Team UK - May 2010

kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello All!

Thought i would drop by, say HELLO and set up May's group as i had promised.

I hope you are all doing ok?

Katherine x :heart:


  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Sat 05/01/10 06:49 AM

    Another 1lb down !! Maybe I will get into double figures next week.....

    Got a busy week end tho, so will have to exercise like a crazy thing to burn off all the food and drink!

    London today with friends and 1 daughter to see Billy Elliott and mooch around town (read eating amd drinking!) Then out for drinks tonight , then some friends coming for dinner tomorrow. I have planned the menu and no it's not "good!!"

    Mon is so far a quiet day, but that may change!
    Have a good week end all



    Sat 05/01/10 10:40 PM

    Carrie, we can hit double figures together next week, woo for us

    at work again.. and hungry again I think this place just depresses me into gorge mode! But I shall stick with my water and battle my stomach and hopefully get through the night without trying to eat the pillow.

    Got to start somewhere I guess!

    Hey all,

    Having fallen off the wagon due to stuff happening in work and also my Aunt passing away on Friday , I've now hopefully picked myself back up and starting again, more determined to lose weight. Funeral is next Tuesday, my mum and dad said I didn't need to go as she knows I don't like them, but I want to pay respects to family so I'm going, and also to support my nan.

    I'm off work today so going to go the gym. It's weird, I was still the same weight yesterday evening as I was on Friday morning, and the Friday before that. My metabolism must be starting to get a bit faster. I now need to update my food diary for the past 4 odd days that I've missed.

    Hope everybody is doing okay, and sticking to it. I should be on a bit more now as I'm going to try and add 50% effort to my gym sessions, and that should see me push below 245lbs for the first time.

    Take care everybody, and thanks for the show of support over the last few days, it means a lot to me.

    Lee ( for the ladies, for the gents!)

    23/01/10 - 268lbs (1.5 lost), 29/01/10 - 258lbs (10 lost), 05/02/10 - 255 (3 lost), 12/02/10 - 254 (1 lost), 19/02/10 - 251 (3 lost), 26/02/10 - 250 (1 lost), 05/03/10 - 249 (1 lost), 12/03/10 - 246 (3 lost), 19/03/10 - 246 (0 lost), 26/03/10 - 246 (0 lost), 02/04/10 - 245 (1 lost), 10/04/10 - 243 (2 lost), 17/04/10 - ???
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I posted in April but seems May has just been created so:


    I am VERY excited to see some people living in the UK on here!

    I thought I would introduce myself. I'm Australian but moved to London recently (I say recently but it's been 6 months already... time flies!) to live with my fiance who is British. I was an overweight child and gradually gained weight until I was 17 when I lost 45kg (doing all the wrong things). Now I'm a dietitian and while I kept the weight off during my degree, it has crept back on rapidly since I started working and I am hoping to lose some before my wedding next March and keep it off, for health.

    My fiance and I just joined this Saturday via the iPhone app then discovered the website. I quite like it. Some of the forums drive me a bit nuts (sometimes being a dietitian is the worst!) but there also seems to be quite a nice environment of people supporting each other. We all know that knowing what we should do is different to doing it.

    Best wishes to everybody!

  • hello i'm from london too! I've been using myfitnesspal for a week and lost 4lb ...
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi everyone and let's hope May is a good month for us all.

    Just over three weeks to go before the holiday so I really have to step it up this month. I doubt I will get to my target before I go away but if I can get rid of 6-8 pounds in the next 3 weeks then I will be very happy.

  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
    Good luck team UK - May is going to be a good month...

    Soph x
  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi only been on here for 5 days I'm from Hampshire
  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Hi, I'm from South Wales. I've been using the site for a couple of months and find it excellent for logging the daily calories and exercise. It keeps me on track. I'm more or less at my goal weight so just use this to maintain. Having said that I've just come back form an All Inclusive holiday so am hoping to shift the excess over the next few weeks! Leanne x
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Yey - I am in South Manchester - have been using this site for 3 weeks to track my food and exercise and have lost 9lbs, another 5 to go before June 1st!! I am turning in to an exercise junkie - love it!! Lets hope we get some sunshine so we can go & play outside too!
    Beth x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everybody!!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    I have had a very naughty weekend.... lots of drinking and eating!! Had KFC yesterday.... hmmmm was gorgeous, but very bad, then a bit of a crisp and chocolate party!!! Ah well, back to logging today!!

    The Manchester 10k is less than 2 weeks away so got to train for that, plus on Saturday doing a 6.5 hour up hill walk for charity, so that should help cancel out a weekend of naughtyness!!

    Didnt loose much in April which was disapointing, think about 2 lbs so gonna really try hard now, would like to get below 10.7 in may, would only need to loose about 3 lbs, so fingers crossed.

    Good luck everybody.

  • medcruise
    medcruise Posts: 2 Member
    How was Billy Elliot? I am going on the 22nd.

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to all newbies - nice to see you here.

    Lee, I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. Things like this are never easy. Thinking of you. Good luck with getting back to the gym etc. I know you can do it!

    I had a very excessive weekend...:blushing: It was of course my usual problem of the booze! Wine is just soooooo nice! I did manage to get out for a run on Friday morning, but had to go on my own as my brother was dead to the world, and I couldn't bear to wake him up. He's a fireman and a bouncer and doesn't always get much sleep! Friday afternoon was the wedding, which was lovely but not great for the waistline. I'm hoping that the dancing cancelled out some of the damage.

