Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    litspy - I am so proud of you for avoiding the soda! You are a determined woman! Good for you.
    jess - have fun and be safe!
    lildeb - way to go on those applebee food choices. I, too, am amazed at the grilled chicken wrap. wtf?
    cris - OH YEAH BABY HALF WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

    OK off to work I go. Only 3 1/2 weeks in the moldy room!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing so well.I am still pushing along and I am satisfied with my results.If I could get your gals opinion it would be awesome.See my mom and my sister both are taking phentermine and b12 shots to lose weight and it seems like they haven't had to do anything to lose the weight and I am proud that I have worked so hard to lose what I have on my own but I am just wondering if I should try this method that they are using just so I can get out of the 200's.I know I can do it on my own but I guess I am just taking the easy way out .Just needed you gals to encourage me.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    See my mom and my sister both are taking phentermine and b12 shots to lose weight and it seems like they haven't had to do anything to lose the weight and I am proud that I have worked so hard to lose what I have on my own but I am just wondering if I should try this method that they are using just so I can get out of the 200's.I know I can do it on my own but I guess I am just taking the easy way out .Just needed you gals to encourage me.

    Not doing anything and the weight is falling off. Yeah, and when they stop taking it, they're not going to do anything and the weight is going to pile right back on. If you did decide to give it a shot, don't stop making awesome food choices and exercising because that's the key to maintaining. :wink: I'm not on any diet. This change is permanent for me and although I sure would love to wake up tomorrow at my goal weight, I really don't care if it takes another year to get there as long as I make consistent progress. And I'm 100% sure when I get to my goal weight I'll maintain it forever. I refuse not to!

    I personally would be afraid to take the medicine. First of all, I hate taking any medicine. I'm not a hippie dippie "all-natural" person but I don't think adding unnecessary medicine to your system is a great idea. I mean, I have to be in serious pain before I'll even pop an ibuprofen. :laugh: That's a personal choice, I know. I would also be afraid that I'd let myself get lazy. If I was dropping weight without much effort, I feel like I may let my old habits slip back and I'd be in a real mess whenever I had to stop taking the drugs. I wouldn't judge anyone for taking that route, but I know myself and I know it's not for me. :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Check in for yesterday
    calories: over by 300 calories, but not my exercise calories
    exercise: W1D2 intervals training to C25K + 15 minutes walking
    water: about 10 cups

    Proud: I didn't go way over my calories...I was so hungry yesterday and I am not sure why..maybe from all the interval training i did that morning but i was startving...

    soduim: up a little 1,789
    fiber: 27 gms

    I have no idea why i wanted to eat everything in sight. this happened to me on Moday ( D1 of c25k) but yesterday was much worse..I am also expecting That TOM...(it should have been here by now) or it could be my allergies ( today they are really - really bad) but i took zyntac to help but not today

    ok, enough talking...i have to go..be back later.

    Have a nice day girls!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Mstahl - I was soo excited, when i looked and applebees has nutrional info on everything on there menu, so unlike most resturants...mine had ww points so wasn't sure how many it had, but only had 370. I am sooo under cals today, i haven't even hit 1000 cals today...thought i was doing soo good but i guess a little too good :smile:

    Was totally shocked on hubby's grilled chicken wrap...it has it over 1000 cals, we don't get why...my guess is the mexi ranch sauce...oh my....should of let him get the fried wonton taco's had less cals (but i am not telling him that :wink:

    hee hee ... I wouldn't tell him either! :laugh: Isn't it weird how some things you think would be better choices can actually be worse - good to be forewarned I guess.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have to agree with LittleSpy. I don't like the idea either. I look it as I need to make this lfestyle change so I can continue to keep the weight off. I did this to myself and want to work to get where I wanna be. Me personally would feel much more accomplished doing it this way. But that's just me. Whatever you decide just continue making your good choices! You will get there one way or another.

