1200, and why it won't work



  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    I love this post and will be giving a copy to a friend of mine tht is trying to lose weight quickly thinking it's for the best

    Thank you for making me feel better about my slow pase for my weight loss journey
  • jktjcca
    jktjcca Posts: 62
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Great information. I'm on the second leg of my weight loss journey. I went from 224 to 164 in a year with a moderate caloric deficit. I maintained 162-170 for about 2 years, and now I'm trying to get from 169 to 145 (I am 5'7").

    I feel like I'm starting over, and very confused about calories. I work out 3-5 times a week, strength training 2x a week and doing a good bit of cardio. I can't figure out how much I should be eating. Honestly, my calories are set according to MFP's guidelines to lose 2# a week. So my net is 1200, and I eat my exercise calories. I eat clean, 4-5 meals a day. No starch in my last 2 meals (except last night I had 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes). But I feel weak and crabby.

    Set your goal to lose 1# a week.
  • BayAreaBabe1
    BayAreaBabe1 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with gabriellejayd. Everybody is different and i had to significantly reduce my calories (to 1200) in order to lose weight after hitting a plateau for 3 months. And weight loss for men is SIGNIFICANTLY different than for women, it is a fact! We have much more body fat to deal with. I am in my 40's and have lost almost 45 lbs over the course of one year while exercising frequently and eating much more than 1200 cals per day, i don't know how many because i did not keep track - prob 2000+. I am new to MFP and love it! I am making progress again and it is very encouraging! I think everybody needs to work with their particular situation - if ur not losing weight, make a change - whether it's calories or exercise or whatever. Thanks to the entire MFP community for providing my inspiration every day!!!
    I am one of you...
    ...1200 calories a day is a paltry sniff of food. It's a dab of nutrients, and it's almost impossible to follow on a consistent (years) basis....

    The number itself mocks you and makes you feel inadequate....You will live on...yes..but in misery.

    well the thing is, you're not me.
    You look like a rather muscular man, where as I am neither. When you turn into a 45 year old woman, then you'll be one of "me".
    1200 calories a day probably is NOT enough for you, but its fine for me. I'm not starving. most days i'm not even hungry.
    I woh't have to stay at 1200 calories for years, because I will get to my goal weight and eat more to maintain.

    I'm not mocked, and I don't feel inadequate, and i'm not miserable.

    perhaps you should change the thread title to end with "for me", since you can't stand there and tell me what's going to work for me.
  • Great post! I can see where this all makes sense. I started with 1800 calories 4 weeks ago. I have now brought down my calorie intake to 1500 calories and I have lost 5 lbs. I will not go under 1200 calories as it will not keep me sustained. I will just have to work harder in excersing to keep losing weight. ...
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    This was really eye opening! And nothing short of helpful. I personally do not stick to a 1200 calorie diet. I'm actually set around 1700. I'm under some days, over on others. But after reading this post, the days that I go over will not be "defeats" but "progressions". Im trying to be really realistic this time around, allowing myself to eat the things that I like, without gorging on them, and not beating myself up about not eating "clean" or 100% healthy all day. The exercise, I'm still working on. Setting a groove for myself. While I knew it was important, reading it really reaffirmed that.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is THANK YOU. I believe that I, and probably a lot of other MFPers needed to read this and realize this is a marathon, not a sprint and we all have to make little adjusts over a longer period of time.

    Simply, awesome.


    Thank you for taking the time to post this! I'm going to look back on this and use the information to suit my journey!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    <---1200 cals, for a full year. Not miserable, not starving. Happy and energetic, and lost over 30 lbs. (Please see ticker below.) 1200 cals won't work for everyone, but it is pretty silly to put the blanket statement "it won't work, ever, for anyone", like what you're alluding to, over it.

    You have some very interesting points, but it would be nice if you would only speak for yourself, as I am living proof that 1200 CAN and DOES work, even if just for a small group of people.

  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    I was one of the 1200 calorie eaters and that was from my doctor. She told me If I wanted to lose the 30 pounds I should eat no more than 1200 calories and should be hungry after each meal. She also told me that a dietician or nutritionist can better help me than she can, which made me wonder if she even knew what she was talking about. So I tried her method and was *****y and hungry all the time. I work out 5 days a week and was burning at least 600 calories each time. I started the LiveFit program on bodybuilding.com and realized that 1200 was not gonna do it for me. I was starving at 3:00 am and all night long.

