the dangers of diet soda



  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    mmmmhmmmm....*sips another Diet Mnt Dew*'s ok, my wife, the Phd in Genetics, says this is all bs....moving on.

    2nd, my gf is a genetic research scientist and we have at least 4 different flavors of diet soda at all times.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Just stick to things that you made at home and you know what is in them e.g hot water, lemonade made with lemons etc. Sodas are made in chemical factories - disgusting.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
  • Beautifulsoull
    If it takes a lab to make it, it takes a lab to digest it...... simply don't drink it......

    Hungry for Change :heart:

    A lot of people on this thread could learn something from that documentary! Simply incredible! :smile:

    Agree...That Show changed alot of my thinking...You might have to watch it more then once to fully understand if you didn't listen well the first time.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Theres alot of bad things in this world that can kill us. It's your choice if you want to eat/drink it. Let others make there choice. If their not ready to give something up, then thats them. I drink a diet soda from time to time. I use to drink it daily then had to stop cause I was getting back head aches. Now that I have it once a week I'm fine.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Is this stuff in wine?

    There is caution in everything you consume. In November, 16 people fell ill in my state from e.coli tainted spinach. It was also organic!

    You can eat clean all you want but thats not practical for some people and families. Sometimes after all the bills are paid, we only have enough to boxed foods filled with DHMO
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    If it takes a lab to make it, it takes a lab to digest it...... simply don't drink it......
    Easily the most ignorant statement in this thread.

    And the OP reminds me of the time Penn & Teller sent someone to a "save the environment" rally and convinced people there to sign a petition banning DHMO, by only telling them truthful statements about the chemical. That it's fatal to breathe, it's used extensively as an industrial lubricant, a degreaser, it's a major component of nuclear power plants, etc. it was pretty hilarious watching all these supposed environmental activists signing a petition to ban water, because they had no clue what it really was.

    Kinda like this thread, most people in this thread complaining about the "dangers" of this stuff, most likely just don't know what the ingredients actually are. Like sucralose, people flip out because it's "chlorinated sugar," and apparently chloride is bad (even though it's an essential nutrient.) Never mind that salt is just "chlorinated sodium." Or that aspartame is just a protein chain, and the two amino acids in the chain are found in every protein source you eat (chicken, eggs, nuts, quinoa, it's in all of them.) And on and on and on.

    I don't think its ignorant at all. You're right, people are scared of the unknown. When you go back to eating as naturally as possible (ie- not originating "in a lab") you don't have to worry about wondering what all these chemicals are and what they're doing to your body. You can't just call something ignorant because you don't agree with it. There are MILLIONS of different theories and opinions on what is or is not healthy, ALL with "studies" to back up those theories and opinions. If you disagree with something, disagree, but don't consider it ignorant because it doesn't fall in line with your beliefs.

    And good for you for knowing what sucralose and aspartame are....I think the rest of the country probably knows what they are as well. Go back to Google and impress us with some more fun facts.

    Keep consuming your aspartame and have some respect for other people's beliefs....Even if you don't agree with them.

    Thank you for defending me! And no it wasn't an ignorant statement at all. It will always be better to eat unprocessed things. You should watch the documentary of which I quoted from then maybe you might understand were I am coming from. Maybe next time you should think before you type.

    (P.S research independent studies about aspartame. It can be dangerous especially if paired with caffeine.)
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    Is this stuff in wine?

    There is caution in everything you consume. In November, 16 people fell ill in my state from e.coli tainted spinach. It was also organic!

    You can eat clean all you want but thats not practical for some people and families. Sometimes after all the bills are paid, we only have enough to boxed foods filled with DHMO

    Yes.. Dihydrogen Monoxide, which is water, is certainly in wine in massive quantities.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Is this stuff in wine?

    There is caution in everything you consume. In November, 16 people fell ill in my state from e.coli tainted spinach. It was also organic!

    You can eat clean all you want but thats not practical for some people and families. Sometimes after all the bills are paid, we only have enough to boxed foods filled with DHMO

    Yes.. Dihydrogen Monoxide, which is water, is certainly in wine in massive quantities.

    Then cheers!!
  • maarowak
    you people don't really know any jokes, do you?

    OP, thanks for the thread, I laughed quite a bit
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I'm enjoying a big old cup of dihydrogen monoxide right now! Yum.

    I'd like to quote the wiki page you linked, maaro:

    "In the dihydrogen monoxide hoax, water is referred to by an unfamiliar name, "dihydrogen monoxide", followed by a listing of real effects of this chemical, in an attempt to convince people that it should be regulated, labeled as hazardous, or banned. The hoax is intended to illustrate how the lack of scientific literacy and an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears."
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    mmmmhmmmm....*sips another Diet Mnt Dew*'s ok, my wife, the Phd in Genetics, says this is all bs....moving on.

    2nd, my gf is a genetic research scientist and we have at least 4 different flavors of diet soda at all times.

    I bet your GF would get a laugh at this thread then, you should tell her about the "dangers" of DMHO
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Take it for what it is. The guy is just trying to help everyone. I personally cut all types of soda for the last 4 months. Don't need it at all, don't crave it.

    Look at it this way, can you hurt yourself by NOT cutting out soda from your diet? Yes, you can.

    Can you hurt yourself by CUTTING it out of your diet???, NOT AT ALL.

    We don't need soda of any kind, does it provide any known health benefits? CERTAINLY NOT. It's empty calories. A cocktail of **** our bodies can't use. Full of chemicals and the devil (HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP). It rots our teeth, elevates our sugars, creates acid in the body, weakens our bones, increases triglycerides, increases body fat, impairs brain functions....and I can go on and on. The **** is just plain bad, diet or regular. There's plenty of other things we could be using our calories for. And yes, people are gonna say "but there's no calories in DIET soda" but yes, technically you're right. But you're making a trade for worse things. There are so many people living off this crap. Diet soda has been a major player in the obesity epidemic.

    Interestingly, researchers have noted that insulin surges whether the test subject is drinking regular soda...or diet soda. Many of the test subjects reported feeling ravenous not long after drinking the diet soda. So--what is the purpose of drinking diet soda again? I used to know someone who would order two Big Macs, a double order of fries and---wait for it---a large Diet Coke! Can anyone tell me how this makes sense?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    So--what is the purpose of drinking diet soda again?
    Because I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. What do you have against people being happy or enjoying themselves?
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So--what is the purpose of drinking diet soda again?
    Because I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. What do you have against people being happy or enjoying themselves?

    I don't have anything against people being happy or enjoying themselves---I do it all the time.:happy: I'm just curious as to why someone would drink chemical-laden water, with a fake sweet taste, that makes one hungrier and then think of it as a "diet" anything. Why would a dieter want to take in something that would make him/her hungrier? Does hunger make you happy? Do you enjoy it? Seems a bit masochistic to me, but *shrug* to each his own. :bigsmile:
  • Lunnunis
    Lunnunis Posts: 71 Member
    'Water' load of rubbish :)
    Didn't need to google, I've heard it before...thanks for posting.
  • Lunnunis
    Lunnunis Posts: 71 Member
    'Water' load of rubbish :)
    Didn't need to google, I've heard it before...thanks for posting.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    ROFLMAO at people who don't "get it!"
  • millipedey
    mmmmhmmmm....*sips another Diet Mnt Dew*'s ok, my wife, the Phd in Genetics, says this is all bs....moving on.

    I'm a medical student and I drink diet soda... there is no proof whatsoever that the sweeteners used are harmful. So for now at least, it is a lot more beneficial for me to be reducing my chance of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, obesity related cancers etc etc, than to be worrying about what effects might possibly be attributed to diet soda if you try long enough to find them.
  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    Whole Foods sales an amazing soda called Sans that is zero calories and sweetened with Stevia. It hits the spot everytime! Nothing artificial or fake!
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