Father brings his daughter into the men's locker room



  • Joshuao16
    Wow..... I agree, confronting him was a good call.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    The man is a brain donor apparently. I am sure the child feels sorely uncomfortable as do the men in the locker room. Perhaps someone who is in a position of authority could kindly ask him not to do that again? Further, she shouldn't even be in the gym as far as I know. I workd at a gym for quite a while, and children that young were not allowed in for safety reasons.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Just out of curiousity, would the folks saying its ok for a 4 years old to enter a mens locker room. also say that its ok if a parent or some adult is watching porn in front of a 4 years old? Cussing? Do you fight in front of your 4 years old?

    I'm not judging mind you, I am just curious since I am not a parent

    How are those things remotely comparable? OMG. Your ignorance is hilarious.

    You got me. My ignorance has been amusing to many in the past.

    However the question still stands. Do you cuss in front of your kids or watch porn (remember, theres softcore porn or just plain adult naked bodies and pics available too, not just hardcore porn)?

    Next time, please elaborate how these two are NOT comparable since the topic at hand is about a 4 years old girl seeing naked men and I am inquiring how is it different from seeing naked bodies on TV/pics

    Okay, you got me there too. Even if they are only having sex by themselves or gently rubbing up against each other, in a soft core porn kind of way, on a regular basis a 4 year old shouldn't be around that. I certainly do not condone sexualizing the human body infront of kids. However, as a woman who was abused as a child I will tell you that I will not be sending my son into a rest room by himself and leaving him to the devices of unfamiliar men any time soon.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Just out of curiousity, would the folks saying its ok for a 4 years old to enter a mens locker room. also say that its ok if a parent or some adult is watching porn in front of a 4 years old? Cussing? Do you fight in front of your 4 years old?

    I'm not judging mind you, I am just curious since I am not a parent

    How are those things remotely comparable? OMG. Your ignorance is hilarious.

    You got me. My ignorance has been amusing to many in the past.

    However the question still stands. Do you cuss in front of your kids or watch porn (remember, theres softcore porn or just plain adult naked bodies and pics available too, not just hardcore porn)?

    Next time, please elaborate how these two are NOT comparable since the topic at hand is about a 4 years old girl seeing naked men and I am inquiring how is it different from seeing naked bodies on TV/pics

    The difference between being naked and porn, let me break it down to something easier.

    Say, if you are getting ready to take a shower and are standing there naked, is your goal to be aroused?
    If you are watching porn, is your goal to be aroused?

    See how there is a difference here?

    A naked body does not always have to signify sexuality.

    but to answer your questions: No porn, no cussing, and no fighting around my kid. Except at school because there's this one little boy in his class that has the mouth of a sailor and likes to hit his peers. But I try to keep that to a minimal.

    Thank you. So basically you won't leave playboy or pics of naked men around the house (don't ask me why you have them, it syour house).
  • shamah84
    shamah84 Posts: 110 Member
    What?!?! That's just incredibly inappropriate. Not cool.
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    No biggie to me either, but as said numerous times, if there is a family room available, he should have used it. However, many gyms (including the Y that I go to) does not have a family changing area. My boys are 6 and 8 and they go into the men's locker room by themselves because the rules are 5 and over have to do that. But when I have just my 6 year old, he goes into the women's locker room with me because I don't trust that there aren't any weirdos in an area I can't supervise myself. I simply announce as I'm coming into the locker room "Any ladies that are undecent please cover yourselves. I'm having to bring my son in with me today. Let me know when it's all clear to come in..." and wait a minute. Usually someone will say "all clear" or "it's ok to come in" unless the room is empty.

    Nobody gets upset about a woman doing this with her son. It is just accepted, as there are so many of us single mothers out there. But a guy does it with his daughter and everybody has a fit?!?!? Again, use the family room but if there isn't one, announce what you are doing and do what you have to do. The guy may be a single dad or even just having to unexpectedly take his daughter with him because mom is sick or something. You don't know the situation, and I think many on here are being a bit harsh in their judgement.

