me, but I will make them healthy choices and see what happens. Nothing has worked so far and I am weight-lifting now so I am sure the cals are needed. Any tips would be great!

    Mine went up by 700. It was scary! I also followed advice from others and made my carbs 40, protein 20 and fat 20. Look for the post called In Place of a Roadmap 2.0 for more info.

    Please tell me how do u manage your macros at 40 20 20???? I don't know how is it grams? Carbs 40grams? Is that per day

  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    Does anyone have a good site to calculate TDEE? I have used multiple different sites and they usually give me the same number give or take 50-100 calories or so.

    I had been eating anywhere from 1200-1600 cals a day for months. I found that I never lost weight and I was always hungry. I recently started eating 1800 which is approx my TDEE -20% and started running 4 days a week. I lost 2 lbs right away. But now I am up again those 2 lbs. I'm just so confused because I feel better eating more... (more energy, not hungry, and my mood is so much better.) I just don't know if I'm doing something wrong or calculating my TDEE wrong.
    this is the site I use for calculators
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    bump for later :)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Works for me. Check out my ticker.

    Down 43 lbs, eating 2000 calories per day :happy:

    How old are you? I'm a 6 ft male at just over 200 lbs and I calculated my TDEE - 20% at 2000 calories/day...the same as yours! That doesn't make sense to me unless I have made a big error, or it's an age thing (I'm 59).

    I'm 27, 5'9"

    The numbers you get depend on your activity level, I'm pretty active so my TDEE reflects this. I'm only cutting 10% from TDEE right now because I'm close to my goal weight and I'm breastfeeding.
  • 3girliemomma
    3girliemomma Posts: 35 Member
    Bump for later when I can read it all :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    ok I just calculated mine and i am to eat 1831 a day. coming from someone that has always ate 1200 to lose weight 1. Im scared to death Im going to gain back EVERYTHING I had worked so hard to lose 2. how the H*LL do you even eat 1831 calories and what should I be eating? I know your not sup to eat crap but if your eating veg and chicken all day Im thinking I would be so flipping stuffed by the time I reached 1800 calories I would feel like I would explode! but..........I must try something because I don't want to feel deprived the rest of my life and I do want to finally make my goal!

    It's very easy, you eat more like a normal person does and that is NOT live on veg and chicken all day. You eat a wide variety of foods including healthy fats from things like nuts/nut butters, seeds, avocado, EVOO or coconut oil and other meats etc. etc.. Eating at 1200 is why we yo-yo diet. I did this many many times in my life and learned finally this isn't the best way to go about it.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I calculated my TDEE and its about 300 more calories a day then I'm eating. i'm a little nervous about doing .
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Hey there!
    For everyone who read this, said they were scared about going up to TDEE etc, I would strongly urge you to educate yourselves on the Eat More To Lose Weight group here on MFP. There are some incredibly informative threads on there. I was eating too low, below my BMR at MFP's suggestion of 1200... meaning, below my body's daily requirements!!! And now I've done what's called a 'reset' to help my metabolism heal. Yes, I gained weight doing that, but I went into it knowing I would and wanting to not just lose weight and look better but do this right so I'm healthy for life. Anyway- I finished my "reset" and am starting my "cut" (TDEE -20%) and I've quickly noticed a difference.

    The most excellent part to this is that eating more has given me so much energy to work out harder (lift those heavy weights, best thing ever!), I'm not grumpy, I feel great and look even better. I could feel that I was getting stronger, lifting throughout my reset, and now that I started my cut I can see the results. Don't starve yourself! You just pay later with gaining weight the instant your body sabotages you away from eating under your BMR- and it will! Eat well. Figure out your own personal stats.

