Tips for Gym Newbies



  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    Heavy weights = heavy for YOU. But it usually also means more than 5lbs, ladies. Your purse weighs more than that. You're stronger than you think you are.

    Quoted for truth. I got my girlfriend into lifting, and once we took a couple workouts to get the form down she deadlifted 135. Probably could have done more but her grip kept her back. I dunno about other guys, but for me seeing women lifting big weights is hawt!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ^ yeah i seem to get creeped on the most on deadlift days .
    i should start a deadlifting style dance to make popular in the bars and clubs to help all the ladies everywhere bring the boys to their yard.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Another repeat...

    If you don't know how to use a machine, ASK! The rowing machines seem to be the worst- the number of people I see who look completely ridiculous trying to use them, and are clearly not getting any kind of decent workout. Just ASK someone- I'd totally step in and offer guidance if I didn't think people would tell me to get lost...

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    Now I thought my rowing was bad (I have difficulties with this piece of equipment despite numerous instructions from others!) but I'm not that bad!

    Great advice on this thread. My only comments would be:
    - classes - if nervous/new, stay at the back and follow the instructor - not the experienced participants at the front who sometimes think they know better than the instructor! And, as others have said, stick with it for a few sessions to suss out what you like. It might be best to try new classes at quieter times (eg during the day) when there is more space to make mistakes. And careful with the weights for classes such as Pump as they do loads of reps so you'll need to go much lighter.
    - treadmill - I vary the incline and speed to add variety and have been guilty of running on a 0% incline when playing with speed . Do what feels best for you - you'll know if it's working if you're heart rate is elevated and you've got a good sweat on. Don't go for a gentle stroll while talking to a friend on the adjacent treadmill - you might as well stroll around the gym!
    - I'm one of the OCD folk who prefers people to put weights back on the right place in the rack - not to take it upon themself to rearrange everything but at least put them back correctly.
    - stretch!
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    Please please please wipe down the benches and/or machines when you are done with them, even if you don't think you were sweating.

    ^^^^^^^ definitely this!!! some dude yesterday left his gross sweat print on every resistance machine..... bleurghhh
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    when starting free weights get your form 100% before worrying about how heavy your weights are..... don't injure yourselves
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    shameless BUMP.. it being NYE and all.

    and if any newbs are joining my gym.....

    welcome :happy:

    just clear out of th squat rack and off the versaclimber if you see me coming :devil:
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    If you're on the walking/running track with a buddy or two, be sure to leave enough room for others to get around. It's frustrating when a group is taking up the whole width of the track, even when people keep having to squeeze through them to get past.

    If you're not sure about something, it's okay to ask for help. Most folks appreciate the hard work you are trying to put in and want to support you (just wait until they're finished with their reps first).

    Because it bears repeating, please, please, please make use of the gym wipes. Not only for sanitary reasons, but just for common courtesy.

    Don't give a thought of how you look. It's cool if you're sporting an old t-shirt and sweats instead of Lulu Lemon. If you're soaked to the bone, hair out of place, face all flushed and red...good, you're doing it right. Most of us aren't there to be cute or to be seen, we're there to get our sweat on.

    Lastly, if you're self conscious because you're on the heavy side and you may not be moving as fast as someone else don't be. You're doing more than folks who would rather stay on the couch. And more than likely some of those buff, fit looking people were just like you at some point (I know I was) and we're psyched to see you there.

    Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    don't get caught up in your electronics and doodads, especially if you only have a certain amount of time in the gym

    today i hit the gym's track and when i did my stretches, someone was fumbling with some foot pod thingy and trying to get it to sync. she asked if i knew how and i was like dunno. i did my run and 6 minutes later there she was still fumbling with that thing.

    just do the work if the doodads don't want to comply an figure them out later
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    *Have fresh breath for your workout, especially if you're doing a hard cardio day. :) (There was a chick in my spin class once who had horrible garlic breath. I could barely breath on top barely breathing from the class, so I always have gum or mints with me and make sure to brush my teeth. :p)

