1200, and why it won't work



  • iSmile911
    iSmile911 Posts: 1 Member
    This was an awesome post. It felt like you were standing in my kitchen formulating my plan of action. Thank you for the insight. :happy:
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    Like the others, I read the whole thing.

    Thank you so much for posting this.

    I recently started weight training and while i always intellectually understood progression, it's different now that I am physically experiencing it.

    New here - and loving it so far. Thanks again!
  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    Great post. I, like Monica, have a big fear where eating that many calories is concerned. I lost 40 lbs in the last couple of years eating 1300-1400. Now I'm exercising much more and much harder because I've completely plateued. I've slowly been raising my caloric intake over the past 6 weeks, and I'm now eating 1500-1600...still not losing weight, but not gaining it either. BUT, I just calculated my TDEE and BMR, and now I'm rethinking that...

    My BMR is a little over 1400, and my TDEE is a little over 2200. I'm thinking of kicking myself up to 1750 or so based on that information. Thoughts? Advice?

    FYI, I'm 5ft 6in. At 155 lbs. now. Age 34.
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    If any of you have questions on initial setpoints (where you should start), it's really a matter of where you are starting from. Obviously a girl trying to fit into her spring break bikini and wants to lose 5 pounds is different than a mother who wants to shed her pregnancy weight, or an older woman who is getting back into the rhythm of fitness.

    There is no way I can establish setpoints without knowing some semi personal things about you. That requires a leap of faith.
    I am 53. 5'8". And I will never be on the cover of Cosmo wearing a bikini at this time in my age. But I need help and have faith that I will someday have a healthy life. Again I see so many people very happy about your topic. Thank You :heart:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OP: Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    One question, if you don't mind -- I'm very near my goal (less than 15 pounds away!) and didn't really have a lot to lose to start. I'm working on building muscle, too, and so I'm trying to eat 1600 calories and ~100 g of protein and lift about 3 times a week (plus some cardio as I'm a wanna be runner) … is this enough calories? I'm 5' tall and want to get to about 115.
    Thanks :smile:
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I'm sure the original poster posted this with good intention, but it is medical advice and people should be seeing actual nutritionists and doctors. I don't understand why, when people post other medical questions in MFP, members are quick to urge them to get to a doctor. However, when calculating your daily nutritional needs, people are gobbling up the info of someone who, "obtained [a] NASM personal training certification, which was a breeze." What? That's as dull as merely following MFP's recommendations without question. This fellow took a thirty minute exam after a few months of studying. Most medical doctors only have mere hours of nutritional training and that's still significant compared to what he has. The mythical "Monica" could have had a thyroid disorder or, like I have, PCOS. These things alter your metabolisms so significantly that you need someone truly skilled in helping you find the right balance. You might even, as I have had to do, have to see internists as well.

    If you're obese and looking for answers here, please stop. No, don't start at 1200. Don't start at 3000. Don't start without tests for diabetes, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, etc. "Monica" was rather lucky in this scenario, but it's hardly a case study; if you are obese or morbidly obese, there is a chance underlying conditions are helping you stay that way. You're going to feel better having medical clearance anyway when you want to begin exercise. For example, he had a six week period of Monica not loosing. Eventually she did again. We don't know how her diet's composition change. Did she alter carbs/fats/etc? Did she begin drinking more water? Taking supplements? How many people think 1200 isn't working and push on for six weeks without result? Not many. Yes, Monica seems to have had a decent amount of will power and a load of blind faith, but she could have very well had the same stall and restart at 1200, 1400, 1600, or 2000 calories. There are just too many factors to consider. She could have had more plateaus than he could have accounted for; what then?
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Isn't this what's called "calorie shifting" or the "zig zag diet"? You constantly vary your calorie intake thereby forcing your metabolism to adjust?
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Great info! I do think a lot of people should read this so they can understand the progression which I think makes people feel defeated after a while.
    I haven't eaten my allotted 1420 and then 1330 calories since I started MFP and I don't feel starving. My husband has an allotment of 200 cals more than me daily and is ready to faint most days from hunger so I guess it also has a lot to do with how you "used" to eat as well. I had triplets 6 yrs ago and was supposed to eat 4200 cals a day and I wanted to die, I couldn't make it past 2000 of "healthy food". I can eat 6000 cals a day in junk food though.

    Haha...so impressed with this comment. I am currently having trouble eating 3200 in "semi-clean" foods. I find out that the last 100 grams of carbs I really have to force down.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Isn't this what's called "calorie shifting" or the "zig zag diet"? You constantly vary your calorie intake thereby forcing your metabolism to adjust?

    partially, yes. as a general rule, the more you lose the more you have to cut. The way to avoid that, of course is to up intensity in exercise to counteract the effects of a slowing metabolism. Monica did that perfectly.
  • AWESOME post! I struggled so hard trying to only eat 1200 calories in the beginning of my journey! I hope others will read this and realize that they really don't have to and don't struggle as much as i did! it was so hard!
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    I am so glad you posted this, it really made me evaluate my daily calorie target. I thought 1200 was good enough, but it has not been enough for me. No wonder I have been feeling so bad, and irritable. I been doing workouts which burn 600-1000 calories and not enough food. This was an eye opener for me which makes sense why my weight has not shifted.
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you so much for addressing this! 1200 calories a day, when you have 75 pounds to lose would be so hard to follow. I log my foods on mfp to get a "ballpark" of what I am eating a day but I am not calorie obsessed. I have been focusing rather on eating real food and keeping my diet very clean instead. I have been consistently losing weight without being stressed over exactly how many calories I eat.
  • Hauntedhollywood
    Hauntedhollywood Posts: 272 Member
    FANTASTIC POST ! I am glad that I read this:)
    I struggle somedays with 1200 calories & other days I am fine.
    Thank you
  • fmebear
    fmebear Posts: 172 Member
    Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. I can't help but think this is geared way more toward men. Especially the heavy lifters. When I've been thin with good physique and muscle definition, I ate 1200 calories a day. Any more than that and I'd gain. Maybe it has something to do with hypothyroid although I take medication.