    I calculated my TDEE and BMR online and have just adjusted it this week. I have been at that for a week now and realize I have gained back the three inches on my waist and the pounds I had lost. I know it takes time so I am not giving up. Is it funny to say that I FEEL slimmer, even if the measuring tape doesn't reflect that? I have energy and in the four weeks that I have been weight training I am lifting way more than ever before. I am at 50 pounds with my legs and 40 with the arms. I went from 5 pound dumbbells. any information you can give me would be helpful. I am 5'6' at 168 pounds trying to get to 140-145. I love the weights and won't give them up.

    All of you who are hostile and targeting this post, to each your own. He is the professional here, not us. He offered his professional opinion of what works. We all know to consult doctors before we try anything new. My problem was my doctor recommended something that did NOT work for me. I am now switching it up to what does- and that means eating more. I found this post refreshing and to the point. MFP should incorporate these methods because right off it gives everyone 1200 calorie limits.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    The only thought i have for the OP..is: I wish this girl who you jerked around for her own good as she desperately looked to you for weight loss help..would hold a squirt gun to your head and make you eat a dozen donuts and five big macs. Ya know? just to yank your chain..since you really deserve it.

    Next time..why not be open with your client and tell them.. "it will take some time..but we will adjust your calories for six weeks to find the magic number where you will lose..trust me." Just a thought.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    MFP should make people read this when they sign up! Nice Job!


    There's actually a whole bunch of stuff that MFP instructs you to read before starting...problem is that nobody likes to read the directions...they just take the most aggressive approach possible without realizing their are other options. Actually, MFP generally recommends 1 Lb per week...people just look to the 2 Lbs and say, yeah...that's better without realizing that 2 Lbs per week + can be potentially harmful, particularly if you don't have a lot of weight to lose...by a lot I mean like you're morbidly obese and need to get your weight down in a hurry. 2Lbs per week should never be used for what ultimately amounts to cosmetic weight loss IMHO.
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I've been a 1200 girl since October, and in two months, lost 27 pounds. I got sick around mid-December and while I kept eating only 1200 calories, on average, I had to stop working out due to viral illnesses that kept popping up. I attributed the illness to stress but now, after reading this and extensive other reading on nutrition, I attribute it more to my decreased calorie and nutrient intake. I also discovered I've been getting more and more tired as of late, and I'm now always hungry, even though my diet hasn't changed. I'm upping my calories per day to around 1500 to see how I do there with exercise (I'm finally getting healthy to the point that I can exercise again) - thanks for the great post OP.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
  • Read it all...now I just feel sick about what I've been doing! I understand, just feel a little disappointed. So, do I start over?
    Am I going to gain weight? I've lost 6 pounds and started on Jan 1st. :sad:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Read it all...now I just feel sick about what I've been doing! I understand, just feel a little disappointed. So, do I start over?
    Am I going to gain weight? I've lost 6 pounds and started on Jan 1st. :sad:

    No--just do the right things now. :smile: Eat right and clean, exercise a lot with whatever exercise you enjoy, and it will all come out fine.
  • determinedDee
    determinedDee Posts: 5 Member
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    BUMP! I think everyone should read this!

    I personally was just going to skim it, but as soon as I saw it could have some good information, i read it very thoroughly. Wow. Thanks so much for sharing this!
  • I sure needed to read that! I began only last week at 200 pounds. Yes, I put my limit of calories at 1200. which is HARD. When I have wine, i always go over. What should be my max intake of calories a day? I'm not very active, i'm 49 and would like to be in 'decent shape by April. Suggestions?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I sure needed to read that! I began only last week at 200 pounds. Yes, I put my limit of calories at 1200. which is HARD. When I have wine, i always go over. What should be my max intake of calories a day? I'm not very active, i'm 49 and would like to be in 'decent shape by April. Suggestions?

    More info is needed to try to calculate your TDEE. Height? M/F?
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Very informative.....but, 1200 is enough for some, as you posted.

    For me, 1200 is fine and I am not hungry, have not been hungry and feel great.

    That said, I enjoyed reading your information. :)
  • AshleyWheeler87
    AshleyWheeler87 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! I really enjoyed the read and it really does make sense!!