    Would just like to note I dislike turnpikes in Oklahoma..no rest stops!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - Here is my story with phentermine :

    I was fat child, fat teenager, going to be a fat young adult, I went to a 'NEW" doctor before my junior year in college and she suggested i be put on phentermine (wasn't the phen/phen combo, just phentermine). I started at about 220 in like july...I started taking it and I was dropping weight rapidly without doing much not thinking i was eating a whole lot but i wasn't hungry so i just didn't eat. By septermber i got down to like 165 and felt awesome, i looked great, was wearing cute clothes in regular stores , but then i started working and going out to lunch, by the time i met hubby 1 yr later i was like up to 175 -180 still not too bed, then by the time we got married 2 yrs later i was back up to over what i started around 230-240, then the rest just kept going up and up...

    sorry to ramble...but to go on what littlespy says...if you go that route don't take it for granted that the weight will just fall off..you will have to work at it or it will all come back on.

    I really contemplated on seeing about going back on it, just to get down to a better weight, but the more i thought about it i want to do this the right way if i don't i am afraid that knowing my self i will fail again and I do not want to fail.

    I am choosing a better way to eat to live...and i know i am very large and it will take me a while to loose it all but i rather loose it little by little and keep it all off than loose a lot real quick just to gain it back.

    sorry for the ramble...just my 2 cents...good luck to your choice.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - Here is my story with phentermine :

    I was fat child, fat teenager, going to be a fat young adult, I went to a 'NEW" doctor before my junior year in college and she suggested i be put on phentermine (wasn't the phen/phen combo, just phentermine). I started at about 220 in like july...I started taking it and I was dropping weight rapidly without doing much not thinking i was eating a whole lot but i wasn't hungry so i just didn't eat. By septermber i got down to like 165 and felt awesome, i looked great, was wearing cute clothes in regular stores , but then i started working and going out to lunch, by the time i met hubby 1 yr later i was like up to 175 -180 still not too bed, then by the time we got married 2 yrs later i was back up to over what i started around 230-240, then the rest just kept going up and up...

    sorry to ramble...but to go on what littlespy says...if you go that route don't take it for granted that the weight will just fall off..you will have to work at it or it will all come back on.

    I really contemplated on seeing about going back on it, just to get down to a better weight, but the more i thought about it i want to do this the right way if i don't i am afraid that knowing my self i will fail again and I do not want to fail.

    I am choosing a better way to eat to live...and i know i am very large and it will take me a while to loose it all but i rather loose it little by little and keep it all off than loose a lot real quick just to gain it back.

    sorry for the ramble...just my 2 cents...good luck to your choice.
  • Kimber11
    Kimber11 Posts: 18
    Hello My name is Kimber. I would like to join this group. I see that a lot of you have done extremely well. I have more than just a few pounds to loose and I need a group that understands that too. I see that in the title you have New Year New Me so if it is to late to join please just let me know.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall: It sounds like it works for many people as a good 'jump start' but not for anything long term. I would be a little concerned about some of the possible side effects - but I'm sure not everyone has the same side effects. I've been thinking about something like that too, but I know any time in the past I have tried an appetite suppresant that is an amphetamine - I get way too shaky and it scares me that my heart races so much. So I probably won't try it. Good luck with whatever you decide.

    mstahl: It sounds like it was a lovely memorial for Millie. I hope your father-in-law is doing ok.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: pretty good - didn't eat all my exercise calories, but ate too much late in the day
    exercise: great - went to turbo kick unexpectedly with my daughter
    water: not that great - probably 48oz
    proud: of going to turbo kick, and choosing a small, fairly light salad bar salad for my lunch when I didn't pack a lunch
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hello My name is Kimber. I would like to join this group. I see that a lot of you have done extremely well. I have more than just a few pounds to loose and I need a group that understands that too. I see that in the title you have New Year New Me so if it is to late to join please just let me know.