    Right there too!!! I am 5' 2", 149 lbs and hypothyroid. I have found though that if my medication is off EVEN slightly I will gain the weight. It has to be spot on for me to lose the weight. I am changing my medication (Synthroid & Cytomel) because of how I feel. My symptoms have returned with a vengeance (hair loss first, now moodiness and tired). Once that is set and stable, weight loss and energy is great. Are you seeing an endocrinologist for your hypothyroid? I find they are much better than the family doctor. What medication are you on? Do you still have symptoms? If you do, your medication needs to be adjusted. I have asked my endocrinologist to switch me to a natural medication - Nature Throid. Just a thought on the weight loss!
  • scamp76
    scamp76 Posts: 26
    I am so glad that you took the time to write this and that I read it! Thank you!! It is really frustrating when you think that you are doing the right thing to lose weight and nothing happens! I'm going to make a few adjustments and see what happens.
  • Thanks for a great post. I've been on 1200 for the past year and haven't lost anything (I only have 10 pounds to go) and was constantly lethargic. I stopped exercising 3 months ago due to schedule and tiredness - yes I know I could probably squeeze something in somewhere... I actually increased my intake to 1500 last week and have already lost 2 pounds. Will get back on the exercise wagon as soon as I get my mojo back and will now stay at 1500 for the foreseeable future. And it just feels better to be eating more ;-)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I'm sure the original poster posted this with good intention, but it is medical advice and people should be seeing actual nutritionists and doctors. I don't understand why, when people post other medical questions in MFP, members are quick to urge them to get to a doctor.

    Funny how it only goes one way, isn't it?
    If you're obese and looking for answers here, please stop. No, don't start at 1200. Don't start at 3000. Don't start without tests for diabetes, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, etc. "Monica" was rather lucky in this scenario, but it's hardly a case study;

    What? Reason, logic, and critical thinking? HOW DARE YOU! YOU SHOULD BE EATING AT LEAST 2000!!!!!

    I applaud your entire post. Using internet calculators and mental suppositions and excuses to eat more than a decent calorie cut is NOT what obese people should do. Cutting calories at ANY level for an obese or morbidly obese person is healthier than ANY form of doing nothing.

    But, look how the masses all praise and clap. I'd LOVE to see actual studies on groups of people and their weight loss progression at certain calorie levels, especially the calorie levels that members of certain groups advocate....

    Lord know's they'll never post those studies.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I'm sure the original poster posted this with good intention, but it is medical advice and people should be seeing actual nutritionists and doctors. I don't understand why, when people post other medical questions in MFP, members are quick to urge them to get to a doctor. However, when calculating your daily nutritional needs, people are gobbling up the info of someone who, "obtained [a] NASM personal training certification, which was a breeze." What? That's as dull as merely following MFP's recommendations without question. This fellow took a thirty minute exam after a few months of studying. Most medical doctors only have mere hours of nutritional training and that's still significant compared to what he has. The mythical "Monica" could have had a thyroid disorder or, like I have, PCOS. These things alter your metabolisms so significantly that you need someone truly skilled in helping you find the right balance. You might even, as I have had to do, have to see internists as well.

    If you're obese and looking for answers here, please stop. No, don't start at 1200. Don't start at 3000. Don't start without tests for diabetes, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, etc. "Monica" was rather lucky in this scenario, but it's hardly a case study; if you are obese or morbidly obese, there is a chance underlying conditions are helping you stay that way. You're going to feel better having medical clearance anyway when you want to begin exercise. For example, he had a six week period of Monica not loosing. Eventually she did again. We don't know how her diet's composition change. Did she alter carbs/fats/etc? Did she begin drinking more water? Taking supplements? How many people think 1200 isn't working and push on for six weeks without result? Not many. Yes, Monica seems to have had a decent amount of will power and a load of blind faith, but she could have very well had the same stall and restart at 1200, 1400, 1600, or 2000 calories. There are just too many factors to consider. She could have had more plateaus than he could have accounted for; what then?

    Two things I find wrong about this kind of hostility:

    1. I am a bio major. went through 2 years of med school, took all the orgo, chem, biochem, and associated classes, before deciding that 8 more years of school would put me into too much debt. for all educational purposes, I'm a doctor.

    2. most doctors are contact of last resort. you don't see a doctor while you are gaining weight, you see them when you've gained too much weight that it threatens your health. most doctors will tell you to eat less. they have NO idea about the current studies and literature pertaining to human weight loss, performance nutrition, and optimal disease prevention....that is unless they keep up with peer reviewed studies. If they do...it's in the area of disease correction, instead of prevention. Although all doctors have fundamental knowledge of how to prevent disease, not all of them update their knowledge profiles bi monthly.

    3. I exist in some grey space, outside of personal trainers who charge money, and oustide of doctors who know nothing about being "beach-ready". I exist to help. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it elsewhere.