    *Walk through the correct enter/exit door to your locker room and watch out for others. (My gym has signs clearly stating "enter" and "exit" on each door. I was walking through the "enter" door to go into the locker room and end up bashing it into a lady trying to go through the "enter" door. *shakes head*)
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Do your best to be courteous to your fellow gym members.
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Apologies to anyone I offended. Honestly just want you to know that you can do more than you think you can. Best of luck to you!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Apologies to anyone I offended. Honestly just want you to know that you can do more than you think you can. Best of luck to you!
    i didnt see anything offensive .. i think the tips in here have all been pretty good :smile:
  • i_am_kate
    If your gym's personal trainers offer a free service to show you how to use all the machines, take advantage of it.

    This one isn't just for newbies, it's for everyone. If you need some help and you spot a PT, ask them first if they're with a client. It's incredibly rude to expect a PT to help you out when their client has paid for their time.

    Also, if a PT gives you some advice to improve your work out and to stop you injuring yourself or other people, don't shrug it off. They know what they're talking about, even if you think you know what you're doing.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    This is a squat rack
    Wrong. That is a curl rack.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    This is a squat rack
    Wrong. That is a curl rack.

    it can also be used for squats,.

    not every gym has a power cage (i'm lucky that my gym has 2 but then again i specifically looked for that), but most every gym i've been in will have a rack like the one pictured that people can use for squats.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    This is a squat rack
    Wrong. That is a curl rack.

    it can also be used for squats,.

    not every gym has a power cage (i'm lucky that my gym has 2 but then again i specifically looked for that), but most every gym i've been in will have a rack like the one pictured that people can use for squats.
    Squats in the curl rack? Preposterous!
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    1. DEODERANT is your friend... USE IT
    2. Leave you mobile phone in your bag....... Talking on the phone or texting in the gym is RUDE.. besides, youare there to work out and burn maximum calories.... texting dont burn calories people!!!
    3. wipe your sweat of the equiptment
    4. dont stress about your body flaws, everyone is there for the same reason, the hottest person in the gym, may have just been exactly where you are.. you are still lapping everyone on the couch

    HAVE FUN... :)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Your phone should only be used to play music, not to take phone calls. your there to work out, focus on that, after all its only about 1 hour of your day

    My phone is not only my MP3, but I also log my strength training as I go. I go too quickly between sets and don't rest like I should, so logging in between slows me down a bit. So, if someone thinks I'm sitting there texting, then they are ASSuming. :)
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Another repeat...

    If you don't know how to use a machine, ASK! The rowing machines seem to be the worst- the number of people I see who look completely ridiculous trying to use them, and are clearly not getting any kind of decent workout. Just ASK someone- I'd totally step in and offer guidance if I didn't think people would tell me to get lost...

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  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    1. believe me, there are people out there that aren't looking down on you (unless they are just a pompous A-hole that nobody gives two craps about anyway), but instead they have the utmost respect for what you are doing.

    5. Hey there Mr. Bodybuilder dude with the half-missing shirt and still wearing your torn up, acid washed jeans making all the noise and staring everybody down in some type of threatening sneer. I got news for you, when you try to act like Billy-Badass because you think it makes people respect you more....guess what, we are just biting our tongues from saying what we feel like saying for a couple reasons (a) because it would just be impolite; (b) because you could probably beat me to a pulp; (c) because we may not be able to speak without laughing in your face which would cause you to take the actions mentioned in "b" and finally (d) we don't know if you would understand us if we did say something, because you are acting like a total jerkoff neanderthal. (whewww...sorry...bad experience years ago)

    there are people out there that aren't looking down on you (unless they are just a pompous A-hole that nobody gives two craps about anyway)
    8. And finally, if you are new and embarrassed about the shape you are in.....look around the gym. Not a single person there was born looking the way they do today, and many of them were in as bad a shape, if not worse shape than you when they first started. Like I said, you'll be MORE respected for making such a commitment to change and pushing through the tough first months than will the unfrozen caveman Hulkamaniac to your left!

    I have never read a more insulting and judgmental post about accepting others in the gym unless that person is building their body in the weight section.

    Right on dude, thanks for that.