    Welcome to our group :flowerforyou: ... it's never too late to join! We are very chatty, but try to also check in once a day (or so) with our progress. We weigh in on Fridays if you want, and the highest percentage loser picks a challenge for the week. This week's challenge is to take your measurements (which I still need to do ... )
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I know someone mentioned having some size 22 shorts to get rid of ... but I can't for the life of me find that post anymore. Are they still available? I'm interested. I'm fitting in to some size 22's now if the waist isn't too high or too tight.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey girls! Thanks for the congrats! I am always so excited to share with you all because I know you will be happy for me and understand what it took for me to get there!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Jlb- I am at 202.4...second day in a row so I am taking it that it will stay there until tomorrow, dont tell me I passed you cause uhm hello you lost damn near 70lbs...I still ahve 20 to go to catch up :noway:

    awestfall- I agree with the other ladies...seems like a easy fix but in the long term you may find yourself right where you started. Good luck making a decision! (ps- also doing it the right way brings more sense of pride)

    pos_me- Running will make you hungry, def try to increase your protein intake! TOM doesnt help either..try eating more frequently like every 2-3 hours in smaller portions and make sure to get that protein in

    lildeb- when I started this journey I made myself a wrap and ate it and was soo proud of my "good choice"...well I logged it AFTER I ate it and it was like 900 calories and 1000+ sodium...I was sooo pissed! It damn near took my whole day's calories and sodium...I havent had a wrap since :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Kimber- WELCOME!

    Istpaul- Im pretty sure it was Jess who was giving out hte 22's

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: I believe it was Jess who has the size 22s she's willing to part with.

    Kimber: Welcome this amazing group!

    mstahl: Millie's service sounds beautiful and I think it's great you celebrated with a bit of Gin in her memory.

    meokk: Yay, a dress! You'll have to post pics!

    Mari: Sorry you feel like you got skipped. I'm glad you're here. If you need tips on what to do when a guy asks for your number, I'd be glad to help. Believe it or not, I'm really good at dating even with being chubby. My sister recommend reading "Why Men Date B*tches". She says it sounds like I wrote the book. Haha.

    Jess: Congrats on your spin class and have fun on your trip. I love road trips and can't wait until my road trip to Kansas next weekend. Woo hoo, mini-vacation!

    Littlespy: I love your enthusiasm and am definitely going to have to buy that size 10 pair of jeans I've had my eyes on for a while. They've fit for over a month, but I keep waiting for them to be a little looser. Well, I've decided, thanks to you, that they need to be in my closet! I'm not surprised that you were hit on...again! Your poor boyfriend!

    Awestfall: I'm with the thinking that avoiding any medication you don't need is the best way to go. I'm also a person who has to be in a lot of pain before taking aspirin. Anything that causes rapid weight loss that isn't based on diet and exercise is temporary and weight will come back as soon as you stop. Just my opinion and I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do.

    This morning I weighed myself for another thread and saw 191.4, which I haven't seen since the end of March. I really want to change my ticker but am waiting for tomorrow's weigh-in to see if I've maintained that. I don't want a liar ticker again, since it's been accurate for a while now. I want so badly to see the 180s, which is part of why I'm thinking I need to go ahead and buy the size 10s to replace the remaining 14s in my closet. Sounds weird, but it takes me a while to get rid of things I've had for a while!

    Other than jeans, because I can never have enough pairs of jeans, I've been cleaning out my closet and dresser drawers weekly and trying stuff on. It won't be long and I'll have very few clothing items left! Shopping spree time!

    Sorry this is long, but trying to catch up for missing the past day and a half. I'll try to stop back in later!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Cris - Awesome on getting half way, so proud of you :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    LittleSpy - you kicked that soda addiction's butt, WTG :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Kimber - welcome to our group! it's never too late to join. Some of us chat on here all day long, others just check in once a day or some even less. We are very supportive of one another and won't let anyone slip. We might stalk you if you don't post for a few days but it's just because we care and want to make sure you are OK :flowerforyou:

    Awestfall - Step away from the pills !! I wouldn't go there and I'll tell you why. There is no such thing as a quick fix despite what you are seeing with your relatives. Everyone in this group is making a life change and in the process we are teaching ourselves how to first lose the weight in a safe manner and second maintain that loss for the rest of our lives. It must be difficult right now to see them losing weight without any effort and you are struggling to drop every single pound but a year from now when you have slowly and healthily dropped 50 or 60 lbs, they will probably be heavier than when they started and not have any of the good eating habits you are developing. Do it the right way, it's worth it in the long run :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    It was me with the 22's! Drop me a message with your info. Like I said I'm short so not sire how they will fit but I don't cut them..just rolled them to a good length. I must say the soreness from my cycling class is multiplied bring cramped in a car for hours! But I'm glad I did it! My sister and her fiancée brought a whole bag of junk food snacks! lol no I haven't induldged. Yay me!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I'm back at the office today - they just announced 10% budget cuts so every one is a little on edge. This probably means I'll have to wait even LONGER to find out about the job I thought I'd be starting back in February :angry:

