Things they never tell you about weight loss



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member

    i can control my type 2 diabetes WITHOUT medication

    That is probably the best one on here, I was on the verge of getting diabetes when I started to lose weight, according to my doctor I was 'high risk'.
    Love this one, congrats to both of you. I was considered pre-diabetic before I lost 40lbs. No problems at all now!
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    - If you eat a lot less fat, or a lot less frequently, you can develop gallstones (happened after the first time I lost weight) as less eating fatty foods means less emptying of your gallbladder and it all sits there and has time to crystallize.

    - You will almost for certain have some saggy skin if you had a lot to lose. Less so if you lose slowly. Along with this, if you are one that loses breast fat easily, you may end up with saggier breasts.

    - It will not solve your problems!

    - You will get far more attention from all people, and get treated very differently. I noticed a very huge difference between how often people held the door for me, how nice both men and women were to me.

    - I agree with being cold much of the time!

    - Your feet will shrink, even if they didn't seem to have much fat. I used to have a wide foot, size 9, and by the time I was done losing weight I was a 8- 8 1/2 in a normal width. If the shoe is wide I often have to go down to a 7 1/2 now.

    - Fingers shrink a lot! I went from 260 to 148 and my ring size on my right ring finger went from 10 to 7.

    - You will start to get a sore butt if you sit too long. I found out I had broken my tailbone without knowing it and it had grown back wrong when I could finally feel it without all the fat.

    - Weight loss rarely changes your general shape, unless it is extreme (as in you were very very heavy, or you become very very lean). If you were an apple before, you will be a much smaller apple-like shape after. My boobs were smallish for a fat woman, and became smallish for a medium sized woman, my stomach stayed slightly bigger in proportion to the rest of me. My calves stayed large in proportion to the rest of me!

    - Your face will change shape. If you are older, it may end up looking older as you will notice more wrinkles, but usually you look younger, and your eyes will look bigger.

    - You often will still feel bigger than what you really are. I felt at 148lbs I was still a "heavy" woman and refused to sit on people's laps or be lifted up or do anything I saw many normal women my age doing. I still thought I was the biggest woman in my program, when I definitely was not.

    - You won't be as hot in the summer. Volume to surface area ratio means if you are smaller, you have more skin to sweat for the volume of your body and you overheat less.

    - You will start noticing bones that you never saw or touched before and it might be weird. My collarbones popped out even before I was out of the overweight category and my hip bones were starting to show when I laid down at 148.

    - If you lose weight too quickly, you might lose hair, even if you are getting all your vitamins and eating "enough".
  • zainabhassanq
    You actually have a jaw line!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I used to be ill all the time – now in the unlikely event that I do catch a cold, I’m over it in a day or two.

    I hope I'm not the only one who hasn't gained this benefit. In fact, I'm more prone to catching a cold (or the flu and frickin' MONO, like I had last month) than when I was overweight. :<
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Not having to have the plane seatbelt on full stretch - I now have to tighten it! Yes to an earlier comment - I find I fit in seats much better but the butt padding is thinner... swings and roundabouts in that department.

    The most useful thing I find is that I'm more stable on my feet now - I used to topple over a lot and sprain ankles coming down steps. I called it being top-heavy - my centre of gravity was higher when I was heavier.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    - You will start noticing bones that you never saw or touched before and it might be weird. My collarbones popped out even before I was out of the overweight category and my hip bones were starting to show when I laid down at 148.
    YES... oh holy schlamola... the first time I brushed over my collar bone I literally freaked out. "What the.. is this... did I break something?"
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I’m cold. ALL the time.

    This is the only thing I've really noticed. I can't stand the cold anymore (so this current cold snap is really, really irritating me). I've also noticed that I can see my abs and my obliques (saw them for the first time in the mirror the other night and rubbed my eyes because I thought there was something in them - heh).
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    About the shoe size thing. Some people do have fat feet. But for most people the bigger size while fat is that your weight is compressing the foot. There are lots of little bones and ligaments and tendons in your foot. Being overweight pushes down on all of them, flattening and widening the foot, but when you lose weight they bounce back. ALSO women who have given birth have looser joints (to make the birth easier) but it also affects foot size. That is why women often have to wear a larger shoe after having a baby.
  • Phoenixchichima
    I"m warmer because my increased activity level keeps up my metabolism or circulation or something.
  • ginastone2
    ginastone2 Posts: 28 Member
    My boobies are gone :sad:

    :-( THAT is the one thing I'm not looking forward to with my weight loss
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    My wristwatch got loose. I :grumble: said to myself: Really? this is the first place I notice I lose the fat? My wrist?? Why not my hips??? LOL
  • shape_up4good
    reported increase in size just below the waistline :blushing:
  • maddogg82
    maddogg82 Posts: 159 Member
    The stomach pains after i eat bad food .. OMG.. its like it go's right through me.. almost like my body cant handle that greese anymore because ive been eating better.
  • cheryl529h
    cheryl529h Posts: 19 Member
    Definitely notice being colder ... but then again, I'm usually drinking a glass of ice water, so I'm sure that contributes. :happy:
  • supergirljen
    My Johnson is huge-er!

    Hahaha! True! My husband's was WAY bigger when he was 90 lbs lighter!
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    My hubby has lost 45 pounds and he's stopped snoring!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Yes to the cold thing. That was a bit of a surprise. My wife, who has always been skinny, says now I get to experience winter like everyone else.

    I too had to go get a new wedding ring. Mine is titanium so it couldn't be resized.

    Tying shoes. Someone else said it, but its so true. I can now bend over and tie them. I don't have to be sitting. That was cool when it happened.

    Having a wallet in my pocket hurts now. I am constantly taking it out of my pocket when I sit. I am going to invest in one of those thin wallets.

    I fit into my car seats now. I have a sports car and it has really thick side support (for lateral g's). Also, getting in and out of my car is SO much easier now.

    Showering with my wife. We mostly do it for convenience sake because we have a small hot water heater and both like to take hot showers. Before it was always a hassle to switch sides. Now we just slide past each other without having to fear falling out.

    My sleep apnea is gone and I don't snore anymore. My wife is THRILLED about this.

    I don't fear stairs anymore.

    I notice that some women are starting to have that flirty eye-contact thing with me again. Might be because I am more confident now, but its always good for the ego.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    My hubby has lost 45 pounds and he's stopped snoring!

    Ha, another one I forgot to add to the list, my other half said I've stopped snoring as well, apparently I used to be quite bad!
  • supergirljen
    My boobies are gone :sad:

    :-( THAT is the one thing I'm not looking forward to with my weight loss

    Me either! In 2000 I lost 60 lbs and my boobs looked DISGUSTING (after 3 kids and breastfeeding). I have had another child/breastfeed since then. This is NOT going to be pretty!
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Compliments aren't always welcome.
    It's made me highly judgemental of overweight people (not pretty but true).
    I am still hungry often.
    I miss not knowing what calories were in things.
    I still don't want to be naked in front of menfolk.