    I mean seriously, how long is the package really out in the locker room anyways?!?!? Are 'yall sword fighting or comparing or something? The human body is nothing to be ashamed of and if a kid catches a glimpse, no big deal unless you make it one!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I have a 4 year old boy so I would potentially be the oposite in this situation. I would feel uncomfortable bringing him into the locker room with me. My gym does not have a family changing room so if the need arose, he would have to go in with me. Our routine is go into the gym, he goes into the daycare area where they have their own bathroom if he needs it, I go change, I workout, I get my stuff/change/shower if necessary, and then go pick him up. He has no reason to go in with me. My locker room time is factored into how much time I have the daycare for. 4 is an iffy age for kids, but it isn't just about the child. Other patrons could feel uncomfortable having a child of the oposite sex around while they are changing. At home it may not be a big deal, but in public, with strangers, it can be. I know I would feel uncomfortable undressing or dressing in front of a 4 year old of the oposite sex that wasn't my own child. The dad may have his reasons, but to have no other reason than "she's 4" is inconsiderate of the other men in the locker room.
  • gazbo1986
    Really? This nimrod brings his 4 year old daughter into the men's locker room at the gym. I saw him do it a few weeks ago but couldn't catch him (I was too busy diving for a towel). What would you do? I lost it and confronted him. Probably didn't handle it too well. There's naked men walking around without towels. Am I insane or was this guy completely clueless?

    no dude you're totally right. i have seen this happen before. i literally came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me and there's a little girl staring at me. felt kinda weird.

    it's the fault of the gym manager for not seeing him and saying something.
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Probably be better to use the family area or at least yell out before coming in - hey, I'm bringing my daughter in for a minute - cover up!

    I don't like when people bring their opposite gender kid into the changing room. It's awkward.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I don't think my gym has a family locker room. What's the difference? People use robes? Seriously...what IS the difference?
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    now this topic has me thinking, what are men suppose to do if their young daughters(4 and under) need to go to the restroom?
    No mother or women figure relative to them in sight.

    Do they not take them into the mens restroom because there are going to be guys using the urinals? (obviously they would use the stall but I mean the other men that are in there using the urinals)

    Also, no family restrooms around either, just for the sake that I hardly see those around anywhere.
  • gazbo1986
    Nobody gets upset about a woman doing this with her son. It is just accepted, as there are so many of us single mothers out there. But a guy does it with his daughter and everybody has a fit?!?!? Again, use the family room but if there isn't one, announce what you are doing and do what you have to do. The guy may be a single dad or even just having to unexpectedly take his daughter with him because mom is sick or something. You don't know the situation, and I think many on here are being a bit harsh in their judgement.

    that's because women around small children is viewed as being maternal.

    a man around a small child is viewed as pedophilia. that's why guys get so annoyed by it, the very concept is anger inducing.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I soul and have had a fit if there was a 4yr old boy in the locker room. Not not a good idea and this dad had a choice to take her to a family room. If she sees her dad named at home that is not appropriate either. OUTRAGEOUS

    How is that outrageous? Nudity isn't something to be ashamed of. Yes, we have laws against running around naked(although in NY women are allowed to be topless and on Fire Island you're allowed to be naked on the beaches), but come on now! Not everyone is a pervert......what if they're nudists, or hippies? The human body is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Nudity is certainly nothing shameful.
    however that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where people deserve privacy and also some men and women really dont like children seeing THEM naked. I mean okay - maybe if it were our own parents but really, i dont want my child seeing 10 other guys butt *kitten* naked in a gym locker room (of opposite sex). It's just not right. While you may agree its okay for your children, most people arent comfortable being nude around other peoples kids, i know i certainly wouldnt - only for the sake of being respectful and graceful. My son is four, i no longer take him into the womens bathroom for the sake of other peoples opinions and how they feel about privacy. Some people are super private.