    I got to the Gym this morning, and did W7D2 of the 5K101 program. Since I haven't done much of anything for about ten days I jogged pretty slowly - lots of walkers passed me but I did go for the three 12 minute jogs without much problem. Since my cool five finger shoes are too big I ran in the thin soled shoes and I think I did OK. Our Gym is closing on the 10th for two weeks of maintenance (between end of term and start of summer classes) so I think I'll try jogging in bare feet on the outdoor track.

    LilSpy - I'm having challenges making any kind of speed. How are you going fast? I feel like I lose form? The upright body and leading with your hips part is tricky for me! I want to lean forward and reach out with my legs and then I heal strike. I also find the three steps per second hard to master - I tend to jog more than run...

    Like LilSpy I didn't have ANY knee pain today - I iced them anyway after I had showered and dressed but it's really cool how much better they feel! 42 minutes of jogging and no pain - amazing!:smile:

    Jess - have fun in the car and avoid those bad snacks!

    Blue - YAY!:bigsmile: NO more stinky moldy classroom!

    Awestfall - please think hard on this one. If you are really having major problems keeping your calories under control make sure you've tried everything else before you go to medications. That's kinda how I felt about gastric bypass - I had to make sure I couldn't control my food intake at all before I was going to let them operate. If you do give it a try good luck :wink:

    Heather - size ten jeans - that's so awesome! the size 14 Gap jeans are still too tight! I just need to buckel down and stop eating so dang much!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LilSpy - I'm having challenges making any kind of speed. How are you going fast? I feel like I lose form? The upright body and leading with your hips part is tricky for me! I want to lean forward and reach out with my legs and then I heal strike. I also find the three steps per second hard to master - I tend to jog more than run...

    I just move my short stubby little legs as fast as they'll go. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It kicks my butt. I'm conscious about not leaning forward and about having my leg strike underneath me with a bent knee but I haven't been thinking too much about anything else.
    Anyway, I can't maintain my new speeds very long. It's like sprint work for me at this point and that's why I'm going through C25K again from the beginning (and last week when I started, I couldn't even finish w1d1 at the correct intervals & had to jump ship halfway through & time 60 & 120 second intervals on my own to finish up the workout. I got through it Monday, though). I definitely can't maintain the 180 -300 (!!! :noway: ) BPM very long. A minute or two is just about it for me right now. But that's fine, going back through C25K this way is exactly what I needed to shove me out of my 4.0mph comfort zone. I already knew that, I don't know why I was trying to push forward with a 10k program instead of just putting in the work like I should. Stubborn me. :grumble:

    I actually have a hard time running more slowly barefoot which is why I've been doing sprints. I do great when I'm sprinting but I feel like when I slow down, I can't keep the proper form. Weird we're having such opposite problems! :huh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im really having a fantastic day, inspite of how it started...I got up got the baby ready (I really gotta stop calling him a baby he's such a big boy now)..anyway, and we go outside to find that my car battery is dead. I had to wait 2 hours for AAA to come.

    But here are all the GREAT things going on in my life:
    1. I am HALFWAY to my goal
    2. I have time to go to spin calss tonight (all my other excercies this week have been iffy since life got in the way)
    3. I may have finally found a daycare for my son that has rave reviews, an opening, and a family friend will be his teacher so I know he will be safe....THIS IS THE BEST NEWS IVE GOTTEN IN FOREVER!!!!!
    4. I found a school for my son to attend- it is a private catholic school from 1st grade to 8th grade and its AFFORDABLE. I had to join the church so I am looking forward to that also!

    I am just so excited about the daycare and about him going to private school (eventually) YAY!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Just sending Cris a big old HOORAY!!!! for all of her amazing news - halfway there (!!), finding the right daycare, finding a good school. When all that is going well, a dead car battery isn't even worth blinking an eye at.
