
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello my vitamin F buddies! What a waste of a weekend! I did nothing of value. I did go shopping with my daughters and best friend after eating at Red Lobster, then that night my best friend, her DH and me and my DH went to dinner (yucky Mexican place) and then played cards at their house. Sunday was family day so we went to a movie (Silver Linings playbook…pretty cute) and to pizza. I did no exercise and no work on the books, so I feel pretty discouraged that I let that happen. The food wasn’t too bad for knowing I’d be over because I was pretty careful, but not exercising or working….UGH. Plus now I have to start that stupid “Meg has logged on 5 days in a row” thing again!!!:grumble:

    A little late but in honor of dear old Robbie Burns, I had about ½ ounce of some really expensive single barrel scotch our friends bought. It’s very expensive, so that’s all they would give me! LOL:tongue:

    It’s foggy and cool here today; it’s already noon and the fog has only lifted up off the ground
    I have read all the posts since I’ve been here, but doubt I have the time while eating to reply to each person.

    Bj: 30 entries for haggis??? OMG LOL:sick:

    Judy: great news on your interview…I love jalapeno poppers and consider myself to be an expert (LOL) on them!!!:bigsmile:

    Katla: great news on your pants!!!! Woot woot:happy:

    Jane: others have probably answered you by now, but here is my two cents’ worth. Cortisone shots should be the last option. They do dramatically reduce inflammation, but also then without the pain, you tend to keep injuring the area…think of all the old football players who are practically crippled. You can only do 3 shots in one area. Those little bones in your feet (and hands) do not have good circulation. What kind of doctor have you been seeing? Not all orthopedists are foot specialists. I would make sure you see a foot specialist. This is from Mayo Clinic:
    Cortisone shots carry a risk of complications, such as:
    • Death of nearby bone (osteonecrosis)
    • Joint infection
    • Nerve damage
    • Skin and soft tissue thinning around injection site
    • Temporary flare of pain and inflammation in the joint
    • Tendon weakening or rupture
    • Thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis)
    • Whitening or lightening of the skin around injection site
    Limits on the number of cortisone shots
    There's some concern that repeated use of cortisone shots may cause deterioration of the cartilage within a joint. For this reason, doctors typically limit the number of cortisone shots in a joint. The limit varies depending on the joint and the reason for treatment. In general, people with osteoarthritis or other noninflammatory conditions may be limited to four total cortisone shots per joint. People with rheumatoid arthritis may be limited to three or four cortisone shot per joint per year.
    Hope that helps!!! I’m sorry with your frustrations with family issues…I hope they get resolved soon.

    M: hope you are feeling better by now!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: good for you on making good choices!

    Lori: hope that grandbaby has come by now

    Wessecg: oooh your four legged baby is cute!

    Lin: you gotta hate that bunchy underwear! LOL:laugh:

    Tigress: ooooh, get well soon! :flowerforyou:

    Texasgal: great cartoon!

    So I know I missed ¾ of you and I am sorry. Welcome to all the newbies…come back often! This group is the best. Get well to anyone with physical ailments, peace to those with stresses, and congrats on all those victories and good choices. Gotta run! Take care, meg:drinker:
  • What does "bump" mean?

    What does "vitamin f" mean?

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    What does "bump" mean?

    What does "vitamin f" mean?

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts.

    :smile: "bump" just means that you want to keep the topic current. Some also use it to save their place for later so they can read the posts.

    :happy: Vitamin "F"....my FAVORITE!!! Is for the Friendship that you get on here. It goes a long way in helping with motivation and support!

    Keep coming back.......

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lovely Monday Vit F's

    My computer is acting up again and not sure what it's problem is so will keep this short. It keeps putting Two Smilies for every click:grumble: (except this one)

    Congrats to those of you that lost and have had a good weekend. Some of my eating over the weekend got out of control but I'm back to my controlled eating at work.

    I had a NSV at the Outlet stores on Saturday. I went into DressBarn because they have a petite section, I found a pair of dress pants in blue that I liked but they didn't have my size so I tried on the next size down and they fit:bigsmile: Not that I'm ready to change out my whole wardrobe to the next size down but it was fun to see a smaller size that I don't ever remember being:blushing:

    JaneH- not sure if there were very many sales that would interest you but some of the places did have some good stuff on sale. How's the situation with your DS going?:huh: :huh:

    Yesterday we went to the used bookstore and I found the book Strong Women stay Slim by the same author of Strong Women stay Young and I'm real excited to start reading it tonight. I'm figuring that's where I am in this journey and I really do want to firm up and keep slim for all those years ahead of me.

    I have a lot of stuff sitting on my desk calling so I'd best get back to it.. Everyone have a good day/ evening and keep on logging, drinking that water and moving your body:drinker: :drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile::smile:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    I was away for three days and there are five pages of posts to read!!! Don't have time to catch up right now but want to mark my spot.

    I was at a great conference all weekend with nonstop sessions, good speakers and wonderful concerts. It was 10 hours of driving there and back, lots of sitting but very inspiring! We did manage to avoid eating out for thee most part as our hotel was close enough that we could return to our room and dig into our stash of cheese, yogurt, crackers, veg and hummus. But it is good today to get back to some regular eating and movement!!

    Lin - A HUGE congratulations to you on your milestone!:flowerforyou: 100 POUNDS!! That is fantastic. i hope you are celebrating appropriately:happy: You should be proud of yourself - you are an inspiration to the rest of us. We are all doing the happy dance with you!! Now to go catch up on some stuff here..... Glenda in sunny, plus 6`celsius southern Alberta
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    (OH, why will it not let me edit my last post???)

    JaneH - Can you fly from the US to Iran if the state department does not allow travel there? Just wondering. One of the speakers at my conference this weekend is Iranian.
    So sorry about the conflict over your son. It is tough. Our policy was always that you could live at home at no cost as long as you are in school but if you aren't, then you need to contribute the same as the other adults. But it is something kids need to know up front and is difficult to change the parameters in midstream and on short notice. He is right to not want to waste time and money on courses that won't move him in the direction he wants to go, but also needs to know that his decisions have financial and other repercussions for him. I so hope you can find a reasonable and just solution!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.Crazy weather here.Snow last week,sleet yesterday and 50-60`s in the next day or so.Welcome to Chicago.
    Got to see Baby Alliyah sat and got my baby fix.
    Over at Violet`s today.
    Got to the gym 3xs last week.
    Welcome all newcomers.:
    Love the super bowl post.
    Have a great day!!!
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Kale … try this: 1 cup chopped kale, 1 banana, 1 T peanut butter (unsweetened/unsalted) , 2/3 cup greek yogurt, 1 cup skim milk. Blast away with the blender until smooth. Tastes like a green peanut butter and banana sandwich. :noway: Really. Really, it does. I have it for breakfast a couple

    Nancy, thanks for that recipe, sounds great.
  • Thanks Lucy, for the info!

    Just finished shoveling here in Northern Ontario... about a foot of snow has fallen over the past day!!!
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    :smile: :flowerforyou: :cry: :drinker: :noway:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    KALEKALEKALEKALEKALEKALE – it seems to be everywhere.

    Now let me tell you a story that had a lot of *impact* on me as a child and I will NEVER EVER EVER forget it. My family often had Sunday dinner with my mother’s side of the family but hardly ever with my father’s people. Sooooooo one Sunday we had a meal with my father’s people and one of my aunts cooked. I was totally starving after church (see, ever since I was a child I had hunger issues) and when my aunt finally served the meal it was late. She wasn’t too great with timing things in terms of when she’d have a meal ready.

    Anyway, she made something I’d never seen before, it was some kind of oatmeal type thing with little green flecks in it and it was a rich creamy kind of dish. No one told me what it was. No one stopped me after one serving. No one stopped me after two serving. Yes, *3* servings of the veggie side dish along with mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken and rolls. You get the picture. And none of my relatives including my parents offered a word of warning.

    So later my stomach wasn’t feeling so good.:sick: Then things got worse. :sick: At that point in my young life I’d never been so sick except when I had the good old-fashioned flu. :sick: :sick: :sick: Our house had one bathroom and I staked out my spot and only reluctantly would give it up to my parents. :grumble:

    The offender in the story of course was KALE!!! :angry: :mad: :angry:

    If you remember I have whined about kale repeatedly in the last few months. I’ve tried it, and tried, and even made kale chips (which I threw out truth be told). I said it was over; it was a permanent break-up but yes, today I very hesitantly put a cup of chopped kale into my salad which also contained a full 10 oz. of romaine. :embarassed:

    I’m waiting to see what happens…………stay tuned my dear Vitamin F friends!!:heart:

    [MEG – maybe we can start a subgroup here called “The Panty Bunch.” HAHAHA]:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: I stayed away from weight training for a long time because I couldn’t justify the money or the time to join a gym and I didn’t know what to do at home. Then I read “Younger Next Year” and revisited the idea of joining a gym but still couldn’t get comfortable with the idea. Then I read “Strong Women Stay Young” and found a weight training program I could do at home and I was on my way. Later I read “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” and found new ideas for my at home weight training program and I have just passed the one year mark since I started. For Valentine’s Day last year, Jake bought me weights instead of flowers and chocolate. I still walk for hours every day and dance three days a week and ride the recumbent bike. There is evidence that weight training (using serious weights, not just little weights that you can lift 100 times with ease) has benefits in increased metabolism and better balance.

    Barbie from drizzly NW Washington

    P.S. I just put kale on my grocery shopping list
  • shazzacass
    shazzacass Posts: 13 Member
    Does Kale have another name? I have not heard of it over here in Oz.
  • I haven't been here for awhile and am still catching up on all the posts. My DD#3 told me 2 weeks ago that she and her boyfriend are flying to St Croix to get married on 1/31...I knew they had been looking at different places but I was still surprised..Boyfriend has to be overjoyed, they've been engaged for a while and dating for years..they just want the 2 of them so we'll do something for them when they get home. Really happy and excited for them - Jim will be a sensational SIL!

    I see my Oncologist 2/6 and am excited - I have reached the 5 year mark as a cancer survivor! Hopefully this will be last visit for awhile!

    Barbie - hope Jake feels better

    Lori H - Grandbabies are so worth waiting for

    Wessecg - love the dog photo

    Liz (Idaho) -I have the fitbit ultra and love it...it motivates me everyday to get up and move more

    Jane M - Baby pic is adorable

    Lin - LOL at Kale story

    Gail - Guest room sounds so cute

    Have a great evening everyone and enjoy tomorrow

    Colleen Illinois
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just marking my spot. Will post tomorrow.
  • Well, still no grandbaby!:grumble: We had the full moon this past weekend and I just knew that would tip things but it didn't. Tomorrow, we are in for a big weather change. If that doesn't do it, she's out of time. Induction will be Wednesday.

    I am happy to say that the scale was down another pound this morning. I pick Monday as my weigh in day so I am more mindful over the weekend. No time to make up for what I ate that way. It might be silly but it seems to be working for me.

    Lucy, I read that you are from Delaware. What part? I have relatives in Willmington and Felton. I have been there several times. Lewes is probably my favorite town.

    Suebdew, I hope your foot is better. Mine has been a problem since late September. I hope yours isn't cronic like mine!

    Several of you have been talking about Kale. I plan to grow some this spring. I had my first taste of it last year from a friends garden. We just chopped it and added it to a salad. I have a real problem with cooked greens so I have always avoided any recipe that calls for cooking it. Lets just say I had a bad experience as a child with cooked spinach and I am scarred for life!

    It's been a long day and I'm ready for bed (and it's only 8:15 here!) so I will sign off for now.

    Lori H
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Bump til later.
  • What a terrific group of ladies!!! I appreciate all of the give and take that the Vitamin F provide. Thanks to all of you that sent in friend requests. My home page isn't so bare anymore. I will introduce myself a little better. My name is Mary, I have been married for 39+ years, have 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren. I work full time and my husband is retired. We keep busy. I have about 20-25 pounds to go to reach goal. I really like MFP and am trying to get more consistent with my food journal. I also need to step up my exercise regiment. I have the Fitbit Ultra and love it. I was a little discouraged when I first started using it because it didn't log nearly as many steps as my old one (the one that you could hear clicking off each step). I must redouble my efforts.

    I will continue to read your posts so I can get to know each of you a little better. Thanks again!!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all you Monday women...

    Nancy - forgot about the wee dram. Of course it was there, I just didn't drink it because it was a bit rough (is it bad luck to fake the toast???) They also had wine but I passed on that too (looked pretty heavy and I just didn't fancy it with the dinner fare). These Anglicans certainly weren't Puritan, they had a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed their company. The haggis was a bit dry though and I suffered from it all night - serves me right.

    DeeDee - yup, the stuff in haggis sounds pretty gross I admit. Leave it to the Scots not to waste anything. The only other sort of dodgy thing I've run into was Israeli lung strudel. That was actually nasty tasting, no way around that. (and I didn't like Gifilte fish either, everything else - YUM).

    Tigress - sorry to hear about the heaves, hope it passes really soon.

    I made it really close to the 1200 calories again today but I feel kind of uncomfortably full. I've been back and forth on these same 2 pounds for a long time now so am really trying to up the calories and exercise. Whoops, forgot to log it again.

    Everyone sounds so industrious these days, painting and exercising and moving furnishings. I'm feeling like a winter sloth at the moment and I'm considering crawling into bed to read until I quite yawning and fall asleep.

    Night ladies.