    Go to Eat More To Lose Weight, read everything, educate yourself, do your calculations and lift heavy... you'll see.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Ive lost weight so far by the good old fashioned move more eat less takeaways. My weight has now reached plateau and i want to make small changed to set it off again. I got the exercise part down its the nutritional part I'm working on. Based on my height and weight my tdee is 2650 and 20% reduction would leave me with 2120 to eat daily. I feel eating this would be a set backwards as I'm just maintaining my figure. I'm not too up on micros ca anyone give me tips on doing and managing this 40/20/20 stuff I'm not a maths person I don't understand how to work out all this?? I do make good food choices but don't know how to start my loss again. Help advice would be really appriciated! !!!!

    Please see this thread:

    This is a thread I started in a group that I am a part of. It has all of my details with tailored advice just for me. There are also two links to two articles that you should consider reading. It made all the difference in the world to me in understanding this macro break-down. If you read through to the end, you will also see my update after a week since the OP. :)

    One of the best things I can recommend to anybody is to educate yourself. Don't come here and just go with the 1200 calorie limit that MFP automatically gives you. Actually, don't just come here and go with anything just because one person or one group of people suggests something. Find out why. Learn the logic behind MFP settings. Then question it. Question everything. Do your research. Pay attention to people who back up their opinions with studies. Get those people on your team. Google the acronymns so you can speak the same language. One of the biggest things you will gain as you lose is knowledge!

    *gets off soap box*
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I eat 50 calories below -20% right now as I have been working my calories up the past 3 weeks. My old goal was 1600 and I didn't eat exercise calories back unless I was starving.. I lost a lot (about 3kg) and then stalled for a month.. now finally the weight is dropping off slowly and I have incorporated weight training. I try to maintain a 500 calorie deficit daily from my TDEE, so on very active days I eat a little more.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Wouldn't your TDEE without exercise factored in just be your BMR?

    I'm not an expert at all, but I'm just answering because I couldn't see an answer to this (sorry if it's been answered). I believe your BMR is just what you burn for basic functions without doing anything (e.g. if you were asleep all day). TDEE minus exercise would be higher than that because it would include everything else that you do (housework, work, getting up and walking round the house, etc.).

    I use TDEE (including exercise) - 20%. I find it much simpler to have the same calories every day, and of course you can eat a little bit more on the days you're hungrier and a little bit less on other days.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Could someone please help me with this because I'm a bit confused.

    My BMR is 1750
    My TDEE is 2401

    From what I've read and what I can seem to grasp from all this, I am suppose to eat 1750 calories and not east my excersise calories?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    TDEE - 15% has worked for me. You see my little fatty running off the ticker down there. So now I'm at about 5 - 10% less than TDEE trying to gradually cut fat while retaining muscle.

    Edited to add: Yasmin, eat 80% of your TDEE so 1920. Do not net less than 1750.
  • Nicolao2762
    Nicolao2762 Posts: 27 Member
    Please tell me how do u manage your macros at 40 20 20???? I don't know how is it grams? Carbs 40grams? Is that per day


    Fat2fit- What they meant was 40 30 30 not 40 20 20- 40% protein 30% carbs and 30% fat (=100%). You can go into your settings and change your goals to these percentages. Then MFP will tell you how much protein/carbs/fat you need to eat based on your calorie goal. Again, if you use the search function for 'In place of a roadmap' this will explain it in more detail.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    TDEE - 15% has worked for me. You see my little fatty running off the ticker down there. So now I'm at about 5 - 10% less than TDEE trying to gradually cut fat while retaining muscle.

    Edited to add: Yasmin, eat 80% of your TDEE so 1920. Do not net less than 1750.

    Thanks very much. That's..a lot of food lol
  • I'm gona give this a go.
    I have plateaued for the past 4 weeks or so even though I am eating way less and exercising. According to my TDEE calculation I am undereating by around 500 cals a day.
    It feels like a lot more to eat, its almost ingrained that you have to eat loads less to lose, but I'm going to give it a go and see how I get on.
    Nice to read peoples success using this method.

    Edit - its a little confusing factoring all of this into mfp. I've worked out I can eat no less than around 1550 cal per day, and no more than around 1750 per day. This takes into account exercise, but when I add exercise to mfp it tells me I can have more cals and the working out all gets a little confusing!
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