    But if they're "super private" wouldn't they be getting changed at home? Why would they feel more comfortable getting naked in front of other grown men, but not in front of an child whose mind is innocent?

    super private as in not wanting to change in front of OTHER PEOPLES KIDS. I think its a decency issue for some people. get with it. thats the truth.
  • amanda_catherine
    Does anyone remember being four? I DO and that would be so gross to have memories of naked men walking around me... although the men in my family have common sense to use the rooms called FAMILY ROOMS..they are there for a reason... :sick:
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    My assface of a dad (we do not have a relationship) took me into the mens' locker room at the YMCA once. Let's just say I STILL... TO THIS DAY.. AT 23 YEARS OLD... Remember that moment in such clarity. I saw a lot of things I should not have seen at the age of 5 or so.

    *kitten* that. I would talk to the front desk about it. I am sure there is some policy.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    i don't think there is anything wrong with it. is it wrong that i take my 5 year old son into the women's change room? because i do. now that he is 5 we immediately go to a change room with a door. i'm sure as hell not going to leave him somewhere without me? where is he gonna get changed? you are over thinking it. she's 4. i'm trying to teach my son that it's ok to see naked people and not freak(unlike how i was raised). i know there will come a time (and probably soon) that he wont be comfortable with it and at that time we will adjust how we do things. i don't make it an issue, so he doesn't.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I soul and have had a fit if there was a 4yr old boy in the locker room. Not not a good idea and this dad had a choice to take her to a family room. If she sees her dad named at home that is not appropriate either. OUTRAGEOUS

    How is that outrageous? Nudity isn't something to be ashamed of. Yes, we have laws against running around naked(although in NY women are allowed to be topless and on Fire Island you're allowed to be naked on the beaches), but come on now! Not everyone is a pervert......what if they're nudists, or hippies? The human body is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Nudity is certainly nothing shameful.
    however that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where people deserve privacy and also some men and women really dont like children seeing THEM naked. I mean okay - maybe if it were our own parents but really, i dont want my child seeing 10 other guys butt *kitten* naked in a gym locker room (of opposite sex). It's just not right. While you may agree its okay for your children, most people arent comfortable being nude around other peoples kids, i know i certainly wouldnt - only for the sake of being respectful and graceful. My son is four, i no longer take him into the womens bathroom for the sake of other peoples opinions and how they feel about privacy. Some people are super private.

    But if they're "super private" wouldn't they be getting changed at home? Why would they feel more comfortable getting naked in front of other grown men, but not in front of an child whose mind is innocent?

    super private as in not wanting to change in front of OTHER PEOPLES KIDS. I think its a decency issue for some people. get with it. thats the truth.

    A-O! No need to be rude! I was sincerely asking a question!
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    "My son is four, i no longer take him into the womens bathroom for the sake of other peoples opinions and how they feel about privacy. "

    So what do you do? Tell him to go ahead and go in his pants? Or send him in alone to the men's restroom where you have no clue what/who is waiting for him? Or do you not take your son anywhere without a man with you? Have him wear a diaper in public at 4 years old? Just trying to figure out how you handle this issue if you don't take him into the women's bathroom.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I've never been in a family locker room, so this is pure curiosity.

    What if there are men in the family locker room? Won't she see men in there too?

    Or are they set up differently, with curtains or something?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm gonna go call my Dad and thank him for NOT exposing me to naked men when I was a little girl. OMG gross. :noway:

    A few years ago I remember some little boy (about 5 or 6) in the women's locker room. He was staring wide-eyed, pointing at the women and yelling things like "Wow, look at those hangers!" and "That's a hairy one!" and stuff like that. :tongue: I did not disrobe in front of him. So I'm not really a fan of adults exposing themselves in front of children in general.

    Everybody's got their own opinions, though. :drinker: