Biggest argument you get in with friends about diet



  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    lol This is a good one.

    A friend of mine had LIPOSUCTION at the age of 21. She weighed about 140, and is about 5'6" and really could have maybe just used a bit of toning up.

    She claimed to have done EVERYTHING possible before getting the surgery, but whenever we were together, (which was a lot) she'd be eating candy, drinking juices, etc and admitting to not exercising.

    Now she's super confident in herself but it just boggles my mind because *not to be a douche* but I don't see really any change in her bod. Her tummy maybe, but not in the other areas...And she posts everyday on facebook about the crap she eats. Then she questions how "little" I eat or says that I'm ridiculous because I work out "so much."

    Oy. There's no easy way out and I tried to tell her that before she went and did this.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    About GMOs. My friends are convinced they're terrible for you. Despite the fact they haven't taken one science class in college and I've taken numerous genetics and biochem classes.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Didnt read the thread. I get in no arguments with friends about diet. What I eat or how much is none of their business. Stop blabbing and people won't tell you what they think about what you are doing.

    You should read, turns out there are people in the world who don't understand the phrase "no, thank you."
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    "I can't lose weight because my metabolism sucks."... Eat a deficit and you'll lose weight. You're not a snowflake.
  • A_nori
    A_nori Posts: 30 Member
    I don't bother arguing with anyone over diet, its just not worth it. I tell them what I am doing and answer any questions but don't comment on what they are doing. My mother in law is certain that anything Dr Oz says is true, so every week there is a new diet or supplement or cleanse that she is on and she is still the same size as when I met her 6 years ago. She will never believe that this is the best way to lose weight and keep it off.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    My fiance constantly tells me that what I'm doing is wrong........There are days I want to just give up because I feel like I have to argue my case with him all the time......

    And you're going to marry him even though he is trying to sabotage your happiness?
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Mine is "Oh you can't eat this, it's not on your diet" No biotch I can eat what I want to eat, I'm not on a damn diet!!!
  • kittpitt
    kittpitt Posts: 35 Member
    I am calorie counting which i swore I would never do , I am continually surprised by how many calories are in my food and how big an actual portion size is LOL. This has been a great learning experience for me. I think if everyone did this for a week they would seriously think about their own diets.I almost always work out but exercise can not keep us lean without watching the diet!
  • kittpitt
    kittpitt Posts: 35 Member
    Love your expressions!I think your handling," Auntie ", just fine!
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    The biggest argument I get into is when my friends decide they want to 'eat healthy' and all they eat are special K bars, weight watchers crisps etc and think that's healthy. I always say it's full of empty carbs and little nutrition what's wrong with eating real food but they just say 'yeah but it's only got 99 calories in' they just don't understand.

    YES!!! I'm "unhealthy" because sometimes I have a glass of orange juice with my breakfast but my co-workers are healthy because they are drinking no-calorie or low-calorie pop. I usually just smile sweetly and say, "I'm glad that you've found drinking that stuff works for you."

  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    My fiance constantly tells me that what I'm doing is wrong........There are days I want to just give up because I feel like I have to argue my case with him all the time......

    And you're going to marry him even though he is trying to sabotage your happiness?

    I was thinking the same thing. You had the guts to say it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Didnt read the thread. I get in no arguments with friends about diet. What I eat or how much is none of their business. Stop blabbing and people won't tell you what they think about what you are doing.
    My fiance constantly tells me that what I'm doing is wrong........There are days I want to just give up because I feel like I have to argue my case with him all the time......
    Just break up.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    That your body doesn't know the difference between high fructose corn syrup and any other sugar.
    That it makes no difference what time of day you eat food.
    That 100 calories is 100 calories, regardless of whether it comes from bread or fat or sugar.
    That detoxing is bull.
    Losing weight is 10% exercise and 90% diet (just the reverse of what they show on The Biggest Loser).
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    My dad continuously argues that there are no calories in alcohol! That's why alcoholics are always slim! I wish there were no calories in it, then I might not be here in the first place!

    (off-topic) Alcoholics are always slim?! My brother would laugh til he puked! He's been a raging alcoholic for over ten years and now weighs well over 300 pounds!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Politics, religion, dieting. If I know they aren't like-minded, I won't discuss it with them.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Heh my grandmother is funny like that. When I was about 215-220 she said I was too fat. Now I'm too skinny at 170.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Politics, religion, dieting. If I know they aren't like-minded, I won't discuss it with them.

    I can relate...totally.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I am really trying not to argue with you. I made this thread to vent the frustration with people making irritating statements about health (I am not saying your statements are irritating).

    I personally believe alcohol in moderation is quite healthy, and far more healthy than processed foods, etc. (for another forum). I drink at least 4 nights a week and have no problem dropping fat using a caloric deficit. All foods are processed differently, they have to be since they all have a different chemical structure.

    For every food item out there (alcohol, sugar, saturated fat, red meat, etc) you can find some overly broad statement as to why it is bad.

    Alcohol does not make you fat by itself. You must eat more calories than you burn.

    As far as the liver shutting down when you drink-no way. I have run 10 plus miles with alcohol in my system and I would not make it without the liver converting fat to carbs. In addition, if the liver shut down when drinking, I would be able to eat as many carbs as I want because the carbs would not be converted to fat by the liver.

    Actually, it does:

    Alcohol is metabolized differently than other foods and beverages. Under normal conditions, your body gets its energy from the calories in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which are slowly digested and absorbed within the gastrointestinal system. However, this digestive process changes when alcohol is present. When you drink alcohol, it gets immediate attention (because it is viewed by the body as a toxin) and needs no digestion.

    On an empty stomach, the alcohol molecules diffuse through the stomach wall quickly and can reach the brain and liver in minutes. This process is slower when you have food in your stomach, but as soon as that food enters the small intestine, the alcohol grabs first priority and is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.

    As the alcohol reaches the liver for processing, the liver places all of its attention on the alcohol. If you drink very slowly, all the alcohol is collected by the liver and processed immediately—avoiding all other body systems. If you drink more quickly, the liver cannot keep up with the processing needs and the alcohol continues to circulate in the body until the liver is available to process it. That's why drinking large amounts of alcohol (or drinking alcohol quickly) affect the brain centers involved with speech, vision, reasoning and judgment.

    When the body is focused on processing alcohol, it is not able to properly break down foods containing carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, these calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage on your body.

    OK- I am not going to argue against your below point. I was responding to a post that stated alcohol causes weight gain. That is like saying fat causes weight gain, carbs cause weight gain, etc.

    We are all on MFP because we all understand that weight gain is caused by eating more calories than we burn and weight loss is eating less calories than burn, and not by a single type of food. Alcohol in general (for the vast majority of people that drink it in far less quantities than the below quote) does not cause fatness. Eating more calories (alcohol, sugar, fat, protein, whatever) than you burn causes fatness.

    My brother is/was/will forever be, a raging alcoholic. Two years ago, he nearly died from it. He had to be put into a medically induced detox coma for 3 weeks as his body withdrew. The alcohol had affected his liver, which caused a back up of fluids, which caused weight gain. He also had to be intubated and tube fed. He lost 95 lbs (not his idea of a great diet, but it was that or death)

    So, even though alcohol does not "turn people fat", it definitely causes bloating in cases where the liver is no longer functioning properly.

    I think there is a connection between stopping drinking and weight loss, but more because of the fluid drain than anything else.
    Just because alcohol is made from sugar, it is not sugar. Alcohol has 2 carbons, 6 hydrogens and 1 oxygen molecule. It is difficult for your liver to transform this small molecule into a fat molecule having more than 10 carbon atoms long, and over 30 hydrogen atoms.

    Sugar (for example Sucrose) has 12 carbons, 22 hydrogens and 11 oxygens. Sucrose is a far easier conversion to fat than a small alcohol molecule.

    If you lost weight by not drinking- you must have also stopped eating a lot of food along with that alcohol.

    Please don't kill the messenger if you do not like the above facts-sorry.
    My dad continuously argues that there are no calories in alcohol! That's why alcoholics are always slim! I wish there were no calories in it, then I might not be here in the first place!

    Bizarre. Has he not heard of "beer belly"? Does he think that comes from drinking ginger beer?

    This misconception cracks me up. Alcohol is MADE from sugar. I am an alcoholic, before I started recovery I was 40 pounds heavier and a size 9/10. After I stopped drinking I lost 20 lbs, just from that. It took diet and exercise to get the last 20 off but I am here to tell you that alcohol WILL make you fat.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I'm told by everyone that what I am doing is wrong and I'll rebound.

    I follow the leangains style of eating where I fast for 14-16 hours daily(includes sleep.) So if i eat dinner at 7pm..I don't eat my breakfast again until about 9am -11am. Most of the time I am eating my "breakfast" at 1030 or 11.

    I've been told I'll waste away... I'll start to catabolize muscle...which hasn't happened. Or my blood sugar will bottom out..which hasn't happened( I check my blood sugar with a one touch monitor since I am a nurse and have access to it. I find that when I think my blood sugar is's actually psychological because I am normal when I check)

    I get alot of flak for eating the leangains way...

    So out in the nonmfp world...I don't share how I eat with very many people.
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    This might tick some people off, because they might agree with my friends, but: carbs are bad for you, not just the white bread and refined sugar carbs, but ABSOLUTELY ALL carbs.

    I'm not very confrontational, so I would rather back down than to start a big fight over something that's pretty trivial in the long run. But it does tick me off a little because really, not all carbs are created equal. I get that it's smart to limit the amount of white flour and refined sugars in your diet, but some people don't even eat whole grains or fruit! I guess that's fine if it works for them, but carbs are an essential source of energy, and I think those of my friends who won't even look at a carb would be well advised to not paint all carbs with one brush. Just saying.

    I'm right there with you on this one! I like my brown rice and bananas, thanks!

    I have high blood pressure, so I need to limit my sodium intake to 1500 mg per day. The usual response is that, "Well, I'm not adding salt to the dish" so it's fine, right? I have to explain that no, one serving of that pasta sauce, while low fat and the label may say heart healthy, is still too much sodium for me. I'm so tired of having to explain low sodium to people!