    Saturday we did a bit of sightseeing in the morning, but the weather was really bad so we ended up in a bar...way too much wine for the good of the diet!

    Sunday we had a massive roast dinner.

    Monday I went to the gym and stayed in my calories, but when I stepped on the scales this morning I was 2 pounds up. I'm really really hoping that some of it is water retention, but maybe not! Ah well...going to be good this week.

    Hope you all have a good week,

    Erika x
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everybody - hope you all meet your goals in May.

    I am new here, but looking forward to encouraging you all through May :-)
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    (just tagging for later)
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I'm a bit rubbish as I dip in and out, and lurk on the UK thread and never post. But I'm in Edinburgh.

    Bank holiday weekend = too much food and drink so I'm trying to be super good this week to make up for it. Have a friends Hen night in a few weeks so that's my next target.

    I've been inspired by some of the recipes and even bought a crock pot (slow cooker to you and me) Going to attempt something this week, assuming I can get all ingredients as most recipes on here are very american. Will let you know how it goes.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey all
    well i;ve had a good couple of days
    did a 5mile walk yesterday with my mum along with 30 day shread
    off spinning tonight, my favourite exercise i love it!
    and then of course 30 day shread again
    i have the car this week as my mums now gone to france, so going to the gym will be easier, as it's a long walk away!
    hope you are all okay xx
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening All :happy:

    May the 4th be with you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: yeah I had to get that in, it drove me nuts driving home and hearing it on Radio 1.

    So how is everyone?

    Lee: I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Mum's sisters several years ago, and while we may not have known each other very long in real terms the bond we shared was deep. Take whatever time you need x

    :flowerforyou: to all the newbies & lurkers - the more the merrier :smile:

    Plantpot - my weekend wasn't so good either :blushing: not much logging happened, but I'm back on track now - will see what the scales say tomorrow when i get weighed at class. Will be thinking of ya for the 10k x

    :laugh: ditto Erika

    Soooooo, my good news *drum roll please* I managed to fit into a size 18 dress :noway: :noway: :noway: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Was with my best friend shopping for her wedding dress and a dress for me as her maid of honour there was the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l dress on the rack at Debenhams. The largest size they went up to was 18 and I thought what the heck, I'll try it on. I nearly started a full scale security alert when I screamed :laugh: :blushing: i coudln't believe it fit me - I've not been a size 18 since I was 18. I'm going to have to wait for the sale, since the wedding is in Australia in December and by the time the sale's come round I may (fingers crossed) have dropped at least another dress size.

    Ok, I think I've gone on enough, till the next time, TC folks and b'bye for now
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Soooooo, my good news *drum roll please* I managed to fit into a size 18 dress :noway: :noway: :noway: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Was with my best friend shopping for her wedding dress and a dress for me as her maid of honour there was the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l dress on the rack at Debenhams. The largest size they went up to was 18 and I thought what the heck, I'll try it on. I nearly started a full scale security alert when I screamed :laugh: :blushing: i coudln't believe it fit me - I've not been a size 18 since I was 18. I'm going to have to wait for the sale, since the wedding is in Australia in December and by the time the sale's come round I may (fingers crossed) have dropped at least another dress size.

    Ok, I think I've gone on enough, till the next time, TC folks and b'bye for now

    Congratulations! That must be an amazing feeling for you! I hope you enjoy Australia, I miss living there! and my wedding next March is also there :)
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member

    Soooooo, my good news *drum roll please* I managed to fit into a size 18 dress :noway: :noway: :noway: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Was with my best friend shopping for her wedding dress and a dress for me as her maid of honour there was the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l dress on the rack at Debenhams. The largest size they went up to was 18 and I thought what the heck, I'll try it on. I nearly started a full scale security alert when I screamed :laugh: :blushing: i coudln't believe it fit me - I've not been a size 18 since I was 18. I'm going to have to wait for the sale, since the wedding is in Australia in December and by the time the sale's come round I may (fingers crossed) have dropped at least another dress size.

    Ok, I think I've gone on enough, till the next time, TC folks and b'bye for now

    Congratulations! That must be an amazing feeling for you! I hope you enjoy Australia, I miss living there! and my wedding next March is also there :)

    completely agree
    well done thats such an achievement :)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Juuust dropping by to say....

    I'm fine.. thank you for all your kind words recently.. has meant a lot to me.. and it just goes to show how supportive you guys are! Thank you :)

    Keeping on top of things so im all good... preparing myself for the work summer ball so im going to be VERY good over the next 2 weeks!

    OH .... AND.... IM SEEING WESTLIFE NEXT WEEK! i actually cannot wait!! :heart: :heart: I've loved them ever since i was about 9!! lol a LONG time!! ha ha!

    Hope you are all ok?

    Welcome newbies! Great to see so many ppl from the UK on here! :flowerforyou:

    Love K xXx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    OH .... AND.... IM SEEING WESTLIFE NEXT WEEK! i actually cannot wait!! :heart: :heart: I've loved them ever since i was about 9!! lol a LONG time!! ha ha!

    Woo! I love Westlife hehe

    Good Morning everyone!

    Hope everyone is feeling motivated today. I'm hoping to get myself down to the gym but it's such a long walk that it takes up so much of my day... it is worth it though, but I'm job hunting and annoyingly have some calls to wait on today.

    We had a great dinner last night from it's definitely my favourite recipe website - and it has low fat/healthy/diabetic collections that have the nutritional info included on the page

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