Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'd like to jump aboard too! I tried the "lose 10lbs for the month of April" and I realized that 10lbs for one month is just not realisitc for me.

    My starting weight for May 1st is 164.6

    I'm looking forward to being in the 150's by the end of the month!!:smile:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm in too!!!!!!!!!!
  • dmhat6278
    dmhat6278 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm up for the challenge, too! Just stepped on the scale and it said 168.5. This will definitely motivate me and keep me accountable. Good luck everyone!! We can do this!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    Absolutely!!! 5 pounds would put me at 132 which is two pounds away from my second goal ( 130)...Im in!
  • baliene
    baliene Posts: 9 Member
    Im sooooooo in !!! My current weight is 213...that means id be 173 by christmas !!!!!! Count me in !!!!
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I am in also!!! I need to gain some focus and this challenge will help. I am weighing myself in the morning and will post some goals. I haven't set any mini goals yet which I think was my problem last month, so I will be adding some mini goals along with my CW. Thanks for the challenge!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good day all, glad to see the new thread.
    Happy Anniversary RJ. Enjoy the game. Hope your weather is warmer than ours. Its cold here in Idaho.
    I'm in for another month. I'm within 3 lbs of my goal weight. Then I go on the sustaining point. Not sure how that is going to work but I'll need support more than ever then. I'm wondering what MFP will change for me.
    I started this Jan. 9th weighing 150 +. I rounded it off at 150 cause for my smallish frame I was ashamed to face the reality of the scale. As of April 30th I am at 133.2. I can't believe how much better I feel and the energy I have. Even for this old lady.
    Anyway, welcome all newbies, you'll find all the support and friendship you need here.
    Good going on last month, Phyllis. We're all rooting for you.
    Terri, take care of that cold.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    5/1/10 162.2

    goal 157 by 5//27 my big five oh birthday.

    So just a quick post. I just had a wonderful first anniversary dinner with my husband :love: and even with splurging for our anniversary I only came in 26 calories over for the day. We had a cocktail, wine, crab and artichoke dip , a salad, wonderful sour dough bread and seared ahi. we even had vanilla icecream on the house for our anniversary. It was wonderful :heart: and I didn't feel guilty :blushing: at all. It was a wonderful meal. I hope you all have a great evening.

    good luck everyone.

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Our 13th anniversary was April 26th but we did not go out until last night. So happy for you!

  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    My weigh-in day is Monday , Soooooo Soooooo ready to lose my 5 lb. this month!!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    The game was good. but we did lose. The company was fantastic. (I can't beleive how in love I am:love: ) I didn't even go over my calories today. but I didnt eat as well as I like to do so I got to really bring it this week. 1000 calories per day minimum Monday thru Friday and then we will see how I am doing. Good luck to all.

    PS Bodi will be back in Avatar favor sometime next week. :wink:
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm in! I've been avg. about that anyway so here goes. Excited to be part of a group. Been doing this alone so far!
    SW: 187

    CW: 165
    CGW: 160
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hello hello!!!!
    I'm here for the month and plan on hitting my first mini goal this month!!!
    SW 247.3
    CW 240
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here is my offical May weigh-in
    SW: 140
    GW: 129
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning All.

    This week is off to a better start. I got my morning walk done (2.6 miles in 45 minutes and I burned 232 calories)! My husband and I fight for morning outside time as he is training for his first marathon and with the kids schedules he needs to get his runs done in the morning. On his running days I end up doing my walks on the treadmill.

    Are you planning how you are going to get to the 5 pound goal this month? If you were successful last month you keep doing what you are doing? If you missed that 5 pound goal you may need to change something up for this month. What is that change going to be? Eat less? Workout more? Eat less and workout more? Faithfully track your calories? You need to think about how to reach your goals and come up with a plan.

    You can do this!

  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    April 28: 134
    May 3: 131.9

    Goal by May 30: 126

    Here we gooooooo!!!!!!!
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I am all about losing 5 pounds this month! I lost 10 lbs last month but I am sure it will slow down some that I will start building muscle with some weight training.

    SW April 11th: 240lbs
    CW May 3rd: 230lbs
    GW May 30th: 225lbs
  • Lo2101
    Lo2101 Posts: 8
    I am in for this challenge...Hope to find some courage with you guy!
  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    My plan is to keep my calorie count to 1200, my fat grams (good fats) to no more than 30 and to walk 2 miles (3 times this week) !

    Have 5 fruits and vegetables daily! I will write everything down that goes in my mouth!


    I know, we all can do this!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone. Well, today is Monday morning weigh in time for me. I'm not too thrilled. I lost .5 lbs this week. I know I over did on sodium this weekend. I'm trying to flush it out with water. I was really hoping for another 2 lb loss but oh well. Maybe it will show up later once the sodium overload is gone. That sodium adds up so fast in prepared foods and eating out. I'm making a challenge for myself to eat more fresh fruits and veggies this week too. I stocked up at the grocery store yesterday. I work a full time job so I'm not always great about cooking from scratch every day. I'm also having a problem with my left foot. I'm having pain on the top of the foot. I stand all day at my job but the pain started when I started using my treadmill. I've had to cut back on walking and I've been trying to walk outside because I think the foot pain is caused by the treadmill. I bought new shoes so we'll see if that helps. I sure hope so because I NEED to increase my walking to increase my weight loss.
    Here's my numbers:
    May 1 wt. 222.5
    Mon. May 3 wt. 222.
    May 31 goal wt. 217.5
    4.5 lbs to go!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I'm In! Weight In on the 3rd (first time here since May) 133 Lbs!
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